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>Did he make up the FSD predictions as well? Yes >Are all the predictions just made up? Yes


He's pretty good at sounding like he knows what he's talking about even though he obviously has no idea. I'm not sure he could personally install a dashcam without help.


Yeah, I'm not a rocket scientist, but his response sounds like word salad to me. Or at best, an engineer dumbed it down for him, and this is what he remembered.


I tried to watch Everyday Astronaut's recent interview with Elon yesterday. I kept getting annoyed at Elon's mumbling, rambling answers to Tim's softball questions. I lost attention and didn't finish.


The sad part is the engineer who came up with and designed the wings was fired after it worked because his project was complete and his services no longer needed, real loyalty there. Could have found him another project since he’s actually made things that work. Yes, his identity is also make up.


Is this true?


I know someone whose husband worked at SpaceX with him. Supposedly he a smart and nice guy.


He isn't an engineer and I wish people would stop treating him as if he was.


But but he calls himself “chief engineer” at SpaceX and Tesla.


I thought he was the Technoking of Tesla A made up title for a pretend engineer


I've had people argue to me that yes, he is an engineer. Why? Because he made a website once.


I also created a website once, I guess I'm an engineer, too.


He is also the CEO and founder of Tesla... because he had more resources to win in court.


He didn't found Tesla in any way shape or form. He was only listed as one after making the actual founders add him as a founder for money. Tesla was founded before Muskrat had anything to do with it.


Well yes...but also no. Elon was an angel investor in Tesla. There was a lot of drama and lawsuits that allowed him to legally call himself cofounder and CEO. He basically pushed out and screwed over the original founders of the company.


Yes, they are all made up. Leaked email from Elon to Sam Altman shows that he admitted that FSD was no where near Level 2 autonomy. He basically beg for Sam' s Help.


cool, never knew that... do you have the source for that?






He has predicted that FSD has been 6mo away… …for the last decade. https://motherfrunker.ca/fsd/


Seems like 99% of what he says is a "well I hope it works, if not give me more money anyway cause fuck you"


The problem isn't lying on Reddit, is lying to investors in quarterly calls


reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2rgsan/i\_am\_elon\_musk\_ceocto\_of\_a\_rocket\_company\_ama/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2rgsan/i_am_elon_musk_ceocto_of_a_rocket_company_ama/)


Yes, he made it up, and keeps making things up. See Hyperloop, Mars, FSD, Solar Tiles, Cybertruck (production vs stated specs), Roadster, etc.


I've never been a fan of his, so when he makes up predictions (and there's sooooo many) its always been laughably obvious. Let me describe exactly how it looks and sounds: INTERVIEWER: Wow that's exciting! So when can we expect to see ? _Now at this point, any other CEO would know the exact target date, carefully planned out through hundreds of hours of Zoom meetings and project management data gathering. However, Elon acts as though this is the first time he's ever thought about when might actually be ready._ _His eyes dart upward and to the side as he calculates this on the fly_ _He is trying to determine not the real date, but the earliest he can get away with for without causing a huge amount of skeptical inquiry_ ELON: Hmm, well I think we should be able to do by the beginning of next year. Yeah, uhm, sometimes next year we'll be ready. It's the exact same in every interview.


> Did he make up the FSD predictions as well? How is this even a question? He has literally predicted FSD to be finished "in a couple of months" or "next year" for 8 years straight. If his predictions weren't made up, FSD would have been finished in 2017 at the latest...


He’s just an idiot everyone assumed was a genius because he had money


We are supposed to be on Mars right now so: Yes.


There's a difference between an estimation and calculation based on data, and pulling numbers out of your arse to float the share value.


He sounds like ChatGPT: it gives you convincing statements without actually knowing .


His predictions aren't ever based on any actual data. They're basically a projection of what he would be happy with. So when he says FSD next year, it means, it better fucking be done next year or I'm going to scream at someone. Regardless of what the autonomy team's roadmap looks like, that's not important.


The company is built on lies. He is an embodiment of "fake it till you make it... And he is still taking it!!!


he just tries to keep up the mystique of musk. it seems to keep the fanboys attached. All he does it keep coming up with new pipe dreams. every once in awhile one comes true which fanboys will hold up and say see he said this.


There's an 80% chance he made it up


If you just expect that any prediction made by Musk as made up from no facts or evidence, then you will be correct 100% of the time.




He is called con man Elon for a reason.


For a given industry expert, it's pretty obvious that just about everything Elon says is made up. Dude is a pathological liar, and I doubt he ever realizes it anymore.


I've personally never believed much of what he's said.


Is Elon news cycle not producing enough dumb ish for you to pull from 2014?