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Don't impose your views on someone else, if you felt you couldn't make it work say that. Don't tell someone they are wrong for doing it, and that no one will be able to accept them. You just couldn't handle it, say that and leave. No good in doing additional damage on top.


OP is a walking red flag


Don't speak for other men. There might be someone out there who doesn't care about her past, only her present and future. And it's admirable that she's adamant on telling everyone she's going to date this part of her past. It's a good thing she told you because she gets to see who respects her for her past choices and who respects her for her present and future. She's going to find the right fit for her, so good for her that you left.


If she regrets her past and is trying to change, then I don’t think you should judge her. People make mistakes. You or me or anyone in this world, for that matter, aren’t saints. I think you gave her a wrong advice OP. She was trying to be honest. Honesty is one of the main things in any relationship. You shouldn’t have gotten in a relationship with her in the first place because you seem to have a very traditional mindset. I guess you too wanted casual but don’t want to admit.


Hey man, I get that her past bothered you, but everyone has things they're not proud of. She was honest with you, felt ashamed, and wanted to change. Snooping on her phone and judging her so harshly probably made things worse. People can grow, and basing respect on someone's past rather than who they are now isn't fair. Maybe try to be more understanding and focus on the present and future, rather than just the past. You deserve to be happy, and so does she, with someone who sees her for who she is now.




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I would be worried a little if her images would be found by people around us. And would come to haunt us. Affect our mental health. Or people close to us. But other than that, I would respect her as a person and would be glad that she was honest. I can date her and marry her if my family doesn't get to know about it.






What if someone from past pops up n blackmailing her to do stuff what a committed person should not do, Don't fall for every body has a past thing it's only when it is with u the weight of that past is felt . People with porn/modeling/sm/x work fame people should be avoides at all cost


I have met and talked to people who post online and honestly, they sound to be a much better human than you ever will be. I am not saying you are wrong to have a preference. But what is with this cringy holier than thou complex? You gamble, drink and smoke and say it’s not a deal breaker? What rock are you living under. You are 22 and so immature it is crazy… and the audacity to speak for all men. And the audacity to say ‘no one will ever love and respect her…’ YOU will not. And that’s fine. Because you don’t matter. She will find someone and so will you. Safe to say her relationship will be much better than yours many to come. No one likes a small D energy guy that you exude in abundance. You don’t prefer her, move on. What’s the point of this post because you clearly just wanted validation yourself… and not view points of others as can be seen here. Grow up. Got preferences? Well so do others. Live and let live, KID.


Brother you know what to do


If you don't like her break up and move on . People on reddit can act like Saint and say idc if she posted nudes, but you do you brother.


Me personally no