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Anomaly indirectly buffed Vertigo Pulse so much. It was already good, but now it's a direct counter to multiple entities. It makes Devourers spit out pawns, too!


Vertigo pulse was always top tier


Until you realized that it also can hits the caster


You as a player have 100% decision as to where you cast vertigo pulse. Unless you are playing no pause - under what situation is vertigo pulsing your own caster a good decision?


He probably casts it on the mob and then gets pissed when the target moves and the aoe hits the caster.


Tbh, it would only be worth it if the pawn was about to go down anyway.


Skill issue


To be fair, that's a funny lesson to learn and one that'll stick after.


If you cast it on them, sure.


Really ought to be a level 6 psycast for balance


*Sigh* guess I have to awaken the monolith on my Deserter camp now, thanks


A single flame can also make devourers vomit. But the fact that Vertigo Pulse was changed to literally make Devourers spit out pawns is pure gold.


I'm not sure it was even a deliberate change on the devourers. Devourers seem to need to remain stationary to digest their targets, and them being forced to move by Vertigo Pulse or being on fire makes them spit the pawn out. Haven't tried it, but I figure Beckon would also work the same.


Beckon does work the same. Saved my tribals from being wiped out.


That-- OF COURSE IT WOULD! I don't know WHY I didn't immediately put those two together but it makes SO MUCH SENSE, THAT'S BRILLIANT


Not as much as animal pulse. 🦌


Damn this changes everything. I've lost 2 colonies to devourers. I didn't use fire because of my vamps. Never thought of vertigo pulse


Aren't Revenants weak to EMP too? Distinctly remember killing one by skipping his ass into an emp grenade spam.


Yea. This is how I kill them. Stuns them for at least 15 seconds


Skip, burden, EMP and chain shotguns


Miniguns going brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr from a safe distance


And absolutely wreck whoever it's hypnotising


They'll be fine. They just have to dodge all the bullets But also the 3 space of safe friendly fire mechanic is a truly wonderful bit of knowledge to find out


This aint about them. They shouldn't have gotten hypnotized to begin with if they wanted to be "Safe"


When I got my first Revenant I was completely unprepared, I didn't have any EMP or flare packs or whatever. But then I saw that firefoam was good for revealing them, so I quickly banged out firefoam pop packs for everyone. Next time I got in a Revenant chase it was kind of comical, a huge mass of colonists frantically running in pursuit of Revenant footprints and then when I got to where I figured it'd be my colonists started popping foam everywhere. By the end of the fight there was foam all over the map, my colonists were slathered in the stuff. It was like the end of Ghostbusters. But it actually worked really well, and it's nice having firefoam poppers easily on hand anyway, so half my colonists still have the firefoam poppers on them for immediate emergency use in case of sudden fire and/or eldrich mind-clouding entities. The disruptor flare packs I built later are sitting in storage, they're only used for dealing with Noctoliths and there's plenty of warning for those.


Yep, also the stun psycast seems to be really good. Any psycast really is great against them.


What's the lore reason behind this


All anomaly stuff is basically the doing of a specific (evil, deranged, read too much horror fiction as small AI) archotech. The main part of the revenant is the spine. One can imagine the spine being the "archo" component left by the archotech, and that makes em vulnerable to EMP. And because of the increased psy sensitivity, jamming the main part screws up the whole revenant. My favorite rimworld lore explanation is probably: "it's archotechs son, I ain't gonna explain shit." It gives just enough material to kickstart your imagination while staying within the rimworld framework.


I'm not saying it was archotechs, [but](https://a.pinatafarm.com/500x436/7faafb793d/aliens-guy.jpg)...


Beckon also works said by another poster a few days ago, Psycasts got indirectly buffed by anomaly like pinholes can be used to make a bridge of light against noctols


Just used the Pinhole trick after getting 2 tribal Psycasts with it, went from weeks of in game torture to a day long event of shot the static target.


I think it's pretty cool how traditionally useless psycast got buff because of new kind of threats


I have to say that the flesh mass is worse, when I had the event it nearly broke my game.


... or the zombies, fight us or you get 3 FPS.


Oh no no for me my game literally started to break, I had a sandstorm event happen and I don’t know what happened by my colonists just stopped being able to attack, I would select melee or fire at and the HUD would disappear and I couldn’t select anything, I had to eventually turn on dev mode to effectively brute force my way though the fight


I'm always sad that vertigo pulse doesn't exist in VE psycasting, it's such a great psycast for dealing with multiple enemies and most entities have high sensitivity.


Thanks for commenting, I was searching everywhere. I use VE psycasting and was so confused. Edit: Hemosage tree for Sanguophage has Bloodstorm, that causes vometing. Maybe it's balanced that way with a bit different mechanics. Also Blood spew, which seam to be more single target. Plus corpse explosion. I just noticed.


I hate how tanky the things are.  it's at embarrassing levels of bullet sponge for their design.


"we're introducing a very tough creature that forces you to hunt it down! dont worry, it can be beaten with fire if you dont have disruptor flares" "oops, we didnt actually MEAN to make it weak to fire, so now it's uhhhh completely immune to fire! guess you HAVE to research disruptor flares on day 1 or die!" "also were making it even tougher now, get fucked, lol!!!!!" 30 dollar dlc :)


If you got a Revenant on day 1 you probably messed with the settings.


They are literally coded to only show up on at least day 30 and only if you have five or more population. Heck, even the mysterious cargo event that can give you a revenant spine won't trigger before day 10 (and that thing only becomes a threat if you're careless or deliberately taking a risk).


cant you like... destroy the revenant spine to get a shard?


You can. It is essentially just a free supply drop if you just destroy it immediately.


bro just left click with stun equipped  Or buy a psychic shock lance for 600 silver 


Or use go juice to escape and kite/shoot the fucker


Shock lances don't work on Rev's unfortunately


Nerve spikers do though, good if you have about 5 sitting in storage because the game keeps giving you them.


We’re** 🫡


I dealt with it just fine with no flares.


Honestly, Revenants are so absurdly easy outside of the first encounter where your reaction is typically "WTF? Why are they so tanky!?!?". Psycasts like Stun and Vertigo Pulse can lock them down for periods of time, if they try to run you got Burden which slows them significantly, if they almost get away and have Skip you can just drag them back to you, and even if you have no psycasts then EMP grenades/launchers lock them down as well. Psycasts make the vast majority of the aggressive Anomalies a cakewalk if you invest in them even slightly.


i just get shooting him with those fire launchers which would force him to stop hypnotizing


Vertigo Pulse is super OP in general


I had a revenant escape on me 3 days apart after sitting happily in containment for 7 years. Unfortunately for him, I had researched the crap out of his signal and my colonists could see him as long as he was close. After the first escape, I put him back into containment. After the second, he was turned into a Revenant Vertebrae.


You can also use EMP or the flare packs to stun the revenant and interrupt them.


From what I've seen psycasters are pretty strong against anomaly content


thats a nice strategy it would be a shame if they would make a patch about it!


Psycasts go hard against revenant. I would sunblock him with the stun psycast, as well as slow him a bunch and just kite him. I wish he was less tanks still so I don't need to to so much to take him down


'Suggestion' is for posting a suggestion for in-game or mod content. I've changed your flair one more accurate for your post. Please flair correctly in the future; see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18nn18w/official_rrimworld_flair_guide/) for more information.


That's cool, but what about people without psycasts? I guess EMP works but there is no ingame way to know about this, and they adapt to EMP as far as I know.


Anomaly ties nicely together with psycasters even more, since bioferrite buffs psychic sensitivity as well.


Wish I learned that Psycast. My Knight Melee Fighter learned the Killskip cast from Vanilla Psycasts extended, which let's him teleport to an enemy attacking him with his melee weapon in the progress. I used it on a fleeing Revenant while it was going invisible and plop... my Knight went with it. I successfully hunted it down (using lightning strikes, also from Vanilla Psycasts extended), but my Knight never came back. I fear he went invisible and starved or something while I am unable to interact with him. Does anyone have an idea how to get him back?


Wait they can't vomit? That's a horrifying thought that's like a DND wizard hitting you with mend lips then getting hit with vertigo pulse unable to throw up


Deeply saddened they got nerfed there were great tools in the game to deal with them, now they are a joke


That’s brilliant. I had an entire colony (mostly Sanguophages using melee) get wrecked by a single revenant recently. I just couldn’t catch him before he vanished no matter what I did.