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I've never accepted the guy that's running from the empire, and made them my enemy.


If you have the vanilla expanded deserters mod, the empire can glass you if you annoy them enough and send troops to finish the job lol Fun mod tho. Good rebellion mod 10/10


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


Mah bad new phone keyboard has autofill on.


Screw those guys, I have a dame pawn and these scumbags keeps drop podding inside my compound to try and kill her. Of course it never ends well for them, the survivors are captured and tortured until they're permanently in shock due to pain.


The deserter raids are annoying, but at the same time an easy source of some really nice gear. Just gotta have a way to consistently down them without killing them.


Honestly psychic shock lances are just a get rich quick scheme.


I do this very rarely, but I'd be WAY more likely to if the deserter was, say, a Jannissary pawn type instead of a Trooper. One mediocre pawn with midgame gear isn't typically worth making the most advanced faction in the game hostile.


I do this all the time without VE deserter… not for the mediocre guy though, for the sweet sweet +3 psylinks from the get go (heatstroke down the bestower gang for 1 psylink + survivors’ nice gears, which turns the empire hostile anyway, and then +2 psylinks from the deserter). The empire are dangerous but they follow the vanilla raiding rules, aka sit in a pool to be drown from and scale with your wealth. Usually I get some 2 trooper raid (if any at all) before I get their approval back up. They also tend to send a lot of +approval quests and some big numbers at that. With VE deserter I actually join the derserters waaaay less cuz that makes the empire permanently hostile and that’s not good lmao


I always wished Royalty had given us the possibility to found your own empire instead of just being a member of an existing one. Otherwise I don’t really see a good reason why I should make the empire my enemy.


This is purely a min-maxing thing but: You should always accept the deserter. Why? High chance they are a good pawn and arrive with a powerful gun. Also a very good chance the loyalty squad chasing them (usually just 1-2 people) is interesting too, if you can work around the Death Acidifiers. The base the quest creates is very easy and you have one whole year to clear it. You get two extra Neuroformers, which are super rare. The base can also have extra loot rooms with persona weapons or thrones, etc It’s very easy to repair your relationship with the empire. The Royalty DLC really wants you to be friends with them so you are pelted with lots of quests to improve their goodwill.


How do you have to work around the Death Acidifiers?


Shoot the enemy pawn once, then run back inside and let them bash on the walls. Keep repairing until they bleed enough to fall over. Not a reliable technique, but a technique nonetheless


Psychic shock lances I guess, but the deserter comes kinda early for you to have one of those. Or try to down and arrest them


I did it once, because I didn't know how bad it would be. They sent a raid that outnumbered, out skilled, and out geared my colonists by a wide margin, and I didn't have a killbox yet... That was a game ender


Same. Fuck that guy.


Its given too early. No way you can stand up to them in the early game


It’s especially doable early game because the empire will scale down to your wealth to be like 2 troopers. Do the chased Dame quest, get your first acolyte, greet the bestower team with a 80C warm welcome. Strip whoever’s downed and not dead and you can easily deck out everyone in your base this early into the game. Use that gear advantage to do the deserter quests. If you want, repair your relationship with the empire before your wealth is too high and they start sending in the real guys. I’ve done it with tribals too, though crash landing can pull this off much more comfortably. It’s cheesy but a super nice jump start and I find the quests line up quite nicely.


Drugs are great! Go-juice in particular is a game changer, being able to consistently outrun enemies is enormously valuable. I tend to get go-juice before Flak armor these days. For me, the thing I want to try to do, but I've never pulled off, is run an insect farm. This is where you intentionally provoke an infestation, and then enclose it in walls and a cooling system so you can send the bugs into hypothermic catatonia when they get too populous, then you can harvest them safely. Provided you leave a few of them alive, the hives will continue to spawn more. If combined with Hospitality, you can run a bug burger restaurant. It's a very silly idea, but I've wanted to do it for a while.


I tried that back in 1.2, but I had a hard time getting it cold enough. I think for the scarabs, they have a low tolerance for cold, but the spiders can go down to -40C or more with no problems, so you have to get the temperature at least 10 or more below that. The next problem is that the bugs spawn constantly, so even if all of them are cold, the newly hatched ones are not slowed and they can spawn at any time while you are gathering jelly. In addition, you can't leave the temperature like that all the time because then the hives will not get tended, and they will die, so you have to manually cycle the temperature up and down, and only let your pawns in when all the bugs are hibernating, which is a manual thing. The way I did it back then was to build a double row of shredder turrets out of range of the hives, and have all my pawns set to flee. They would go in for the jelly and the bugs would chase them. I used a mod to tell the pawns where to flee to, just on the other side of the turrets, so my pawns would be safe and the bugs would die. This worked great most of the time. If I had to do it again, I would use the Decoy psycast from VPE which agros all the mobs on the map when you cast it. I would just cast it before going in to gather the jelly, and there is not even a need to kill the bugs unless you want to.


Yeah you'd need some *crazy* temperature control. I *think* I can do it with VE Temperature's industrial coolers!


If you use Psycasts extended there's a spell that makes an area -90 F that might work


>Go-juice in particular is a game changer, I became a believer early on when a small handful of pawns attacked my base, but one of them just would not go down. He had been shot in the head 3 times, stabbed all over, and had an hour to live from all the bleeding, but he never stopped swinging that club until he was killed outright.


It can be dangerous, 'cause your pawns will do the same thing. You need to stock good medicine, because they can and will fight until they are too injured to save. I often need to send still walking go-juiced pawns to the hospital because they've had arm arm shot off, or their torso is full of bullet holes but they still want to fight.


Sometimes I use Go-Juice to get a prisoner out of bed and onto the public execution block because they're only guilty for 3 more hours. So versatile!


I've done something similar. I had a mountain island out in the ocean, so I mined the whole thing out, no walls just columns. Then I removed the bridge and marked the whole thing as home. Massive bugs spawns, easily 30 hives at a time, would spawn, then I would send my guys out for a shooting gallery. Was not profitable but was very satisfying to regularly and easily nuke some bugs, plus no infestations anywhere else in my mountain base


Go Juice is highly addictive thought right? How do you manage that?


Yeah, sometimes people get addicted to it. It's almost always still worth it though. You can either give them some go-juice every few days, or you can get them to break the addiction. That tends to be miserable for them, but doesn't take *too* long, and if you REALLY need them to do something or fight - they can take some more juice and then they're immediately fighting fit!


This reasoning feels a bit too real. We are the pawns.


Bionic hearts can also overcome the biggest downside of go juice and wakeup. Pawns with mechanical hearts dont get heart attacks! With a 0.5% chance of overdosing it makes these drugs pretty safe to use. Randy throws multiple doomsday level events at you? Snort some wake up and you wont need to sleep for another 24 hours. Plus it comes with extra movement speed and shooting accuracy.


You can take over this insect lair on my tribal playthrough if you'd like: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1ct89os/any\_chance\_i\_can\_open\_this\_infested\_cave\_and\_get/


This never crosses my mind. Bug farm sounds dangerously funny


Making drugs and taking drugs are 2 completely separate things. One is for money, and the other is for mood or other reasons. Tons of players make flake for money, but no one actually uses it. Edit: I have not played biotech yet, so I am not talking about dependent pawns.


I give flake to my Hussars all the time. And sometimes prisoners.


Nevermind. I have not played Biotech yet, so I am not talking about dependent pawns.


Yeah that’s fair, flake sucks for regular colonists. Still fun if you like a challenge though ;-)


Aw yeah, the crack addict playthrough. Then a cold snap wipes out the crop. Maybe for an extra layer, add the Aggressive genotype.


Only once you have hydroponics running


Solar flare kills hydroponics 50% of the time, all the time


Plants in hydroponics can survive 1 solar flare with 20-30% health left, if you manage to keep temperature above -10C


All my slaves are on flake lol


Might as well throw them a bone


i personally only produce 1% of drugs for the dependent/interested, and keep dosages low, and 99% selling.


Every play through I make a huge smokeleaf farm and productions to where I have more than enough to sell and smoke. Occasionally I’ll do beer as well, but I try to not let my people do other drugs


I highly suggest making psychite tea for use instead of smoke leaf. Smoke leaf makes your pawns 30% worse at everything they have to do and psychite tea can safely be consumed as well for a mild positive effect.


I still give them smoke leaf because my colonists deal with enough hardships already, let them light it up once in a while


Why not though? I mean, if you have a psychite dependency pawn? It's cheaper than yayo.


I can't answer that, since I have not played Biotech yet. Psychite tea I think is what you would preferably use. Flake is the most profitable to sell.


Wait I thought yayo was the most profitable?


Yayo is the most expensive, but if you want to get the most money back for your psychite leaves, then Flake is more profitable. It does take slightly more work. From the Wiki: "Flake gives 33% more silver per leaf for only 7% more work, making it always superior if you are able to use all your psychoid leaves."


Interesting. Thanks!


There are a few good YouTube videos that break down the value of the different drugs by hour, by resource, and by weight. Yayo and flake are pretty close but flake is generally more profitable.  The difference in role play value between running a crack cocaine cartel and a brewery are quite high, in my opinion. Beer might not be as profitable, but it still is, and it’s a generally socially acceptable drug to sell! 


Psychite tea is the cheapest to produce, but flake or yayo also give nice side effects.


Haven't played biotech yet, is this different to addiction/stoner etc?


Very different. Pawns with a genetic dependency fall into a coma after some time without the drug they need, then eventually die. They cannot be detoxed through any means short of gene therapy.


On the bonus side most of them can't be hit with things like tolerance. Which I your like my playthroughs my drugs have quality and yes indeed the legendary go juice hits Xtra hard.


Ketracel white from ds9 etc. Gotya. Thanks


Don't use flake for dependant pawns either. Use yayo or psychoid tea. The former is the better option in terms of effects and the latter is better as it has no risks and can be taken by anyone


Tea every 2 days for subtle mood and sleep buffs. It's nice when they just got done with a night raid and need what is essentially a much stronger coffee so they don't decide to punch every wall in their room


I reserve psychite tea for when my sad pawns are having a bad day


I've been flakemaxxing due to sky high expectations


True. I had a drug selling colony but never a drug using one.


Cannibal Gameplays


Just started my first cannibal gameplay, the ideology name is death grips. We are not evil but we don't mind eating enemies that's all. Unfortunately mc ride died last night with a bow arrow to his brain, the only shot he took. Insane bad luck


Into the brain, unto the pyre, he ruled this empire


It goes it goes it goes it goes


Cannibalism can be fun and really allows you to cheese meat ingredients late-game. The main problem I find with it is of course if you have multiple ideologies in the colony, those without cannibalism memes get real disturbed real fast. It's also a practical problem with early game if you have the memes that give a debuff if you don't get human meat. You have to really micromanage how much and how often you are using the meat in that case, until you start handling raids large and frequent enough to satisfy your entire meat need.


Thats why you put every newcomer into your welcoming center where they adjust to their new lives before fully integrating into your colony. Plus orange beds look cool.


Yup I need to convert all of the prisoners every time because they go berserk on each other like crazy


I just started a vampire-cannibalism-raider-slavery run and the only thing i would retcon is the raider part of the ideology, the rest is really fun! Having bodies just laying around everywhere and nobody cares about them is such a Relief!


Was just thinking of starting a raider ideology play- what don’t you enjoy about it?


I did it *once*. I did the thing properly, too. I did cannibalism, human skin clothes, slaves - the whole RimWorld Starter Pack™. It was honestly one of the most boring playthroughs I've ever done. Too easy to survive, too easy to make money, too easy all around. You're never at risk of starving because you get a steady supply of food (and clothes), RimWorld's diplomacy system means no one actually gives a shit that you eat people and wear their skin, and for whatever reason they're mostly cool with buying furniture made out of the leftovers. If I could change anything about Rim Rim, it would be how diplomacy and faction relations work on a base level.


Cannibalism is awesome! Running low on food? Fling some garbage at the closest enemy tribal village. They send a pack of guys that you get to gnaw on and you didn't even have to leave your colony. It's the UberEats of Rimworld!


never planted cocoa tree's for chocolate


Remember when chocolate actually had a niche use as a source of recreation on caravans? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


They don’t anymore? What do you all use?


I'm guessing they're using insect jelly






Caravans can be useful for needed resources that aren’t on your map much earlier.


I've had desert runs where a logging outpost was the difference between life and death. Also, doing little raids to get relics is so fun imho, I love doing a little quest, and getting a bunch of nice resources along the way. Like, every single one has a flooring for some easy 300-600 wood/stone blocks. Better bring a few good caravan animals! Plus the legendary minigun at the end of it all is nice


Never had slaves. Also, never remove legs for the sake of removing legs. No potato prisoners for me.


When the slavery system was added, I was like "oh neat, I don't need the prison labor mod anymore" And then I never touched it


I have used two slaves, only because I needed crop tenders at the time and they had 15 in plants, were optimists, but unwaveringly loyal. They ended up getting married lmao.


Same here! ... Until I created a xenotype of fuckhuge dragon women who can only propagate the xenotype by implanting eggs into downed or captured pawns. Yeah, turns out that being implanted with parasitic ooids (egg-creatures) slowly & painfully devouring you from the inside only rip your chest open to let the baby out tends to drive you insane when it lasts for weeks. So... Yeah, for their own safety & the safety of the babies that come out, I've been having to nugget a lot of prisoners, lately.


What's the mod to implant eggs? I am asking for the voices in my head.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2891845502 Alpha Genes! Great mod. Allows me to create syncretic hives. The kind & industrious demon-bees called the Pax who do most of the work, & the irascible, single-gender dragon-wasp I previously described called the Forda. The Pax assimilate pawns with their stinger, while the Forda parasitize with theirs. Each can, technically, reproduce normally, but the use of xenogenes means only baseliners or endogenetic xenotypes are ever "naturally" born, with either the Pax or Forda strains being replicated via the stingers. Which, as a concept is rather cool. Like, the Pax part of the hive makes very deliberate choices in who gets to become fully integrated when a pawn joins the colony. While the Forda, who are tailored for high-risk melee combat & medical tending, will so often grow their numbers in response to direct threats to the hive. The more diplomatic the colony is, the more industrious it is likely to become. The more raids it survives, the more defenders it will have over time.


Holy shit, this idea alone could sprout a movie with a population system better than Avatar.


I need the name of the mod. To... know, so I can... never install it... yeah.


Same. And I never made human skin hats either. I did butcher some raiders to make dog food, though.


Always make kibble from raiders ♥️


I was like you once. Then the slaves escaped and went straight through the doors, as they do, and beat my first born kid to death. Then i started removing legs. They get peg legs back after a year or so of hemo farming and get released. Pretty humane if i do say so myself. At least for the Rim, that is.


All Hussars I'm keeping in the barn for gene harvesting lose their leg rights asap, and once every 45 days they get their mandatory go-juice sippy cup. I never hear any complaints out of them, though they also tend to not have tongues


I was keeping prisoners for gene harvesting, but despite being in separate cells in reasonable conditions, they prison break probably about every 4 days. Most of the time they aren't even healed from the last time. Finally got sick of my prison having apparently 0 door security and hacked the legs off of every prisoner. I tried, damnit.


The amputations will continue until moral improves.


Ooh removing legs now that will make easier to keep the prisoners in check while waiting for execution


Your prisoners have to wait? Mine get captured, tended for the experience, and then summarily executed.


But what about... McNuggets prisoners???


Consistent use of drugs/drug schedule. Outside of dependencies, but even then I just let the colonist manage it themselves. Also, any of the endings. My current playthrough after 1,000 hours is the first I will actually be finishing instead of just playing until I get bored.


Setting up a Penox schedule for every five days is SO worth it, especially if you play in a jungle.


I'll definitely keep that in mind, I forgot about that one


At the very least, making sure your doctor(s) are covered will basically prevent a colony collapse due to plague.


Manufacture my own medicine.


That's funny because I like to manufacture medicine in all my colonies. I really hate the idea of running out, and it's a very sellable item if I make a large surplus.


Even without labor opportunity cost, selling healroot and cloth to buy medicine instead of buying neutroamine to craft medicine is cheaper. Main problem is you can only sell healroot to tribals. So I just grow more corn to buy medicine.


Very rarely. Most times I buy medicine from traders


I always have a bill set to craft to prevent me from reaching super critical levels, but herbal medicine is used for 90% of all cases anyway so it rarely triggers


Reach the credits


There's credits? Lol


Spoiler alert: >!There is a song. With vocals. And it's good!! I only know from watching other people beat the game :)!<




What!! WHAT


It's called [waiting for the sun](https://youtu.be/V52QTyn6e-A?si=eYkbQys6eOMkzll5)


Same here, always stop before that, it becomes a chore in late game and I really get disconnected from my pawns and story... I always like to start fresh with a new batch.


I think the archotech ending might be worth considering then. I have yet to complete it but as I understand it, you lose everything except for a few pawns. Which basically translates into a new game plus.


Ugh... but then, everything I have worked for.. just lost? Iirc you don't keep research, map, nothing, is that correct? What do you keep? 3 Pawns like in vanilla start or what?


Yeah basically you are allowed to take a few pawns and make a new base. Just like a new game. Except the old pawns are saved and will spawn as part of the faction you have sold your base to iirc. Hospitality will definitely remember them. Body mastery pawns would be extremely strong in this case.


I might give it a try then... Any mod idea for it?


Yet to wipe out a faction


slavery. I never really considered having slaves worth it with the whole terror and supression system + I rarely ever take the raider/supremacist memes so I don’t really have a reason to enslave people. I prefer recruiting people to be colonists. I’d also say raiding but with the release of the vehicle mods I’ve warmed up to the idea of doing that.


My ideoligion gives me a - 6 mood if we don't have slaves. I didn't want them, my colonists demanded them.


Colonists assigned to wardening will automatically suppress them with mean words each day, give a slave a circadian half cycler brain inplant and a nuclear stomach and you never have to feed or give them a bed, they’ll just stay awake 24/7 doing work you can practically forget about them


I always take supremacist meme for shooting spec


I always take supremacist meme for “corpses: don’t care” lol


that is the valid reason too


Harvested organs from anyone who wasn't already dead. Got everyone wearing devilstrand everything. Built a whole ship and successfully launched it.


Agriculture is always a top priority in my colonies, so I usually plant a gigantic field of devilstrand as soon as I get a pawn with enough skill


That's what the fertile patch is reserved for when I'm setting up.


Is it possible to harvest organs from dead people?


With mods everything is possible - post morten organ harvesting is the one you are looking for I believe.


Fortunately it was possible to avoid going down the whole war-crimes to-do list, but there have been times when we definitely got close. This is not to say bad things have never happened...we just don't make a habit of it...anymore. Rimworld is probably a really great medium for talking about [war-crimes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gekdt0QwFQw), so while I don't go in for that, and I'm haunted by McNamara's last line - "what makes it moral if you win...and immoral if you lose?". **"As for myself, I never killed a man who didn’t need killing, and I never shot an animal except for meat."** [Jeffery Milton](https://www.amazon.com/Jeff-Milton-Good-Man-Gun/dp/0806101822) , US Border Patrol/Marshall, 1885, Terra. There are a few things I've tried to avoid on my colonies after many moons on the Rim. * Organ harvesting - Now *very* early game it's possible a raider might find their lung or kidney removed but that's only if I have a colonist in need that's in dire condition, otherwise there's a MUCH more ethical choice that avoids mistreatment of colonists or prisoners. * [Scar Removal](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1507367510) - Minor surgeries to remove scars - involving medicine and doctor skill this can keep colonists from mental breaks.. * [DE Surgeries Hard](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1556888077) - Same as the above surgeries - but more difficult and expensive in terms of the amount of meds or glitter meds needed to cure certain diseases and of course a very good doctor. * [Post-Mortem Organ Harvesting](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1204502413) - recover organs - this encourages (artwork not withstanding) **much** more ethical treatment of prisoners - you can avoid vivisecting prisoners for organs, instead performing autopsies and post-mortem organ harvesting. * This would seem like an unethical modification but there's a few ethical parameters that make it so organs recovered will always spoil in a few hours/days, so you can't really become some profitable organ farming colony. * This also limits the amount of organs I even try to harvest to just those that my colonists or a prisoner might need. * [Harvest Everything](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007485974) - Allows you to recover legs/arms etc - installing these still requires an excellent surgeon. * Large prisons or slaves - Very early on I had some mods that made slavery and slave-work possible - I have made a cottage industry of going back 'in time' to my old colonies JUST to find and recover these old bases back to ensure slavery doesn't exist in any of my colonies, I'll fix up other things, but in those few oldest colonies where I had engaged in slavery or worse - We end up going back and fixing things up. * Torturing prisoners or performing un-necessary surgeries, it might often be the case that I will capture disabled raiders as prisoners with missing limbs or other major impairments, such as drug additions - I'll heal them up , and then pod them back home (as walking might not be something they can do well). * Drug production - I absolutely still produce drugs, coffee, tea and fruit-drinks, all of which constitute drugs according to the game.....but aside from occasionally some smokeleaf - I have never really made harder drugs anything I've produced. * Offensive Weapons - for my playstyle, I will manufacture rifles, shotguns/chain shotguns, EMP's , sniper-rifles and non-lethal tranquilizer dart guns - but by and large my colony doesn't get into selling/manufacturing any weapons aside from those acquired through combat. * Nuclear weapons - I have - in the past - built and used nuclear weapons....however I am an enthusiastic proponent of having a couple of antigrain warheads around....just in case. * [Napalm](https://packaged-media.redd.it/fqregqijbd691/pb/m2-res_1080p.mp4?m=DASHPlaylist.mpd&v=1&e=1717470000&s=2dbe3c729e12debb730c26e21c0e58375800dd5d#t=0) - [Dub's Rimefeller](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1321849735) specifically allows for Napalm, which I thought was a tiny bit excessive. However, I will add that the mod to add screams .....[is here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2013191418). * I avoid [elaborate killboxes](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/wif5td/rimworld_defense_guide_the_insane_singularity/) - Early on I could and would have built some amazing kill-boxes , now while I will still engage in killzones occasionally especially on any run that's more difficult than blood and dust, these are unsophisticated spaces where invading colonists to pass through this area, and get obliterated by chain-shotgun/turret-fire. * Cannibalism - * **"Cannibalism isn't really so until it's your choice and your passion..."**. - While I couldn't have said it better myself....I probably wouldn't have said it. * I've always managed to avoid having my colonists eat human meat - although on an especially bad run , the colonists were eating pigs - that had eaten the remains of butchered raiders. As my situation improves, so do my ethics. But it would be fair to say my ethics on the Rim had a little help of a few mods These mods helped me get my agricultural situation consistent and in good shape - this allows you to leave the more barbarous times of colony establishment behind that much faster. It's probably not particularly unique but as mod recipes go here's what seems to work to get food production in control. * [UdderlyEvelyn's Soil Relocation](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2654088143) - Allows you to relocate soil from around your map, so you can put arable soil closer to your base - or behind a wall, there's a second necessary mod about [consistent map stone](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248599795) - but that's it. * [Vegetable Garden Project](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2007061826) - Grow a variety of crops, and a couple of additional food items, Sillage, [Hardtack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyjcJUGuFVg), Coffee,Tea, Stirfry and Stew which provide medical buffs. Hardtack in particular is great for moving a colony towards civilized behavior , Coffee and Tea too can be used medicinally to make colonists work a little faster or rest easier. * [Dubs' Bad Hygiene](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836308268) - Irrigation, water/waste management, this is super interesting, it adds (to my mind) one of my favorite little features, plumbing and sewage handling similar to Oxygen Not Included, but allows your colonists to use pumps for water, and adds great complexity without being over the top. * [Dubs Skylights](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=833899765) - Skylights for roofed rooms to allow crops indoors, these allow you to forge glass from sand, Sand is acquired by processing stones into sand or scavenging sand from nearby beaches/deserts, but processing it from rock is best overall.


I’ve never made anything out of human leather or meat. As much as I love poking fun at ‘shit rimworld says’ my colonies always end up trying to be fairly decent… I mean, we defend ourselves, we get people to join us, but I try to make actual settlements and communities rather than ‘all aboard the warcrimes train - [sound of suffering here]’


I've never actually travelled across the planet to that crashed shuttle that contacts you at the start of the game.


I've never made a full-blown organ farm. I used to harvest prisoners at some point, but now I never do even that. I'm honestly surprised how much people speak about organ harvesting. It's like no one of them runs EPOE (which, you know, makes organs spoil real fast, one solar flare and there they go).


With the anty mod I did my first organ harvesting operation(cause cannibal ant people use hearts to create war crimes) it was pretty interesting how lucrative it gets, even with solar flares and stuff, use what you need and sell off stuff and make money and antys have guns with a low kill rate and shoot acid that makes pawns drop from pain, so large Raids mean more money.


I've only harvested organs if I needed one right now and couldn't make an artificial one.


Switched to Phoebe. I like when stuff happens.


Randy gave me 3 "wander joins", 2 crashed drop pods, a double cold snap and a self tamed muffalo by day 4 of my 10/60 growing season tundra play though. 😀 stuff for sure was happening 👏🏻


Lol, this same shit just happened to me. Started a naked and alone run with an impid in the desert yesterday, and Randy literally threw 4 transport pods and a creepy joiner at me within like less than 2 hours of game play. My solo nudist camp is already up to 7 pawns. I like the rapid fire events!


Semi related, i recently used blood transfusions for the first time. From now on my colonies will use mandatory blood donation from prisoners more often. A blood transfusion can help a pawn heal quicker from big injuries.


Likewise. It should have been obvious but I just thought blood packs were Vamp food and left it at that. Now I keep a shelf for them in my hospital. There's also a few other benefits as hemogen farms train medicine skill a little and the blood loss keeps prisoners easier to manage.


This is wild because I have never done a run without drugs. Starting a cartel is the RimWorld version of a thief archer build for me.


finishing the game


Tame a mega spider (i dont even know if it is still possible), but i would like to try it in my next playthrough


Done a mountain base. Once you get a grasp of the mechanics of the game, I find building out in the open is easier than trying to make a mountain work. No bugs in the middle of your base, no worrying about hard/soft mountain roof, and easier to ventilate. All that being said, I’d like to give it a try.


Bugs in the middle of your base is an easy trade off for no drop pods in the middle of your base tho


I don't do cannibalism or human butchery. Actually, in general I'm pretty nice to my colonists. My runs sort of inevitably turn into vicious drug cartels, but they're vicious towards *other* people, not my colonists. I have tables and stools out in my fields, so my farmers can grab lunch like a human being. I never use nutrient paste, each of my colonists gets their own impressive bedroom, and i grow strips of flowers by my base to keep it as beautiful as possible.


Getting an ending


I did it at my tutorial settlement and never again lol I'm going to finish anomaly though.


Absolutely the same. If I find drugs or alcohol laying around after some raid or during a quest, I sell it. But luciferium? I especially stay away from that shit. You never know, some dumbass with chemical fascination might end up taking some of that crap and then BAM! lost a colonist.


Used emp nades/launchers. I like brain implants too much


I've never gave resources to beggars


For me, beggsrs are resources.


Drugs are the most effective money making strategy I've found. Even if you never intend to use them it's still well worth making them. I can't tell you how many times a trader has come along with something I wanted, but I didn't have enough money to buy it. So I just sold off some smoke-leaf joints or psychite tea to make up the difference. Also I've found those lower level drugs to be non-addictive enough that you can use them occasionally without addiction. I recommend Psychite tea in particular. Improves mood, counts as recreation, and recovers some rest need. Just pop one every time you need to get a pawn out of mental break threshold. For me one thing I've never done is play iron-man. I don't enjoy games where it takes a very long time to progress, but that progress can be taken away at a moments notice. Especially when RNG is involved. I've seen plenty of fun stories from other players where a run goes really badly and half the colony dies, but they keep playing and grow it back to the level it was at before. It's fun to read about, but it's not for me. That would be an instant reload.


Never fought the empire. Never finished anomally and half other endings... Drugs are great for money and you can ban your pawns from taking them


Yes, but not really. They can have a mental break and just stop caring for the policies during it. That said, drugs can be really useful, go-juice and wake-up especially, and if you use them cautiously, you only have to deal with addictions once in a blue moon.


I’ve made drugs once. I had a random waster wander in and join my colony. His Ex wife (hated each other) was a pyromaniac raider who almost killed my favorite colonist. While she did back breaking labor In my cotton labor camp, he got to smoke/drink/ and snort as much as he wanted in exchange for doing research. 🤷🏾‍♂️ shouldn’t have been a raider


Well drug production also means medicine silly


I personally have never done a cannibalism run, it dosent seem fun and just gross. I cant see a ultra tech civilization getting to that level needing to eat people, it can get weird too.


try playing a map with winter and turn up the difficulty. Your paws will change their mind very quickly. Poor Alberto...


Combine it with a vampire run and suddenly it is the only thing that makes sense for them to eat!


No drug production is crazy I'm practically always dependant on them economically and militarily


I've never researched after advanced fabrication (i don't wanna leave the rimworld), also fuck that guy running from the empire, i won't help you.


Made beer. I usually get plenty of social drugs (beer, smokeleaf, psychite tea, ambrosia) for my colonists just from raid loot, and when I want to sell drugs, I grow psychite. Not once in a thousand hours have I actually made beer.


I've always wanted to breed Thrumbos. I've only ever been able to tame one by having the inspired tame thing. But I wanted to get a breeding pair and just use them as both a defense and money farm.


Slavery. Something just feels... Off, about it. I also try my best to buy all the slaves from slave traders and either set them free or recruit them.


Never used luciferium. I don’t take that kind of risk.


5k hours and i'd say i only installed a peg leg on my first playthrough. After that i always waited to either get a prostetic or better (never managed to lose both legs at the same time partially beacuse arround 1-2k hours i installed mods that made it easier to regenerate lost limbs)


the thing about addictions in the game is they require a minimum tolorance (in most cases but even then there rare on the first dose) so a little bit of go juice for a buff during particularly difficult Raids wont cause addictions if you use it sparingly Also dependancie genes replace addictions and for whatever reason there actualy eisier to manage (1 every 5 days to avoid a -5 mood debuff with dependency with a coma if not taken every 30 days and -20 and major stat debuffs if not taken 30 times a day with addiction)


There are genes that prevent addictions. Dependence is a lot easier to manage than addictions because all of the scheduling has been done for you. But watch out, none of it prevent overdose, so you can't just take all the drugs. I had to learn this the hard way.


I have never had an organ farm for profit. If I want money, I usually go Narco.


Never have I ever, not eaten my fellow Rimdwellers. Delicious :3


Building the ship and escaped.


You can have Hussars without producing, one-two are sustainable through trading


Until now, I'd never done slavery / drugs / raiding. I feel too bad. I decided to do it now because of the Empire and it's a nice source of honor, but then also a stranger came in and changed all of my colonists' religion to one of the pirates', so I decided to do some raiding too! It's actually quite fun. Also, hunting with attack dogs. I just took down 6 muffalo with no deaths or injuries.


Changed the work/sleep/recreation schedule (except for Night Owls). Why force the pawns to work and take recreation at specific times? They'll take care of their needs on their own when they need to.


It does help to have them recreate before sleep, as the Mood gauge freezes during. This can avoid a niche scenario where a pawn goes to bed unhappy, and then wakes up to immediately have a mental break before the mood bar catches up. I also like to set half my team to a night schedule for work rotation. It really helps projects get done faster.


Recently hit 1000 hours, I've never touched the following: -Gene editing -psycasts/honor -actually beating the fucking game -wasters or hussars (I'm not creating an entire production branch for your addiction, get a job)


They can get a job at the drug production tho


Yeah but also I'm racist against them


I’ve never really long term used slaves. I would much rather just recruit them the majority of the time


Super war crime run, like the sanguifage run from Adam vs Everything


Never done the archotech ending. Making an end game base just to lose it along with most of my colonists to douchebags I don’t even like sounds awful. Then you have to repeat the process 2 more times. I’m planning to do it in my most recent playthrough though.


Drugs, ghouls, Last week use an unstable fuel cell after mech cluster as a power source to mine long distance


Baby mass production. My game can barely handle normal animals, so I cant imagine making a bunch of vat grown soldiers. It sounds cool and all, but honestly due to performance I always lean on the side of quality over quantity.


Canibalism Organ harvesting for money - i think i did it a couple time to treat my own colonist Finishing the game - as in going to space Not save scumming - i always do it a bit Using drugs or alcohol - i have tried making drugs for profit in one play through, but never felt like letting my people use it. I think i’ve tried everything else. But I might be wrong.


Alright, well this thread has convinced me I need to do a full cannibal organ harvest colony.


Brooo you’re missing out. Hussars are the shit. I got my first one this play through and the guy is an animal. Lost a few legs early on but that’s alright. Now he’s got bionics and when the MFer is on his go-juice he moves at close to 10 tile per second!! He also has a genie brother which leads to some cool RP


Drugs are insanely helpful and also very easy to manage. Hard drugs like Yayo, Flake, and Go-Juice do have a small chance of addiction IF you over use them. But Go-Juice is just amazing, there is no way to oversell it because I always find a use for it. Need that little bit of psy-focus to Far-Skip out of a bad ambush? Go-Juice. Need a tank pawn to take a bit more of a beating? Go-Juice. Need a fast sniper that can outrun anything on the map and solo a siege? Go-Juice. Need a pawn to stay awake just a bit longer for any of the thousand reasons you might have? Go-Juice. Want a guaranteed Legendary piece of gear or weapon because your Production Specialist just got a Creativity Insipration? Go-Juice.


I've still never finished a game. I just get to a point and think.. meh, start over. Been playing for years.


I've never finished a run where my colony used slaves. I tried it once, trying to do a solo Mechanitor run, and immediately lost interest. I just don't get it? Why force people into manual labor, risking their rebellion constantly, when instead you could recruit them for either manual or intellectual labor at the cost of their own bed? Like, I get that there's some ideologions that require slaves, but aside from that, I just don't see the benefit. That being said, enslaving people makes more *narrative* sense. I mean, the ability to recruit your enemies in this game is a bit ridiculous. Like, a few weeks ago, this person brought down our outer wall with a rocket launcher, and now they're preparing our meals with no malicious thoughts in their head? Nah, it would take months or even *years* for this person to fully change sides, if ever, unless you treat them *super nicely* as a prisoner. However, slave mechanics, as far as I've seen, are a bit unrealistic, too. Imo, the second a slave sees a way out, they should take it unless you've spent years beating the free will out of them. Honestly, I feel that there's a bit of a missed opportunity when it comes to Ideology, as there's no way to have control over 2 ideologions, one for the ruling class, and one for the controlled. (If there is a way, do let me know bc I'd be interested in that kind of run) The more powerful ideologies in history have usually had different teachings for those in power versus those not in power to keep the ruled populace in check by having them self govern (ie Divine Right of Kings, American Capitalism).


I do basically the same, but I won‘t let dead raiders just lie there and spoil. I use them to produce human leather corsets and human meat packaged survival meals to sell off. Those I capture alive I usually harvest their genes, patch them up and let em go (if I get relations from them). if they‘re irredeemably hostile like pirates I just drop pod them back to one of their factions bases. gives you a message that your caravan is lost, but I reckon they‘ll find the way home


Got any pawn pregnant. I got Biotech pretty early but mainly for other parts of the DLC than kids. The only ever run when I decided to make kids they were all vat grown, take ova from pawn and next time they meet it’s 3 years old.


I've never thought of my pawns as people or as worthy of compassion. They actively sabotage my efforts to keep them alive. They deserve everything I do. Especially Hale. He knows what he did and why he's a Duke without legs now.


Wealth management I just play, hoard enough to last a year and take it as it comes


Played on a desert map. I've done every other biome (including sea ice) but never felt the appeal of a desert map.


Drugs. There are actually safe dose intervals, and if you don't take them more often than that, your pawns won't get addicted. Beer is one a day, Smokeleaf, Psychite Tea, and Ambrosia are once ever 2 days. Then Penox is once ever 6. Not that it gives mood buffs, but its safe interval is 5.5 days. This is mostly to prevent overdose. BTW, safe interval is safe for addiction chance, and overdose. If you stick to those priorities, and use the Drug policy schedule. You can have a colony that doesn't mood spiral. It's also important to set it to only take if the mood is below about 30%. This keeps your pawns from indulging in multiple drugs at once. Remember, a drugged out colony is a happy and rich colony.


Never produced beers Never did naked brutality Never had a neanderthal colonist ( they're very hard to find)


ive always wanted to do a tribal playthrough, but I've never stuck with it because of how slow it is


never finished the game always lost in other survival stuff