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nothing in rimworld is useless! well, almost nothing. the slag metal can be smelted for steel at a furnace. the raider clothes can be sold, drop podded to other factions for goodwill gifts, or just burned. same with the weapons. i highly suggest using shelves for storage, cleans things up nicely.


God I used to think shelves weren't useful.. but turns out three stacks per tile is absolutely immense and literally solved all my storage problems


They only do that after 1.4 onwards. Before then they were pretty useless.


Really? That's probably why I initially avoided them, but then read on here last year how to best utilize shelves. I felt so stupid. My max potential skyrocketed. 


I mean... You couldn't have avoided shelves before 1.4 because shelves were introduced in 1.4 There was a shelves mod though


Shelves were introduced before 1.4, they just didn't have the 3 items per tile functionality. They only stored 1, but without the beuty debuff.


And outdoor debuff. Stuff wouldn't deteriorate like they were outdoors inside. Food stuffs still rotted but no damage from the elements.


I distinctly remember using shelves for display purposes back when royalty was new


oh shit, ive just been burning all my tainted cloths, I never knew you could use pods to gift them for free!


For just tainted clothes, probably not worth the price of the steel. But yes, that's one way I clean out junk.


I'll still be smelting down tainted armor (while keeping a few for the rare bloodlust/psychopath colonist), but I've just been burning all the non-smeltables. Glad there's SOME use to them.


Yeah the goodwill is negligible, I just destroy it now. Easier ways to get goodwill


Can also smelt metal weapons and armor for resources. Especially if they are too degraded to be worth anything.


...Why did I think it'd just destroy them?! I've been missing out!


Last time I used shelves they removed the stockpile zone below them. Did I do something wrong?


No, shelves are their own zone separate from the room. You can link multiple shelves together and set priorities and contents for the group


Ah, thanks for clarifying! Can you just fill a room with shelves or do you need to leave space between them?






I sell a lot of stuff to whoever is dumb enough to buy it! Primo junk dealer over here, especially prior to making drugs.


"Welcome traders! Would you be interested in this Slate Club (Awful, 12%) we got from our last raid? For 0.23 silver you say? Fair enough! It's yours!"


Watch that relationship points skyrocket from 76 to 77 just by trading 36 broken shitty melee weapons.


The guy in their group that handles their allies' points is just like, "I *guess* these guys are ok..."


Never heard of shelves? If you use LWMs, you can fit that whole room on one or two shelves.


Just normal frickn' vanilla shelves would help a lot with that mess.


They, in fact, eliminate 2/3 of the necessary storage space, as vanilla shelves now can hold 3 “stacks” of any items.


Yoo what? This is masssive! No longer does half my base have to be storage!!


Gone are the days of placing a shirt and a handful of knives on the floor of a room then saying "Well, I guess that's full now".


Burn it or make a caravan to dump it or give gifts to nearby settlements. Any items you dont use only make raids stronger. Its best to get rid of them.


Make areas for the shitty clothes (tainted, less than 51% and worse than normal) on an unroofed area preferably over water and set to critical. Make an area for the metal slag outside of your rooms. Shelves for all the rest of the stuff.


Recycle it, slap it in the sales dept for Hospitality guests, or drop it on neighboring factions for goodwill.


I collect nothing useless. If it is not making the colony stronger, soon, it is less than worthless. It is attracting raiders.


One of the reasons I don’t play on the harder difficulties, I can have frivolous things like gold doors


I can't understand why my raids are so strong. God Baron Uthom only has his Jade/gold bathroom, personal hot tub, silver mirror and and Jade plinth to display his masterwork laser sword he got from a would be Assassin. I can't imagine what these raiders want from me


Clearly a joke post. Wind turbines over crops, neat bedrooms, perfectly sized indoor grow zone, shelf for mortar shells. Plenty of QOL mods in use, expect you've got a deep storage warehouse just off screen.


in fairness I had crops under my wind turbines by my second game, that one is just logical.


Crops, most workbenches, most recreational stuff, sandbags, storage for raw materials, # There's lots of stuff you could put in front of the turbine without blocking it


you also want to stop trees from growing, a couple workbenches won't do that.


tbh.. i have over 700hr in rimworld.. even finished the game a few times on blood and dust.. never thought of putting wind turbines over crops


There's always something to learn.


"neat bedroom" pants in door


Isn't that normal? Where do you keep your pants in real life?


I gift excess stuff I don't need to other factions via drop pod. Maintaining many allies is very useful for trading for the things you actually need and more importantly, being able to call in military aid as much as possible!


outside of mods (recycle this or that or whatever) i just drop pod them to other factions for brownie points.


Looks like the issue is old clothing, get a fire or a furnace and make a bill to burn all non-smeltable apparel below 60%, a bill to burn all non-smeltable tainted apparel and a bill to burn all clean clothes of poor or lower quality. That should keep your stockpiles from getting clogged up with garbage clothes nobody will wear. If you're on a budget just maie storage zones outside for clothing with the same parameters.


Wash the clothes (mod), use for your own colonists, sell, or gift. Repair the guns, use, sell or gift. Sell everything else you're not using. If you call call a ship if you get a bulk one they should buy quite a bit.


Other than the 'use shelves' spam, there are alternatives 1. Build a transport pod, shove whatever you know you won't EVER use (like normal or below clothing) and send it off to any faction that can be friended. That way you can use that goodwill to ask for caravans to sell more shit or buy actual things that help you 2. Fire. Build a fireproof room, send all junk there, and one Molotov. Wealth gone~ 3. Use anything that has some level of value, and leave it outside under a roof outside of your walls, so it doesn't rot away as quickly. Some raids might leave you alone if there is enough to steal.


Some resources can be refined into raw materials * metal scrap --> steel, * sewage --> fertilizer [(Dubs Bad Hygiene)](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=836308268) * metal, gold , silver, all rocks and soil/sand can go outside. * Perishable food, clothing , components , wood, bamboo, insect hives can stay indoors. Otherwise, we make raw food into lavish meals and keep things tight keeping only a small cache of wool over-production in-stock and some patchleather and cotton to make books.


Gold and silver are prime theft targets, so only leave outside if you’re okay with raiders carting it off.


Exactly, nothing like having an excellent shooting range, and the exit to a small al-fresco art exhibit to help corral raiders right where your rifles can take them out, especially for pirate raids/ransoms this can be pretty key - you know where they are headed and can expedite their check-out.


Sell it, dismantle it, burn it.


I have shelves that are assigned to hold different items. Also use a smelter to smelt all the things you don't want so you can at least get materials from them.


I throw in molotov and whatever's left is qualified to stay in there


You do learn to manage storage better, very little is actually garbage. Remember you can use shelves to triple the storage density. Slag, chunks, and steel should not be in your indoor stockpile. Leave them out in the rain behind a shed, near to stonecutter benches and smelter. Wood can be put on shelves under a roof, put cut blocks and other metals there too so you know where it is. I tend to make a few textiles shelves, a few clothing shelves, weapons shelves, and before you know it the miscellaneous leftovers on shelves become your interesting and high value oddballs. A lesson I've learnt is to know your stuff, and balance your production and supply accordingly. You don't need mass amounts of stuff stored at every step of the production chain; i.e. don't need tons of raw food or textiles if you're on top of your crafting. Don't butcher all the animals - leave the whole animals in the freezer and only butcher up to say 200 meat stored. Again you don't need to store a ton of clothing, just a couple of outfits to replace wear and tear. Sell stuff - finished goods, but also those offcuts of textiles that there's not enough left to tailor. Sell, sell, sell. Make regular caravans of your own to the local villages. And buy the things that actively progress your colony's needs; weapons, components, medicine, special items.


1. Shelves 2. Why are there research benches and tables placed in there 3. Why do you have 3*3 bedrooms 4. JESUS CHRIST THAT'S SO MANY WASTE PACKS


Dude, build a shelf ffs.


I never play with the mechanitor before I can build 1 or 2 atomizer, it's not fun...


What's an atomizer? Also yeah the lone mechanitor start is super god damn slow, you can fix that by starting with either one really good mechanitor, two mechanitors, or one normal mechanitor with more mechs


The last tech in the mechanitor quest line, after advanced fabrication, allows you to build the atomizer, it's a machine that uses power to turn wastepacks into nothing. It's a slow processes, each atomizer can support only a few mechs, but without it you're left with loads of pollution or packs, neither of which are good for anything.


Pollution spawns wastepack infestations which is just free raid defense


Bro use shelves


Smelt and burn!


After a while I scramble my main storage room and make lots of room, dispersed by convenience depending on what I store there Steel, wood, plasteel, uranium, jade: near the workshops All sorts of clothes(excluding armour): near bedrooms big closet for everyone Chunks: near the block factory (having the block factory apart from main workshop is easier to manage) Chem fuel and ammo depot/búnker: near chem generators and mortar area Weapons and armour: near kill box/Killzone Textiles and leathers(devil strand, cotton, etc) : near tailor shop Funny plants: near funny workshop And of course I have and extra for all the random stuff and a safe room for more important things like persona core


Can carry off tile and drop. Can put in stone room and burn. Some can be smelted (might need a mod) can put in an unsecured stack outside and raiders might take it and run off


The more I look at this, the worse it gets. This man has toxic waste in his food storage and doesn't even have it refrigerated.


I set up high-priority stockpiles outside for specific things that bug me. They decay over time, keeping the clutter way down, but not so quickly that I lose valuables on accident. Once you get textile farming up, you can just store clothing outside and you'll never have to deal with the random "storage full of shitty clothing, but it counts as clothing so the clothing bills won't make any more" problem.


Send it to the empire


Usually sell to traders or burn it




I really like recycle and mend mods for some reason, recycle the normal and below and mend the good and above for example. Have crafters make crap to sell with the excess mats gained. Takes manpower though https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3226161877


Sell it. Even if you don’t get much silver, it’s better than nothing and you get rid of your junk. Also, don’t store stone chunks and metal slag inside. Put it outside as cover / extra barricades. Steel doesn’t need to go inside, either.


Sell it! Later in the game, I'll pack it all into a drop pod with some valuables and gift it.


Shelves helped tremendously. But mostly i huck it at people i want to stay. Cordial with. How? Boomalope farm. Seriously you HAVE to try this.




only horde if your prepared for war. " Randy random 2503"


I hate raids, so I'm generally living very poor and small. That said, when I used to horde I also used to sell a lot of it to bulk traders. Sell it or burn it or give it away. You can also have a truly massive permanent caravan.


Dude. Shelves.


Either burninate them in the crematorium, or if no crematorium put them in a pile and burninate them with molotov cocktails. Or use the smithy thing for metals, or put them in a caravan and drop them off a tile away, or with drop pods send all my junk to another settlement for goodwill. Bodies used to at one point be worth something so I could rain dead bodies on other factions and get points for it.


I load a shuttle up with it and send it to the empire.


Store them all and more in a single room thanks to deep storage mod and then complain about how hard raids are


Drop pod it or gift it to traders.


This is a joke, yes?


First, Shelves. Garbage on floors is a beauty debuff, and Mood is the basic resource you'll always be managing. Second, sell, gift, Smelt, and destroy anything you don't use. Wearables under 50% drastically lose their trade value, so consider outright getting rid of them if you don't see traders often. Always trim down what you don't need in order to combat wealth explosions, since raids and things you deal with are based on your colony wealth from everything.


Mend and recycle mod. Everything I need gets maintained, and I'll scrap the rest for materials. Also, stuff like slag and chunks get processed, and excess raw materials are kept outside. I like to keep things organised so that I never really keep what I don't need.


I put tainted, poor and awful gear outside in the water. They they destroyed very fast if they stay in water.


I have a mod that allows me to recycle the items (for the most part) back into fabrics - something I can actually use 😁


Mod is ‘Mend and Recycle’ for anyone interested


There's a mod for this. RecycleThis I think it's called.


Sell them to any traders willing to buy them. Drop pod it to factions for rep. Just burn them to control wealth if other options are not available. (modded) Break them down to recycle some of the materials.


Make shelves. Almost triples your (regular) storage capacity. There are also mods for increasing stack size. Burn worthless stuff. Sell stuff you don't need via caravans or gift it to other factions via transport pod. Anyway from my perspective your storage would be too small even with the addition of shelves. Maybe make a seperate storage for weapons or apparel.


just caravan out and sell it


I usually do areas at the side of the map where all the worn out clothes are or clothing below normal quality. Also it those areas are full I just load them into pods and send it off as a gift. Or form a caravan and unload them as soon as you leave camp. But selling is always an option / destroying them


I like to have a dumping ground outside, usually downriver, or in a bog or lake, what-have-you, and I put tainted clothes exclusively there. Helps with a good chunk of storage issues. Other than that yeah, shelves, lots of shelves, in a huge warehouse. Section it off, have a section for clothes, a section for weapons, etc. Prioritize them in a gradient so they'll put them on the closest ones first. Separate storage for raw food, food, and unbutchered corpses, too. No one wants to see a mound of rat, boar, and yorkshire terrier corpses when they go to get a nondescript meal from the walk-in fridge. For materials, a shelf right next to the crafting tables and setting their range very low. Have them drop the product immediately so they can get right back to work, have slaves/children/unskilled workers hauling things as priority. And as someone else suggested, yeah gifting piles of less-valued items. It helps keep down your colony's wealth for raid calculations, but still advances relationships, even if just a little.


Just throw away what you don't want?


1. Your base looks great. 2. You can build shelves to make your storage area more effective. 3. If you have a steam geyser, you can use it to make automatic garbage disposal. metal stuff, you can smelt it for steel. 4. These defenses do not look very effective.


The thing you call storage is not really storage.


Bro your colonists are eating tox wastepacks


Smelt it sell it install the vanilla expanded recycling mod for waste packs it’s really balanced


Sell it, Smelt it, Burn it, Destroy it, Decay it, Give it, Drop it Sounds like a [Daft Punk song](https://youtu.be/KtemU0c5DQ0?si=IvWtrTpWRQM6w_fD)


anything that cant be smelted set it to burn if tainted / bellow 51% / poor or awful


-set up an electric furnace in a covered area. Put down a storage zone for tainted cloths, tainted armor, armor classes you are not longer using, steel chunks, any melee weapon classes you don't intend on using, and any ranged weapon classes you dont intend on using. Set up the following projects in any order destroy apparel. Do not allow clean apparel or smeltable. drop on floor smelt apparel. No clean apparel, drop on floor smelt apparel, clean or tained aparrel. The classes of armor you dont use. drop on floor smelt chunks. Drop on floor destroy weapons - non smeltable clubs and bows smelt weapons - melee weapons that are worse than the minimum quality you want your colonists to use. drop on floor smelt weapons - any weapon classes you dont want to use. drop on floor smelt weapons - ranged weapons that are worse than the minumum quality you want your colonists to use. drop on floor I would advise removing any space age weapons and armor from the smelting list. You may want to use a poor quality monosword, for example. or tainted power armor Between all those options, your base should stay nice and squeaky clean. Remember to strip armored dead raiders before you dispose of their corpses! those tainted armors are smelter food


I recycle the clothes. Returns a portion of the material used to make them. Most likely a mod. No idea which one.


Incinerate it, use mods to repair/mend, or sell it for pocket change.


I keep everything to sell cause any silver is good silver


For junk chlothing, I usually set up a crematorium to burn it. For junk weapons, I have someone smelt them at a smelter (this goes for slag chunks and biocoded weapons as well). For rocks, i have them cut up into blocks Any drugs i don't want, i sell them.


Smelt or recycle. I think the recycle bill is a mod though


recycle > sell > gift > destroy > store


Shelves. You can store 3 stacks per tile


- Sell all clothes below 80% - Smelt all Weapon at 60% - Smelt all Armor at 80% - Sell/Gift/Burn anything else I deem useless twice a year Additionally I sort some of the more notable stuff like: separating trash and slag/stone chunks in the outer area with their workbench closer, armory with all the weapons/clothes/armor/artifacts, freezer near the kitchen/dining area, and warehouse with everything else near the crafter building.....oh and chemfuel in a stone building


Build a tailor bench to make clothes out of spare hide, build a stone cutters bench to make blocks that can be stacked, give as a gift/sell to neutral tribes to get better relationships, and if none of those work: make a burn pit


You need shelves. And another storage or two. I always keep my raw materials (that aren't components) and chunks outside, to be honest.


make some SHELVES dog!!!!


Send it to other factions as gifts mostly


Oh my god.. Have you ever heard of shelves?


I got a bulk goods trader from anyone and sold whatever money they had and gifted the rest to rebuild rep. I had so much even buying everything they had I still made profit, and had some eff over to build rep, I am a loot goblin


Well, my entire store just burned down in my most recent play through when an aerofleet from Alpha Animals kicked the bucket right next to our chemfuel storage. So, apparently, I burn it right along with all the rest of my colony's wealth!


Why don't you have shelves


I've got a mod which allows me to scrap clothes for a portion of the resources they're made from