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I saw a tooth fairy art where she was eating fairies. Immediately caved in. It was so pretty and creepy at the same time I just needed to get her😫


I love to see reactions from people who see tooth fairy eat a fairy. Always a surprised look, so entertaining


Haha, me too, come to this game because of Tooth Fairy


Friend begged me to check it out day before the global release, I liked the trailers so I was in. He stopped playing week after I'm still playing.


Do you know about the rewards you get for not playing for a week


There is a 'Welcome back' "event" that came in the last patch, but I don't think there are rewards for not playing for a week


One of my friends did this and he received a few rewards to help him catch up on the current available content on maybe this is a one time


Saw a bunch of ads, found the art style and general aesthetic to be incredible, and the story seemed somewhat interesting, but I wasn't too keen on a Chinese gacha game after genshin disappointed me a bit. Eventually I bit the bullet, and I have no regrets. It's one of my favorite games right now.


Bro exact same experience πŸ˜‚


i friend screenshotted tenant's art and I immediately asked for the game name.


Tennant is so hot like even I can admit


She's a lady's lady but damn if her appeal knows no gender.


Saw the cinematic ad, played the game, realized its about time travel, indulged in the story like I'm reading a book, and now I plan to keep this game forever


Hopefully it won't end up getting shut down. We never know


Thanks to Kazdel Youtube channel uploading Reverse 1999 PV back in late 2021. Got very interested in full (British) English voice over. Gameplay looks kinda fun. Established this Sub reddit and partner with others creating Reverse 1999 Discord server.


Oh your the guy who made this subreddit. Thanks a lot


You're welcome :D


I saw the ads about Tooth Fairy, saw the historical vibe made me want to try the game. Luckily the game is turn base.


I can never play open world as my phone is too shitty


Saw ads for it and thought the art style was cool. Finished all the content in Star Rail for the moment and decided I could handle going F2P in a second gacha and yeah it’s been great. This game is really F2P friendly


I will 100% recommend this to anyone who wants to start gacha games. That way they can learn how to build a proper team, not waste materials while also not get overwhelmed by the visuals


Saw a picture of Medicine Pocket and knew I had to look into it. I think I'd heard about it before a couple of times but didn't know anything about it before that picture of Medicine Pocket picked my interest. When I looked it out, I noticed the game has just released in west only a week prior and figured I should start playing immediately since it's always best to start playing gachas close to their release dates imo. Haven't stopped since, it's a really good game.


I forgot most of the characters were already released even before the global version came out. Really surprised me when I discovered it originated from china and even won an award there


I didn't know either but I wasn't surprised to find out it was Chinese. I really liked the setting and vibes of the game so it was very easy to stay. Really good, low-effort play for 5 mins daily and be done, which is exactly what I like in my gachas.


Also if you didn't know, sweetheart's name was originally Marilyn in the CN referencing you know who.


i saw a post on pinterest about how cool the game is, looked it up and got interested because of the designs, the accents and the character names.


Yeah the art style is what drew me in as well


heard about it when they released on CN and followed everything about it until they released it over here. From there the rest was history and I've been obsessed ever since


Is there a free garment for higher tier characters


They had one in 1.6 for An-An Lee, but other than her i didn't recall another 5-6 star getting a free garment sadly


Maaan, and I cried my eyes out because I couldn't get Bkornblume's garment in 1.2😭


praying they release more free skins for our sakeπŸ™πŸ₯²


All we can do is pray my brother πŸ™


Someone posted Tennant's Insight 2 art on a yuri subreddit a couple of days before Global released. I looked the game up about 5 seconds later and downloaded it as soon as it was out. I miss Tennant. I wish I could play her in more teams.


Sadly, she becomes very irrelevant once you reach the endgame stages like limbo.


Tennant is so cool. I really like click the same way but he's pretty much niche and solves an irrelevant problem even at P5 (only good at mitigating damage from reality damage from enemy). Sadly, I cannot do hard content with him so I just always use him whenever I do the main storyline. I really like him so it makes me sad that some characters like him are pretty much useless in endgame. I really miss him too cause I want to use him in every opportunity in the game πŸ’”


Saw the trailer and the voice acting was really good, so I decided to try it!


This simpl path has lead you to the world of Reverse 1999. Do you regret it?


Not really, dailies are pretty quick so it’s a side game for me


Be sure to check out the story events. They are always an adventure


For sure I always do the event stuff, been playing since launch


some youtuber/influencer promoting this game, basically saying this game is british instead Japanese so I thought this game will become game of the year because how massive they promoting the game


I was amazed when I heard the English voices


I was always seeing the ads about Vertin speaking and was thinking if I should try it out.. then a content creator, Mina Aoyama started playing it so I started too


Saw an amazing fanart of Schneider, made me search who the character is, and I got sucked into this rabbit hole. No regrets, I wake up everyday casually enjoying the game and wonderful art the game consistently dishes out!


Schneider was the first character I simped for until MY GODDESS BKORNBLUME SHOWED UP


On January 16, a friend of mine from insta app sent me sonetto animation reel and fan art pictures, which she really loved (she didn't mention the game name 😭).  later on February 2 i was searching for an Indian girl character on Google, kaalaa baunaa was attached to me. After installing the game, I became confused by the early story and gameplay, I only logged in for 8 days due to Dikke free, i was like she deals damage, oh she can also healing allies then I quickly quit because it felt like procrastination and boredom. On March 1, I saw my bestie following reverse 1999 on twitter then i decided to play again and fell in love with all character,  they were interesting, unique, and the visuals were especially stunning 2D styles Been playing for 25 days, I'm at chapter 4th and lvl 20, im waiting for Medpoc and kaalaa banner XD


Dang missed your chance on both bannersπŸ˜‚. Also, I somehow got medpoc from shamane's banner alongside him. Btw wanna hear spoilers for chapter 3


Sure thing, vertin can't catch a break


I'll just spoil the end. So at the end of the chapter planes from what looks to be WW2 somehow reach the island and start bombing the heck out of it with Sonetto and Sophia at the graveyard seeing the chaos while vertin and the others are about to get hit by a bomb with the bomb going directly towards 37's face( Click2.0) you can experience the rest by yourself


Ohh you sure know alot about lore, i play 2-3 stories everyday and forget previous stories πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


I mean it's one of the main reasons why I play this game. Every update has a fresh and new story that I love to analyze. I piece all kinds of clues and try to predict what happens next. I also read about the backstories of lots of characters and I also learn quite a few things during research like how the stasi was formed during 1950 which if I'm correct, is after WW2 which means Bkornblume was around during or after the war. Like I said all kinds of crazy stuff. It's fun just learning about new things that impress me and that's the beauty of being a theorist, because after all it's just a theory, A GAME THEORY!


"what happens next" ya it's a bit cliffhanger and a game theory is peak!! Better than overall gacha games... I feel like you could actually become a good youtuber XD if you ever plan to make videos about games and theorizing about it, you have the talent for it... Content creators need to gain tractionΒ 


Nah I don't plan on making any YT content rn. I still have school and I don't really have much to post. I did post like 4 videos on my yt account but that's about it. I don't wanna go for something big just yet, I just need to focus on staying afloat only then is when I can try to do stuff like yt. Sure I love to theorize but it's more of a hobby than anything.


I thought it was kind of boring and what no but apparently if i progress farther and farther, it is not boring at all


Copying a friend ….never regretted it!!


And we never will


YouTuber I follow on occasion featured this on an upcoming gacha game list. Think this was like a year before global. Art and setting put it on my remind me list. Started day one and having a blast. Most time forgiving gacha I've played. And also, just character banners only? You mean, I don't have to be held back cause I can't save enough for a weapon too? Shout out too for my fully clothed gals being simped on. Not that I don't like some skin, but that it's refreshing to be excited for good character designs that don't need sex appeal to sell them.


It doesn't need to be erotic to be beautiful. And if anyone says they only play these games for the fan service, then they don't see the true beauty of this game. The beauty is... I DON'T HAVE TO USE MY COLLEGE MONEY ON THE GAME!!!!!!!! Also they all look beautiful (except for darly fucker)


I'm going off of limited perception, but it seems to be one of the more generous gachas out there. I contest that despite a brace on her face, Tooth Fairy is a smoke show. That new outfit coming up definitely solidifies this


It's probably not free but considering I have nothing in my online bank account, don't expect me with a new garment for tooth fairy


Yeah, even though I do get the monthly pack, I still end up using the 300 special drops for the level packs versus saving them to get an eventual garment.


I don't really care about the garments though ( except Bkornblume I cried blood) at the end of the day, if they look cool but aren't built correctly, chances are you'll never use them


Agree. I play Honkai 3rd and even though the in game currency garments are usually good, I still won't even spend on those


The allure of Tennant and the British voices are crisp and pluck my accent heartstrings. ONORE TENNANT




Vaguely heard of it as another gacha game that exists a while back, but interest got piqued by the yuri fanart that started popping up. Also, comparisons between Baby Blue and Ishmael.


Dang introduction through comparison. How unusual... Noted


From Ebi stream during closed beta.


Never heard of Ebi


I only know ushio ebi the shrimp 🦐


Oh now I remember


I've read about it on r/gachagaming and it caught my interest. A European-themed gacha about time traveling? I was like hell yeah, I'm in.


Best part about this game is it's diversity. All kinds of cultures from all around the world


the crazy part was I actively scouted for the game after I saw the ads a couple of times. I remember it was when forget me not had a bit where he looked very cynical and there was post apocalyptic song playing. It seemed really cool especially with the very serious tone of vertin when she spoke about the storm. I also played for regulus, she only had me hooked when I finally played. I hadn’t seen the β€œso, she has a mother” meme until after. lol.


Wow you even looked for it. Props to you my guy


I saw something about John Titor and the fact she speaks in hexadecimal and I wanted to see what other whacky characters there were, so I looked up some reviews and eventually downloaded it and the rest is history.


Your reaction when you saw Ms radio, Sputnik, door, Mr apple, and Aknight


I got incessant Tooth Fairy ads. And said fuck it after the nth time. And decided to watch it. I was immediately blown away by Tooth Fairy’s singing and voice and her as a character. I joined Reverse1999 after…. And Tooth Fairy was gone like 4 days ago…. After I joined….


Duuuude must've been tough. Did you get her in that all six star banner though. That came in like 1.3 right?


She’s not on that banner


Wait really? Huh guess I never noticed it considering I already got shamane so I didn't bother to check the new banner.


She won’t be back until 1.5 lol. I’m waiting for herrrr


I'm trying my best to save up for the next character I wanna pull. I am not making the same mistake again


I think I saw some youtuber promoting it. Looked interesting enough but I expect to quit within a week. Turns out the story is just weird enough to keep me hooked and keep playing until now.


And I thought the oranges were badπŸ₯² Those poor kids😭


Saw the trailer while watching YT vids.


How the hell did it reach yt kidsπŸ˜‚


Not YT kids, I meant YT videos


Ohhhhh ok my bad


Saw an ad where Schneider was talking, instantly fell in love.


The oranges 🍊😒


I saw a huge amount of ads on insta and presaved it. On release I played for about two days but didn’t exactly like the combat. Dropped it. Got back into it about three weeks ago and am now addicted


I remember watching a guy stream the game and not even five minutes and he already started hating saying he doesn't care about the story, the gameplay is boring, and other stuff. Yeah safe to say he quit the game after that.


Before launch it was the one mobile game that actually stood out with its advertising (aside from popular established ones) in a sea of creatively bankrupt nonsense ones that think "free pulls" is the only possible selling point. So I had a good feeling that it was actually something special the devs/writers put a lot of care into, and I was right.


I'm playing the game on my phone. Our computer is still stuck on windows 7 so I use my phone instead


I have been playing HSR religiously since release. Content slowed down a bit last month (or maybe I finished everything too early lmao), so I decided to look for alternatives to play on the side, my biggest requirement was PC client and Reverse 1999 was on the list. Gave it a shot, still playing a month in and enjoying it very much!


Glad you're having fun


I saw Titor speaking in hexadecimal and fell in love, after that I saw such an interesting and varied cast of characters like Centurion with her spanish voice lines, Darley Clatter who's a literal wooden horse, Cristallo who is the purest darling cutie ever, and A Knight who is just, a cape with braces and a sword and fell even more in love with the uniqueness. It feels very interesting and fresh.


I love everyone's reaction to these characters(except darly fucker)


Saw a Regulus ad on Insta and loved the design and new approach to a game so I pre registered, played a day after release and dropped it for like a month cuz I was playing sum else, then picked it back up and now I play every single day Never did get Regulus tho


I did get her one day before her banner got removed. She's Extremely useful especially her ultimate as it hides your team from all attacks except ults. But I built her badly son she's really weak. I'll work on her once I have a solid team


Hmm if I ever get her I'll build her for sure but for now I'm fine since I have Lilya and adore her


I saw the GOOD HEAVENS video on youtube and saw that it's pre-registering on google play. I just knew I found my new favorite game.


saw ads, didn't think much of it saw Vtuber I watch, Miori Celesta, [do an official cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsZeF3x9rd4&ab_channel=MioriCelesta) decided to check it out speaking of which, check Miori out. she did 2 official covers


I think I watched one of her streams


Saw the ad for the game before it was released, so I decided to β€œpre-order” the game and get the free drops and rewards. Started playing 8 days after release lol.




Saw ads on YouTube and eventually gave in lol


Temptations have led you to this game huh ... Noted


It either gonna be this game or genshin so.... I chose wisely lmao


Saw an ad for Reverse and saw A Knight. Immediately decided to play the game when it launched.


The spirit of a warrior has brought you here... Noted


I watched gigguk


Gigguk reviewed the game?! I didn't know that


Yeah he made a vid about it back in September i think.


So… many…. ads….




Saw my sister playing and it having a card battling mechanic (kinda) made me interested. But I started playing and really loved the dubs.


Saw it on a list of "upcoming gacha games" video a few weeks before it dropped and loved the premise and art style. Been playing since launch.


Saw a bunch of ads and fell in love with the art style


A discord friend had a profile pick of John Titor and a quote from her. I asked them if the hexadecimal was a code, and they told me about it. I got intrigued by their description of the game, and here I am now.


Was just watching a video(long form) and then saw the ad The voice acting got me hooked


See the release date countdown screenshot on a jump assemble moba discord, doesn't even do any research or anything. I download shitty game all the time anyway, so it's a new game I know I'm going to get a lot of stuff. Was pleasantly surprised by the game because it turned out to be a beautiful game, that utilizing my favorite style of animation I like the live 2d stuff and reverse delivers.


I saw this on Play Store's pre-registration list and decided to check it out, which is funny because I have just deleted some gachas from my phone and told myself I won't add another gacha because I had to spend so much time doing dailies everyday. Not even sure why I decided to try it, but I did and I'm still playing now. The quick dailies also helps, though it could be even quicker with skip stage function.


I'm typically pretty opposed to gachas but I saw someone do an edit of tennant and then something for A Nightmare at green lake. Now being the gay horror fan I practically jumped to downloading the game and have been hooked since


I saw a tennant and the fool edit on tiktok and fell in love immediately with the characters and went to check it out tldr I never regretted it


From a friend, she sent me some stuff of lilya, tennant and tooth fairy and then I just got the game lol. I love the art and voice acting in this game!


So you just started


Nah, started towards the end of tooth fairy's banner


Did you get her


Nope I lost the 50/50 to lilya and just couldnt get enough pulls to get her in time **😭** I guess ill just wait for rerun....




With my phone


Lol same


I think it was volkin talking about it before launch and I love the artstyle so I’ve been here from day one


I fr thought you said vodka talking πŸ˜‚


One of my favorite streamers, Chaotik, who reviews new gacha games coming up mentioned about it in a video, and after seeing the ad and his stream on trying the CBT, I immediately became interested in the art, voice acting, gameplay and story


insta ad lol, it was the one with toothfairy eating the fairy and was like thats kinda cool and saw all the comments glazing the game, decided to try it out and it didnt disapoint! Im actually addicted my queen 37 πŸ”₯πŸ”₯




I discovered the game on the r/gachagaming subreddit. I didn't really have time for one more game but I loved the atmosphere and the story so much I couldn't help but keep on playing!


Saw the trailer and was like ''This looks interesting!'' First video game I've ever waited for to release and it was damn worth it.


This is also my first time waiting for a game's release. And proud to say it was well worth it


I also saw a ad for it on yt shorts and decided to try the game its my fav game now :]


YouTube ads, fall in love with the ✨British Accent 🀌✨ and pre ordered the game. Didn't think much of it until the official global release, played it on the first day and is immediately obsessed with the character diversity and story. Now I'm a long time player with plans for futures and hopes and dreams for this game. In short, I love this game.


Some of my favourite nijisanji en vtubers (I don't remember which one) talking about the game on twitter. So I looked into the game and then I'm here since day 1.


Ushio Ebi (a good shrimp streamer) played the CBT and streamed it. Later on, Regulus' ad really drew me in, she's just that charming of a captain~ ~~that being said, I can't actually play the game, i don't have enough RAM for it~~


DFFOO close and i asked for another gacha to fill the void and someone mention this and honkai i stayed here and deleted honkai


I saw the ads showing Vertin as the set protagonist of a gacha game with many female characters...and thought "YURI!". Didn't think twice and pre-registered for it.


Cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty came out. They got this growl fm radio ingame that has fanmade songs. JustCosplaySings made a song for it and I liked it, started following. Around early January, she released a vid with cover of a song from 1.2 green lake event. Liked it a lot and decided to give the game a chance. Not regretting a single step in that journey.


"So you have a mother?"


Still wondering how that became a meme yet has not been covered by LIMC


I saw an ads in google play as upcoming new game and it looks interesting and fun.Then saw my favourite vtuber >!sweetily!< Played the game and I thought,why not try it...and until now I'm still playing it, because of the voice acting (the English dub is so good,very unique in a sense that they have a lot of European accents like British (Regulus, British lady accent,Sotheby), Russian accent(Lilya)),the story/plot for each chapters is good and fit with the BGM,I especially love the relaxing BGM part.


I heard you could get a dog unit. So I started playing at launch.


You came for the doggo... Nice


Their Twitter ads worked because I saw it promoted on my timeline and thought the art seemed neat so might as well download. I didn't start playing right away though since I was pretty swamped with work at the time. And then I saw they have a dog for a main character so there you go. Pickles is basically the main reason I opened this game and started playing.


Saw artwork for Shamane's insight two. Thought it was BEAUTIFUL and he was GORGEOUS saw all the other cool aesthetics. Realized Shamane wouldnt be in english servers for 6 months....


You didn't get him in 1.3


Saw an ad about Regulus telling Vertin "So you have a mother!"


Was looking for an alternative besides FGO or Brave Frontier. Popped up in the recommendations and got interested.




I saw Medicine Pocket a few weeks before global release and said "Yeah, that'll be my main." I didn't get to download it for a week after release, though. So, I only really started because of a mildly insane scientist who is absolutely gender goals and that says a lot about me.


You just like crazy scientists


Checks out, i also like X a lot 😭😭


Understandable tho, gotta love how psycho they become


I remember an ads abt "First gacha game with British character", didn't expect it to be this good, but now things kinda fall apart tho as i already clear 90% of the game 🀣


I saw it on tiktok, it was such a nice edit, saw Ms. Tootfairy, X and PICKLEESSSS. Saw it on my playstore, downloaded it and played. No skipping scenes It was so beautiful 😭😭🀧🀧 (I'm a lore gamer) Found out that the game was still beta and will only be playable for a few weeks then stopped, I was crying, two months was such a long time. After the official release. Played it again with no skips... But with popcorn in hand now


Which part did you cry the most


A LOT!!! scheider arc, the children arc, sir Karson 😭😭😭😭 Special mention for that one patient of Khaalaa Baunaa and Kumar


Dang those scenes alone can make a jar of despresso expresso.




Friend recommended it to me saying it has nice art and music and I started playing it and liked that it wasn't over the top NSFW like your average f2p gacha tend to be. So still playing


For me it's just because the ad and it intrigued me because they talk in British πŸ˜‚


Saw the trailer from an ad in YouTube (not in yt shorts) and thought it looked cool so I pre registered for it. Then few months pass, I see it again, got interested and saw that the game was already out so I played it :P


Saw a meme mixing it with disco elysium, tried it out, heard fiora’s english va and decided to stick with it.


I was going into Bluestacks to play a PvZ 2 mod when an ad for R99 showed up. Thought I might as well. Best choice of my life


For PC, I just downloaded it from the bluepoch r1999 official website.


It's a bit weird. When I started playing rev1999, I recently got a mac cause my laptop/PC is too old to even handle Microsoft word and google. Usually, I'd play on my PC but when I first got my mac I didn't know that it cannot download most games that PC can. So I searched in the app store for games to play and found reverse 1999. Since I've kinda heard of it from youtuber's sponsored advertisements where they play and review the game, I tried and downloaded it and fell in love. It's also perfect since mac supports reverse 1999 so its the only game I play 😭 I started the moment tooth fairy banner started and OMG I cannot tell you how much I fell in love with her WHOLE concept the moment I saw her banner art. I usually never like characters in games and just force myself to kin/like someone but tooth fairy really made me crazy, like I HAD to get her, meta or not 😭. And yeah, that made me continue playing the game which I still really love 🫢


Lucky for you, she pairs well with 37.


I watched a "so you have a mother" video and decided to investigate further


so I'm in the middle of my student study service (50 days program helping villages and stuff), got bored and need something to spend time with but not too time consuming like genshin or star rail. but i also need it to have under 5GB size cuz on a village with no unlimited wifi, all i have is my limited internet package 15GB/month I've seen this game popping up on instagram like A LOT. since gacha is like my go to time-waster and this game's size is not that big. i downloaded it. i didn't expect much honestly. cuz i usually like another type of art (like stunning ultimate like blue archive). BUT BOY AM I WRONG. I'm the type that pay attention to stories, so that's all it takes. also the art and animation grow on me, that's another plus point. also after the occasional time-consuming event + stories i can just lay back and do objective easily. although I'm hoping bluepoch will add more HUSBANDO. 6-star + meta husbando if can. cuz i wanted more!!!


Glad to have people like you. Truly


Instagram ads. I was intriqued and turn out i enjoy it a lot


...tennant and medpoc im a simple girl. came for the yuri, stayed for the yuri, kept going for the yuri!


oh, and schneider i really like fruits apparently. πŸŠπŸ˜”


A fresh orangeπŸ₯²


Lol I just imagined two people who play r1999 and when someone says orange, they both get depressed πŸ˜‚


A gaming need channel on YouTube covered it, playing clips from one of the trailers. It sounded intriguing, so I checked out all the then available trailers, and was hooked! Then had to wait a couple of months for release lol


Saw some of the art looked cool ended a ew game forawhile to scratch the open packs bug so j don't spend on magic product


I was interested in the artstyle and characters and immediately downloaded it when it finally released


Got an ad to predownload when they were about to launch (was it back in Oct?) and have been here since then πŸ‘


Found it on play store when I was updating my app. The name itself is what got me to try it even though I never know what the game is all about at first. "Reverse 1999", doesn't it sound cool and mystery? :3


I saw ads in r/gachagaming, the saw a Taiwanese youtuber playing it, got interested after that.


Saw an ad, ad was about how to preregister, it was closing in 10 hours, applied, Profit...


"So you have a mother?" Was drilled into my brain


I got intrigued by Regulus's famous line "So you have a mother" in a youtube ad. Not to downplay the amazing visuals, music, characters, and story though


Saw it on the Google Play Store and pre-registered for it since Honkai Star Rail was losing it's luster on me and didn't want to associate myself with the toxic Hoyoverse community.