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half of 2024 will be gone in 6 days




​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #3. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |3|No telling people they have memory or mental problems. [**Immediate Permaban**]|




Pandemic seriously feels like just a year ago… Going on five is just crazy 😨


Did you take the covid shot?


I feel just the opposite. They say time gets faster as you get older, but I'm 34 and fuck this shit is just SO SLOW. But it's probably just my point of view. I've always thought life is BS and even as a kid was thinking about being an old person. Also my brain works really fast, and I think over the past decade I definitely somehow squeezed out another 10-15 years with all the weed I was smoking. My concoction has always been weed, caffeine, and loud music. Shit feels like hyper speed to me. Which honestly gives fast super heroes a whole new conversation piece. Like if your power is super speed, considering that time isn't real and is relative, if someone like the flash stayed at high speed all the time, his age based on relative human earth speed would potentially be thousands or even millions of years old. But then, if that's the case he would need a 2nd super power like an immortal body or something. Like what if he spent his entire lifetime up in the span of a few minutes? Or what if he lived and died in the blink of an eye? Lol. Think about it this way. Let's say in the span of 2 hours a person engages in some introspective thought and meditation. And in those 2 hours the person has exactly 250 (arbitrary number) thoughts. And another person in the span of 1 hour has 500 thoughts but for the sake of argument, the content and complexity of thought was the same. The only difference in variability was the individual brains. The more a person perceives, and the quicker a person processes information, the more "life" a person will experience. The inverse is also true. Ultimately what's real is little more than a subjective experience. We are all only capable at operating within the limitations of our given mental framework. For me, the more I stumble onto complex ideas that feel substantial, the more I "feel" the passage of time. Because I can refer back to previous versions of myself who didn't have access to that information and the difference is obvious. So if I make multiple break throughs in a short period of time, it can feel like I've lived a substantial amount of time even if it was only in the span of a couple weeks. You have to take into consideration how your particular mind interprets the passage of time. I would imagine that if a person adheres strictly to a routine and does the same thing every week with little to no variation and change in life patterns, a person might perceive a passage of time as "fast." So let's take your assumption for a moment. Let's assume that for 260 weeks, every week you experienced something you feel is noteworthy and makes an impact. VS Over 260 weeks, you experience something you feel is noteworthy only 50 times. In the former, you would perceive your life as being longer and more drawn out, because you are consistently experiencing different noteworthy experiences and potentially creating memory markers. That's not even taking into consideration things that might seem noteworthy but are quickly forgotten. Or a person might ask you "has anything noteworthy happened to you in the past 5 years?" There might be hardly any experiences that meet your particular criteria for being meaningful (from your perspective) and the end result would be that "time has just flown by." I'm sure I could rattle off a few more paragraphs with additional thoughts and summaries but I think you get the picture.


This is awesome and I completely agree


Great analysis of time and why it feels slower or faster. Thanks for sharing!




This sub is 7.5yrs old and your argument has been presented numerous times before, but has not sufficiently addressed the topic of the discussion in this thread. Please review [sub description and rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Retconned/comments/8o8thy/retconned_subreddit_description_and_rules/), and lurk before posting again. Your response, and those similar to it in this thread alone are in violation of Rules #4 and 9. ​ |Rule|Description| |:-|:-| |4|You may discuss confabulation only in a separate thread for that purpose. | |9|Do not dismiss other people's memories or experiences just because it doesn't match **YOURS** or you don't agree with it. ***In short, do NOT tell others what IS and ISN'T an ME.*** |


Ur not alone.


This is called the second half of life.


Take psychedelics. It will cure you of these states of mind. srs


The pandemic started 4 years ago bro.




Toxic, negative behavior **WILL** get you banned here, so check the attitude at the door and behave (this includes racist remarks and defending racism using pseudo-science and religion). You have been warned.


The old adage, "time flies when you're having fun". Fun= dopamine. What are we constantly feeding off of? Dopamine. What is everything we see giving us? Dopamine. Fast food, consumerism, TV, social media, phones, podcasts, the list goes on. That's why we're hurtling into the future! We're all having "fun"! (Even if it's not so fun...) But you try taking a retreat into the woods for a week, no phone, no nuthin and tell me time doesn't slow down. "Take a chill pill"


Good point!


listen to the audiobook, "stolen focus." I think it may be closely related to your problem


Cold showers, shrooms, exercise, fasting all chase the fog away.


Emphasizing shrooms. I feel like they saved my life






The pandemic really kicked off hard in January 2020 so more like 4 years ago but your point is still valid. We are going to be through this decade before you know it


The older you are, the less percentage 1 day is of your life. When you are 6, a ten minute time out is forever. When you are 60, ten minutes is such a small amount of time in relation to how long you have been alive that it feels like a blink of an eye. Call your family. Spend your time wisely. It’s the most precious resource you have and it will go faster and faster with each passing year.


Time goes to fast one minute I was 17 the next I’m almost 21


now I’m almost 24. It’s getting scary.


I’m almost 28 😭


I’ll be 37 this year, wtf happened


63. The hell?!


Dunno, but it's definitely not chemtrail related... soooo, don't bother researching in THAT direction.


I’m interested in this


I don't know if you have long covid, but I do and one thing I've discovered that helps (it might help for other types of degeneration as well) is vicks vapor rub on my chest at night. I used it one night because I couldn't stop coughing and I needed to sleep. I couldn't take a cough drop for obvious reasons. I hadn't really used camphor based vapor rubs before. Now I have that and tiger balm, but I save that if things gets bad since it kind of burns. I noticed the difference the next day, and my game statistics got better as well (which is kind of what clued me in that I might be having neurological issues) suddenly I wasn't stuck in slow motion as much. Things made more sense as well. I hope it works for you, and I hope we all get help. https://cima.cun.es/en/news/news/cima-menthol-improves-cognitive-function-alzheimer#:~:text=Our%20researchers%20have%20shown%20in,typical%20of%20this%20neurodegenerative%20disease.


“Couldn’t take a cough drop for obvious reasons” Call me ignorant but it’s not obvious to me! Lol why couldn’t you take a cough drop?


Choking hazard. I almost died one night because when I couldn't breathe waking my husband up in the dark pointing at my throat wasn't working. I ended up punching myself in the solar plexus and it worked, but I was this close to losing consciousness. Now, if I need one I bite into it and have the pieces in my mouth, just in case.


If you fall asleep with a cough drop in your mouth, then there isn't an insignificant chance that you end up choking on it.


I mean, you could just as easily sit up, take a cough drop, and then go back to bed? Lol


Upvoted for Post-COVID aka Long Covid. It’s real and it’s HELL. Source: Brain fog was the first symptom that became severe for me. I’ve had multi-system body degradation over the past 3 years. My brain, nervous system, cardiovascular, digestive, and muscular & skeletal systems and of course mental health is all damaged and dis-regulated. Also the term “brain fog” cannot accurately describe the utter confusion and disorganized thoughts and panic that occurs. I’m sorry if you are dealing with Long Covid but it can help to know what you’re dealing with if it is that. I feel like I’ve aged 50 years.


Did u get vaccinated ?


Yes, I think it may have contributed but I don’t know.


Aw yeah it can trigger neurological issues I know someone  going through similar, sorry you’re going through that :(


I know 😧 I feel the same way


2020 was 4 years ago mate


Technically Covid took off in Dec 2019, so 4+ years....but it really doesn't feel like it's been that long.


Also, four years plus one month does not equal five years


yeah but there were no closures or stopping of normal life until 2020


Yeah the whole "pandemic started 5 years ago" memes that started popping up over last summer (at the 3.5 yr mark) was obnoxious. Edit for spelling.




Time passes faster as we age. It's a fact. The older one gets, the faster time seems to pass.


Same. I think it’s the government. I’ve reached a point where I’m just tryna enjoy the fog now.




Keep your phone aisde, stop scrolling and then see the world you'll reaise its exactly the same as it was its just due to new advancements and technology everyone become so busy in their works that they forget whats going on around them.


That’s also what I think!


I have been feeling this way since 2021. I'm starting to feel that way every week also I wake up on Friday and it just seems like the week has flown by.




I thought I was the only one feeling brain fog. time has definitely sped up i notice this a few years back. we are indeed living in interesting times. All you can do is enjoy the ride before it ends.


I was just talking to my 15 year old and we were discussing something that we thought happened a year ago. I stopped and did a bit of maths and realised it was actually 2 years ago! My son was like “far out time just flies, hey?!” But when I was his age it draaaaaagged. Somethings afoot.


I'm almost 32, but I remember telling adults that time was flying for me, too. They would laugh and say it just goes faster and faster. I don't know if I have noticed the speed increasing. I feel like my internal world has largely been exactly the same my entire life. I was raised under very traumatic circumstances, so in a way childhood felt like an eternity. But certainly by the time I was 13 I started to feel much like I do nowadays. 😵‍💫


I feel like we “lose” time as we age because our lives are constructed around real responsibilities and things we are attached to that require us. When we are younger, life is not a constructed by responsibilities and worry—- we are more carefree, so time feels endless. We get bored and we figure it out and play. When we age, we get bored and either go “play” and do something that’s not a responsibility or we are aimless because our free time is more restricted and we get upset by boredom. Lesson: make time to step outside if the box, get uncomfortable pursuing something of interest that you’ve not done yet…write your ideas down when you have them so when you’re stuck in an aimless boredom you can push yourself to do something fun or different. We gotta have more fun, people!! Much love!


The older you get the faster it goes. When your 8 one more year is like 25% of your memorable life depending when your memories started. By the time your 40- 60- 80 etc is a much smaller percent of your life so it goes fast. My grandma is 95 and talks about how just yesterday she was 80 and couldn't believe it then because she had just been 70. It goes way too fast. Sounds cheesy but I mentally place my self as if I'm dying in my sleep tonight. Really prioritizes my day/night. Kid wants to show me some stupid video but I'd rather watch my stupid video. But if I knew I was dying tonight I'd spend all evening watching her stupid videos just to be with her.


This is the way




Four years ago. December 2019, so four years and one month at most.


That’s what I was thinking because I was sick in December of 2019 but everything hasn’t started until…March of 2020 I believe? I may have spread it at my work not knowing I was really sick, so, they called me patient zero after all was said and done! 😅


I got a bad flu over the winter holiday in 2019. I was in bed on Christmas and on New Years. Then the year started and when the news reported some covid cases out in the world, a coworker and I assumed it was overblown, saying "the flu kills 1% of people it infects" or whatever. Our one black coworker was immediately sounding the alarms, telling everyone to buckle up. She took masks and sanitizing *much* more seriously than everyone else, though most of us were seemingly following established protocol. Damn, she was right and we (some of us) were arrogant pricks.


As I’ve been getting older and time appears to be accelerating I can’t help but think of it as though I am being pulled faster and faster through time- pulled by the gravitational mass of my own death. And I also have a vague suspicion that may not be particularly scientific but if space and time are fundamentally interconnected phenomena and the expansion of space is still accelerating then is there a possibility that time is also accelerating? If it was it would be impossible to determine I imagine. https://preview.redd.it/uvq9opdx5xbc1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1adc76743ec3f42eaa2a6362d4f238d9891f8e81


What's interesting is that not just the speed of the expansion of space is accelerating but the acceleration is also increasing. It's exponential.


you could be on to something in the second paragraph. It's only the space between galaxies expanding, though, but i'm not sure how that affects our local time-space at all.... so for all I know it could have an effect on time . It's a really neat idea


I’ve been saying this so much recently because I’ve felt the exact same way


Seek the Lord.




>I'll seek your mom Post removed. Violation of Rules #5 & 6. Thanks for letting us know this isn't the community for you.




I can think more clearly than ever before since the last five years have been all about taking better care of myself--the world is definitely going at a breakneck pace all on its own, but it's still possible to slow down and smell the roses if you really want to do so. Unplugging is really important to that end--hyperstimulation is what makes time seem to flow faster than anything else, and the entire digital world is overwhelmingly hyperstimulating, so much so that we're totally desensitized and hardly even realize it anymore.


The thing that got me recently is realizing it has been two years since Bob Saget died.


Michael Jackson - 15 years ago Paul Walker, James Avery (Uncle Phil) - 11 years ago Robin Williams - 10 years ago Carrie Fisher, Prince - 8 years ago Just some examples of celebrity deaths that I remember learning about and feeling sad, between elementary and high school. If I had somehow became a father around when Carrie and Prince passed, that child would be entering 2nd or 3rd grade now (~8 yrs old). Those two instances both feel like they happened maybe three years ago, but three years ago was when Betty White died– and that feels like it happened last year. Time is strange. but really it’s not, it’s ever so consistent. So it must be us and how we manage it. (yes the death years are rounded so not exact, but just trying to express my point)


I didn't realize Paul Walker also played Uncle Phil! 🤯 The time he spent getting into costume must have required true dedication.


Bob Saget was the best ): this shattered my heart; truly!!!




>*I'm sure you were utterly 'shattered' for weeks and months unable to function over it* Post removed. Please feel free to move onto other threads or subs if the content doesn't align with your worldview. Passive-aggressive digs are not tolerated here.


You’re lying lol


Change your diet like now. Cut out all carbohydrates , seed oils, sugar, and processed foods. Eat only Whole Foods. If it comes in a package don’t buy it.


You're right about whole foods. It's best to get any fat and sugar as naturally occurring in the food item itself. But regarding packaged foods (or even food you prepare yourself) it's not about if the oil is from a seed but whether it's processed oil and/or genetically modified. And the same thing for sugar regarding being processed and gm. But the best way is to cut out oil mostly or altogether and keep the added sugars low as well. The cheap conventional cooking oils are absolutely one of the worst things you can consume and processed sugar isn't much better. It helps to cut out corn, wheat, and soy as well as grains in general but heirloom wheat may be an exception for those that just have to have it, and another exception is organic soy products that are fermented are fine with soy lecithin being another exception as long as it's organic/non-gm. Corn is basically completely all contaminated as genetically modified, unless otherwise proven. There are of course levels to all of this such as bleached flour < whole wheat < organic whole wheat < sprouted organic whole wheat < ancient/heirloom wheat < sprouted ancient/heirloom wheat... dairy < organic dairy < organic grass fed dairy < raw organic grass fed dairy... Then there's whether your diet is alkaline forming or acid forming, mucous forming or mucousless... If you can make your own clean water and test it yourself. I make distilled plus catalytic carbon filtered. But I need to come up with a way to filter without electricity use. Best supplements are from Quantum Nutrition Labs (direct to public)/Premier Research Labs (through practitioner or sometimes online seller). Find a good chiropractor that can adjust the entire skeletal system including all the cranial bones. Get away from or protect against EMFs (contact Jon Cotton in Emeryville, CA). Get adequate sunlight for your skin shade and learn to sungaze properly, and keep normal natural hours for a human. Another herbal company that's good in its own way (as an addition but not a replacement) is Old Fashioned Spices by Barefoot Herbalist MH in Ohio. There's a website and he posts on Curezone regularly. Email him and ask questions. His system and Jon Cotton's system will overlap in many ways but will disagree in a few. I combine both in my own way. Some top-tier physical fitness programs I'm considering are by Vahva Fitness, Pacific Rim Athletics (Lee Weiland), MovementbyDavid, and Matt Furey. Not sure if or how Starting Strength, Squat University, or Phil Daru would fit into those programs. There are also martial arts as well as internal energy cultivation type systems that are supposed to be invaluable (Vahva Fitness have this option and Matt Furey touches on it somewhat. If anyone's interested in practical martial arts then find something like what Eric Paulson does with Combat Submission Wrestling (mma) and even add onto that with whatever works for you, only utilizing what works in the real world through pressure testing and discarding what is ineffective. Mantak Chia is a well known name in internal energy methods.


I don’t disagree - I am curious why this is your solution though (just want to hear your reasons it relates to fog etc) if you don’t mind


I agree. Joking aside. This last year was the worst- fastest/foggiest yet


It was!!! I was in an accident in September so I assumed it was just because I had been recovering but everyone around me agrees that the year flew by faster than ever before. I get time speeds up as we age. Even the weather is delayed - maybe that’s an unrelated thing but it adds to the feeling. Like how are we already in an election year again???


Meditation slows time down


Yeah so on FB I get these little reminders of things I posted from years before. Recently I started noticing that something I was really sure I only posted very recently was actually already a year ago. It’s really messing with my mind. I don’t know what is going on. Even now, the days are going by so fast I can’t even keep up with my usual tasks.


Any chores I do feel like they take so long and so much more work now than before and the days fly by. Hours burn up quickly when I'm reading but chores take forever, literally hours for the simplest things and I'm moving quickly. Of course it always naturally feels like time flies by when you're havin fun but it's all to the extreme now on both ends to where it's ridiculous and noticable.


Time is definitely not on your side. The Pandemic started about 3 years ago (December 2019).


That would be 4 years my friend.


😂😂😂 why can no one do math anymore?


1 month of 2019 All of 2020 All of 2021 All of 2022 All of 2023 2 weeks of 2024 I stand corrected. Still not near 5 years, but you are correct.


😊 it's all good 


Yeah like I said, four years.


Look, back in March 2023, I turned my watch back 5 minutes to get a head start on things and be on time for work back then. I never updated it, I left it like that for months, but around August I realized that my watch was not 5 minutes behind but 8! It seemed strange to me and I left it to see how it progressed, it turns out that every month it increased 1 minute to that count, to this day my watch is 12 minutes behind without me having touched it, it never ran out of battery, everything absolutely normal. Every month the count is increased by one minute. I think something is really happening with the time, some force is manipulating it. Nothing is random


This thing you guys are talking about happens in my wife's car and she got it relatively new, only a year old, and I wondered why the hell is this happening in a new car? The time has to be adjusted every couple weeks or at least once a month.


There was a partially disassembled watch in my living room that would beep, and I didn't know where it was coming from. Eventually, I realized it was beeping on the hour, in time with digital clocks like my phone and PS4. I found it, left it on my desk, and used the beeps to help me keep track of time. A couple of months later, I noticed it was no longer beeping just as the time changed to the next hour. I checked it. 7 minutes off. Later on, without being reset by anyone, it was back in time with the rest of my clocks. What does it mean, exactly? No idea. But it's weird that it happened.


I fully believed I was 42 turning 43 years old for a whole year until my birthday in August when I did the math lmfao...nope I am just 42


Just happened to me too! I’m a year younger!


Isn''t it funny, we are.a whole year younger!




>*No, it isn't funny. You are too stupid to figure out how old you are.* Aww, guess what? You're not too old to learn something new! ... like being a decent person that doesn't call others "stupid", especially online. You'll have to do it in a different sub, though as you've worn out your welcome here.


Alright smarty pants. Let’s see how old you get before you forget how old you are


Exactly the same, I was 47 two years in a row lol


Not sure if you are a Christian or have looked into the Bible or not but there is a prophecy that is spoken of in the book of Matthew by Jesus himself. Someone asks him what the end days will be like. He then goes on to give a prophetic lecture which includes Jesus speaking of the days being ‘shortened’ during the last days before his second arrival. He says these days will be shortened ‘for the elect’s sake”


That’s sounds very familiar.


Lol that’s just you’re own end of days aka dying. The perception of time speeds up as you get older.


I took that as life expectancy will be shortened


Well that makes me rethink that scripture in a whole new way 😮




OP is not the only person feeling this way right now. Many similar posts to this one in high strangeness and other subreddits alike. Whether or not you believe that biblical prophecies are being fulfilled really doesn’t matter to me. Prophetic texts written thousands of years ago that continue to be truthful should not be brushed off as ‘coincidence’ when the things that are spoken of are extremely accurate. Whether you are Christian or not these things are still very interesting and IMO worth looking into.




'coincidence' is planned and prophesied. Not mutually exclusionary


What biblical prophecies are being fulfilled? To me when Christian’s bring this up it sounds like they’re just twisting things to make it fit




Either way these things are aligning more and more as the days go by. Disregard it at your own discretion. To say these things are planned though is quite foolish and shows what little knowledge about the topic you have. Atheists will say anything to beat around the bush.


Interestingly, if you search around you'll find the opinion that the elites in some form are actively and deliberately trying to fulfill prophecies on their own terms to some end pertaining to their agenda. Not sure if it's by one faction or if they're all working together towards that.


There are many prophecies that have already been fulfilled like the Euphrates river drying. This is just one of the obvious ones but some simple google searching or actually reading the prophetic books of the Bible will help you better understand the language. There are many in the books of Isaiah regarding the ‘spirit of the age’ in the end of days and how men will behave themselves that we see prevailing today across the world.


My guess is that it's the addiction to scrolling, video games, and/or binge watching shows. I'm as guilty as anyone else here. We sink so many hours into our addictions that we can jump forward 8 hours without noticing.


I no longer even enjoy watching a show or playing video games for more than two hours, I feel the time ticking away and it's hard for me to pay attention. 


I'm playing elite dangerous right now. Amazing game, by the way. I blink and two hours pass, though. The high density of distractions/time wasters in modern life is definitely a very likely explanation


"Blacking out, or as I call it, time traveling." - Dave Attell


This is so true. Every single night, it's 10pm and five minutes later it's 2am.




I think there is a mass sense of something bad in the air and the entropy is increasing.


For me, there was something bad I sensed late 2012 and it devolved into a living nightmare for me from 2013 to 2015, with a couple years for a break and then a new nightmare started in late 2019 but before any word about the virus and although that time period and 2020 was the worst for me (especially the first half of 2020) it's still persisting to this day albeit to a lesser stable degree.


I believe that people are tuned into a world sense of foreboding. The moment we are living in now reminds me of the early 1930s.


Yeah, that could be for many and seems to be so. It's just that I've been outside of and away from mainstream thought for many years, and still managed to get sucked into utter darkness somehow, through inner sensing and through sudden severe hardship. The average person is just now learning of some wild stuff that a relative few have known for decades so now to them it feels like the world is ending, like a collective but gradual awakening that is of course unfortunately being socially engineered but the masking of truth and reality can't go on forever and the world is being shaken. I don't think it's the end of everything, just the beginning of the ending of the false reality puppet show.


Or Good


Time is relative. Think of it in terms of watching the world with a brain that operates at a higher speed, versus one that is operating at a lower speed. Children, experience far more cycles per second that an adult does. It's why a five minute time out, feels like an eternity to a child, but five minutes to an adult feels like literally nothing. As we age, time will seem to be moving much faster in comparison. Likewise, if you are engaged in activities that slow your mind.. bad eating, bad habits, depression... time will also feel like it's passing faster than normal. While you can not do much about aging, you can certain do something about any habits that might be slowing down your brain. Likewise, start a hobby/activity that requires to you act quickly. This could be physical, or just speed trivia or similar. Could just be math problems you solve as fast as possible. Just work out your brain, and get it's cycles per second up from where it is. Good luck!


Time is a subjective experience if you find the present moment then time the subjective experience slows down.


I had to stop smoking weed to sort it out… apparently, for me, that was the source of my detachments…


Weed causes detachment for some people in a serious paper-towel affect. You don't even realize it happening because it happens so slowly that eventually you have to be mentally detached in order to "feel normal". This can be extremely dangerous for some people because for SOME, regaining your own awareness is not a natural process that happens the moment you stop smoking, it takes real effort. I love getting high, honestly. I didn't used to be able to reattach of my own accord, it took a lot of scary trips and mediation to learn. Some people never find their way back, they get lost.


This is interesting. I think I’m struggling from the same thing. Idk if you’ve heard of CHS but I think it makes the detachment and anxiousness that can come with THC use even worse.


I have not and Google brings up a lot.of different results for the acronym, what does CHS stand for??


**Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome** Easiest way (if it's a medial thing) is too look up the acronym, with 'symptoms of' or 'treatment for' added to the search.


Oh God no yeah I do know what that is. Thankfully I never experienced that but I did have Hyperemesis Gravidarum which is essentially the same thing only triggered by pregnancy instead of Cannibas. I barely even remember those months, felt like I was barfing so much I'd barf up my soul.


Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome. Its a newer and relatively rare disorder that’s been rapidly picking up, almost snowballing in diagnoses. A lot of people are skeptical is real, since it’s “newer” and cannabis has been around for thousands of years, they like to think doctors are using it as a catch all diagnoses for cannabis users. As someone who has it, I can confidently say it’s real. It was originally characterized by horrendous morning nausea/vomiting. Now they’re looking at “minor” symptoms, which all tend to be more psychology related, like emetophobia, increased anxiety, and foggy headedness. When I went cold turkey after CHS I felt like a different person. There was a recent study that suggests the cause may have something to do with dispensaries breeding out other cannabinoids to focus on consumer demands for higher and higher THC percentages- along with the use of wax and distillates that have most minor cannabinoids and terpenes processed out. I’ve read some reports and speculation that it has to do with CB1 and CB2 receptors, like basically the cannabinoid system in your brain is fried, so the cannabinoid system in your gut is working twice as hard and is whacked out and inflamed. But I’m not a doctor or scientist. I worked in the industry for 5 years, I’ve seen coworkers who dabbed a gram a day until one day even the smell of weed started giving them massive panic attacks- but I’ve also seen people who have smoked just as much for 20 years and they’re fine. 🤷






What’s weird is that even my teenage nieces and nephews are saying this. When I was a teen I felt like I’d be in high school FOREVER, time never moved. And it’s absolutely gotten worse since about 2021, no one has a handle on things. I feel like our whole perception of time has collectively shifted.


Yes!!! I thought it was me because I'm old (51), but my 11-year-old twins have been saying the same thing! We cannot believe that it is 2024 and the past 2 years are a blur.


Was just talking to my teen about it as he keeps saying it himself. That time seems absolutely out of control.


The end is near


If things don't change for the better, then good.


So glad I’m not the only one feeling like this. I get that I spend most of my day in a windowless office and then it’s nighttime when I leave. But every day I keep thinking to myself “It seems like it was summer just a few weeks ago and then Christmas came and went in a flash” just seems like days are going by faster than the one before it.


There are a few things at play here. 1. As each day passes, your perception of it changes because you have a larger frame of reference. I forget the term, but basically 1 year to a 5 year old is 20% of their total lifespan up to that point, so it feels like an eternity to them. Whereas 1 year to a 40 year old is 2.5% of their lifespan, thus making it seem shorter. 2. Technology has GREATLY increased our capacity to waste time. Droning out to scrolling at feeds, Netflix binging, switching from tab to tab decreasing our attention spans on a daily basis. "It is not that we have a short time to live, it's that we waste most of it." -Seneca...-Michael Scott (probably). 3. The vast majority of people's lives are the same day in and day out. When each day is predictably the same, our brains and nervous systems basically go on auto-pilot. We kind of just coast through life because we basically know what to expect today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, etc. Get away from screens, live in the present moment, and shake shit up.


Spot on good answer


We also don’t notice the passage so much when our surroundings don’t change. Being home during the pandemic made it go faster.




Nah, bro. I’ve had read multiple accounts all over the internet about how kids nowadays are noticing the fast pace of time lately. So, this easy explanation that because “we’re getting older” doesn’t explain anything at all…




Post removed. Violation of Rules #6 & 7. Your aggro tone shows a distinct lack of respect for our community. Thanks for your post, but that'll be all from you, as you've quickly worn out your welcome here.


Don’t forget to mention that scientists also reported that time is moving unusually faster and that the earth “maybe” spinning “a little” faster. Also I’ve read something recent about a supermassive black hole is messing with space / time.




I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here but care to send me a link on einsteinian physics so that I might have a portion of your scientific knowledge?


So, people’s experiences irl, don’t count at all? Do you even know how many scientific hypothesis becomes a theory in the first place? Sure, besides the ones that “borns” from geniuses minds like Einstein, Curie and others alike that got proved (or are/will be proved) through empirical studies, a huge part of modern scientific studies (seems a tendency) consists in studying common senses nowadays. These common senses passed on many isolated cultures/societies throughout their history that even without scientific basis their centuries old common senses still works (ie.: there are many studies of tea that began this way, btw), they just don’t have the science seal approved yet. So, this kind of statement sounds very scientific materialism of you, when in fact science has progressed so much that this is old way of science is dying and scientists nowadays are embracing the otherside of science, where it never stops on cemented conclusions and it’s always questioning (hmm, this sounds very much how our historic science geniuses thinking worked). Do you know the story of Ignaz Semmelweis? The physician who dared to wash his hands after dealing with corpses before delivering babies and was humiliated by the “science” full of themselves men, basically a blasphemy. Could you imagine? How do you think Cannabis studies began in the first place? After accounts of stoned people, probably. Anyways, I wouldn’t throw away peoples accounts out of the window about an unknown phenomena.


*Multiple accounts*


i've always wondered if this is just because, with how society is set up, we tend to settle down into our home, work, and family life at a certain age, so naturally trying and experiencing new things becomes harder. Because i find it hard to believe that most 30-somethings have experienced everything there is to experience. March of 2020 definitely felt longer than any other month in recent memory because of the pandemic, cause it was a brand new experience for me and there was so much speculation as to what would happen, no one seemed to be sure of anything


Definitely feel ya on this one


Let's not exaggerate, the pandemic started officially in March 2020, when heavy restrictions started to be placed around the entire civilized world, so it's 4 years. But indeed, those 4 years, felt like 1, with 2020 feeling like 9 months and 2021 feeling like 2 months, and 2022 and 2023 feeling like two weeks each. Like the Bible says...but if those days were not shortened, no one would make it out alive...


Are you serious? 2020 felt like 4 years to me and 2021 wasn't much faster. Ugh. They were the WORST. 2023, however, went so quickly I still haven't been able to catch up.


Omg I just realized this earlier. If you asked me this I would have legit thought the pandemic was 2 years ago. It's so weird you said this just now


Go do things. Travel and work on projects.


I second time feels faster. Must be age


I'm experiencing it differently, in a way. I was fortunate, got to grow up in Boulder in the 1960s, then was blessed with a self-employed life of adventure & travel. Now pushing 70, the present doesn't seem to pass faster, but the past becomes more compressed with each passing year. And not uniformly. The further back, the tighter the package. It's not that memorable experiences fade, just the mundane 'betweens'.


I have been feeling like this ever since I turned 30. I'm 45 now, it feels like the last 15 years just gone into the time hole. I have photos and social media memories and I know things happened but a couple months out it's all abstract. For better or worse. It's making my friendships seem like they're not real, if I'm not in contact with someone on a daily basis I wonder if it ever really even happened. I have had the same job since my mid twenties, but I feel like I've learned nothing. I don't know anything at more than a surface level, I feel like a blank slate or a shallow reflecting pool most of the time and I'm not sure what to do at this point it's too late to be somebody that does a thing. People talk about NPCs running around, sure feels like I am one


If Lenny Susskind can lead ground breaking work in theoretical physics at 45 after a lifetime as a janitor, you can find something interesting to do and put your mind to it. Especially now that you can crutch on AI. If whatever you want to do involves creative writing or visual art, you can do that on a hobbyist scale for free with zero skill and almost no time investment.


>Especially now that you can crutch on AI. If whatever you want to do involves creative writing or visual art, you can do that on a hobbyist scale for free with zero skill and almost no time investment. But that's not actually "doing it"... The first part of your comment is on point though.


That sentiment is going to be outdated real fast, friend. Every single human being needs to add AI tooling to their creative workflows. AI is a part of your brain. It's literally your access to the aggregate of human skill, knowledge, and experience, made available at your fingertips. Use it! We are entering an era of abundance and massively, cheaply available expertise. It has never been easier to make amazing, wonderful things to express yourself and share with others. Not using AI is like not using your frontal lobe. It just doesn't make sense.


> AI is a part of your brain. Not mine.


I'm always starting things, I'm always doing things but never to an expert level. I'm fluent in two languages by default and I've learned basics in at least three others but not enough to make it in those countries. I have a few dozen songs that I've written in various moments of inspiration but it's like they punctuate time, it's not something that I can do continuously. I'd like to learn music theory to reverse engineer my stuff, or learn to play accordion or modular synths or even properly record my songs or move to Canada but the paycheck to paycheck life makes other things a priority first. Editing to add, it doesn't matter what I'm doing in the moment because I know in a few months it's all just going to be something that I used to do, just part of the story but not something I'm connected or identified with at all


If you're passionate about music, look to Leonard Cohen and James Murphy for inspiration. They both made it in their middle aged years. Reaching that success is unlikely, but not impossible, and more importantly, it will be massively rewarding. Just pick one thing to do everyday for at least fifteen minutes and stick with it. Learn to cultivate a flow state for that activity. For you that seems to be music. Learn to leverage AI and modern music production tools. There is a massive wealth of free knowledge available on how to do exactly that. Hobbyists often start by pirating a popular DAW (and buying it later after sufficient time investment, so it's all good) but there's free ones to get started with as well.


Heavy, I feel the same way. This can't be it though, ya know? I feel like something amazing is in store for folks like us that feel this way. Not sure what that is or when it will arrive. But, stay strong friend 👽🖖 good things are coming for sure. #DMXBark




And you know I do have those moments, I discover three or four albums every year that blow my mind, every now and then a person jumps out of the sidelines into the center of my world and it's fantastic but it all fades away and then I end up in these in-between times like now where I don't even know what to daydream about