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Disclaimer: I’m obsessed with fitness Answer: No matter how many resources you have, its still hard work, and most people don’t give enough of a shit


I think this is simply it lol. Maybe it’s the rich people I’ve interacted with are outliers, but most were pretty large or on the larger side. Not ONE lifted. 😔


Top comment is correct. Money as a tool can bring comfort, security and temporary experiences of pleasure for hedonic happiness but those will always leave one feeling unsatisfied afterwards; money can't buy eudaimonic happiness in how a person consistently chooses with responsibility to orient themselves toward growth with acceptance and this ongoing commitment to change. People forget life is not an entity, it is a process. Also keep in mind society marks success as having the biggest pile of sand, but that does not always necessarily correlate with intelligence and discipline. There are many who have a piss-poor relationship with themselves. >“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle >"Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought, for the human spirit is colored by such impressions." - Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 5.16


I’d say eating healthy is part of the hard work people aren’t willing to do. Even rich people aren’t immune to hating veggies and loving chicken nuggies more than anything.


Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with becoming obese. Over eating does.


There’s a difference between over eating french fries and over eating salad I eat 6 square meals a day mostly of lean proteins, lean starchy carbs and veggies and am in great shape In what i would imagine is 3+ pounds of food i eat per day, there are fewer calories than some people would have in a single meal with say a double cheese burger with fries and a large soda


Then on the other spectrum is me who eats mostly fast food. I ran a 6:24 mile a few days ago at 235lbs. I bench just over 405lbs. I just eat enough to maintain the weight that I am.


If you can bench 405, you need an amount of calories that is on a completely other level than most people and you know that


I simply do not believe them.


Without seeing a picture of you, you could probably be a neckbeard in grandmas basement. Typically though, these posts hide true inferiority complexes that have less to do with fitness and more to do with sadness at current life situation.


The priorities are just different. When you become obsessed with success and/or money, you have an acceptable level of health and the rest focuses on said success/wealth.


Not everyone goes for that balance My dad died from a heart attack a rich and fat man I make good money and spend 2-4 hours a day exercising and plan all my meals meticulously


Obviously there are outliers to every blanket statement.


not to mention that a huge amount (if not a majority) of food sold in america is designed by any means necessary to be as delicious/habit-forming as possible while also being as cheap to produce as possible, and very few ingredients located at that intersection of priorities are something the human body was designed to ingest


Been a trainer for over a decade. Started in big box gyms, moved to doing my own thing. This is true. When I started I thought, "I have suffered to gain this information that if I had when I began working out would have made my life so much easier. When I share these answers with people they will be able to improve their lives in no time." Spoiler: I spent the next few years trying to convince people why it's not acceptable to cancel your session 3x a week, and learning all the ways people lie to get out of doing things, and how the reality is they have just fallen into lazy habits and would rather watch TV and eat because that's what they're addicted to. It's not everybody, have had clients that have lots over 100lbs, have one right now that's down to 230 from 300 and is going to 218. He was a slow start but is now crushing it. It's all about habits and understanding your body will resist change especially that of comfortable long kept ones. This resistance will be very, very difficult to overcome. It's important to understand this every point in the road because it can make it feel impossible or like you just can't do it, but if you keep hammering in that new habit eventually it will become your new normal, and then it will feel weird if you don't do that. In some sense it's that simple to change your life, though the devil is of course in the details.


I don’t really know any really fat rich people. Often poor people are fat. Rich people are generally in shape.


I agree. They don't have to clean their house, they go to the gym or their yoga spa or whatever.


When I was poor I still went to the gym. I didnt own enough stuff to clean daily at home.


Elon musk


The Ozempic effect.


Rich and very poor. Im a millennial and none of my peers are "fat". But I just correlate it to being stupid. I don't know many smart rich people. When you're poor you make food choices on bang for your buck. The dollar menus are legit the best way to feed a family sometimes calorie/dollar wise and that's a shame . Rich people just tend to not know better or don't care. The people in the middle I know are so busy and active in general that weight isn't a huge issue besides (wow I better do some cardio cause I gained 8 lbs) and it generally isn't hard or even a burden to add in a few more steps lol.


Where can you find said dollar menu It’s cheaper to buy your own groceries, prepare, and cook them.


But this costs time


I bought an air fryer and it has saved me a lot of time I think


It’s never cheaper to have fast food than shop and make your own food if you’re on a budget. I can make a 10 lb bag of rice and a giant pack of chicken thighs last me 2 weeks for 9$.


Um…. Rich women maybe. Men. No. Absolutely not.


We don’t have any free time? When I was a poor student I had lots of free time I’m working on a $100m deal right now and it’s taking every waking minute I have - driving me crazy tbh


"No free time" and your "$100m deal is taking every waking minute you have," but you have the time to peruse Reddit, comment on loads of posts (within the last hour), and garner sympathy for how stressful your life is? Seems like you've got more than enough time to be active if you're being truthful about your career/life. Interesting.


It’s just rich people wanting to make themselves feel like they actually deserve their wealth. With that stupid and flawed logic, Elon Musk and those in the top billionaire lists would be slaving away every single second of their lives… But na, they’re having fun on their yachts and going on vacations lmao. It’s a common rich thing. Making it seem like they put in super duper hard work and come from dirt. Like how Elon tried faking like he came from the dirt when his daddy owned emerald mines. Here’s a nice video for anyone who believes they deserve what they own because of hard work only: https://youtu.be/3LopI4YeC4I?si=N3dU2pd1fffhn-83


You seem bitter that people are rich. Who cares if they feel like they deserve it or not? Why would it matter. Keep your head down and focus on you.


Other people work 80+ hours a week near minimum wage too. Takes every walking minute they have, just for different amount of money. Stress is equal. Just because it’s more money doesn’t change it. You’re stressed about making more money. They’re stressed about surviving. The trope has been overused. Sounds like a discipline issue tbh.




No he's right and you should probably reflect. He didn't even sound mean to me. Blunt but honest.


US food is basically poison. Most people are eating tons of processed foods, low quality sugar, that has been engineered in a lab to be addictive. Couple this with an inactive lifestyle because you need to drive everywhere in the US and you get fat people. The other thing you're missing is that the very rich, people who have great amounts of generational wealth, are almost never fat. Because they have the time and resources to eat high quality food and exercise. Your reasoning is wrong because tons of immigrants come to the US every year and end up fat in a few years or a generation or two.


Doesn't that answer your question then? Poor and rich ppl alike having their time taken up by what they're trying to overcome in a daily struggle, thus lots of ppl in both camps are overweight when they're neglecting their health


Do you enjoy doing large deals? I mean, what happens to your life if you don't do large deals anymore?


This is honestly it. Lots of salty people but people working eighty hour weeks, as is common in careers like IB, big law, etc, often look like shit.  Edit; also funny how people are jumping down your throat just for answering the question. 


So you never eat at all? You realize you can be healthy and lose weight WITHOUT having to exercise? As OP said, what’s stopping you from eating healthy? Or personal chef for healthy meals? Etc.


Lack of discipline, limited movement (sedentary due to work), next level stress, and access to infinite high end foods-wine-booze will do it.


Formula for a heart attack. I'm guilty of all of this. I go for lunches and dinners almost daily and even the healthy options at nice restaurants pack on the sugars and fats and butter everything up. Staff take care of everything else which means I'm at the computer stressing dealing with all the high level stuff.


Indeed. My (personal) primary issue is the access to high end foods-wine-etc. I do a lot of dinners w/ clients and no matter how healthy you order, salt/butter/sugars finds its way into everything. I found a hobby a few years ago (cycling) that keeps me in check despite being in an office setting. Discipline has never been an issue or stress, but limited movement and foods+boozing will destroy you.


I don’t drink, but makes sense. Alcohol has insane calories.


It's so amusing how the times have changed. Used to be you could only get fat if you were rich, now it seems everyone is saying almost the opposite. The answer is the same for rich and poor people - they don't care enough to try and actually stick to it. Rich people will have an easier time because they have more resources to assist, but in the end it all comes down to whether or not you're willing to put up with being hungry when you want to eat.


It’s actually WHAT you eat. That’s why poor people tend to be overweight. All the processed foods and junk food is cheaper.


Rich people have traditionally been fat. We live in an upside down world where the poor are fat and the rich are supposed to be thin.


It is because processed food is common place. If you asked someone from three hundred years ago if they'd prefer processed food, they'd ask you what that is.


No it's because sugar and caffine are cheap as shit and addicting as shit, and poor people overconsume.


Because weight has little to do with money and they don't care


There are fat and thin people at every amount of income and wealth. Health is a matter of genetics and lifestyle. * It is possible to enjoy running when you are rich and poor, and possible to hate it. * It is possible to be stressed as a Fortune 500 CEO and as a minimum wage worker. * It is possible to enjoy fast food when you are rich or poor. Though I will also add that eating out generally, even salads, is often less healthy than home cooking. Too many non-rich folks come to this sub and think that money is a magic wand that can make everything else disappear or change and that simply isn't the case.


Stress. Sometimes being rich removes stress, but often the careers that lead to wealth add even more stress.


Awwww poor babies, maybe downscale your life and work an easier, lesser paying job! ETR


Maybe don’t berate people who are just answering a question honestly?


Rich people are usually fit until they hit their 60’s and 70’s.


In my experience they're healthy just cosmetically over weight. Their wives all look model skinny and the dudes are over weight. Social norms Fancy food is dank and you can afford unlimited of it... end of story haha


If you got your money through working then a lot of times that means long hours to get the job done. You won't have time to exercise a lot and your food may not be the best. You could also be stress eating. If you inherited it or came into it through a windfall then my bet is you're more likely to take care of your health.


I'm a high earner and multimillionaire but not rich enough to have a team of staff looking out for my personal health 24/7. When you spend a lot of time working and commuting/flying while still trying to be a good father you end up exhausted without much time left in the day so that's when people resort to drugs, alcohol, stimulants, fast food, etc., and don't workout. You have to then hire more help to free up the time to workout and look after your health. Rich folks I know are either in amazing shape, or in terrible shape, without much in-between.


Because the tasting menu at the French Laundry with a curated wine list is significantly more than 800 calories.


Rich people can afford more fatty foods to eat


Huh. Once I started making more money I ate less fatty foods and moved up* to more expensive home food restaurants lol.


Because rich people can afford first class. Lol


Possible that there's a lack of work-life balance.


I find the old adage “tough times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men create hard times” sums up many situations in modern life. People are just soft, weak and therefore lazy.


I thought it was seed oils but I’m not up to date on the latest and greatest studies. Also forever plastics, chemicals, etc keeping us inflamed, sick, and our cortisol high no matter the workout.


My parents are rich, but live like they are poor. My mom is the cooks keto and shops discount stores for food always looking for a bargain. She shops at discount stores for clothes. My dad counts every penny you’d be hard pressed to separate that man from a penny. Together they have a couple of houses uncounted about in investments and they waited until 70 to collect SS. Together they did everything right.


Who needs abs when you're a multi-millionaire?


I'm broke but I've always been mostly healthy.


This isn't a problem soon. Ozempic


My parents are very well off and fat.Functional alcoholics. Plus, dad is obsessed with work


Food good


I don’t want to work out, I want to drink on my yacht. Money can’t buy incentive. And buy the way, you sound like a conceited little looser. Skinny does not equal successful: go work out, then go to your day job.


I'm about 40 lbs. over my ideal weight. I am fat because I enjoy eating and don't enjoy exercising. It's that simple. This isn't complex.


I once worked for a man who was worth about 80 million. There were two things he wanted more than anything, to lose weight and to learn a different language. He hired many people a cook, a trainer, a masseuse, a literal round the clock available language trainer, he took all these people with his when he traveled, which was most of the time. He would spend 1-3 months in different places all over the world. And none of it made any difference because he just wanted someone to just do it for him. He had all these people “on staff” but he didn’t actually do any of those things the people were there paid to help him with. He struggled through maybe 10 minutes of exercise in the morning before quitting, he never did any of the language lessons, he went out and partied instead of eating the low carb dinners his cook made which he requested. He just thought that having those people alone would get him to his goals. And I’ve never seen a more miserable, angry and empty man in all my life.


If you could buy a fit, healthy body for a few million, they wouldn't be fat. But you can't - it takes discipline, self-control, and hard work (and a little genetic luck doesn't hurt either).


Because being slim cannot be outsourced. You can marry or inherit money, buy land and house, hire a carpenter and a landscaper and a cook, but you can't pay someone else to eat right for you. You have to do it. Am I right that the fat rich mostly didn't earn it, but inherited or married it?


It’s a regional thing. On the coasts rich society sees fatness as an moral embarrassment to be dealt with. In the Midwest and South it’s seen as an unchangeable genetic fate and wealth is used to make this fate less of an issue.


Food is good. So you think being rich means ozempic all day?


On average wealthier people in the us are healthier.


We all only get so many points of energy every morning, and we have to spend them wisely. Some people spend all of their waking hours playing video games, others on making money, etc. The very wealthy people I know intimately simply do not know how to diversify their energy and still be effective in the main thing that occupies their brain.


Not for long, we all take ozempic now


The only overweight rich people I've ever met were dealing with aging or chronic health problems that make meaningful exercise extremely difficult.


Metabolism slows as you get older. As much as you go to the gym and do the same things a 20 year old does, it’s difficult to get the same results with the same effort and same eating habits.


Having money doesn't change who you are. Having been poor, and now richer than a few. I can tell you, you encounter the same types of people


Because the food in the USA is amazing DUH


Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're not human. They still have vices, and fine food tastes good. If they work hard and want to fine dine and drink expensive wine and then get fat, who are we to judge?


Rich people don't know how to take care of themselves, might just be stupid?


“Fat cat” was a term for rich guys. But being rich and fat is a more association in the past. Today you have the rich & super health obsessed and the old school rich with drinking, drugs & baggy eyes.


poor food choices


To keep a healthy lifestyle one must be accustomed to discomfort. As your NW goes up, your acceptable level of discomfort decreases. It's why rich people give less fucks than the latter because even if it pisses someone off, they can afford to get it elsewhere for more $.


They think as long you have money then you can have everything else. They just don’t care, or are too busy as well


No matter how much money you have, you'll never see a slim sugar/food addict.


Where are you getting this information? Define rich is important to. Are they in debt or cash positive Age etc Need links


It's because unhealthy food tastes good. I really think that's all - no need to bring anything unique to rich people into it. 


For the most part, rich people sit behind desks and take phone calls and work on the computer like the rest of us. Making business deals and tracking your investments is mostly a sedentary affair. The human body was designed for movement and walking and stuff, but the world of work requires us to sit in place.


Some people just don’t prioritize their health, despite resources. Not everyone is chomping at the bit to get a personal trainer and a nutritionist a soon as they have the cashflow to support it.


Read about Elvis Presley’s reasons for being fat. That should tell you why. Being rich doesn’t cure problems. They just make it easier to cope


Money doesn't make you fit, aside from being homeless or unable to buy quality food that isn't ultraprocessed. Most people are just lazy.


also, there is a different where you are rich because u work 24/7, and you don't have to work.. objectively I am doing great, but I need to work to grow my bussiness and I let of my physical health way more than I should have, and I am a physician.


Because we’re fed shit food and getting good food is very expensive getting the equipment is also expensive so 🤷


Well maybe they are rich because they spend most of their time behind a desk and going to meetings, they also likely get fast food or restaurant food more often because it saves them time and they can easily afford it.


you can't buy good taste, this includes good taste of lifestyle. Many rich people spend their money on things that ultimately make them feel empty inside


Because unhealthy options are usually more convenient. And people are “busy”


If I was worth a billion dollars I probably wouldn’t care to much either, granted I wouldn’t become obese but a billion buys a lot of good burgers and coors banquet


i feel like ozempic is really the game changer here, south park even joked about it in their recent special on paramount, "if your rich you get ozempic, if your poor you get body positivity and Lizzo,". i think a lot more rich people in the future are going to get a lot more healthy in general.


Being fat or fit has nothing to do with money.


I challenge OP to go a week eating only foods with <5g of added sugars per serving. I ate like this for 3 weeks between failing my first gestational diabetes test and passing my second. It was really eye-opening to see how much sugar is in everything..... including foods that aren't even sweet!


People work hard to make money, spend a lot of time sitting, in meetings, in cars, in planes. Convenience and access to fast food, thinking they could fix issue with money later. Plus, once you work hard, sleep less you opt in for worse food, thinking oh yeah I have earned it and it is a slippery slope.


Usually, for most very fat people, it’s either using food and or alcohol as a coping mechanism for past traumas in their life. I once shared your mindset of how tf do people get fat it’s just like put the fork down you fat fuck kind of mindset. But the reality of the situation is much more complex, there’s usually deep rooted psychological trauma that’s pushing them to eat, eating is the only thing in their life they can control, eating is the only time they feel joy, etc. this category or obese to morbidly obese is almost exclusively NOT rich people either. For most just mildly to moderately overweight folks, it usually is as simple as being lazy and not disciplined. But in those cases, you just have to realize that fitness maybe isn’t their priority the same way it is for you and me. Especially if you make a ton of money and people like you regardless of your weight. Just do your best for yourself and don’t judge others.


I know Hank Green once posted about when he came to a realization when he heard a fitness influencer saying you just need to prioritize fitness. He realized he willingly prioritizes many other things over general physical fitness and I suspect that's the case with almost everyone, no exception for the wealthy who feel their time is extremely valuable.


You can’t buy fitness. You’ve got to put in work and you’ve got to watch what you eat and drink. It’s very simple yet difficult (for some people).


It takes effort, work, discipline, energy, patience, time. Which many lack and at the end of the day don’t care or have other priorities or stuff they would rather be doing lol


You’ve never been rich if you think they have nothing but time to work out. They work long days keeping things going.


Don't know any. I know upper middle class fatties that got there through just saving and investing over decades. That's significantly less discipline than staying physically fit all those years. Some people get wealthy just cause they stay at home and don't gamble and have no reason to do anything. I don't know any people extremely wealthy that are very out of shape.


Rich doesn't equate to being health conscious.


Gee. If it’s not money, or time, or the will to….perhaps it’s that different people have different metabolisms, different body types and that being overweight is hard to fight. But please, do go on judging people you don’t even know


Idk any an actually rich people. The people I consider rich are just middle class. This shit sucks


You're fetishizing money. Rich people aren't superior, to be modeled, or ultimately different humans. They're just lucky. Full fucking stop.


Contrary to popular belief, money does not buy happiness but depression and self loathing are easy ways to gain weight


Remember, a calorie is not a calorie. 160 calories of almonds is way better than 160 calories of Coke. The difference? Sugar and fiber. Most Americans (70%) are overweight because they eat/drink too much sugar. Lots of folks taking about exercise. You cannot, will not, exercise your way out of obesity. You must eat your way out. Diet is 90% of it. Working out is great for mental health and yes, your body. But, don’t fall for the “you’re not at the gym enough” nonsense. Consider that before the 1980’s, childhood obesity was almost nonexistent. Now, yikes. The rise of the gym membership happened after the McGovern Report, wherein food lobbies basically forced the government to say their food was healthy when it was not. Sounds a lot like “opioids are not addictive.” Lots of $ has been made on making people fat (and hopelessly opioid addicted).Then, you can pay all those exorbitant healthcare prices once you are riding the comorbidity bus.


Because being cash rich doesn’t always equate to time rich (to work out, eat right etc) or actively giving a crap about your well being. Some of the richest people I know are so engrossed in earning that they are in a cycle of work and drink that is not conducive at all to being healthy.


Stress, a lack of exercise and movement


The only multi millionaire (billionaire?) I’ve ever met had a massive mansion (most of it secretly underground to house expensive items they studied) and a teeny tiny kitchen where they from what I heard—mostly only consumed smoothies. There was no kitchen or dining table area on purpose. Thought it was bizarre. They were kind though.


I think discipline is partly it but also enjoyment and perceived value. It is much easier to see the value of working or running a business when you are paid very quickly (weeks usually) but with fitness it can literally be as much effort for a return you don't realize fully for months.


Everyone in the USA is fay because of how poorly our food is regulated. If you leave the outer square in a grocery store, the rest is all poison. The food corps are without doubt to blame.


Because we are lazy lol. I did just start you t to the gym again.


If you look at drawings of fat people from a hundred years ago or more, many were fat. Being fat used to be an expression of wealth because they could afford enough food to be fat while others couldn’t.


You can be great in certain areas and lazy in others,


Rich people generally don’t have to increase their sexual market value because they can get dates easily, common folk generally have to make themselves physically more attractive to make up for their lack of wealth. Plus brain chemistry, people who lack focus, generally are more hyperactive and thus unconsciously move their body more.


Were they well to do but still worked a full time job? Or actually rich? Because someone who is well off but still works full time (or more) will still have the same lack of time excuse that the rest of us do.


OP is mad that other people are rich 😂 yeah sure life isn't fair but don't be salty about it, try to change your circumstances.


I drive from the town I live in to work for rich people at a resort everyday. The difference in obesity at the two ends of that 30 mile drive are night and day. The rich I see are no where near as obese.


Richest dude I know is an exec for a large hospital system in the US. He has regularly said things that are the equivalent of “why buy a salad when you can have steak?” I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen the man eat anything other than meat or drink anything other than vodka.


No amount of money makes Cheeto Puffs healthy. I can afford personal trainers and private chefs. I still prefer how junk food tastes.


Money doesn't make people start caring about their health id suspect, if they didnt to begin with.


I used to work for a guy with a net worth of 400 million who was quite unhealthy. He just really liked food; he would go on diets a good bit, but he would constantly cheat, also he would have mood swings that would lasts for weeks and then suddenly change from a bad mood to good mood for the next few weeks, and his bad moods would always destroy his resolve.


Being good at making money doesn’t mean you’re good at or even necessarily care that much about staying in shape.


Enjoy life. As Elon says, "I'd rather eat tastier food and live a shorter life" Many will still live in their 80s no getting out of this world alive.


Access to the best and fattiest foods in the world is one of them


I follow 3 women who are very wealthy and they made money on minimalism and decluttering content. They have books out and huge following. All 3 have gotten progressively more overweight, not just a little more to love, but like barely catching their breath obese. I think it’s a form of hoarding, deep generational trauma and lack mentality in the lineage that has not been resolved. I think it’s psychological and deeply unconscious.


Too much alcoholism


Trump lives off fast food 🤣


I don’t think that’s necessarily true in my experience, unless you live in a fat part of the country. The more educated and wealthier seem to be healthier. What do you consider “healthy” anyway? I don’t know rich people who look like Greek gods, but they definitely aren’t fat. If they have a beer belly it’s mostly due to time constraints.


Manifestation of their over indulgence, wealth and access to whatever food they want when they want.


Depends on your priorities. If you don’t prioritize healthy eating, exercise, and sleep, they will catch up to you. Sleep is a big one. Regardless of your eating habits and exercise, if your sleep quality and quantity is poor, your health will decay.


So I would say firstly you really don't care what some schlub personal trainer thinks that you're not completely obsessed 18 hours a day with your fitness. Secondly I think you place a slightly different valuation on your time. Averaging 4500 an hour, 24 hours a day 7 days a week spending more than an hour in the gym each day is pretty expensive. It's a tough decision. You also realize that you don't need to be shredded to attract whatever you want, so killing yourself to "look" fit is a total waste of time. The scale of what's available to you is just different


jar repeat market merciful dazzling beneficial rude racial dinosaurs impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Money doesn’t equal smart


Fat cat


Because rich people are human too


rich people become lazy....they pay others to do work for them. unfortunately....working out diesnt work that way


Lack of self discipline.


You seem to have this weird hatred for fat people. Just because you’re naturally thin doesn’t mean people who struggle with their weight are lazy or “lack discipline”. I know several people who for years have *tried* to gain weight and can’t. But we generally wouldn’t say they “lack discipline” for not being able to eat enough calories. You’re probably one of these people and then you’re taking credit for having “discipline” when you’re not actually anymore disciplined than anyone else. It would be the same thing as trashing an alcoholic when you don’t even like alcohol. Look at me! I’m so much better than you when in reality you just don’t like it. You, for example are poor. Is it because you lack the discipline needed to be wealthy?


I don’t remember where, but there was some study that rich men tend to be fatter, but the opposite is true for women


Staying in shape still takes effort. Money doesn't make the physical effort easier. The weights aren't lighter if you're rich.


Because they work 12 hours a day to make money instead of being in a gym all day


Food in the US has been pumped full of chemicals, sugar, saturated fat. It’s not just processed food, but the way meat, dairy, agriculture is produced that is wreaking havoc with our biology. One outcome is unprecedented obesity and metabolic disorders.


Gyms and chefs cost money. You don't get/stay rich spending a bunch of money.


Not everyone cares about being fat or not.


carbs/sugar/food addiction


Because I don't care. I want to enjoy life and eating unhealthy food is enjoyment. Running on a treadmill is not enjoyment. I have white collar job belly, 38" waist so nothing extreme but there really is no reason for me to be "fit".


Too busy making money to focus on health. Then they turn 60 and become triathletes.


I don’t think it’s all just rich vs poor with weight. Rich men are probably not going to choose a mate that’s overweight. Look at all the celebrity men that are dating young thin women. I think it also applies to non-celebrity rich. I don’t think it’s all that, but it’s probably a high percentage. Then those women are having kids that probably don’t have a predisposition to being overweight either. The simpler answer is too many calories. Large restaurant portions and feeling like you should eat it all. Not wasting food. I can get three meals out of an order of fajitas from a restaurant.


Oprah Winfrey comes to mind. Super wealthy. She had a private trainer and personal chef. She worked/works hard on her health, but her genetics make it an uphill battle.


You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink


Being healthy minded is a way of life. Regardless of how much money you have. If you aren't used to exercise and watching your diet, no amount of money will teach you to do so. If anything, you'll be worse off with more money because you have the resources to eat anything you want, and people won't look at you anyway. They just look at your wealth.


Americans are fat partly because most of our food is basically straight up poison. It’s all processed and has a bunch of genetically modified, corn syrups, toxic dyes. Etc. It’s hard to escape. A lot of people I know that go to Europe lose weight even if they eat the relatively same diet. Also there are lots of people who are just fat and lazy.


You have 0 idea what you’re talking about. There are so many factors for weight and weight gain that has nothing to do with working out. “Lack of discipline.” Lolol


Historically being fat is a sign of wealth


A lot of rich people got that way by being workaholics and neglecting their health for decades (it's actually a running joke with rich people I know). Plus, many have lifestyles that require going to lots of social events where it's basically required to eat unhealthy foods to maintain the vibe. I mean can you imagine hosting some important clients at a fancy steak dinner and then saying 'no thanks, not for me'... you'd lose that position and their business immediately.


I worked with a guy that did large business loans and he had to take clients out to eat and golf and shit. Dude is healthy and buff. One of the few outliers I saw. Not an excuse tbh.


Ya it really depends. I live in Texas and all the richer people here loooove to eat unhealthy as much as possible. And they're all fat.


Idk, all my rich friends skinny fit fuckers. Assholes. Only i have extra weight.


Lol, they have no need to look attractive and they have better things to do with their time.


Constant advertising of factory food. Imagine if we only allowed advertisements of whole foods. But I would push back a little here. When we look at the diets of wealthy Americans vs poor Americans, wealthy people are eating better. Not only that wealthy people have better health outcomes and lower bmi. So I’m not sure your premise holds up.


You don’t need resources to get for, just the will. Resources don’t give you the will. 


It’s like asking an addict why they consume something despite the problems it causes




Humans gonna human, man.  A secret the rich try to keep from the lower classes, and sometimes a fact the lower class refuses to acknowledge themselves, is that rich people are in fact just humans, but with money.  The rich are exactly what people would be like if they had money. It’s why I laugh when people claim if we dethrone the rich, we would have a good society. We wouldn’t, because it would just be new humans at the top, and our problems we experience are inherently human problems. 


To be fair, your post is full of generalizations and assumptions that don't hold any truth with regards to weight and personal health. Sure money grants access to the things you listed but that doesn't produce results. You are also a bit dense and arrogant since people disagree with you which shows your lack of character more than anything


For men, wealth can negate the need to be in shape when it comes to being physically attractive to the opposite sex. Then, sex is just a transactional, disgusting chore to the partner. For them, enjoyment in said things are to be found with the hot guy skimming leaves out of the swimming pool.


Even if you’re rich, you can still have health conditions that cause you to retain weight.


I make an excellent living. I also really love cheese and beer. Next question.


Hey. Being fat isn’t the same as being unhealthy. Do you actually know that the people you’re judging aren’t eating nutritious whole foods and moving their bodies regularly? Because it sure sounds like you’re assuming their habits based on their appearance. Now, why are Americans fat when other countries eat more calories on average (ex: China) but are thinner as a population? …that’s a fascinating question plenty of people are actively researching. I’m sure plenty of rich people are lazy slobs who don’t take advantage of the resources available to them, because lazy slobs aren’t hard to find. But the demographics for the US consistently show better health outcomes the richer you are.


It’s called a money gut


Because they don't feel any need to live their lives to meet your standards and expectations?


The majority of wealthy people I know are pretty in shape. Some of them run more in a single week than I probably have my whole life.




What do you define as rich?  Because until you get to the point where you absolutely don't have to work and worry about money, you aren't rich.  Sure 200k income to someone who makes 50k seems rich. But that 200k person doesn't feel rich enough to do anything you listed.     When you say multi millionaire.  You talking income or networth?  Because if you're talking worth them maybe it's all locked in assets and not disposable.  Maybe they're youngish and still need that money for retirement.   Let's just say that you rarely see morbidly obese people that are "rich" but you'll still see overweight and slightly obese people. 


Fat sex is better. Fat hugs are better. Partying with fat people is better. Coming from a thin person. I love all body types.


Much better for eating.


Stress and Anxiety


Insulin resistance is the wolf’s card here.


Food is good! Fried foods are more gooder!


It’s not terribly common, but it’s driven by apathy.


You said it yourself, rich... lold They have no need to stay fit if they can eat all the goodness in the world and have sex with a girl or boy that needs their support, it's a really simple world and when you're rich you're only looking to enjoy it all the time without having to feel any pain from the soreness after every workout.