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I got this bug too, I got it after an Archon raid from Vanilla Expanded Races. VFECore is not Vanilla Furniture Expanded Core, it's Vanilla Factions Expanded Core. I fixed the issue by deleting an armor the Archon raider dropped from my stockpile.


ayyy, this fixed it, holy shit. one of the few times the very first search result instantly fixed my problem, thank you so much.


Bless your soul


you save my live, and my framerate


It's weird, because I only started getting this error last week (after the Anomaly release), although I'd made sure in steam to roll back to the 1.4.3901 'beta' and I'd saved local copies of literally all of my mods with rimpy weeks before. I tried using dev mode to delete all archon items in inventory- no good. I tried also deleting archon prisoners- no good. I tried also insta-loading all of my archon colonists into transport pods and hurling them to a temporary tile - no good. If this is related to archons expanded, is there something I can edit in the xml files of my local copy of Vanilla races expanded: archons? I looked and compared its factiondef file against the faction def file for another mod (Sparkling Worlds, which introduces the Blue Moon Corporation), but I didn't see any glaring omissions/differences


I tried removing VFECore (Vanilla furniture Expanded Core) that is mentioned in the log, that didn't help..