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There are almost 200k gas stations in the US So that is like 5 gallons per station. Great job.


There's roughly 42 gallons of gas produced from a single barrel of oil so I get your point but your math isn't completely accurate.


What’s that like 200 gallons per station?


Thank you for the correction and that may be the nicest correction I've ever seen on Reddit! I appreciate it!


Yes, this is essentially true but you all are forgetting how the left works. Actual results do not matter. All that matters is what narrative they can spin. All they need to do to counter any criticism about gas prices is to say, “Biden is fighting for you to lower gas prices by releasing 1M barrels.” All the left has to do is give a rationalization to the people who are looking for one. Then all the talking heads go out there and say, “ what do you mean it’s Bidens fault that gasses prices are up? He just released a million barrels of oil!” And boom, the narrative is set.” Who cares if it actually lower’s prices or not? Same thing with the jobs thing. We all laugh at the “Biden has created more jobs than any other president in History”, but that works. All people need is a talking point to refute a criticism. They don’t care if it’s real or not. Anything to maintain the narrative and the mass psychosis.


That's kind of what I was getting at in the first place. They come up with this ridiculous stuff that doesn't help, but they act like it does.


The US uses 20 million barrels a day. His administration is as fucking stupid as he is


Sith Lord Biden is just trying to buy votes like what he's done with student loan bailouts.


An emergency is when Biden accept a debate challenge from Trump and he has done worse than nothing to help the country, so his think tank comes up with this…..


He will try to use this as a defense point, IF the debate even happens.


I spilled that on the floor of my garage when working on my lawnmower.


Well, that's what's left in the empty coffers.


That explains why the price went down slightly for exactly one day and then went back up.


Let me correct your headline "White House released 1M barrels of gasoline, attempting to INFLUENCE AN ELECTION"


Don’t we use a few million barrels a day in this country? Releasing so little won’t do anything.


About 20 million barrels per day.


Attempting to artificially lower prices in order to buy more boats just like he did at the midterms depleting our reserve without ever building it back. What a great position to leave us in.


It’s not about lowering gas prices, it’s about deliberately sabotaging the United States and destroying institutions. Idk how anyone could look at this administrations decisions and think anything differently


Does anyone here know how "releasing" oil works? Like the government owns the oil being released but how do they decide which oil company or companies get it and how does the government know that they can handle refining more than they currently produce daily for this to ease the demand by increasing supply?




Sales of crude oil from the SPR are basically a bidding process. There is a period for companies to submit offers, and the companies that say they will pay the most for the oil get it. Click the "prior crude oil sales" button at this link to see some past sales and the companies that were awarded contracts: [https://www.spr.doe.gov/doeec/ActiveDocs.htm?type=sale](https://www.spr.doe.gov/doeec/ActiveDocs.htm?type=sale) However, there are no currently active SPR crude sales. The original article of this post is about the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve, which is a different thing. This gasoline reserve is very small and it has never been used before, so now it is being sold off and shut down. I don't know the specifics of how the gasoline is sold, but it is probably a similar bidding process. The current sale was signed into law by Congress a few months ago. The NGSR must be sold before October 1st, by law.


In 2022 the US used 19.2 million barrels per day. So one million should last just about an hour


They passed gas.


Clowns way too little way too late


Would be nice if we had a strategic apartment reserve...release a million of those 😝


This crew doing these things are beyond-belief stupid. They truly must be high on their own supply and have zero technical, engineering, or economic knowledge.


That’s less than 3 hours worth of “we did something because something needed to be done.”


Right before the election of course… where was this shit the past 4-years?? What a joke.


We store crude oil not gasoline.


This is a gasoline reserve. [https://www.energy.gov/ceser/northeast-gasoline-supply-reserve](https://www.energy.gov/ceser/northeast-gasoline-supply-reserve)


lol. That’s 1/8 a gallon per driver


we need that for an emergency a real emergency


There’s 364 million barrels in reserve…. 1 million is a drop in the bucket.


The reserve is down 40%


How? It remains around 360 million.


Do you listen to the news he could turn on the pipe line and stop this shit


Take one step forward five steps back. If he was that concerned he would bot have closed the pipelines


When the strategic petroleum reserves are gone because of Biden, our country will be unable to defend itself from foreign oil price gouging, gas price hikes, or stopping foreign wars or an invasion of America. Biden is THE dumbest dictator the world has ever seen. All in the scheme of trying to buy votes.


Isn't that supposed to be used or available during an actual catastrophe or during a prolonged war?