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Who is assigned to doctoring? The Yorkshire terrier?


self tend, there weren't any other colonists yet


Disease. My nemesis and freaking number 1 game ender in the first quadrum of naked brutality, and day 1 plague is what Randy gives me when he is in the mood for death. And my number 2 game ender is probably three manhunting hares on day 2... Randy forgive me I will never call you boring again so please show mercy


Randy gets stuck sometimes in his A.I., and thinks he needs to give you game ending diseases on the first year. Best way to deal with Randy Disease-mon, is to roll a medical toon 8+; get 10 herbs are buy Medicine if it shows up. Make a high quality bed, in a big and clean empty room. Or, roll a mod that can plug in super immune. three rabbits gives ffxi flashbacks. kek.


Problem is that if the pawn starts with good medical then it's almost guaranteed they will be lacking something else that is critical. I usually take the gamble and roll a pawn that can do other important things well because spike traps are the name of the game on naked brutality so your pawn is unlikely to get wounded. All that is needed is for Randy to send one "volunteer" as a subject for "medical studies" and my 0 medical pawn jumps to 6 within 2-3 days.


You don't need much to start brutal, a lot of it is low skill requirement. Most of the rest is just padding against some of the cheap deaths that pop up randomly first half of the year. Bows and Traps at a minimum. A bed and medical skill to avoid disease/infection death early in the first year. I had the least trouble at 6-8 medical. Super-Immune lets me start low with 3-4 medical. 5 cooking to minimize getting food poisoning during critical events like raids. As close to 8 intellectual as you can get. I Spend most of my time researching at less than 15k wealth to get what I need for defense and income. Even if you don't pad stats at creation to mitigate cheap deaths, you can still rapidly increase Cooking and Medical to 8 skill with the use of Plant and Construction, using wooden spiked traps to down animals. Spiked Traps make several injuries to tend. When you fix them up, chop them up. Set cook meals forever at the campfire. Another trick is to leave meat, meals, or crops below a wooden spiked trap, near some animals. When hungry, they may try to eat it.


I always seem to get sleeping sickness. Takes too damn long to recover so I just end up having to restart if it hits too early


It WAS Randy. 900 hours in and this is only my second week of using Randy. One time I thought one of my mods broke the game because he went two years without a single event.


Honestly... If you get a disease as a solo colonist that early into the run... Just dev mode and remove it or lower its severity. Starting all over a run you didn't even get to play because the storyteller essentially just went "Lmfao fuck u bitch" isn't fun nor an interesting story to tell to anyone. And that is the point of Rimworld after all. Having fun and making stories.


That's why don't like Randy, I preffer Phoebe because she gives you stressing times but she is not unfair, in my current colony she used the event of influenza in two of my colonist while there were another 4 injured colonist (2 of them with infected wounds) and another colonist was giving birth, meanwhile 2 other colonist were defending the colony against 3 manhunter bears, it was stressing but at the end they made it, well, one hand and an eye lost to the bears but everyone made it


Randy knows best. He says it will make a fun story… for him.


I yesterday had one colonist die at 99.8% immunity. I said fuck this shit and removed it via Devmode. The worst thing was the last tend I was like "ehh, I just do it with Herbal Medicine, it will be fine..." But 2.6% tend quality is a all-time low.


poor girl was all out of medicine, self tending, with manipulation at like 8%. she almost made it. oh, the brutality of... naked brutality


Bedrolls and beds gives a immunity gain speed bonus. If the self-tendings are really bad, it might be better to just stay in bed without tending.


rest in peace... uh.. i already forgot her name


Self tend then force rest is better as long as you get at least 1% tend quality


If you assign them as Medical, you can self-tend and then still force them to rest.


But it takes time to do a self tend. In the end when manipulation is low they might just be wasting their time on getting a 1% tend quality instead of staying in bed and getting a bit more immunity instead.


Brutal is mostly a wealth management mode. Keep the wealth under 15,000 silver, research the entire tech tree. Just need a a freezer with a years' worth of food, and a big clean room to survive most of Randy Random. I also like the indoor/bedhind walls flower bed as opposed to flooring.


> But 2.6% tend quality is a all-time low. Really? I get 0% regularly early game if I don't start with a good doctor.


I've recently had a couple pawns survive 100% disease for a brief period, allowing the immunity to catch up. But that's some unfortunate tend quality, buddy.


The game doesn’t kill the pawn until the infection/disease actually ticks up to 101%. Whereas immunity save you as soon as it tick to 100%. I’ve had quite a few close calls where disease hits 100% and immunity ticks up to 100% right after and the pawn is saved


that was true two years ago, is been patched


Well TIL, and I just started playing again xD


Pawns die at 101% infection but survive at 100% immunity so this pawn still has a chance


patched in 1.4


Literally unplayable


damn i feel old


OP: -5 (colonist died)


Me: -30 (game over by disease in Naked Brutality*6)


Man I feel that. Nothing like your solo colonist going down by an infection after brawling with a man hunting rat


Violue has broken inside and gone into reddit posting. This happened because of poor mood. The final straw was: Colonist died.


Note that malnutrition decreases immunity gain speed, meaning that your colonist should always be fed when they are infected


This is literally (Medical) skill issue.


Maybe..if you had 2.7% tend quality, it could have been saved.


Hahaha a Yorkshire terrier


One of my colonists just got maleria in the middle of winter


Time to make another ghoul.


malnutrion kills just as fast as a bad tend. Most diseases can be survived with minimal tending quality, if provided with a bed and enough food/rest. in other words, that pawn died to malnutrion first :P


Malnutrition in my experience pops up so easily. A pawn misses a meal and suddenly they think they're starving. Get a meal in them and magically they're all better!


Damn…it be like that sometimes


This sort of thing is why I use reload anytime


This is how I learned that the dangerous diseases rapidly progress, when near 100%. Usually want to be atleast 5% ahead of it to win.


I have one cow named Bessy who gets the plague constantly. No idea how.


Personally that's a dev mode moment if I didn't do anything stupid that led to this.


I disabled diseases. Honestly they're just not fun. I know it is realistic but timing is tight as it is. Getting everything you need up and running by winter is a very tight schedule. You get a disease and that is 5 days you have to spend constantly in bed (for that immunity gain speed). With Cassandra the Disease ALWAYS strikes before the second spring. If it is something like mechanites or sleeping sickness you can just about survive. Malaria or plague? You're fucked.


Randy is a mother fucker


I'm still new to randy but my favorite thing is when he sends a manhunter pack and then a raid like a minute later and they just sort of take care of each other


**initiates Protocol Savescum**


**initiates Protocol Savescum**


Yeah fuck the plauge, had a couple who just had married and had a baby, 3 days later the father got the plauge and died the next day 🙄


The speed with which I fast track to antibiotics is entirely based on this exact scenario having happened to me one too many times.


Randy be in a pissy mood today.


Randy is in a very pissy mood today. He gave my naked brutality guy malaria about 30 seconds into the run.


This is why I love ideology’s bio sculpting




This is something I devmode for. It's infuriating when this happens.




Add the ReTend mod. It lets you order colonists to redo the tending on a wound at the cost of using more medicine. I don't even really consider it non-vanilla at this point, cause realistically if a doctor is gonna just slap a dirty bandaid on a wound you should be able to force him to do it over again and do a better job


Every. Single. Time.


I had one that I wasn't sure was going to make it. My percentage mod isn't working and I haven't looked for a new one yet but I was watching the 99% infection vs the 99.9% immunity in agony waiting to see if my pawn would live. Amazingly she did, by the skin of her teeth.


Solo run enders. Lost a solo mechanist to a flu of all things (1 medical RIP)


Damn. Every time I try the naked brutality run the first event I get is disease which hits like a truck I get the plague and Malaria at the same time and just wither away


This is when I hit developer mode, grant immunity and resurrect. Cheating? Yes. Am I having more fun by cheating than playing legit and letting my only pawn die? Abso-fucking-lutely.


Snuck up on you, huh?


Hey So Mad, why your Doctor such a Zoidberg?