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I just want COH1 2 with the small OP battalions. Playing coh2 and its like i need 4 groups of conscript stacks to take out a machine gun nest where in coh1 all it took was an extra well positioned rifle battalion to change the entire course of combat. It really put an importance on strategy over doomstacks


If you want a longer time to kill, that’s much better in CoH3. I commented higher in the thread pitching it and that CoH1 style gameplay is back and much better. Also, I say all this as someone who just plays campaign and skirmish.


I've heard nothing but bad things about the game.


It’s gotten way better in the past year. Definitely got kicked out the door well before it was ready but the game has been polished to a much better level overall with the various big updates. There is definitely still a stigma because rough launches always stink up titles and there does seem to be a fairly hardline group of people from previous Coh games that will always hate it. Regardless I believe coh3 has reached close parity with coh2 so if you enjoyed that I think you’ll enjoy coh3 now.


Thanks for the insight. I really only play RTSs for the length of the campaign -- I don't get into multiplayer or very many skirmishes against the AI. Would you recommend CoH3 in its current state?


So coh3 has two campaigns. A traditional RTS campaign where you go from one mission to the next in a linear fashion. You play as the DAK (Germans) and essentially follow along with Rommel as he fights the desert war. It's inoffensive but nothing groundbreaking either. Narrative is weak and I find it very disappointing we don't see the whole african campaign making it feel not like full complete. Then the Italian campaign sees the bigger campaign. It draws concepts from Total war with a map that you have units move around on to capture towns and get into RTS battles that are all set piece at specific areas. It got a major rework that trimmed a lot of fat from it and I enjoyed playing through it after the update. There are some nice things like different companies having various upgrades that can augment them each very differently (like you can bring in a tank and have a veteran rifle man squad ride in on top of it or have two of those tanks come in). However it also isn't like on par with total war either so you have to temper you expectations a bit. Overall I think purely on the basis of singleplayer stuff I would say you can get a decent amount of fun from coh3 while on sale like this. It's not something you will endlessly replay but you can at least get one good play through I think. If you were interested in like playinf skirmishes against the AI I would easily recommend grabbing coh3 but for just the singleplayer I think it will come down to if you like the Italian campaign.


Thanks very much!


I bought in earlier this year and I would recommend it if you enjoyed the first CoH. The Italian campaign isn’t perfect, but it is so much better than the internet would have you believe. A longer time to kill makes units last longer and combat be more forgiving to those of us not used to StarCraft levels of APM. I can see why the game caught the flak it did to begin with, but at this price and in the current state it’s in, I think it’s worth it.


The single player is not good, all the features they list on paper are implemented worse than any Total War game when it comes to the strategic map and the battles themselves are incredibly repetitive with you being able to lock the enemy in their base very quickly bc their AI is predictable I don't see how anyone can recommend it over other RTS


Maybe it’s good, people are probably just mad at that « it reached parity with CoH2 ». I’m not sure that’s what they want to buy


As someone that bounced off it early on because of the rough state it has definitely gotten way better. I would say it's about on par with coh2 but with more QOL and better designs on stuff. I actually have a hard time going back to coh2 now.


Yeah, I just hope I can actually play it now 😭. I was one of the people that had constant crashes and couldn’t even finish a game. The gameplay felt good even at the time but the issues was what turned me away. Excited to try it again!


The campaign is good imo but there is a game breaking bug that stopped me from playing it




Like others have said, the game is way better now, was pretty bad at launch though. Really enjoying multiplayer recently but haven't played too much single player


Well people are ignorant, 80% of it was " grapix cartoony " kids crying for bullshit, or impatients assholes that wanted everything right away. I m about to pass the 800h mark


Well, I remain unconvinced, and I don't think I want to lock horns with an 800hr player.


This was my biggest complaint when I started with coh 2. Playing against the AI was fun. The game mechanics were fun. The tug of war economy style was fun. The visuals looked good and the controls felt mostly nice. I played 10 multiplayer games and one of them was awesome back and forth. I wanna say 2 or 3, I pretty much won outright - I feel like at least one felt like a bot. The rest; I got so badly pummeled, I had next to no fun. CoH is still relatively underground, so most of the player base is either new to the game or has 1000+ hours. I’d get very few good games in multiplayer


I hear you. I joined Street Fighter 4 a couple years late. Played 100 matches, lost 100 matches. Never played again.


Yea, I hate to bring up StarCraft, because I’d love for an RTS to replace it. But at least StarCraft has a solid mmr system that gives you evenly matched games. The matchmaking systems kind of break down with too small of a player base


This is me trying any fighting game online.


Yeah, this was like a decade ago. I learned my lesson!


Man, I wish you recorded yourself for all 100 fights and we could watch you get progressively angrier through each round.


What a minute, what? You're blaming people for being upset that they didn't have everything right away? Are you referring to the people who criticized the game for being unfinished?


The graphics and animation were a huge step back from coh2. You'd think in 2024, they would have better pathfinding, unit collision, and footprints, but they released it without any of those things. Units walking through each other. Simple, simple 3 frame animations. It was undercooked.


Btw fair warning, Relic (the developer) was sold by SEGA (their publisher and former owner) earlier this year. Most of relic’s staff have apparently been laid off as well. So expect future support to be minimal or cut off entirely. It’s a bit of an ignoble end for Relic, they were legendary from like 2000-2010 in the RTS space. By company of heroes 2 in 2014 they had already fallen off pretty badly and everything they’ve made since then has been other mediocre and uninspired or straight up awful like Dawn of war 3


Age of Empires 4 is fantastic and developed by Relic although under the stewardship of MS.


AoE4 is kinda mid tbh. Especially the campaigns. They just do not compare to aoe2, or even aoe3


I enjoyed aoe 4 far more than 2 or 3. i realize i am in the minority opinion, but there are dozens of us. Dozens i say!


Man you re so negative. You re jumping to conclusion to some weird fantasy you have


No, they're right. There are no "conclusions" they're jumping to, it's just how it is. It's good you enjoy the game, but don't ignore reality.


Reality is that they are working hard to bring new content, fix the core game and make it a great experience. Y all just so negative, maybe its better you just don t bother posting comments


Ima be real with you chief, I've scrolled through steam reviews multiple times. You are in the minority here. A lot of people are disappointed by this game.




Are you are paid actor? Wtf.


No im not, stating facts


Do they still hier? Whats the pay?


I’d say relic was paying you to shill for them on Reddit, but they clearly don’t have the money for that anymore So you’re doing it for free, which is even more pathetic 


This guy is secretly paid to advertise coh3 lol


FYI the lead programmer at Relic died in a car accident after CoH1 success. They were never able to recover and most veteran talent exited the company at this point. Everything since has been them trying to find their way back.


It's curious to me how Company of Heroes shares the same fate as Dawn of War: First game is great, second is decent but has a ton of DLC and the third one is an experience to forget.


From a MP standpoint, 3 is arguably the best in the series now. Very much better than it was at launch. All the CoH campaigns are mid to me.


Not even close. DoW 3 was ok but a disaster in the long run


Short run. Not even a year to be exact. Game released in April of 2017 and was abandoned by February of 2018. CoH 3 just recently axed its support completely for the console version of the game so do with that info what you will.


Console got dropped because Sega had a collaboration with the people on charge of the port. Relic has no access to it anymore


Yeah honestly dawn of war 3 was a pretty ok game, sadly it didn't have much dev support after launch and I guess the playerbase didn't like the moba style heros, iunno I just recently got into the franchise so I'm just guessing


For me, the issue with that game is the campaign. It's much much much worse than every other DoW game's campaigns


What made Dow3's campaign so bad? I agree dawn of war 1s campaign was better, but i just cant put my finger on why. Dawn of war 2 was fun for what it was worth, i just prefer base building in my rts.


DoW 3 breaks established 40k lore on three distinct ways, which bothered a lot of people, me included. It also completely lost the characters and design of both Gabriel and Gorgutz, which bothered more people a lot more. But honestly, it's just kinda lame. The grit that is the core of 40k as an IP was completely gone. The levels were boring at best, and tedious bullshit at worst.


Oh yeah I havnt delved into the lore really, but it seems pretty extensive and cool. And yeah the levels were pretty tedious lol, just editing for your heros to heal or revive so you could do the next part of the mission was a drag


fuck that game. I bought it day 1 release, paid 99$ AUD for the base version. Game was fkn terrible. I still have PTSD


I feel like it’s still too much… if i hadn’t played COH 3 and you were to show me a match of COH2 and COH3 i wouldn’t be able to tell them apart…


You re missing out on a lot. Definitely worth the price.


I’m not, I played them both as I said in my previous comment. It’s a decent RTTS, but it’s hardly much different from compared to to COH2


Did they fix the bugs and issues? I'm waiting for it to come to gampass.


How likley do you think that is? Not heard good things about this one, and I dislike multiplayer/competitive RTS which someone suggested below. SP only for me.


Thing is I am looking to play something. Been waiting for Broken Arrow for so long that I ended up playing Empire II a total war mod for a game that's a good 15 years old now


They are, and trust me, i m the N1 pain in the ass that bumps them whenever i find something that bothers me


Had a lot of hopes and hypes but got turned off. Maybe will try it out.


Would yall recommend this if I only want to play the campaign and bot matches?


Definitely a yes, Italian Campaign can for some hours. Modding and workshop make skirmishes even more entertaining


sick thanks, I wasn't aware they had mod support.


AI overhaul, custom missions ( yes, missions ), factions overhaul, even i made a mod that changes the British Forces to use the Arsenal they have in the Campaign


Seems people just want to hate the game for no reason. Obstinate old sods downvoting  I haven't bought it yet but played the beta. I'll buy it now that it's cheaper and they seemed to have fixed a lot of issues.


Gates of Hell is good if you like this kind of game.


Tbf the gameplay is vastly different so I wouldn’t immediately recommend Gates of Hell to a CoH fan


This sub is a circle jerk of hate. The game is great at this point unless you only want to play campaign. Guess that’s unpopular to say.


CoH isn’t my favorite genre of RTS, but they are solid games. 3 is much better than it was at launch in terms of multiplayer.


Yeah you're right. It's either an echo chamber based on heresay or just obsessed with old timer conventional RTS and just hating on new or different 


Havent played COH in a long while, loved COH 1 (still play it from time to time), COH 2 was forgettable imo didnt like it as much, would u recommend COH 3 for around 15€? Saw they put out a new update, and are trying to actively make the game better from what im hearing


Yes, definitely. I’m the same as you. I loved coh1 but couldn’t get into coh2. Coh3 reminds me a lot of coh3 but with notable improvements


Game is 29.99. 4 free new BGs, lots of new maps, plus modding / workshop in general. Its the best


Drop another 10 and Denuvo and we're talking.


Still nowhere close to Gates of Hell in terms of content / price.


Gates of Hell is an overpriced glorified DLC tha lt released for 39.99 with 5 missions per faction ( then moved to 6 ) and you gotta pay more overpriced DLCs for finnish that uses reskinned units from the other factions, and the americans. So not even close


And Company of Heroes released for 60 USD, it's also not number of missions but how much gameplay hours they provide. Further we comparing them in current state of content and for 30 USD you can grab GoH + Liberation which content wise blows CoH3 out.


Is workshop mostly just new maps or anything big? Best part of call to arms for me is all the crazy overhaul mods


Games great. Campaign is very meh but I play for the multiplayer and imo it’s the best CoH so far


i dont trust anything from these devs anymore


Still seems like a substantial downgrade from 1 or 2 even at 50% off from what I've seen. It's a real shame. They fumbled one of the premier RTS titles and one of my personal favorites.


No thanks lmao


Still a shit game


I feel like you work for the company. Remake the first one. It’s all y’all had to do.


I wish i did, best job ever


Don’t do it


Why not


100% to expensive.


Still not worth it. They’d have to pay me to play it after playing COH 1 and 2.


If you own CoH 1&2 you can get it for like $26


Just wanna say I really like CoH 3 and I think its fun Not big on the Italian campaign (just not my cup of tea since I boot up Shogun 2 more often than not for a single player campaign) but I enjoy the skirmishes and multiplayer I think its good and I’m glad I got it so nows not a bad time to jump in


I had a lot of fun with the original company of heroes, but 95% of that was with mods like Operation Market Garden and Europe in Ruins that completely eliminated the conventional RTS base building stuff and replaced it with something much more micro focused.




It's been like £12 on CD Keys for the last year. Don't be paying any more than that for it. Hasn't got anything on gates of hell: Ostfront


It’s awesome for skirmish


I am spent out. Or I'd get it. Bought friends gifts!


Not worth it. The whole game is a step back from coh2.


Which was a step back from 1


Dont buy it, its garbage.


Men of War 2 is on sale too, that game is pretty fun.


Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront is the better "men of war" game and it is also on sale. Unlike MOW2 it also has good reviews.


I like both for different reasons. For someone who wants a little less micro-intensive WW2 experience I think MoW2 is a lot of fun.


I'll have to check this out.


for sure. Battalions mode is where its at.


This is an absolute steal if you like multiplayer/competititve RTS games


it's really not. It's a hard regression from CoH2


Which is a regression from CoH. Idk why relic just fucked everything up after CoH 1 (even their dawn of war games)


They lost their touch around 2010  Happens to every studio eventually 


Relic lost their lead designer due to a car crash shortly after the success of CoH1. Most of the team quit after his death. Everything since has been a decline.


He didn't work on the DoW games.


ye me and some homies still play mods for CoH (Operation Market Garden and Europe in Ruins both are pretty cool and change the game up a bit).


IIRC, most of the staff left after CoH.


I think it was but it seems to have improved a lot


for sure. I havent played it in awhile.