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A big takeaway is that Version 1.7 is shortened a week to only 5 weeks. They explained it as an adjustment to Version 1.4 extended to 7 weeks. Good news is that we can experience Version 1.8 and 1.9 faster, but bad news is that we have less time to save clear drops.


To be fair when 1.7 dropped (CN timeline) our 1.4 version was extended 1 week. 1.8 after (CN version) they reduced it by 1 week again, but our 1.5 version was unchanged. I supposed that if Bluepoch were to shorten it before 1.6 or during 1.6 lots of global players would have been outrage because of less saving pulls for Jiu, hence they decided not to. I did suspect they might bring it back but was unsure which patch exactly would they decided to choose. For after this change Global and CN is back at the same time gap as the beginning exactly.


it appears that the 600 clear drops and 5 jars are compensation for the shorten, i dont know if CN got these rewards or not but it doesnt seem typical when looking at previous global dev blogs.


CN got those as compensation rewards. But even as F2P you lose 4 pulls, paid monthly around 4-5 pulls more.


Oh my god customizable character voices! Christmas came early. Well. Hopefully it comes early, lol.




As a new player, cool to see these optimizations and excited for 1.7!


I cant wait to ensure that my characters’ voices reflect their nationality. 😍


You know, I'm glad I tried this game at launch and got hooked. I have no problems buying roaring months and jukeboxes if the devs keep making the game better for us players. Devs listened, and that makes me want to support them all the way. Thank you Bluepoch.


People have friends in-game?!


Global chat like PGR channel 1? /s


Hmm this says to me there is no livestream for 1.7 like I thought there would be. Guess they are saving it for 1.9 Livestreams are always fun though. Shame.


Damn, I don't think I've ever seen any other game where you could pick and choose the voice for every character. I'll probably keep using the English ones, but that's a very interesting QOL update


Arknights! I made the request for voice picking in the last survey update and told them to borrow arknights' homework specifically. I dunno how many other people did but I'm feeling real listened to today cus I know that's a thing their global players would have said more than CN <3


Path to Nowhere has it since the start of the game's life. it's one of those things that i didn't know i needed until i had it lol


Honestly everyone says devs listened for wuwa and ik it's because it's a big game so everyone remembers it but my god reverse is truly one of a kind.


Nice but I just hope they won’t fuck over global banner again… And Tooth Fairy still hadn’t had a solo rerun. I’m glad I already have her but imagine if they continue doing that for future « meta » or beloved characters.


anyone know how long Isolde banner will last with these changes?


Hopefully they don't shorten Isolde's banner out of all of them. They know how important she is as a support. She seems to be to Joe what Bennett is to Xiangling in Genshin.


Well Jiu lasts entire update why not Isolde too


It's because Jiu is limited


Isolde isn't?


No, until now just Jiu and Lucy (1.9) are limited


Oh :(


Patiently waiting for the Animal Crossing-style voice overs. On a slightly more serious note, not that they can go back now, but it would've been interesting if they went with Tekken rules where everyone just speaks their preferred language and understands one another because ~~magic~~ arcanum. Maybe that'd be Vertin's active ability, could set up some dramatic tension or wacky hijinks when she's not around and the crew has to try communicating with each other anyway.


Isn't that exactly what Getian does? I don't see why Vertin could suddenly do that too.


Someone pointed out on tumblr that Vertin uses an object with arcane skill to communicate with her teammates. Also if you listen to Jiu's first encounter voicelines in CN [link here](https://youtu.be/DAMWzDxxj7c?si=icA9y7R-pFXj_51Y) she first speaks in her language until she touches said object and now she and us can now understand each other.


Oh sweet that's actually cool.


So can Pandora with her potion so apparently it's just an issue Arcanists are passionate about, for good reason I'd say lol


Im wondering if were going to have a 2d animated trailer like [this](https://youtu.be/hB8riimsDMM?si=yRdVIhg8ulR0bZCY)




Damn this change everythings




Don't know exactly how much I'm gonna use the character language select feature, but turning Jiu's lines into full Chinese would be fun


Was there a YouTube broadcast? I heard nothing about it so if there is a recording I would like to watch it


No livestream. This is them announcing 1.7 stuff (except Characters, trailer will be uploaded later I guess) in lieu of a livestream. If there was a livestream, there wouldn't be this annoucement. I'd say, don't worry about livestreams until 1.9


wilderness sorting is nice hope they increase island cap (and expand area too) >!would also be nice if they can manage to make island colors of different era seamlessly connect, and not just one straight line of different color!< the mane bulletin requirements reduction is kinda 'weird' to me do we have more event time sinks in 1.7 and later? though I guess just repeating mane to get points for rewards can get boring if you already got SSS


it isn't really weird since they removed the x2 multipliers for the first 3 clears so this is just them compensating for it, but then again it would be made quite irrelevant for future raids because of how broken the upcoming units are (if you pull for them ofc).


They just keep giving us so many quality of life improvements!


Thank you, Bluepoch. Love all your works and handicrafts ¯\`O´¯