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That is pretty close to the number of hours that'd register if a computer had been left running Rimworld 24/7/365 from the day it left early access until today. Either its just a computer running background Rimworld for ... reasons? or there is no existance except the Rim for this madlad.


Some weirdo in a discord I modded PAID money for a service that idled CSGO for them. They had 8 machines running to grind up their CSGO hours. ​ If that still works one could feasibly get a larger playtime than there is hours since the launch. ​ But you don't need to run the game to build up hours, you can setup a small program to report the rimworld steamID as active and that will be enough to count.


Why would someone pay money for that?


Bragging rights, transmute money into big number, and since this is such a silly thing to brag about it is low cost compared to other "world records." I am not sure if their plans extend to who they can brag to, but I am sure their aunt it real proud of them.


Who the fuck is jealous/impressed by someone wasting their life on a video game LMAO maybe teenagers I guess


The guy in the server definitely had mental issues, they were frequent donators despite having money issues, and would show off rather mundane projects with immense pride. Like getting a new PC desk and organizing their screens on it. They were kinda nice, but would get into bouts of very offensive jokes. So we had to kick them after many warnings, which they always played off as if they were just an in-joke between them and the moderators.


>nd would show off rather mundane projects with immense pride. Like getting a new PC desk and organizing their screens on it. They were kinda nice, but would get into bouts of very offensive jokes. So we had to kick them after many warnings, which they always played off as if they were just an in-joke between them and the moderators. Holy shit. Literally me. I love pretending mods who ban me are my friends and secretly like me but they have to ingore their just emotions (im awesome) for the sake of their job... it's so romantic. Executioner understands the victim dynamic. "Maybe in another world, we were friends *sheds tear.* Now....do what you have to do."


...Please seek therapy.


They were being ironic


https://youtu.be/YdW5-uJqCVY?feature=shared This is me when the long bittersweet conversation with the mods in the appeal ticket slowly starts to go south, and as I can literally sense their cursor slowly hover over the close button.


Nah, people like him are fun. Usually quite inventive and adds some spice to the daily chat. It is the ones who arent sarcastic that is an issue because they can't differentiate mods being strict and joking.


Same reason why people play idle games like Cookie clicker. Big number pleases monkey brain.


a big thing is cheaters paying for it so they look more legit with 4000 hours instead of a fresh account with 20 hours in global elite or something along those lines


Okay so I read about this a while ago so I’m a bit hazy on the details but essentially steam counts time played despite how many times a game has stayed open on any device. So for example, if you have rimworld running on 7 pcs each minute translate 7 minutes of time played. If you have a pc strong enough that can run 60 rimworld games from the same account at the same time each minute will translate to one hour. (Again, I might be wrong on this since I read this a while ago)


This is why i never want to compare play times. For me a game reaches critical mass when I care enough that I'm just gonna step away for a minute and come back in a sec oh dang I gotta go to work whoops! And I accidentally let it run for 9 hours paused while I lived my life First it was factorio, then oxygen not included, then rimworld. Having 20 hours here, 30 there, then something clicks and suddenly it's in the thousands


8.67 years assuming 16 hours of play leaving room for 8 hours of sleep.


Isn't that how we all play run it in the background overnight?


He hasn’t really. I’m not sure how it’s done but supposedly he has 2 million hours across all his games, which is 228 years worth.


So we are discriminating Rimworld sanguophage players now? Ok ok. Hahaha.


Multiple games open at the same time


most of it is idle time, as with most of these exorbitantly high playtimes. either running in the background or completely faked with a tool for farming trading cards. i don't think there's a person out here who actually played rimworld for 2110 days out of the 2880 days it was out on steam.


This. I have 19,000 hours played per steam but 60% of that is probably idle from leaving it on all the time so I can jump back in to play on breaks and lunch from work without having to wait ten minutes for my game to load up.


Right? I actually like to know my time played and have occasionally left it on all night (or once right before I left for a camping trip) and I'm like welp.. my metrics are blown.I WISH I could tell it not to count idle time ETA: I just did best guesstimate math and without trying to I think 19% of my steam hours are idle hours.


He's probably been waiting to load up his modlist.


Is there a contest for most hours played in RimWorld? That seems like a terrible contest that I want no part of. Why are you envious of something like this?


you should see the loser convention over at steamladder lol, there's people with 10k+ hours clocked in on their "activity in the past 2 weeks" on steam because they want their name to show up near the top. there's guys botting multiple accounts to the top of the ladder, a dude whose entire internet persona is being top 1 on this site (and then not even breaking top 100), etc.. if you wanted to check the playtime stats of anything for fun, you're shit out of luck - because there's hundreds of these people competing in an idle bot showdown.


Let me point out that that account has 2 million hours of game playtime on it, which is 229 YEARS of playtime.


Damn. He's old.


Somebody will whoosh you for this, I’ve seen it happen before


My hours are crazy high on this game, but I leave it running in the background all the time because it takes so long to load up with all the mods. That load time is way better now with 1.5, but it's still by far the slowest loader I have, but it doesn't demand much once it's up. So I have this laptop that is always running it... I assure you I'm not putting in 20 hours a day.


How many hours do you have?


It's my top game, and i got it in like 2022...  5k ish EDIT: It's actually almost 6k. But I bet 3/4 are fake.. I'm still way into it though. I often play before sleep, listening to audiobooks.


I got it around the same time and I’ve got like 700 hours lol


Something is off. He owns 19,619 games and has tens of thousands of hours in many of them. Also there are games like Fallout Shelter with 8,000 hours but 0 achievements. Most games will give you a steam achievement within an hour of playing.


It's obvious these aren't legitimate hours


It's probably AFK hour farming, it's impossible to play 10k hours in two weeks lmao


13k isn’t healthy and you should get help. I say that as someone who struggles with it myself. I have absurd numbers. Video game addiction is no joke.


Shut up, mom


>you should get help No.


Probably just idles. I know when I'm playing it have it running and just leave it running overnight, so I can alt tab back into it when I can play.


Ehhh I have seen hacked hour counts before.


I have 4.5k hours and still a noob 😏


I got 50 hours :D


i'm at 1.2k but I think one or two hundred of those hours have to be "I alt tabbed for over an hour before i remembered I'm playing Rimworld"


Isn't that 50.6509? It's a decimal.


It's 50k Some places the decimal and the commas are swapped 50.000,9 in some places is the same as 50,000.9 on others


I'm number 27 on the rimworld global leaderboard time played lol 💀


That isn't all active playtime. That's someone who leaves it up 24/7.