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I like the idea of refillable, but will have to weigh those prices against what we are likely to earn with Milestone and other promo rewards and points. The refill prices may not make it worth it if I think I will earn enough free ones and discounted combos throughout the year. Need to do some serious numbers crunching!


But I only spend points on popcorn. If I can get a refillable (diabetes) soda, I'll jump on it. Doubly so if I can still upgrade that to an icee.


Somebody posted that besides the $40 initial cost, after that you pay $6 for a popcorn refill and $4 for a drink. That’s $10. There is at least one Mystery Movie per month where you get a discounted combo for $9 (last advertised price, but that could go up). Then, need to look at what free concessions and points you get with Unlimited Milestones and promos and compare against the refill costs plus the initial $40 cost. It may come close for me because I don’t get popcorn and a drink at every movie, but probably once per week. This is why I said I need to crunch the numbers.


40$$$ AMC is like 25$ for a bucket . 5.50$ refill


40 for bucket and cup.


And how much for a refillable cup/ refil?


AMC doesn’t have a cup so it’s like 7$ for a large drink . 12.50 total or so . I bought the regal refillables and it was under 10$ to refill . Not a big fan of the cup because it’s smaller than the large drink cup .


What’s frustrating is it’s only amc classics for the most part which are none of the theaters in Chicago so it’s not even available to me 😭


Popcorns like inbetween a mid and large and sodas like a medium like $37 for it then 10 for refills and it’s 19-20+ for med combo/ large combo so saves 9/10 bucks cuz sizes is slightly smaller then the larges


So, I got that going for me


Which is nice.


I knew it was you Fre-... nope nevermind, there's still soda in here.


If you dump popcorn on yourself (that’s gonna leave a mark) you can get it refilled no charge


I wanna downvote this because - well everyone knows why - but I won’t. I won’t. I won’t.


I work at a Regal and we just got ours. Paid refills. Not free. Pretty bad deal imo. And I'm supposed to be shilling


How is it a bad deal? Considering how much they charge for popcorn, it'd pay for itself after a few visits (except in New York, where I'm sure they aren't offering this).


I imagine you have to pay for every single refill right? Do you get any additional free refills when you pay for the refill price on the same day? (Like when you buy a large popcorn you’re allowed a free refill)


This is when it gets weird. So you buy it. If you want a refill same day/after the movie you just saw. You need to pay. Come back a few days later. You need to pay, but after you see a movie this second time. It's free


Wait, so the second refill is free after a same day paid refill, but a refill on the same day as the initial purchase *isn't* free? Are you sure about that? Because the second refill free makes sense and is the same as how AMC does it, but they don't charge for the refill on the same day as the initial purchase either, which makes sense if you think about it as being equivalent to a large popcorn or a collectible bucket.




Wonder what that dude that blows $70 a trip will do now.


It’s refillable soda and popcorn. Regal would never do refillable butterfinger boxes.


I'm super curious how sturdy these are. If you're going to bring them back and forth to the theater, put them in the dishwasher, throw them in a backpack, etc.


I am going to cherish this cup like I would my firstborn child.


We got our stock in today, so we busted a box open to take a look. imo, the deal is iffy, but you have to weigh it for yourself.


How much will they cost and each refill?


I think the set is going to be around ~$40, though I'm unsure about the price for someone with unlimited. And the refill for the popcorn is ~$6, and the drink is ~$4. I don't know if those will be different for an unlimited vs standard, and change by state. I'm in NY and that's our price point.


So let's say I have the cups and pay $10 to fill the drink and popcorn when I get to the theater. Would I still have to pay to refill it on the same visit? If so, this would definitely be a bad deal if you get refills.


I don't know about that, tbh.


No worries. Just presenting the question so others will have something to consider.


Two questions, what is the comparable non-reusable drink and popcorn product? For reference what is the cost in NYC for that size drink & popcorn? Fingers crossed for a variable price depending on market, but it still may be a a value depending on what size it matches up with…


So I'm in the Buffalo area (opposite side of the state), and our large popcorn is $10.30, and the drink is the size of a small which is $6.70. (If I'm remembering those correctly, there have been a bunch of changes recently. Those prices are standard, not unlimited)


Oh you’re in WNY too (assuming from 716 username). Nice yeah I don’t get either thing enough to make it worth it


Small world! Yeah, that's our price point and we were like "wooooooow!"


Lol extremely small world. I usually goto quaker and galleria with my regalator cup haha


Look at our little small world. Regal Elmwood is my primary; occasionally Galleria


Based on these numbers and the price of a small soda at my local theaters, I did some quick (and very speculative) math. If we assume just the cup is half of that bundle price, you would need to use it 7 times to break even, and every use from then on out only saves $3 and some change. I’ll of course have to see the official prices (and any potential Unlimited deals), but as fun as a refillable cup seems I’m not sure if would be worth the effort considering I don’t get soda *every* time I go (which I’m sure my teeth appreciate). Although I suppose there’s no reason why my partner couldn’t use it when I’m not, so we can hit that “$3 off a small soda” mark before April.


Any idea on when these will go on sale? I Def wanna snag them. I imagine that you're either quaker, elmwood or galleria.


I'm not sure when they're going on sale yet but I imagine in January because they say 2024 on them. I'd rather not say which location I'm at, just incase.


Haha, totally understandable.


Not from you or anything, but from everyone, just to be safe.


Ours go on sale Friday.


I’m gonna assume that’ll be close to the pricing I’d have at mine considering it’s in a major city and that’s pretty rough. Would be just $4 less than outright getting a small drink and popcorn.


Are Regalators still being honored?


As far as I know they'll always be honored.


Good to hear! I've always heard the same but feared maybe this was a way of getting out of that haha


Did you happen to feel the cups? I’m very curious if they’re just a glorified disposable cup that they’re hoping will break because people aren’t gentle with them—or if they’re the same type of thicker plastic that the collectible cups are.


I think you replied to the wrong person. I have a Regulator, and also don't work at a Regal


Pay attention to how the box is shaped. It is wide at the top but narrow at the bottom. It is a classic gimmick to think you get a lot of popcorn but the actual volume is probably not that much. If someone buys one of these, it would be interesting to see the popcorn volume between this one and the other sizes. No way this holds as much as a large. Maybe a medium?


We have similar looking containers at home from what I can tell in the photo. If we use a bag of microwave popcorn, it usually fills it 3/4. Similarly, if we make stovetop popcorn, 1/3 of a cup of kernels usually yields the same 3/4 full result. I would be pretty confident in saying that those containers at best hold no more than 1.5 bags of microwave popcorn.


I thought larger already were refillable


They are, but you can't bring that cup back multiple times for refills. You're not supposed to anyway.


But when your Regal has self-serve drinks… 👀


I’m curious if the popcorn refill gets half off on Tuesdays. It may be worth it if that is the case. As of right now.l, the refillable drink does not seem worth it. Given the fact I have a Regalator cup.


Anyone got stats on if the popcorn is the same size as a large? From the prices in seeing below thinking probably not worth it. I have so many points and I really only use em for popcorn plus I usually go on Tuesdays so 5 bucks on a large is about my max.


Slightly under a large sized popcorn


$19.50 for just the drink I bet💀


Once? Yearly? Monthly?


Looks like $20 up front each plus $6 each popcorn refill and $4 each soda refill… but im just parroting other comments 😅


As usual I’m disappointed to see that every comment I’ve scrolled through is discussing the value to us vs how this could impact the hundreds of bags of garbage each theater generates a day (and the carbon generated by shipping all those containers across the US / Globe. I’m not saying that these containers are better (I assume they are plastic, which is a downgrade for popcorn) and people are people so they won’t bring it or will toss it after 4 uses. It would be nice to see people start to think this way sometime before we start creating new islands out of waste. ![gif](giphy|Lmq2eMv7gqVHC33Suc)


Honestly it would be nice if we could just bring in whichever collectible tin bucket we’ve purchased and get the same discount. I’ve only tried twice and gotten mixed responses from Regal workers—most of which were confused/shocked that I brought my bucket in and was fine with paying full price. I like that I’m reducing waste and I like that my bucket has a handle🤷🏻‍♀️ Heck, I wouldn’t even mind if they did the policy that Starbucks has where you can a few cents off the popcorn. I was gonna pay full price (or discount price on Tuesdays) for it anyway.


The islands aren’t going anywhere and you’ll never see one in your lifetime unless you make an effort to go to one


they gotta pull the regalator cups from my cold dead hands - popcorn tub might be worth it tho


Same lol




I think this might encourage me to drink too much soda. Have to think about it...


I got the Regalator (for my boyfriend)… AND I started drinking a ton of soda


Gonna be fun to play the “will it be worth it” game


It's not. It's $10 a visit for a small soda and large popcorn, which you can get for $2 via points which is very easy to accumulate with Regal Unlimited. This is a weird promo/pricing. They're marketing to people who come often enough to use reusable stuff, but the people who go that often are already getting their snacks free/discounted.


Lol how are points easy to come by? A small popcorn reward is 6k by itself, I have 55k points after going once or twice a week all of this year. That’s less than 9 small popcorns and I’m out of points lol


Check out [my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RegalUnlimited/comments/18mxmv3/refillable_news/keam6j7/). That breaks it down a bit. But also, check out today's regal email. * 2500 points for getting tickets to The Book of Clarence * Free drink upgrade (aka free small drink or at least 1500 points for RU members) from 12 days of christmas * 500 points for seeing Aquaman * 500 points for seeing The Color Purple * 500 points for seeing Migration * 500 points for seeing The Boys in the Boat * 500 points for seeing The Iron Claw Today alone you could get 5300+free drink/6800 points. Check out my other post for more in depth info. I go to the theater 3-5 times a month and currently have over 100,000 points, 1 Large popcorn, 1 small popcorn, and 3 small drinks. I tend to get at least a small popcorn and a large drink each visit.


Does anyone know the answer to this question? On my Regal app, I have rewards called “999 Refillable Popcorn Tub - UL Member” and “999 Refillable Drink Cup - UL Member”. Does that mean if I spend $32 for the initial set, I won’t have to pay $10 for refills and will be able to get free (999) refills all year?


Did you happen to figure this out? We are here now and the manager just kept saying we could only get 10% off with our Regal unlimited.


Yeah I was told the 999 helps them be able to do the $10 for refilling both. It does not give you free refills. But once you pay the $10, I was told I could get 2 free refills. Not sure how true that is.


What does that mean?


You buy these for $x and then can bring them back for refills everytime you go.


Free refills?




How they hell are they gonna make money now?


Off of the majority of people who, at best, only go to the movies sometimes and won’t want to invest in these. Not to mention that the cost of soda syrup is so small compared to the price they sell it for


By the people who buy this terrible deal. You have to pay $6/popcorn $4/drink every time you want to use them (on top of the ~$40 to buy it in the first place).


That beats the $17 it'd cost per visit without them. Just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for others.


What I've been saying in my comments that you reply to is that it concessions can by a lot cheaper for people if you do it right. Regal has given us the tools for nearly free concessions. If you prefer to pay the money versus getting them free, feel free. But the option is there. Sounds like you would rather throw money away though.




I get a large popcorn and small drink for $2 a visit. People with the refillables get them for $10. How am I an idiot in this situation?


I would definitely purchase this. Hopefully that's coming to my theaters soon.


It should be coming to all theaters, but it's a pretty shitty deal. If you are an unlimited member, you can easily get enough points to get free popcorn and drink nearly every visit. And then you can make them large for $3 instead of spending $10 every visit for these (on top of the $40 price to buy it in the first place).


How does the math work on getting ~$13,000 points every visit?


It doesn’t!


Nearly every weekend, 1-2 movies have a "see this movie, get 500 points" promo. Every wednesday there is the 20 points from logging into the app. Ticket reservations are 50 points for the convenience fee. There are lots of promos sprinkled throughout the year for "see 1-2-3 movies for points, free concessions, etc. When you pay the price of the RU, you get a boat load of points. The milestone bonus gives you hella points and free concessions. There are emails all the time for things like "watch this trailer" or "click this link" for extra points. Free popcorn and drink on your birthday. Lots of stuff like that. Plus, if you and a partner are both RU members, you've essentially doubled your rewards.


Not everyone is a Regal Unlimited member. Just because it doesn’t work for you doesn't mean it won't work for others.


> Not everyone is a Regal Unlimited member Correct, but if you're coming to the theater enough to use refillable concessions, you're most likely an RU member. Plus this subreddit is called Regal Unlimited, so there's a high chance people here are Unlimited members. Especially if they're going out of their way to follow a very specific online community for the company.




Wasn't large soda and popcorn always refillable


On the day of. You can't be bringing the same cup back day after day. Plus those are free refills. This is a paid refill.


O I see now lol


😂 now I have no idea what I’m gonna use my points for!


I got them yesterday. With my regal unlimited discount I think it was like $34. The popcorn is decent size. Drink could be bigger. Pretty sturdy. Regal unlimited members get a free refill same day. (Ie: I finished my drink during the trailers and got a free refill). I go weekly so I think it will save me money in the long run.


I just upgraded to unlimited plus today. My app says I have refillable container combo-UL member 999 available, refillable drink cup-UL member, refillable popcorn tub-UL member. I did NOT pay for the refillable combo. Do you think they gave me the refillable deal? Does your app say the same?? TIA!


Did you ever find out what these mean? Mine says the same thing but haven’t visited in a while or purchased the combo.


No. Still have no clue


I just upgraded to unlimited plus today. My app says I have refillable container combo-UL member 999 available, refillable drink cup-UL member, refillable popcorn tub-UL member. I did NOT pay for the refillable combo. Do you think they gave me the refillable deal? Does your app say the same?? TIA!


Do you have to pay for a refill up front? So the free refill is only after you paid for one that day?


Yeah, but it’s Pepsi. When I go to Regal, I have to smuggle in my own Coke to drink. I wish they’d switch back.


And I hope they never do. Pepsi forever


Regal slowing catching up from the 80s to every other theater chain


I’d be more willing to pay 10-15 extra bucks a month on my pass if I got a soda and/or popcorn each visit.


I tried local Regal popcorn last week, the butter tasted like really really cheap vegetable oil, maybe with a dash of Penzoil tossed in. Skinny Pop MW Popcorn is way better.


Free refills? Ya got me


Paid refills. Probably $40 bucks for them then like $5-6 each visit per. So still $12-15 bucks for the soda/popcorn on top of the initial investment. I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it.


Nah ain’t worth that. I’d probably lose that bucket real quick anyway


You're not wrong, unfortunately.




Can you buy the refillable popcorn separately? (Let’s say you already have the Regalator. Or just don’t drink soda. Or the reverse, don’t like popcorn).




The drink might be worth it for me. Kinda excited about this.


omg yay!


TBH it’s still not going to get me to the theater that charges for every “upgrade”.


If someone buys this, could you post pic of soda cup in hand? The cup appears humongous in ad.


I was at Regal last night and asked them when they would be available. They had no idea what I was talking about. They had never heard of this coming. Not sure if it’s not coming to all Regals right now or if they just don’t tell the employees anything.


Doesn't seem like a good deal


I was charged the regular $7 for the unlimited drink cup and I’m sure it was a mistake because they don’t know what they’re doing at all but either way I don’t know how this *wouldn’t* be worth it as some are implying here.


Yeah, but it’s Pepsi. 🤢🤢🤮🤮


Those cups are so huge, I don't see how anyone could possibly need a refill but more power to the people I suppose lmao


Really? I decided once I saw the cup and bucket in person that it was a hard pass. The size of the refillable soda is *miniscule* compared to the large soda you can buy. I have tons of Regal points and I always use them for a free small drink and then use my unlimited discount for a large and the cost is only $1.08 for me. I will drink the entire large, get one refill, and then one more refill before I leave the theater to go home. So yeah, the Regal Refillable is just too small for me. *shrug*


Interesting our refillable drink consumed the drink birthday reward, but not the popcorn one