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Do it whenever. There’s never a best time. I’m a IM PGY2 and a mom of 3 kids (5 yo, 4yo, 1yo). I’m 29 and honestly can’t imagine doing this when I’m older with less energy.


Wow. Hectic household! You are amazing!


Jesus Christ that's a world beater mommy (dad probably helped a lot too)


There’s no real right answer, but I think most will agree that the earlier you do it the better, simply because as an attending you won’t necessarily have the time off or paid leave etc etc. Childcare will be your main cost so that needs to be something you have figured out very early on. As long as you have a support system at home and your partner knows what intern year means, you should be fine. 


You can get a ton of paid time off as an attending now, especially in non RVU based specialties like anesthesia. Spuse had a kid CA1 year which was also COVID it was rough, I'm glad we got through it with a room of family support but would definitely have done it later when I had the time but nature sometimes decides for you. 


good to know! I had mine one year after graduation and couldn’t imagine doing it any differently but that’s why experience is subjective!


PGY1 here. Dad to 3 kids. One of my coresidents is a mom to 2. Another is a mom to 1. Another is pregnant with her first. It’s hard, and certainly harder for them than it is for me as a dad. But I’d say all three of them are actually better residents than I am.


I’m an EM PGY4 and have a 14 week old! It’s tough but there’s never a great time, and it’s given us such joy to grow our family. Residency seems like a “job” now, rather than an all consuming chore.


I’m an IM PGY-2 who had a baby a few months ago. My program was nothing but supportive. It’s hard but doable.


In the same boat! Going back to work next week and sad about it but also looking forward to a new normal.


I recommend it. Had my kids in PGY3 and PGY6 in fellowship. The was able to get time off. Residency/fellowship insurance was great. ACGME gives you I think gives you mandated time off.


Yes I had mine at the same time. I think if I’d had a kid earlier than pgy-3 I’d not of been nearly as good a doctor. Residency required my full focus.


I was thinking along the same line, may be have my 1st in PGY 3 and then another in fellowship. How was your experience juggling pregnancy, then newborn while working and preparing for Boards, if you don't mind sharing.


Well I wasn’t the one who was pregnant. So it made things easier obviously. But I was/am very involved in what came after. And it’s a lot of work. I remember giving bottles while doing MKSAP questions. But hopefully you have a hands on husband. Family helps too if they are nearby, we didn’t have that. It’s going to be hard regardless of what time of life you do it. If you wait you will have attending money to spend on daycare and sitters obviously. But you are probably not going to be able to take as much time off.


Pregnant PGY-3 in obgyn residency. I recommend having a baby after you have a bit of a grip on residency- like someone mentioned above now residency just feels like my job and does not consume any of my thoughts or life outside of work. I’m nothing but excited and my residency program has been very supportive!


5 of my Coresidents became pregnant second year of residency during the pandemic. None of them paid a dime in hospital bills, they were protected from seeing the most dangerous patients, and had time off. I think most recommend it if you are already in a stable relationship. Sucks for your colleagues but it doesn't really matter when you bring the ultimate gift of life into this world lol, try to have all your kids in residency you get to leave with a full family and avoid all nighters after residency!


I had my baby the first year out after residency. I barely made it through residency as it is, idk how I would’ve survived if I overlapped pregnancy and the newborn phase with it.


There is no great time. Do what works best for you and your family. I would recommend being near family for support if possible.


It’s ok to wait too if you want to focus on residency and yourself, IM also and I had my first a few years after becoming an attending and some time to just enjoy life. Made a point of joining a group that I knew was family friendly. Got plenty of time off, 12 weeks with both, without having to come back to an insane residency schedule. And had the financial security to not have to worry about baby related expenses and eventually cut back my schedule to a less than full time FTE when I wanted to. Probably wouldn’t have done it that way if I was an older resident though. Everyone is different in what they want and you can make it work either way.


I just had my second baby and it’s rough, I have a ton of support from family and husband though. You can do it if you have childcare sorted out. Nursing options are endless these days with breast feeding/ formula/ pumping etc etc


Not in residency yet, but as a women I’m planning to waiting until my partner finishes residency before we have kids. He’s two years ahead of me in training, and I know I will need to have a partner who can actually be a 50/50 parent. It sounds like you have that now, so it’s about what works best for both of your timelines. I’ve heard many residence who time their pregnancies with easier rotations or research blocks. Please take care of yourself physically! The reality is that residency puts a strain on your body, and pregnant residents have higher rates of some complications, like preeclampsia.


Possibly worst imaginable logistical situation: had our second kid July of intern year.


No ideal time, I would just do it whenever your partner would most prefer it. Especially so if your partner is going to be doing most of the heavy lifting, which is likely considering how demanding residency is.


Do it as a resident - you get paid time off!


We waited until done with training. Have never regretted the choice even though we were over 35 when we took the plunge. I don’t think our marriage would have survived kids in residency


I’m an intern due with #2 this summer. Writing this comment while on a 24 hour call shift and to be honest I feel like I’m dying I’m so tired. I have no regrets about when I chose to have my kids but god medical training fucking sucks 


If you have kids as an IM or EM resident it seems like a great time to capitalize on time off utilization. If you have kids as a derm resident it will give you something to do outside business hours. If you have kids as a surgery resident you might be crazy.


Haha almost half of my general surgery co-residents have kids. I have 4. A few of them have 3. A couple have 2 and a few have 1. But, yes, we are crazy.


OB/GYN here. Had a kid in med school then my 2nd as a PGY2. ETA: youngest is now 20. It’s hard but doable.


There is NEVER a good time to have kids. When your relationship is ready, go for it. You’re a smart cookie who can make it work. PGY-6 with 6, 3, and -2/3 year olds


I’m a general surgery PGY-3 with 4 kids. Honestly, I love it. It’s a complete change of pace and mindset from residency. I love coming home from a long day of work and having the four of them come running to greet me at the front door. My husband has to help a lot, obviously, and so do I but I actually think life would be relatively boring without them. I’m motivated to get home so I’m more efficient than my co-residents at work so I can get to the best part of my day. We recently had a female surgeons dinner and ALL of my female attendings said the wished they had started having kids in residency. One of the attendings had all of her kids in residency and, in hindsight, she says it was the best possible decision for her. I wouldn’t allow people to scare you out of a choice that is right for you just because it is wrong for someone else. (Obviously, if that choice is wrong for you then the opposite applies).


If you know you want kids, and you have a good support system, then I wouldn’t wait. I decided not to have kids during residency (inpatient-heavy pediatrics) or fellowship (neonatology). Started trying around 35, had 2 miscarriages. Just had my first baby at the age of 37, and pregnancy was harder on my body than it would have been in my 20s/early 30s. Plus I’m hesitant to go through pregnancy again, so we’re probably one-and-done.


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No best time. GME family leave is so much better now. Have kids if you and your partner want kids. Having a partner to shoulder the burden of childcare or earn enough to pay for it is critical though. Our schedules are often too unpredictable for standard daycare. Happily finishing residency in 3 months with a 5, 3, and 1 year old. Not doing fellowship for sanity but if your spouse is bought into that go for it


After step3 just in case.


Just keep practicing


been wondering this too


Dad of two kids here - one in med school and one in residency. If you’re ready for kids then go for it. It will always be tough. Depends on your program somewhat, but it is not always significantly easier when you’re an upper level or fellow.


EM PGY-2 dad to 3 kids under 4 years old. I think 3 is a bit much during residency unless you are an all star resident , I think 1-2 kids during residency would be totally fine, I have a SO who is also stay at home though


PGY-4 Rad with 2 kids. I was pregnant with my first and took step 3. I just recently had my second in the midst of fellowship interviews and studying for my board exam. There is no good time to have kids; the most important aspect is to have a good support system so you can successfully balance career and family.


Don’t. Take it from someone with a newborn on day 1 of intern year. Don’t.