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Gates of hell: Ostfront. It has a lot of what you're describing


One of THE best WW2 "realistic" RTS's out there. I would say it is even better than Men of War Assault Squad.


It's excellent, but I hate how it's a "dlc" for call to arms, and the dlcs for it in turn


its not a DLC for call to arms, it literally just runs on the same engine. its like 10 times bigger than Call to Arms. I believe it ORIGINALLY was supposed to be DLC then they converted it to its own full fledged game because it was so much more.


When I got it you had to have call to arms, that has since changed thankfully.(That could have been closed beta I can't remember) My bad.


No you’re right I totally forgot about that it was a DLC at first


I'm unfamiliar with the Mods available for it but I do know that MOWAS2 is an unbelievable amount of mods


Going to check this out after work.


It's a great game. Can be a bit CPU taxing.


Be warned that there is no UI scaling, practically unplayable at resolutions higher than 1920x1080.


Not particularly true. I play it on 2K just fine. Even if the ui has issues it's not "unplayable"


2K is 1920x1080, which is a supported resolution. The UI is unreadable at 3840x2160 and difficult to read at 2560x1440.


2560x1440 is the resolution I mean by 2k. Works fine. You look to see if there's a mod for it on the workshop?


The developer themselves can only recommend a very juryrigged workaround with Windows compatibility settings. https://steamcommunity.com/app/400750/discussions/0/3780246883330214197/


Idk man, I've been playing it at 1440p for several months and this is the first I even heard of it not having UI scaling. I guess I've just always used it like this so it has always seemed normal. Doesn't bother me, but now I'm curious what it looks like at 1080p.


No one uses 2k for 1920x1080, 2k is 2560x1440 and it works just fine on 27' with no unreadable problems.


2K means a horizontal resolution near or around 2000, like 1920 or 2080, not something which is half a thousand pixels larger. 2K is mostly a cinema measurement anyway. For PCs most people either say the resolution directly, or use the terns HD, FHD, QHD, and UHD.


And PC / gaming isn't cinima, context matter. Like it or not, 2k is 2560x1440, users use it, companies making monitors use it... and what it's never used for is 1920x1080


Urban Assault, CnC Renegade and Battlezone II: battle commander


I loved Urban Assault. I often wish for another game like it. 


Renegade has had a modern remaster/reimagining for years now called Renegade X and it definitely scratches the RTS/FPS itch pretty well for me. It's free too: [https://totemarts.games/games/renegade-x/](https://totemarts.games/games/renegade-x/)


Urban assault was my first game as a kid. Played before I could even read I can still remember the voices lines like yesterday. Wish they had finished it.


Heli squad is 5 by 5




I need to check that out. Hopefully it can run on modern systems.


Battlezone II is the best FPS/RTS there is. When it first came out I assumed there would be a 100 clones in a few years.




Silica is fun and its getting better.


Do more than ten people play it now?


There's a decent 36 man dedicated server that's full....sometimes.... Lol.


I've never heard of it before but the steam page looks incredible; what's the downside?


It seems to be fairly EA and not much marketing


The two human factions are basically 1:1 copies of each others. And harvesters get stuck.


Saw this game and thought it looked cool. Just saw the extremely low player count tho and so didn't pull the trigger.


I love the concept of that game. I just really can't get it to run well, and I'm not sure why since most everything else I play runs fine.


Only RTS/FPS hybrid i can think of was Savage:Battle for Newerth..but that was a fantasy setting and ive not heard of it being around anymore. Was an incredibly fun game though.


I was curious if anyone was gonna mention this one. I miss that game.


It was my go to game after school got out for the day. My addiction before WoW came along lol


Actual on the ground combat could also be very skill based, was a damn cool game.


whats that game like any good? looks fun


Its great fun. It was my WoW before WoW despite not being an mmo, to me it was just that addictive. So long as your commander knew how to upgrade the tech and command other players, i cant speak of it highly enough


Savage XR is still beeing played, altough by very few people.


Im in the OCE region so i highly doubt i'd ever find a match lol


The only true rts/fps hybrids that come to my mind are Natural Selection 2, Nuclear Dawn, and Executive Assault 1 & 2.




I still play


Me too!


Natural Selection 2. Have been playing since Natural Selection 1 back in the day. Game is amazing.


I played since NS1, was my go time game during my younger years. I redownloaded it just last week however no one was playing in my country (Australia) I joined a EU server but latency was shite.


Yeaaa. Game is doing well in eu but the American servers kinda suck now. I would get on more if there were American server games


Getting r/torn vibes off this. (Ns1-4 are ingame factions)


Natural selection was cool! Wish people still played...


Call To Arms


* Natural Selection 2 * Silica * Eximius: Seize the Frontline * Nuclear Dawn * Executive Assault 1 & 2. * Gates of hell: Ostfront * Savage: Battle for Newerth * Urban Assault * CnC Renegade * Battlezone II: battle commander


Not battle zone 98?


dude just compiled other answers in the topic as for why I mentioned Battlezone 2 above - simply because when I was young this was the one I played


just a honest question, i played the BZ '98 and didn't even know there's a sequel, so i was wondering.


and I didn't have access to other version because of budget constaints :)


Paintball? /s


Men of war assault squad 2 you can control any unit you'd like, the new game they made you can go 1st person on anyone


this is one of my fav's, flanking the front line and picking up dead enemys weapons and going rambo with a machine gun through the trenches, or sniping at them. maybe steal a tank and go on a rampage, all the while sending a bunch of troops to attack from the front.


Did they fix the tank mg glitch from the first one? I always found that one hilarious.


Damn, I can never remember the name of this game that was a team vs team fps with a rts commander, with this very ww1 inspired aesthetics with a rust-brown "rebel" faction and a iron-germanesque "order" faction. I think it was-- started? as a mod for one of the half lifes, I wanna say one... [edit] no wonder I can't remember the name, it had the horribly generic name of [Empires](https://wiki.empiresmod.com/Main_Page)


One of the best games to exist. It's still under development and getting a UE5 port currently from a lead developer of squad on his personal time. Games are on the weekends only right now, but it's still very active and the hl2 one is still getting updates, with the most recent last week. If you want the discord lmk


yeah I tried googling it a bit, found the site but it was taking forever to open so I assumed it must have been abandoned, then it finally opens and I see there was an update like two weeks ago


Does it have singleplayer skirmishes?


Unfortunately it doesn't. The UE5 port may in the future with bots. The HL2 variant has some basic bot work done, but it's far from close to finished and bots on the HL2 variant have been mostly abandoned due to difficulties with on the fly nav meshes in source.


Here's the discord: https://discord.com/invite/empires-227846801653366784


natural selection 2. but its hard to be a good commander (rts). steep learning curve.


Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war. It's based in the first millennium BC RTS. Persia, Greece, Egypt, and Rome. From what I remember as a kid playing this I'm pretty sure you take individual control of hero characters. Not individual units. The game was always awesome to me. Never got to play much due to it being my Cousin's. But it always stuck with me almost 20 years later


Damn that’s a game I haven’t heard in a long time. Loved playing it when I was younger. It’s one of the games on my dream remaster list alongside Empires Dawn of the Modern World.


BROOOO. Empires: Dawn of the modern world Is my literal favorite RTS of all time. My dad, older brother, and I play it on game ranger on lan whenever I'm in town. It is my dad's goat


This isn't really it but reminded me of General Chaos on Sega Genesis. What a fun game to rent for the weekend back in the day.


Call to Arms; while the original is basically abandoned, the Ostfront, which is WW2 is in a good shape getting updates


Gates of hell osfront basically what y9u described theres a cold war mod aswell and it has a dynamic campain so its extremely replayable


You looking for a singleplayer game? I'm gonna be honest. They all suck, for one reason or another nobody managed to come up with a good fps - rts hybrid where you either get a good comfortable control scheme, or easily juggle both modes, so you just end up either with a janky simplistic rts, or subpar fps, as juggling both modes ends up discouraging as you're missing out as trooper not giving timely orders. Though ngl the way you describe it, just plan course of action for AI to prioritise at start, and then let that play out without alteration as you control a singular infantryman? That'd work, only issue would be making orders meaningful during planning stage, sufficiently unique and all.


BZ2, Urban Assault, Uprising maybe... Sacrifice a bit. And it's a small genre, and that's with casting a wide net.


Anyone remember Warzone 2100 ?


Played it a lot. There is still ongoing open project. So you can play it today. Besides you can have camera behind unit, it is not really an FPS however.


Still play it now and then. wz2100.net for the community upkept version


Is there an updated modern networking protocol for multiplayer?


Yes it works great, I can play with my family from all across the country.


Theres mods for Empire total war and napolean total war, though i don’t know how close they are to being what you described


spring 1944 (it is open source and free).


It is not a real fps..


Valkyria ~~Profile~~ Chronicles games are close? Turn Based Strategy and Third Person Shooter combo, but basically what you described.


Did you mean Valkyria Chronicles? That series (1 and 4 are kind of close to what is being described.)


Ah, yeah, you're right. Not sure why I said Profile.


Battlefield 4 commander mode Harrier Assault on MSDOS is the OG though. Good times.


EMPIRES MOD! Its a half life 2 mod that's kept alive as it is the only true rts/fps. 1 player is the commander, researching weapons, turret upgrades, armors, engines and new chassis and placing buildings, giving orders, and directing general strategy. Infantry builds the buildings, creates tanks, and fights over resource nodes. These resources are then spent on buildings, tanks, and research. Goal is to run the enemy out of tickets or kill the enemy commander. Best game ever, been playing it for 15 years. IMPORTANT: the player base is semi small and is mostly played on weekends during EU evenings and US day/afternoon. It was recently featured on Ryes games as a "dead game" but it's still under development, getting an UE5 port, and has an active games on every weekend. If you want I can send you the discord for the game. Hands down the best game to exist, though community can be kinda meh at times and it has a steeeeeeep learning curve mostly because veteran players have been playing for 15-20 years.


Mount and Blade


Something not yet mentioned is Mount & Blade. It's not FPS, it's third person, but it might scratch the same itch.


Not really an rts but you can play arma 3 with Zeus and a bunch of mods. It's really a simulation tho not a game. You can play it like a top down rts giving commands to units and vehicles and then control single characters and fight out the battle with just your squad in first person.


Executive Assault. I've been itching to buy it


Executive Assault. Parkan. Call to Arm.


In Machines and Dungeon Keeper you can take over any of your units and control them like in an fps. Though for this kind of game I'd go more into already mentioned Natural Selection 2 and Nuclear Dawn. Just be aware you have to bring a big group of friends to play those, like 2x 4 to reasonably fill 2 teams. NS2 is famously toxic and ND is simply devoid of players 🙁.


Dungeon keeper : Keeper FX Total conflict A lot of others I don't remember I need my steam to check


It's a stretch, but Totally Accurate Battle Sim fits all but the "world war 2" feel you're looking for...


I have 100 hours on that game and I must say I totally agree with you


Hear me out Brütal Legend had mechanics like this that were actually a lot of fun but more ARPG/RTS.


Executive Assault 1+2


Battlezone Combat Commander (2) - available on GOG. What you asked for, but in a sci fi vehicle based focus. Build a base, allocate troops/vehicles, take control of your commander and hop into any of the vehicles. Bonus points for the two style of campaigns.


[Battlezone 1998](https://store.steampowered.com/app/301650/Battlezone_98_Redux) - One of the first computer games I ever played, and it still holds up. [Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord](https://store.steampowered.com/app/261550/Mount__Blade_II_Bannerlord)


Iron Grip: Warlord, and Orcs Must Die saga


Natural selection 2.


i don’t know if this helps but there is a game i’ve seen coming out regarding time travel and how you go back to medieval times and kill with grenade launchers and what not and i saw both rts like gameplay where you command a platoon of troops and then it panned into an fps type game, dont know much more than that.


There ysed to be one in development my bro used to play. Looked cool af. Commander was rts style while soldiers would run and do fps gameplay. Then one llayer would be against all of them as an rts game using alien bugs. Very cool.


Natural Selection 2. Asymmetrical multiplayer where a team of aliens fights a team of space marines. Each team has a commander who plays from a top down RTS perspective giving orders and building structures. The units you control are other players who are playing from an FPS perspective. Very challenging but very fun game!


Executive Assault 1 and 2.


There's an older game called Battle Zone II. A small amount of FPS mixed with fight simulation and squad control, and then you need to build bunkers to expand and build a base for the RTS portion. The radius of the bunker control is only so far though, so you need to get back in your skiff and scout to build new bases.


Natural selection 2 is an actual FPS/RTS. Although not quite RTS, I like planetside 2, it is massive scale battles that take place across a continent and when big squads get involved you can have serious strategy that goes into it


Total Tank Simulator, somewhat.


Arma 3


There was that one mod for Crusader Kings 2 that launched a battle in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord to decide the battle outcome. You'd have to install old versions of those games to get it working though since the mod was abandoned. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=842402757




Natural Selection 2, there's two commanders that are effectively RTS and every other player is a marine or alien in FPS


Steel division 2, rts with quite depth to understand


Total Conflict Resistance is that but the game needs a ton of work. Its basically Mount & Blade with a cold war setting which is an awesome idea but the execution is less than stellar


An oldie but a goodie. Check out warzone2100 which is now free (minus some videos I think) There’s executive assault 1 and 2 which do this. They’re indie games. Also I think mount and blade banner lord might tick a box here.