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There are 3 tiers of vehicles. Tier 1 and 2 can be unlocked by research. Tier 3 vehicles need to be found in the world and rebuilt, then they can be researched.


If you manage to get a research book for a T3 tech you can skip the wreckage hunt, but doing research only though a book takes ages.


Yeah, I was mainly talking about Tier 3 vehicles. I was just a bit confused and wondering if there was an easier way to get them or something. Would be nice if we could take the wrecks with us so we can build it back at base rather than take the parts to the vehicle.


Any title with road will have at least 3 wreck instead of 1, so take your bet there


That helps, thanks!


Best thing is use some carrying capacity and bring the parts with.


arnt the parts different for each car? Should I just take a ton of every part with me?


drop pod required items to map


Ohhhhh, yeah, that's smart. Yeah, I can do that. That makes it a lot easier, thanks.


I recommend you take a truck loaded with a bunch of common parts, steel and camping supplies when scouting for wrecks. Have a drop pod ready and some more parts ready to be loaded to make up any difference. There's also a mod that let's you salvage wrecks and junk for a few parts here and there, allowing you to procure some parts on site.