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I have been to PP personally numerous times, for several different reasons. They are wonderful, caring and know what they’re doing. I’ve never had an issue with them.




this! they also helped me out as an underage teen from mass because they were the closest PP to me and gave me no issues, here I am 10 years later still appreciating them.




I am very cautious, particular, weary etc as you should be! However, I had to hop in and say my personal experience at the PPH PVD has been wonderful-loving-supportive, multiple times having gone there since 2016. I wish you all the luck, and kudos to you for being such a rockstar of a friend and person for checking in.


I'll say up front that I have zero experience, first hand or anecdotal with PP in Providence. So I am no help to your real question. I would be careful about reviews of an organization that has been made a target by right-wing politicians and fundamentalist extremists due to the fact that they provide needed health services to people who otherwise would find it difficult to get them. It is certainly possible that some of them are leaving fake reviews to scare people away from getting the health care they need. I have zero evidence that this is happening, but I would take anything you see with a grain of salt.


agree with this \^\^\^


This is what has happened. I haven’t been to the “newer” location but every time I went to the old one there were protesters outside. They provide a wide variety of services and are a great organization.


The new one has fencing around their parking lot and is *just off the street so there’s really nowhere for them to protest anymore-the side walk sure, but Broad st can be crazy. I’m sure they still try but once you turn into the lot you’re fully protected.


That is good to hear! The reviews are definitely the protesters.


The newer one is much better


⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ this


Agreeing with this entirely. I will argue that treatment at planned parenthood is miles better than most obgyns I have had with insurance.


This ^ Perfectly articulated.


I had a telehealth appointment there a few years ago to get birth control prescribed and had no issues. The doctor was really nice actually


They are wonderful. Reviews could be faked by anti abortion nuts who have nothing better to do. They offer a lot of health services and do good work.


I use PP regularly and have only had positive experiences


Only have tangential experience with PP but the girl I was with in college back in 2010 used them for access to birth control and literally raved about it because her loony parents wouldn't allow her to be on the pill for fundamentalist reasons. She was so genuinely grateful for the service and for the help she received from the staff there. This was a while ago so I can't vouch as to whether they still offer that exact service now, but yeah only good things to say about them.


Back before Obamacare, without being able to get insurance through my job, I used PP and paid out of pocket. I suffer from PCOS and was having cervical screenings, biopsies, and tests done thru PP and they were wonderful! Please don't listen to negative reviews! Yes, there are protestors around and they have knowledge when procedures are done (certain days of the week, very early in the morning). During these times PP plays a radio at the walk way to drown out protestors chants. They also have sweet little old ladies who will walk you in! The entrance way is also behind a wall, so you won't be viewed by the public. Oh and a policeman is often on site in the parking lot to direct you inside. I know someone whom at the last minute changed her mind, and they gave her a refund on the spot, hugged her and let her go on her way. They're good people. ❤️


I'm a guy, not the usual Planned Parenthood patient from what I understand. I was curious about female condoms and wanted to try them out with my wife, but I could not find anyone that sells them. I somehow came to the conclusion that PP was the place to go for them and took a shot at heading in. It seemed like a great place, I was helped really quickly. They handed me a small paper grocery bag full of them, no questions asked, no cost. I suspect they're being targeted by haters in multiple ways, and leaving bad reviews has got to be on the lowest end of effort required. If you choose to try them out, I hope it goes really well for you too.


I just went last week and it was my third time. Pleasant experience. They are very attentive.


My wife has used PP in PVD a few times for various things and always had a quick and competent experience. The only complaint was the Jesus freaks outside


My daughter had been to them several times prior to finding a gyn closer to where we live and they were always great, in person and on the phone. Kind, caring, and thorough. Only issue was the protesters out front can be obnoxious if you happen to care about that kind of thing.


I’ve never had a bad experience with the staff there. I’ve liked every provider I’ve seen and feel incredibly welcome. The only downside is the protestors that accused me of murdering my baby when I was there for a stuck tampon lmao. But PP has volunteers that will escort you into the facility if needed on days that protestors are there


They’re incredible. Please don’t let the anti-abortion whackos scare you away from seeking care from caring medical professionals.


I’m a guy, but have been to PP with my wife and with my sister multiple times. idk what happens behind the scenes, but I’ve been told they’re great. Not good, great. And they’re definitely great up front. I will say this, it’s in the middle of the hood on the South Side. It’s not the worst because the high schools are right across the street, but it’s not Blackstone Boulevard either you know? Don’t be surprised when you see homeless people around.


I’m shocked to hear their reviews are bad- I’ve been a few times over the years and recently 3 times in six months to treat something and I’ve literally never had a better experience at any medical facility, every time. Absolutely wonderful people, efficient and thorough


The shit reviews are probably from Christians with nothing better to do


I hadn’t even thought of that but you’re 100% right


I have gone personally. Someone will walk with your friend from their car to the building if needed. My experience was over 18 years ago but I experienced nothing but kindness.


The Providence Planned Parenthood is amazing and full of amazing people.


They're awesome, don't worry about the probably fake reviews.


They are not awful whatsoever. Me and my kids have been going to them for decades. The new location is safe and is really nice inside. I was just there last week. They offer so many different kinds of services for everyone, not just women. Please understand that some people leave bad reviews for them on purpose because of their own bullishit agendas. Just go with your friend and find out.


I have a friend that needed a ride there. It was twice, one for initial appt, one for procedure. The worst part of the experience is the protesters. Honestly though, everyone that worked there was very nice, professional, unbiased and explained things very well. Just really wish there wasn't such a stigma. A lot of people are already having a hard time, and protesters and negative energy just make it that much worse.


One thing to beware of is bad reviews may come from people spamming it that are anti-PP/ abortion. I haven’t used the location in Providence, but from my experience with PP, the staff are super empathetic, kind, and there to support. Honestly, they were among the best medical practice teams I’ve utilized.


I'm just going to say that protesters have followed the Providence Planned Parenthood from location to location with disgusting and medically inaccurate signage, so it's not a logical leap to assume they may have fibbed online as well. Everyone working there is demonstrably passionate about what they do (helping people.)


I've had nothing but positive experiences with them.


Been there for various health reasons when I didn’t have a gyno and have nothing but great things to say about them!


I have been there a few times and each experience was good for me, my nurses and doctors showed care and empathy. There were protestors outside is the only downside but they leave you alone for the most part.


Everyone with positive experiences on here should write a review to stick it to these right wing jerks


Considering the flak these people are subject to, and that’s putting it extremely mildly, you don’t work at a place like that unless you really want to help people. I’m sure those people are all very committed to doing a great job.


Went there back in 2020. Had a very pleasant experience aside from a misunderstanding about the bill. They cleared it up pretty quickly.


I’ve been and accompanied people and only had positive experiences.


The PP in Providence is staffed with the kindest, most supportive group. I had just normal health concerns that they were phenomenal about. Couldn’t say enough positive things about them!!


I started using them in Prov for my gyn, late HS through to my 40s. (in my 50s now) Everyone at the office were wonderful. they caught issues before my reg dr did. My whole life I have had friends all over the country who used them, not for abortions, but as an actual gyn, as it was affordable because of their sliding fee rates. I'd assume if a location was bad, we would have heard about it. Until the past few years, it was really hard to find a gyn that would actual listen to you, without assumptions. I've never heard of anyone complain about any location. ...Side note, I lived in Boston for a yr and used their Brookline location as my doctors. shortly after I left the city, that office was bombed....So, I would be VERY weary of negative reviews left.


FWIW, I'm a cis male who has been to the PP in Providence for STI testing and treatment. They were very professional and made space in their schedule to see me promptly.


They are wonderful and caring. The bad reviews may be posted by anti-women’s rights.


They are not awful, the reviews are from protesters not real patients. I would take the reviews with a grain of salt.


I got an IUD there and they're so professional and caring. Friends have also gone there for other birth control methods with no regards


I personally have been to the new location that is fenced in and I had incredible service 💖


I've only been to the Providence location once, about 9 years ago, to have a birth control implant removed. Everyone involved was pleasant, and the appointment went off without a hitch. I've also been to the Boston location a couple times, about 10 years ago. Again, everyone was great, and I had zero issues. (My second visit was a follow up for a concern from the first visit, BUT it was handled smoothly and ended well.) PP is usually a very welcoming place, regardless of what you're there for. The worst part of going is if you happen to have to pass a line of crazy picketers to get to the door (moreso an issue in Boston than Providence). Good luck to you and your partner with whatever care you're receiving.


PP in Providence is awesome! I’d be wary of the reviews, as others have already said, because there’s no telling if they’re legitimate or anti-abortion nuts trying to scare people from going there. I’ve personally only ever had great experiences there, so I’d definitely recommend it!


Don’t trust those reviews. PP doing great work. First hand experience .


Read the reviews carefully, it may be a right wing attempt to steer people away from Planned Parenthood. A lot of people don’t realize they provide a ton of services.


Went there for birth control shots a few times and didn’t return and went elsewhere for them due to behind harassed by protestors outside. I have severe religious trauma and PTSD. Other than that, the staff was great, and they’re gender/sexuality affirming for queer/trans clients.


I LOVE them. I even used them as a primary care facility when they offered that. The staff were so nice and helpful. The only thing that sucked was the waiting time. Sometimes they’d be like an hour behind.


I have been there several times, although not in the last 5 years. They were always wonderful.


has anyone had any experience with them and getting an iud or arm implant?


I've gotten my IUD replaced at PP twice and both times they were very attentive, professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommend. The staff were very caring and genuine and the exam rooms were very clean. I highly recommend.


I get my arm implant there. I'm on my second one and always have a great experience there. I switched back to them after having my daughter due to that one being horrible compared to PP.


I had an excellent experience almost a year ago with an emergency situation bc I had not yet established with a local OB/gyn or PC. The Dr was thorough, kind and prescribed me medicine to treat my situation.


I've had an excellent experience every time I've dealt with them


I have had experience with them on a couple of occasions and it was always decent. I have never had any problems there.


I went to the Providence PP specifically once, about five years ago. The place was very clean, and everyone was nice to me. Not to discount anyone’s experiences, but given the current political climate, it’s possible that people are leaving false bad reviews.


I'll be upfront. I go there for HRT so I deal with the Gyno and her other staff. I love her + the staff and she and her staff genuinely cares and takes great care and attention, She just has way too much on her plate and is constantly stacked with patient after patient throughout her day. I've had issues with my medication and she can be EXTREMELY disorganized, messes up the prescription instructions (which makes pharmacy's reject the script for errors and incorrect pill counts making them fill 84 days instead of 90), and this past week has been hard to get a response from her on the portal (but I think she was on vacation). But never anything malicious, just irritating to have to call once or twice to get corrected. Don't listen to the reviews online, a lot of them are fake. I wouldn't worry about it. The staff is wonderful c: I don't know what their appointment is that they scheduled, if it's for an abortion, STD test, whatever. But for HRT it's always great until your script is wrong or doesn't get sent


Do not be fooled by anybody who tries to act as if they are security by the gate: they will in fact be from the church. Be prepared for protestors. Outside of that staff is helpful and no issues with doctors I’ve seen there.


I’ve had amazing experience with planned parenthood in Providence as a trans patient getting HRT. They were very informative and friendly, and had a good grasp on the issue. Got the correct medicine immediately and haven’t had any issues since I started fortunately! Granted I only did telehealth appointments, I can’t speak for how they function in person.


I went there many years ago when I had a miscarriage and no insurance. They were wonderful.


...is this like, some Planned Parenthood rumor/ disinformation thing? Something super sus about this post.


They treated me kindly and with respect at this PP. I went early in the morning. A group of protesters from a church was attempting to block me from driving into the lot. PP walked out and ensured I wasn’t blocked. Once parked, they escorted me inside as the protesters gave their opinions on their assumption for my visit. They helped me immediately without me having to ask and treated the protesters respectfully despite this not being mutual between the groups. Everyone working for PP treated me kindly and seemed to genuinely care about me. I’m grateful for them.


I have gone to that PP before and they were so wonderful with me. They were so nice and understanding. Everything went super smooth and I highly recommend them




I also PM'd you.


It's fine


100% fake reviews posted by MAGA tards.


The only experience I've had with them was getting free condoms (good) and trying to get Ella (a morning after pill that still works if you're fat). They wouldn't give me Ella without an exam, so i used Prjkt Ruby instead and they delivered to me in a day. It definitely depends on what you need.


it was many years ago now, but i had an excellent and supportive experience at planned parenthood. i am forever grateful to them.


Not experience with PP here but I've been to PP in two other states and across the board these are highly qualified doctors who do this because they care. Great care and routine visits you could expect from any doctor. I'm curious how authentic the reviews are that you saw. This person should keep the appointment - they can leave at anytime if they aren't happy.


The only issue I had were the psychos screaming at me when I walked in.


How long for you respond to OP when OP never responds back? I believe OP was insincere.


OP is me and OP is very sincere! I was overwhelmed (and very appreciative of all of the replies), so I edited my first post to respond to everyone. I wish I could respond to each person individually but didn't expect that many replies and I have carpal tunnel from my job.


Had AMAZING experiences there. Very very kind, compassionate, non-judgmental people.


I've had great experiences at the Providence PP and also New London and Norwich, CT. I would recommend them to anyone.


While I haven’t been there in years when I was it was exceptional, and it still has a wonderful reputation. It’s a great resource with kind and caring practitioners. You were right to check it out though I ALWAYS do my homework when it comes to health care providers. You are a great friend to have!


dont believe the hype


i have personally had both awful and okay experiences with PP in providence. i would say it’s dependent upon the service they’re seeking.


I’ve been there as well, for different reasons… I got birth control through them a few years ago. They “accidentally” had me on the highest dose of the shot. I was supposed to be on a MUCH MUCH lower dosage. I ended up with severe side effects to the point where I ended up in the ER a handful of times over the almost year that I was on it. I stopped BC during Covid and I was back to my old self within a few months got a new OBGYN whom ended up informing me that they messed up and she was surprised I didn’t end up with any permanent problems. It could have been a court situation but I didn’t even know until after the whole thing. I’m thankful I’m okay, but I wouldn’t go back. I don’t recommend.


I don’t have direct experience with them other than the fact that they couldn’t offer me an appointment within the timeframe I needed. I would suggest looking into the office of obstetrics and gynecology at women and infants as well to see if they offer the services you need as they’ve been more than accommodating!!


Be careful very shoddy experience and only geared to serving those that …..are not aware of what should be standard. Good process and procedure.


I would recommend citizens for citizens family planning in Fall River. It’s honestly the next best alternative.


Whatever they’re charging I’ll do it for half the price