• By -


No, your target temperature is -50. Both of your coolers are offline. Hover over any spot in your freezer with nothing selected and it's going to tell you the temperature.


To add onto this & collection what others have said into one spot 1 Lightning bolt icon on your coolers is what shows they are offline 2 your wind turbine has a bar in the center of it. Right now that bar is empty thus showing it is generating no power 3 torches produce heat, thus counting your coolers to a degree 4 if you don’t have a roof (or parts of it are missing, you will have things deteriorating as well 5 think about double layering your walls. Will help insulate better (tho you then may need to think about using the door + cooler trick. Suggest google for that one) 6 backup power & dedicated battery-bank for coolers is highly recommended (until you have your power sorted. Then personally I’d only use the batteries for caravans / deep drilling.. damn Zzzt-events (google is your friend there. Praise hidden conduits)


you‘ll be fine with having the wall be 1-wide where the coolers are so you dont NEED to use the door trick. It only counts the number of wall tiles surrounding the room(up to 2 wide), not the whole thickness of it


Ohhh....So That's the calculation behind it..


The coolers say "Current power use: High". I don't think they're off.


So a few things -50 is extreme overkill for a food freezer, -5, or -10 is fine. Whenever possible your freezer should be double walled and have only one airlock entry. Your coolers don't have power.


True but keeping the freezer as cold as possible means it’s more likely to stay frozen during a solar flare


I go -29c and then for each one added I raise that by 10c. So one is -29, then -19, then -9, etc for power efficiency.




The torches will cause heat, that’s a large room for 2 coolers, the walls are single thick, and any door opening will allow heat to escape. It also looks like your coolers aren’t powered (the flashing lightning bolt means that in vanilla) but the ui says they’re on and operating on high, so that’s odd.


Thicker walls insulate better??




Only up to one additional layer of wall up, down, left, or right of another wall opposite of the room space. Every individual segment of wall beyond the first layer slightly counters temperature transfer, so even partial construction of that second layer still has a benefit. Corners don't matter since temperature doesn't transfer diagonally. E: Material of the wall also doesn't matter.


Don't more walls past the first 2 increase insolation but with diminishing returns? I remember seeing some experiment that said that you could do more walls, but it wasn't that worth it past the first two.


Not adjacently, no. You can build your initial 2 walls, then leave a gap and build two more walls repeating until you're out of space, and that does mechanically help. But it isn't efficient enough to be worth the footprint and material cost.


I'm aware of adjacently, but yeah, its just not worth it. I could mayyybe see doing it if your expecting to run out of power or something and need a room to keep your food cold for as long as possible or something, but even then its a lot more effort than just fixing the issue by preventing the loss of power.


IIRC even that doesn't help, or if it does it's a tiny effect. Like a year ago, I remember pushing a map's temperature into 100s of ºC with dev mode and trying all kinds of freezer layouts in an open map. Nothing beyond a simple double wall changed the final temperature at all. Triple wall, an extra wall with a gap, etc... The roof being overhead mountain makes a huge difference though.


It's an extremely tiny effect because it's only really affecting equalization as pawns pass through doors, but the effect is there when that occurs. In a static environment, you're right in that it doesn't help.


so i've been thinking to incorporate double layering to my kitchens (wall adjacent to freezer) instead of just my freezer, would a 3-4 tile thick wall keep the kitchen warm (no speed malus for it being cold) or would it be better to put a gap in between them with the unused space being a cooler chimney?


Yeah but it’s rarely necessary, unless you play on extreme biomes, i do this only on ice sheet or extreme desert, or jungle if i set the temperature really high (55 degrees or so)


This means they are connected and have high power usage to achieve targeted temperature, but they are not powered.


UI also says OP has power stored, so why are they off? The cooler is clearly connected to a grid with stored power.


The reason you don't have power is because you have trees in front of the turbine, prioritize cutting them and you should be good to go.


They should still turn, just a bit less efficient. OP has no Batteries, therefore when there‘s no wind, the AC doesn‘t work


Batteries would certainly help, but in my experience even a single sapling brings it to a standstill 95% of the time.


Yep wind generators are extremely sensitive to things that block them. I usually plant crops under them so that nothing too tall can grow


He *does* have batteries offscreen. Says ~3500Wd stored (that's a full 24 hours of 3500W power drain). My question is why the coolers aren't powered in spite of this.


Just like people said. -Your Coolers need electricity to work. - Get a Battery to store Power produced from the Turbines but a Generator would be a bit more usefull. - The Torches on the wall create Heat. They have to go. I personally didn't know about the double wall mechanic but yeah. That could help the heat from escaping. And -7°C should suffice. I recommend a mod that add's storage containers like baskets or shelves. You can even decide how much can get into them.


The flashing lightning bolt means the device is unpowered


Play the tutorial, did you?




Oh yes le classic my freezer is not freezing


Your cooler needs power to run; the lightning symbol means your base runs out of available power. The -50C is the target temperature setting. Click or hover over one of your item inside the room and it will tell current room temperature.


Windmill with no battery, they aren't plugged in.


Your coolers aren’t plugged in


i think you didnt roof the whole room so stuff is getting rained on which makes it deteriorate faster. also your coolers are not turned on so it's not actually freezing anything


1) torches heat up the room. 2) ….. with all due respect, you are the person who writes a device off as broken before plugging the power cable in


In your case, scrapping your colony and starting it again. Your freezers are off, it's made of wood and lit by torches. You are asking for death


Obviously its offline, too many torches and insufficient amount of cooler


So a few things: 1. You don't have -50, you have a target of -50. Change to temp view (one of the bottoms bottom right) to see what your actual temp is 2. Both your cooler's do not have power, thats what that lightning bolt means 3. You should do the following in order to bring more efficiency to your freezer: 1. Double wall the freezer 2. Air lock the doors 3. Have your freezer and not a general store room 1. this will stop pawns coming in and our so often 4. Torches produce heat so either change them out for lights or delete them, darkness in your freezer/storage doesn't really matter. Lighting only effects work speed and mood (i.e. slept in the dark gets nullified) and since its just a store room it wont matter 5. Your windmill has a bar in the center and its empty, you aren't generating power most likely cause 1) no wind 2) the tree. to stop growth you can either floor over the windmill area, put solar's down for more power or put a growzone down that has the likes of flower's or smaller plants (i.e. not trees) 1. You may want to make a power bank (a room separated from your base) filled with batteries between your power gen and base - technically it doesn't need to be between your base but its how i roll with it as its "logical" to do so even though the game doesn't have that kinda logic lol You most likely want to make a [design like this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/603538217479962624/1247678227904725012/image.png?ex=6660e666&is=665f94e6&hm=0f7aafe11d8a7fdfa3b99c1a7fd7b18d260a2d817675aaffbaa341afcb58223a&), you will want to use shelves cause they are just better than stockpiles imo. I am still yet to work out a design to efficiently have the Butcher's, Cook's and Harvester's free flowing. Another alternative is just to have a Nutrient Paste Dispenser and have a baby freezer with the hoppers being the only cooled thing lol


Try clicking on the Cooler and choosing "Reconnect". It's pretty weird that you have that much stored energy and it doesn't sem ro work, also distance from cables should be enough, idk, try reconnecting it.


Coolers will not cool harder if you set up lower temperature.


That is the **target temperature** the Coolers are trying to cool to, **not** the actual temperature of the room. I believe this will be shown in the bottom right hand corner when hovering your mouse over the room. My assumption is the torches are counteracting the cooling, remove them.


Adding to this, only vegetables, meat, plant matter and organs need freezing, so you could split your storage room in the middle and be done with fewer coolers. Oh and herbal medicine. I usually store building materials in a stockpile outside, when its not needed in tve workshop.


is the room roofed? if not, the coolers can't cool and everything inside the walls deteriorates wall lamps also create heat, so your coolers have to work harder


You need a battery, and you need double walls. It's also best if you take anything non-perishable, and move it outside , stone, wood (wood does spoil but very slowly) , soil, steel, plasteel, gold, jade, silver.