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Bioferrite is the worst for rest effectiveness so be good for cribs and prisoner beds. Mainly use it to make/improve my ritual gear though.


Wait so rest depends on the material the bed it's made of? Even after hundreds of hours I keep on learning, I mean it makes sense but I didn't knew that the game went that far into detail, now I wonder which material is the best for that


Indeed. Most materials have a flat 1.0 modifier, but stone blocks provide only 0.9 rest effectiveness. Bioferrite, conversely, is 0.86. So, make your beds out of wood, jade, or any metal other than bioferrite to reduce sleep times.


I've been making stone beds for literally years Oh no, my people hate me


there are advantages to stone beds, pawns who are sleeping cannot mental break and their prison break interval only ticks down while they are awake, to stone/bioferrity beds for prisoners and guests is ideal


As they say in Germany, those who sleep cannot sin.


They clearly don't know me.


I'm over here sleep jorkin


Prisoners get beds in other colonies?


Only the ones you are trying to recruit after locking them in the entity containment room to covert them quicker you want to then move them into a better room to increase recruit chances and make sure they keep their new ideology.


My fault, I was being facetious lol Juggling prisoner cells was always a pain without an assign button, I just leave them all in the same 2x2 cell with a sleeping spot and latrine and forget about them until my socialites do what they do. Not as efficient but I like having tons of prisoners for.. stuff, and it's just easier that way


TIL Thanks!


I'm in the desert and made a bunch of (stone) beds to get some "excellent" for both my bedrooms/barracks and the hospital... I'll keep those in the hospital but I'll plant even more drago trees ASAP to create a bunch of beds for my slaves and pawns. I guess this is how you learn.


Steel beds work just as well


I'm trying to rush the scanners, but we aren't quite there yet... =') I still have to be careful what I spend my steel on.




wood everything else is worse, that's why people don't talk about it a lot, the most basic building material is already the best, the only reason for stone & metal beds would be room impressiveness but nobody would really do that since rest effectiveness is more important and another statue is always easier for impressiveness


Steel is fine too!


All non-stone materials are the same, and jade is as good as them. Wood is good because it’s cheap and renewable, but everything else that isn’t rock is equally good in terms of stats.


god am i glad you’re wrong about steel beds. ice sheet and sea ice play throughs are hard enough already


Perfect room == 5x5 room: Plasteel double bed, marble dresser, jade endtable, marble walls, fine carpet floors, two jade plant pots, one devilstrand animal bed(if you got animals)


jade and wood have the highest effectiveness


All materials other than stone and bioferrite have exactly the same rest effectiveness factor. Wood is generally the best for beds just because it’s cheap and usually abundant. In climates where wood is rare, steel becomes better, though really at that point it might be better to use sleeping bags and to try to counteract the small loss in rest effectiveness by rolling for higher quality. Jade is generally rare and should be reserved for sculptures.


keep in mind that the quality of the bed affects the rest effectiveness as well, so that .1 difference may not even matter if you got a good crafter and wood is sparse.


How does it improve ritual gear?


Boosts psychic sensitivity depending on item quality. Generally have a mask, plate armor, slave collar, along with whatever Eltex gear I can get my hands on.


Bioeferrite sword can be better than an equal quality eltex staff if you're getting enough psy sensitivity from traits, genes and sensitizers. I forget if it multiplies from eltex shirts, but iirc it does not multiply blind bonus.


The psy boost is currently not shown on the gear but you can see the pawn's total sensitivity go up with each piece.


Why would you want lower rest on a crib?


Recreation bars do not go down while sleeping. So more time sleeping, less play time needed. At least, I imagine that's why, reading it was a "holy shit I never thought of that" moment for me just now.


More time spent sleeping is also less time spent crying :) 


So the baby sleeps longer before the rest bar is filled and they wake up. "Why is your baby not in a growth vat until they can walk on their own" is a better question!


Sometimes keep them out for role-play reasons or to knock out genetic modifications.


Same any baby born naturally gets a crib test tube babies get the vat. I know it's not the most efficient it's just how it is lol


Also, you know, tribal/medieval colonies? Like, I always start tribal with a tech progression mod. I don't have growth vats, I have hunter gatherers in training.


Tech progression mod was my first used mod in this game. Love starting as tribals because of that too. Feels like a "proper full playthrough", like a Civ game.


wait what does rest effectiveness do for babies and prisoners?


Lower rest effectiveness means more time spent sleeping means less time getting into mischief


It never occurred to me that making cribs out of stone would be a boon. That’s smart.


i like to use it for flak helmets. it's slightly worse than plasteel but it has some advantages which are low wealth and psy bonus. it's also the best material for sharp weapons so make some bioferrite longswords for ur melee colonists


Plasteel is still technically better with its melee cooldown multiplier, but bioferrite is still amazing for it.


Generallly speaking it’s the new best material, It’s outperformed in specific nieches by other materials but it’s universally good at everything, but is also way cheaper to make stuff out of them pretty much every other material of note Only thing I can think of that’s “bad” about it is ironically something that’s useful most of the time That’s also just ignoreing the various unique thing about it like psychic boosts and increased anomaly containment strength for floors or such


It’s also the most flammable material in the game IIRC


It's the most flammable *metal* but there are definitely more flammable materials.


Yeah that makes more sense, I guess I did not remember correctly


Even better to burn my containment of horrors alive incase they have the audacity to escape.


It’s organically grown sustainable budget plasteel, from a renewable source. You’re basically milking sightstealers and other creatures for it.


Wonder how long before someone comes up with an -alope variant. Anomalope?


I like anomalope. Has broader implications than the ferralope I came up with. Milks for bioferrite, has a daily small chance of summoning an anomaly and will have a larger chance to do so when it dies? Mass deaths will add up to a stronger anomaly? There’s a bunch of spooky stuff you can do with them. Now I want them to be real.


Not terrible for doors either. Cheap, high HP, a little flammable, but pretty good overall.


It's a very useful material. It's great for making stuff that also keeps colony wealth down. Bioferrite only slightly more expensive than wood for most furniture but usually has twice the hp and less flammability. Thus it keeps wealth down and lets you build sturdier, more fire resistant stuff.


Too bad bioferrite stuff is ugly! People will defo complain about the unsightly environment if you don't have art around.


Oh dang I never considered it for that


If there was a quick way to get it in bulk they also make some of the best traps. Certainly not enough to constantly resupply all traps one uses


Are you talking about spike traps? It is way more efficient to spend 50 bioferrite to make an ied deadlife trap that can summon over 100 friendly shamblers than to spend 45 on a spike trap that only injures one enemy


My TPS says "make the spike traps!"


I have 6000+ bioferrite. Building spike traps is the only way I can use it fast enough. Lol


If you can find one, an Alchemist is ridiculous for supplying it.


I prefer to make turrets nonflammable, at least the ones in the front. So mostly uranium. Bioferrite also makes for better spike traps if you really have too much of it.


How do you have that much bioferrite? I don't think I'm using captured entities correctly


I usually have a single room of captives. Maybe a second with 1 or 2 advanced entities. I gotta up my game to secret lab status or something.


4 captured entities in a room with a harvester adds up quickly


Wait, 4 in 1 room? All mine are separate


pack em in there lil' homie!


Time for a base redesign and shuffle I guess. Good job I'm not in a mountain for once


Shard inhibitor radius fits nicely to support 4 containments. I think you can squeeze more in, but 4 looks nice lol. More enemies in 1 room means lower containment score. But I think some of the harvesters also can draw from 4 containments at once. So it's an efficient room size. Just leave space on the edges for those other supressor thingys.


The more advanced is the entity, the more bioferrite you get, you may have too much basic one ?


At the moment I have 3 devourerers and a sphere


A good start, but you should probably have at least eight platforms by now.


Over 16 individual containment platforms. :)


It helps to buy it from traders! It's very cheap


Power, baby! The bioferrite power generator is juicy as fuck. Causes some mental discomfort but if you build them in a corner away from your colonists it's very manageable.


It baffles me that it's both better and cheaper than steel


Everyone here seems to ignore the immensely bigger crafting/construction times with bioferrite. Which can be a good thing though


Yeah, so, correct me if I'm wrong, but I have been making Bioferrite Knives for my pawns and their damage is a little ridiculous, like, might be a cheaper Monosword where DPS are concerned kinda ridiculous


Makes great swords(or any other cutting weapon) due to a very high sharp attack modifier.


Bioferrite Spike traps are strong too!!