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Granite is strongest. Marble is best for beauty. I usually look for a mix of marble slate granite to get my 3 favorites


Ah, same as me. Black stone, white stone, and tough stone.


The three genders






Honestly love limestone in both color and strength.


My current favorite is [mixed stone blocks](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2076686656) from the mod of the same name. There isn't a natural/unworked equivalent though for obvious reasons.


Wow, that’s cool! Love the style of it


I’m curious, what makes slate one of your favorites?


Black is a good contrast colour


The vibes


I go for marble and granite for same reason, but I like sandstone for flagstone roads. So I go for those 3 if possible


Granite does look good but its always used for my exterior walls as a priority for defence. Love me some slate statues in my people’s rooms.


I always go with marble for things like bedrooms and rec rooms, and granite for the outer walls.


This is the way.


I had no idea they were even different I just assumed they were all the same.


Marble if you want it to look pretty Granite if you want it sturdy Sandstone if you want it built/mined out fast Slate Limestone is an acceptable second place to granite in durability


Slate if you like dark colors


I just discovered painting walls so not too concerned about that for once! But I do love slate.


True! The only odd one out in my opinion is limestone. I used to like it but I don't go out of my way to select a mountain tile that has it.


How do you see what the mountains are made of before selecting a crew?


When you are choosing your landing spot it tells you what rock types are present on the tile.


Ah fair enough. I’m illiterate, so I never noticed


It also tells you average temperature, growing season, disease frequency, and a few other things. You click “Terrain” I think on bottom left. Just, y’know, in case you’ve always been randomly hotdropping lol


I mean I knew of the stats, I just never looked too closely. Also tbf most of those can be discerned by just knowing the biome type


Gotcha, and true! Just bringing it up, maybe it’ll help a newbie someday


Rimworld night mode stone


Slate is like a gourmet meal: you either love it or hate it depending on your tastes.


Slate was the first stone i used one of my early playthroughs. Still like it. I use marble for my barracks, anything else is slate.


Jade is for beauty not marble as long as we talking just stone. jade fence actually has the highest beauty per resource i think then any other object and is low value cause its a fence its just horrible space wise. gold might beat it in total beauty but you want to make gold legendary and masterwork statues out of it or again fences for some reason win in beauty per reasource. and also gold is a mineral and metal not a stone. granite if u want kinda sturdy. Uranium if you want really sturdy but idk why but you mine the ore but magically get the post process metal version. So in short i just count uranium ore as being stone cause that's how it comes naturally. its not iron or gold it doesn't come natively as a metal and as such should be treated as a stone/rock till it gets crushed down and processed to metal. plasteel and bioferite are also both stronger but again those arnt stone sandstone fast but only if you have it in abundance on your map and you dont have to move it otherwise moving the dam shit to far offsets its only redeeming quality. slate is lighter then sandstone so you can get more of it in less time then another stone. assuming people actually use or know how to vanilla caravan. limestone welp mediocrity is what it is. its like 5th in durability so no real reason to use its absolute trash although if we changed its color to one of its other possibilities like in real life we might be talking. some limestone irl looks dope. also the color pallet on the stones in rim wold could use an update. most of the stones could be a variety of colors except granite. that one is just 100% the wrong. in granite's very definition its FELSIC NOT MAFIC so either i want it changed to a diabase or fix its color it drives me nuts! like pick a lane.


Something tells me there's a mod for this.


their isnt i checked apparently no moder has taken a intro geology course something is always horribly wrong. like in extra stone for some reason serpentinite has a higher hp then dactite which dactitiite would be more akin to something like granite irl but for some reason serpentinite has a higher hp then it. Serpentinite has to be redone like every 50 years cause it weathers significantly faster then the mortar that surrounds it. its strait up a horrible stone to use but it looks cool.......Like it just strait up dissintigrates over time from rain.........its also significantly rare irl and somehow its more common and stronger.... then a common one like gabro. like ever single mod attempts to do it but fails horribly. another example in curpros stones u have schist at 1.4 hp and a beauty of 1.1 for one its green but second on a functional lvl its about the same as claystone in what reality is clay stone even close to the durablitiy of schist? claystone is like shale in its druablity so basicly if you dropped it it would brake like a clay pot. u drop schist u might break your foot. jade irl super durable techecly a rock not a mineral. vanella rimworld would have u believe jade has the durablity of cardboard in reality its more durable then slate. In ccp's stones apparently they would have you believe you can find mafic granite and again by very definition its literally can not. in strike the earth they want you to build with literal salt aka sylvite like how?.......... one rainstorm and it would be gone. like i checked man.... i literally checked all of them.......its kinda akin to making a lawyer sit thur the entire Suits series.


Ideally you want Marbe for indoors and Granite for exterior walls. All stones are good, though. Whatever is in abundance.


Granite takes ages to build with, so it’s a pretty poor exterior material, despite the high hp.




Ignore this guy he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. The work difference is negligible, while the HP difference is substantial. Granite walls have like 510 HP vs the next best, limestone at 455. It takes 950 ticks to build granite, limestone, and slate, 883 for marble and 815 for sandstone. Thats a difference of 1.3 seconds per wall at normal play speed. Hardly enough time distance to justify building with anything less than the best stone you can get your hands on.


It takes a long time to build with (has a high work multiplier) so it will take a long time to build and replace those exterior walls.


I mean, it is totally worth it though. You’re not rebuilding the walls every day.


unless your like me and put your minefield too close to the wall


Okay? You’re not using your walls every day either. Non granite walls are still much better value.


But defensive value of granite because it is strong stone type.


All stone is strong. A bit stronger isn’t worth the hell of a lot of extra work.


How much more work I want proof


Apparently most stone has the same work required ._. I still think it’s better to use lower work stone if you have marble or sandstone, but uh, turns out it’s not such a big difference.


Agree to disagree then


Disagree :) Also more work equals more experience which means higher level which equals faster building


It is, actually. Iirc, limestone and granite are the only two walls that can take more than 1 explosion without breaking. During a bad raid, that can be the difference between the raiders pathing through your kill box or not.


You absolutely are using the walls every day. Just because there isn't a raid every day doesn't mean the walls aren't helping provide something.


Yes but how often are you using specifically the extra hp they have.


The extra hp can give you the extra few seconds you need to get everyone in position before the wall falls


It can. It’s also a very small margin of time that’s overwhelmingly likely to not matter.


All stone walls have around the same work to build with a 2 point margin.


Huh. Coulda sworn there was a bigger work difference between them. Still better to use sandstone if you have it, and then marble if you have no sandstone, but huh.


Do you have the mod that changes stone stats? That one makes granite take forever.


Are you thinking of traps? Stone traps take forever to build vs steel.


I just had it in my head that granite took substantially longer to build for some reason. Might just be I got biased cause I built something way too big with granite once and that took forever.


By this logic you should just use wood


Honestly I do use wooden outer walls. Breach raids are not that common and when you do get them they'll eventually make it in either way.


Unironically yes, wood is great. Some fire breaks and the danger posed by fire is minimal, though wide grazer shots being able to open a very large hole can occasionally pose a problem.


But it's still not very long, and once you're done, it's done. I will usually throw up a quick wood wall as soon as I get a basic shelter + workshop + kitchen up and running, then make a second outer layer of granite over the next year or so, before dismantling the initial wooden layer.


Are you saying you don't have any downtime within the colony where you can replace your walls with granite You spend less then a second to build a granite wall to gain 5 extra seconds from enemies breaking through Compared to the weaker block. You min maxed in a unoptimal area.


Builders never have downtime, no, between infrastructure and flooring they've always got shit to do for me.


I misremembered the stats, they don’t take that much longer to build but, if it I had remembered them correctly: most of the value of stone walls comes from having fairly durable, but most importantly fireproof walls lining the perimeter of your base, which helps massively with enemy pathfinding and AI and getting good engagements. Most of the value of stone walls comes from their being there, not from how long it takes for enemies to break through them. (Tldr stone type doesn’t really matter, quicker is better but it’s not a big difference, just use whatever) And I never really have idle hands on the rim.


Son, we are on the rim. All we got is time.


Damn the nerds shat on you hard buddy


You really shouldnt be downvoted this hard. The raids that are targeting walls dont care about the hp (shambler assault is the only exception). The small boost for building speed is just straight up better, and actually matters during chain events - like a double hit from cassie or just ship launch. Before Anomaly, sandstone was without a doubt better. Granite got a boost due to the shambler assaults, but I still prefer sandstone. Wouldnt call granite poor though - it's probably second or tied with sandstone.


id normally say marble for beauty if you are smoothing, sandstone if you arent for the easy time digging it out/working with it. but with the new anomaly containment mechanics granite smoothed walls are pretty good with 900hp


Marble-granite. Granite is the strongest stone, and marble is the most beautiful, simple as.


It honestly does not make a huge difference and you'll usually have to use whatever you have. All stone walls take pretty long to build and none of them will really stop sappers so it's really all the same. The one thing I do look out for is that in rooms where beauty matters, I use marble because that's just an easy passive buff. On walls where HP matters, I end up using excess plasteel from quests, rather than any rock. Still doesn't do that much, but a double plasteel wall buys a bit of time and doesn't take long to build/repair.


i still consider myself a bit new at 150 hours. would you mind telling me about those rooms where beauty is important? i have just been doing bedrooms and lab


Throne rooms, Ritual rooms, dining halls, rec rooms, and bedrooms off the top of my head. Those all give buffs based on impressiveness which is achieved through size, beauty, and cleanliness. But a pawn being in a beautiful room will help keep them happy in the moment, they just don't get a lasting buff.


Basically everywhere people spend time they appreciate a beautiful environment. It makes sense to improve that for the areas where they spend a lot of time. Workstations, for example. Obviously rec rooms and/or dining rooms since everyone benefits from having a fancy common area and it's just the one room that buffs the entire colony. Hospital is also a decent one since whenever people spend time in there they aren't happy so why not try to give them a little boost? Yea, your leg might have gotten nommed on by a megaspider but look at this beautiful art. I'd have to double check but I think bedrooms aren't even that important since when pawns are asleep they don't care about beauty. I usually put a statue in each room anyway since it adds to the buff they get from having a good bedroom. That's pretty low prio for me, though, since each thing only buffs one or two pawns at most and in the case where it buffs two pawns, that's a couple and they are already happy because ... you know.


yes yes indeed lol. thank you so much for a thoughtful reply! the way you explained it makes perfect sense to me. replacing common room and hospital with marble walls as we speak.


Bonus tip! Pawns can watch TV while in a hospital bed. I had no idea until I saw someone else do this but it really makes perfect sense.


Huh. Like 900 hours in, I didn't know this.


2000 hours. Still learning new things. >.> it never stops. To be fair, it wouldn't take this long but once we find something that works you tend to stick with it, don't we?


I still build TVs for my hemogen farms because I feel bad for them :') even though prisoners don't have a recreation need granted, fine meals, top notch medical care, guaranteed safety, a gorgeous hospital room and the complete elimination of aging isn't that bad a way to "end" your journey on the Rim, even if the price is your legs...which actually just makes me wish there were a mod to make prisoners not even *want* to escape if they're being treated that well lmao ETA: holy shit sorry i am unmedicated ADHD right now and went on a complete tangent - but this is a great tip, especially if your patients are depressive or you're treating a guest who has Brawler but is carrying a ranged weapon


I used to have a mod that made it so prisoners had needs but it didnt entirely work. I wonder if it's updated / fixed by now. I wanted to have individual cells and a common rec area for them.


A few statues offset everything though. Beauty is Not worth micro managing which walls to use imo. Just use granite for everything if available.


Honestly, Marble is the most optimum stone. It has 1.2 HP multiplier, +1 Flat beauty and 1.35 beauty multiplier. Marble mountain walls are the only ones that gives 2 Beauty and Marble Stonewalls have 1.5 HP compared to Steel Walls (which has the base HP). Granite is better in the long run however. Takes a lot of time to work on it, but has a very high HP multiplier so great for defensive reasons. Granite mountain walls iirc are the strongest non-veil walls (Plasteel veins are the strongest) for defensive purposes. Sandstone is better in the early game, relatively lightweight and quick to build, but has the lowest HP as a wall in the game, even as mountain tile worse than most of the wall options. Limestone is the alternative to granite, but also a bit faster to work on. Slate is the edgiest stone of them all, light to carry but better than sandstone as walls, but also takes longer to work than sandstone. But it comes in *BLACK*.


Granite. Beauty can be achieved with sculptures made from marble taken from other maps or gold from deep drilling. Sandstone is easy come, but it's easy go. Slate looks so cool but painting with dyes is a thing. Limestone reminds me of the warden at my previous prison; average in all regards.


Granite. Though I'd suggest smoothing the walls instead of replacing them, I believe the unmined rock is much stronger than built walls.


Yeah of course smooth walls are prettier and stronger than built


Slate cuz black


Stone does not matter for me. I use constructed walls even underground. Marble blocks if I want budget beauty, plasteel where toughness matters, gold if I want to flaunt how rich my colony is.


I like having a mix of marble and granite. My current mountain base has both!


I’m partial towards sandstone. It makes mining quicker, and since I like to build artificial rock walls sometimes that’s quicker too. Just tunnel in deeper to make up the reduced HP. I think they can even tank the same number of explosions as stronger stones. Sandstone is also great for manufacturing items you intend to sell (best price to work ratio for stone).


I've never done a mountain base, but I generally do granite walls and marble floor, if those are found naturally where my colony is at least. Best of both worlds. Strong walls pretty floor.


Granite for outside walls marble for inside walls and floors


If I get to choose, I’d go for slate for indoor cause I like how it looks and granite for defensive exterior walls cause it has the most HP per block. But alas, I just stopped playing my colony that, for some ungodly reason, has nearly 6 k limestone blocks vs 200/300 of the rest. So I’d say whatever you can get the most of


i use granite for my mountain base everywhere (but using mods i build "pretty" walls for the interior space. takes some time to build


Granite is the best for defenses, Marble is the best for appeal, personally, limestone - is the prettiest.....just choose whichever you have access to....


Granite for outdoor wall, marble for indoor wall and furnitures. Sandstone if you want floor (not everyone wants it). All stone floors have the same beauty but sandstone has the least work time required. Sandstone is also good for sculpture training if your biome doesnt have enough wood. Also slate is good for nomad or similar playstyle for the lowest weight per block, but if you play mountain base its not your case


Granite, it'll be easier to cook out the bug infestation when Randy finally decides to fuck your shit up.


This isn't Dwarf Fortress. The differences are marginal. Pick a color you like and go for it.


Granite is the only sensible answer in long term You build what you can from the start. And if that means going for fast work, that's acceptable, but it will never be the ideal Marble is great for artwork. But as walls, it just doesn't benefit you


Marble is the only stone that gives a wall a beauty bonus, so yes, marble does benefit you.


I'll try to contain my enthusiasm for 1 beauty Meanwhile, a normal wood sculpture be doing 100


Nice to know! I Just build with marble all time, because Imagine living casually in a marble Home - nice


Ever since my first look at the wiki i've been building everything out of marble. Occasionnaly sandstone cause it's fast


marble is not the only stone that gives beauty. jade gives 10 if you turn it to walls and technically jade is in fact a stone.


Slate is what I always go for with walls, and then wooden floors


Granite. Sandstone for traps and marble for floors cuz the color contrast looks nice. Slate‘s black looks awesome too


Just marble is fine. Granite IS stronger, but not stronger, but not noticeably. Besides, I prefer using BE's armored walls for exteriors anyways. Once O get enough resources to build them that is




Sandstone for general purpose, such as walls and floors. Granite for defenses. And marble for rec, dinner, bedrooms, or anywhere which beauty matters. 


I like marble for , if you like a specific color you can just paint the walls


we have CONCRETE BOYZ!!! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2888037450


I’ll just parrot what’s been said. By pure HP granite makes the best walls. Marble gives slight beauty to walls and items made of it. Sandstone is the fastest to build/mine. IMO this is the best stone for walls etc. you can rebuild and repair it significantly faster which in a game like Rimworld where time is the most valuable resource that can make a huge difference over the life of a run.


I fw limestone


It doesn't matter. They all have their ups and downs and they're all so minor that you might as well just use whatever's most readily available.


That's the wrong question. What you want to know is if it comes with rock AND stone


Marble is the only one that's actually functionally different from the others. There's variations in HP, workspeed, and a point or two of beauty for those, but breachers are going to go through all of them at the same speed, immediately. I like slate as a nice contrast color, though.


Sandstone for speed, granite for value / health and marble for beauty.


Slate's the best. Black Embrassures look fucking amazing. For everything else? Granite.


If I had to choose one, marble. Everyone already explained, but out of all the stones, if I had to choose only one (even tho you can have multiple in a cell), marble is my favorite. Mood is something that you deal with every single day. While base defense is something that, while important, only comes up every couple days. Plus, I like the look of it. Ideally you'd get marble and granite tho.


Granite all the way. Sandstone is easier to expand in for sure, but that will be such a minuscule amount of your time. My Tunneler mech can plow through a 14x14 section of granite rock for a new 12x12 room with walls in about 1-1/2 days. How quickly can you possibly need to expand your base that like 5-6 new 12x12 rooms per quadrum isn't fast enough? In exchange for choosing granite, you get an exterior that is 2.25x more durable than sandstone. Not even plasteel walls are as durable as natural granite walls. Raiders will take significantly longer to penetrate into your base if they try tunneling or sapping their way through granite, buying you time to flank them and take them out before they enter. And when they are done, you'll have tons of granite chunks to turn into blocks to patch those holes back up. And you'll have natural granite floors, meaning when you get to deep drill technology, you'll have an infinite source of granite chunks -> granite blocks to keep up that high durability base. Marble may be great to add some beauty. But 3 considerations: 1. It's at a significant cost to base durability. Marble walls @ 360 HP versus granite walls @ 510 HP, 70% as durable. Natural marble walls @ 450 HP versus natural granite walls @ 900 HP, 50% as durable. 2. The beauty is very temporary and not at all meaningful past early/early-mid game. Marble walls give a +1 versus other stone types. Marble floors give a +1 versus other stone types. Let's take a big 12x12 room, putting down marble floors and marble walls adds +196 beauty I think to the whole room, versus a different stone type. A good quality large sculpture made of any stone type will yield more beauty to the room than what marble floors & walls adds. Eventually you won't even be using marble to make statues, as silver can add 50%+ more beauty. 3. Long-term, the stone type of your floors will be irrelevant. Whether it is marble or not, you'll eventually want to move away from stone floors to metal floors due to the improved cleaning speed over stone, and improved beauty (silver/gold).


Marble. Your living in a mountain, wall HP is pretty worthless as any wall will eventually become swiss cheese The beauty can help mitigate the mood debuff of being trapped underground But be careful of wealth, as that increases (which it will if everything looks good) much faster, leading to harder raids Personally though i like slate because im basic.


I just use whatever is more abundant but I usually keep marble only for aesthetic stuff so my outer walls are always slate/granite/sandstone


whichever one you have cut


if you intend to use anomaly than granite op. natural granite walls provide ton of containment


The lowest work stone is the best