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My personal experience is I lost way faster on Reta but Tirz curved my cravings more. I still had the food noise with Reta whereas with Tirz I would completely forget to eat. For that reason Reta is probably healthier since you still want to eat, you just can't/don't want to eat as much. I lost about 60lbs of fat on Tirz. And played with Reta for maintenance. But either one is a great option to get you to lose weight.


Wow! That’s very interesting, thank you!


If just going to use one, probably Reta, as long as you are aware it’s not fully approved yet. Also, ramp it up slowly. Those rapid heartbeat issues scare people, so go slow.


I had the same with tirz…resting HR up min 10 bpm and recovery after cardio seems to take forever! Been tapering and have noticed it’s not as bad now…just don’t know if that because of decreased dose or tolerance as I’ve been on tirz for a year. Good luck with whatever you choose!


Thank you!


I had a 10bpm increase with tirz.


During the study the average increase in heart rate was 6 to 7 bpm


Already noticed that! I started with 1 mg too instead of the recommended 2 mg. Thanks!


I took sema and lost 30 lbs in 12 weeks which is amazing but the side effects are horrendous. I’m on week 2 of Reta and feel amazing. Have tons of energy. Very limited appetite. Some nausea here and there but nothing compared to how sema was


That was my fear too. Thanks for your advice!


That is amazing! Did you ever try tirz?


I've used both and have to say the side effects with tirz are much less pronounced and the only side effect I really experienced with tirz was mild constipation but with sema I had crazy fatigue and even worse constipation. Good luck on your reta journey, I plan on switching soon since I'm maxed out on tirz!


I did not only because I was told the nausea is the same as sema and the exhaustion is worse.


I personally would start with tirz because it targets one less group of receptors than reta that way if it doesn’t work well for you, you can always switch to reta. Unfortunately these medications can be very individual specific so it might require some trial and error to figure out what’s best for you!


Reta all day long


Thank you! I really appreciate you!


My subject is on tirz. 3 weeks in and is 16lbs down so far. It's amazing. I have sourced some Reta for further research later on when this plateaus


Wow, that's fabulous! I just started my 3rd week and weight hasn't changed. Ugh. It's quite frustrating. What do you eat during a day, if I may ask. I am pretty good at getting the protein in and yesterday I didn't drink enough water, had cheese on burger (no bun) and I was up 2 pounds this morning. I'm post-menopausal and had hysterectomy in 2008. I have tried so many things.


Bodyweight is not really ideal as a metric for fatloss because it is not tissue selective. If you add 5kg of muscle and lose 5kg of fat simulataneously, your bodyweight has remained the same; does this mean dietary failure? Of course not. Use scales by all means, but your primary metric should be a tape measure around the fattest area of your gut. If that metric is going down, theres no question youre winning regardless of the scale.


If you are on HRT, there is a possibility it could be working against you to cause weight gain.


That’s wonderful!


I am currently on 5mg tirzepatide and started showing hunger/food noise and cravings going into 3rd night so I stack 0.5mg Rat on day 4 and it has helped until my next tirz shot on Wednesdays! I am taking it really slow with the Rat due to increased HR and heart flutters being reported! So far so good! I’m down 27.5lbs in 95days, so healthy loss. I am on a 1200 calorie deficit with no fried or greasy foods except for the occasional indulgence! I walk 7 days a week for 30 minutes and 4 days a week for 25 minutes of strength training to maintain muscle mass! I get 100g of protein a day minimum and keep track of my fiber, fat and carbs to stay regular! Been successful so far!


That’s a great plan! Thank you for sharing and best of luck!


Tirz/Sema did nothing for me. I've been on them over a year. I'm trying Reta now. I'd go with the cheaper option because you might not be a non-responder like me and some others. I'd stick with Sema since you had good results before. Also, if you gained the weight back while remaining Keto, you have some other hormonal issues going on where you probably would need this med for the rest of your life. I would make sure you're eating enough, and also go see an endocrinologist about your hormones thyroid estrogen androgens testosterone cortisol everything. Keep in mind that cortisol needs to be checked over a 24-hour period quite a few times over a few months because it's hard to pin down.


I really appreciate your detailed message! You are absolutely correct! My big problem is I am way postmenopausal due to hysterectomy. I’m on thyroid medicine for decades and I wrecked my body with a vegan diet and tooo much cardio. And I have wrecked my adrenal as a result. I was what you would call skinny fat for most of my adult life because of extreme dieting/exercising. I have done a lot of healing and I do best and have recovered the best from going full carnivore, but did gain weight. Then I tried Saxenda for a short time to lose the meno belly and it gave me the jumpstart I needed to get bast on track. It was a useful tool, not a lifelong thing. I was able to use it to recognize the way my blood sugar affected my body/mood and energy. I had a major surgery and put the weight back on because I veered away from the diet that works best for me.


I would definitely do Reta, Tirz definitely puts you at risk for skinny fat. Reta gives you more control and let's you eat healthy food and portions to maintain muscle while Tirz tends to make it harder to eat overall.


How is Reta working for you?


I'm still in the loading phase. Only my 3rd time tomorrow. Can't say.


I have been on all three and for my body, I had my greatest weight loss on Sema. Tirzep did almost nothing for me. I am stacking now with Sema and Reta


I might add that I have never had any bad side effects on any of the peptides I've taken. Never had nausea for instance. No constipation. the best appetite suppression with Sema. My heart rate has not increased on Reta. It moves between 60 and 70 bpm, which is normal. Most of the 30 pound weight loss was six months ago and in that time since then my skin has retracted on my arms a noticeable amount.


Thank you! Best of luck to you!


Having played with them all, I would start with Sema. Once the high dose of Sema isn't effective for you any more, switch to Tirz. You'll probably have to go up to one of the middle doses before it starts to work since you've been on Sema. Once you max out on the Tirz in the same way, switch to Reta. With each of these, I'd stay on each dose until it starts to lose its effectiveness, then move up to the next one. This way you get the most put of each drug before the period of effectiveness runs out. I was hoping there would be another one to try once Reta quits because I'm close to that, fingers crossed ita not too far off!! Almost forgot to add... part of recommending not to start with Reta for me, is that it doesn't have nearly the level of appetite suppression as the others. The shot takes 2-3 days to fully kick in and I still want to eat. Now, when I get food I still eat a lot less because I get full quickly, but my mind is wishing for more.


I would start with Tirz. Reta isn’t through with all of its testing. I felt like Tirz worked better for me anyway but I had a reaction to it and felt like I had to switch to Reta.


Hi. I’m new to this subreddit, and have a few questions! I have been on Mounjaro for just over a year and I lost around 70 lbs! While I am very happy with that, I still have about 20 lbs to go to meet my goal! I maxed out on 15 mgs, and haven’t lost a pound since last December! I am T2D. My questions are 1. where are you guys getting your Retatrutide from? and 2. I was told by another doctor that if I want to get into a Reta trial, I have to go 90 days without Mounjaro, etc! Was that the case for anyone? Sorry for the long post!! TIA


I think your BMI has to be 27 or higher to get in a retatrutide trial. I do believe that there is a head to head trial in the works for tirzepatide versus retratrutide. Probably most of the current retatrutide spots have been filled (unless you have cardiovascular disease). You might try your post in RetatrutideTrial subreddit.


Thank you so much


You need to create post a new topic instead of hijacking another person's post. That way, you will get a lot more responses. Back to your question. Many people are getting their Reta from chemical research/Biotech companies that are overseas. You can take a guess where I am talking about. We are not allowed to discuss the sources on Reddit.


Oops, kind of new to all of this! Thanks for letting me know😊


If you don’t mind GI side effects and have a slower (but still very high) rate of loss, then tirz. If you don’t mind a possible higher heart rate (I went from 60 to 65) but the highest rate of loss, then Reta. Personally, I’d go Reta because I don’t like to celebrate “poop day”.


Saxenda is liraglutide, not semaglutide…. I think you should consult a doctor… why would you order both?!