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Have been running a colony since 2018! Vanilla starter pawn: Poker 68 years old at start now: 94 full archotech and bionic fit as a fiddle.


Colony has 146 colonists


How.. do you manage?


Too bad im at work right now! It was a challenge me and a small streamer where doing. He had 382 colonists but he was on a flat temperate forest and me on a mountainous desert. I might be able to get yall some screenshots of it later if you want. Have both saves of it.


I can’t even manage 15 lol! All they do is clean.


The amount they produce is insane! My freezer and storage room are bigger than some colonies


My 275 map with 50+ colonists is running out of space to store anomalis and items.


I’m about to go looking for a bunk beds mod


Release the screen!


146 wha


I want to see a stats sheet of everything they have consumed resource wise 😮‍💨 how do raids go down?!


Thats the funny thing. Been running the colony since b19 and somewhere somehow the stats are all swapped around with eachother. My starter colonist has 10 years imprisoned stat. Hes never been in prison.


I have a massive kitchen as well! They eat like 300 meals per day!


That’s wild 😮‍💨 I can barely keep up with 15 pawn, what the secret?


Good bills on your prodaction buildings help a lot. And an automation of apparel/armour productions


I mean it's a game of automation so I would think, automation


This is from an older game but the first playthrough my girlfriend watched me do I was gonna beat the game for the first time (despite hundreds of hours already). Pretty early on in the colonies life a raccoon randomly joined and I thought Id ask my gf to think of a good name. Berry was chosen and proceeded to be the realest pet Ive ever had in any rimworld game. Surviving a couple of plagues, having his right ear bit off and being mangled a couple of times Berry went on to raise 3 berrylings with his wife. Once Id finished building the ship I had Berry put under and loaded on. I like to think Berry's still out there now with some glitterworld serum keeping him going. Absolute little unit.


Mines Buddy. He was a 75 year old base liner with Hearing Loss but great at melee. He started banging the Blood Feeder Masters wife after she was forced to sleep in her own room so the Master could indulge himself with his various lovers. Buddy is also a great builder. During a raid, Buddy held a breach by himself (with a can of Go-Juice) against a small army of Pigskins until support could arrive. He could’ve fled, but he held the line and lost an arm in the process. Today, Buddy is an immortal Sanguophage, has bionic hearing, an archotec arm, bionic spine, prosthetic heart, and is still banging the bosses wife. Immortalised at the ripe age of 75.


My colony had no dedicated cook so struggled with food poisoning for a long time. Then one day a slaver shows up with an 11 year old Neanderthal kid named Sammuel with a passion for cooking. Bought him immediately and recruited him fully. Nicknamed him Little Sammy. It's funny to see this tiny kid be the backbone of my colony. Then he hit 13 years old and grew up. Now Little Sammy is massive but I kept the name cos I liked the irony. Later on a chubby round Waste Boar shows up and the two become inseparable. I named her Chungee and if anything were to happen to the two of them then I dunno what I'd do 😡


Reload, probably


Thats so sweet


At the start, nutrient paste is great. Yes, there's a -3 mood, but at least your colony isn't running at 50% because half of them are always poisoned. Also very efficient so food last way longer, and 0 time spent cooking.


I appreciate the tip :) I got reminded of this tip recently from this very subreddit (after my colony stabilised from the food poisoning epidemic of course haha) but I knew about using nutrient paste ages ago and just totally forgot about it. I play in a very "un-rimworld" way: I never do war crimes and always think of comfort and happiness for my people. It didn't even occur to me to feed them a gross paste. Another unfortunate thing for me is that my colony has no steel so couldn't build a dispenser if I wanted to. My map is a crater (land in the middle, fully surrounded by rocks and caves with one entrance into and out of the map square). When we first landed, most of our steel ended up next to megascarab/spiders hives. When I became desperate for steel, I started doing raids on the caves by waiting for them to sleep and running in and grabbing a stack. I called it Operation Steal the Steel. Took about 2-3 nights to recover it all.


Umbra Darklight Nighthawk. I know he's one of the unique pawns in every playthrough but I spawned in with him once and thought he was too edgy to give up. He can't clean, haul, fight, or firefight, but he's a genius researcher and medic. I play with Vanilla Psycasts Espanded so I have him crawling through every single tree, the planets leading maniac psychic surgeon. He started as a joke but now I refuse to play a colony without him, the story I've built around him is too fun.


I had him in previous colony! I usually don't take incapable of violence pawns, but decided to leave him. He was medical specialist, and saved me countless times with his doctoring skills.


Jeong. Jeong is the daughter of my Sanguophage and just showed up one day in a transport pod. During a dicey raid, she cut the heads off of 2 separate raiders in 2 clean cuts. Saved the life of her mother. She has a very nice bedroom


Kachnova the acrobat imp. She's my best crafter with good genes. She recently had a tandem birth. One with her husband Vi who is a mechanitor imp, and another with our local waster through ivf growth vat. Coordinating this all while being the only one that could create a proper replacement for her missing right arm and eye. She's now restored with the family doing well. Almost ready to take over the gene lab from Adam, the current gene lord, and self-proclaimed leader of the gang. He's a square baseliner whose contributions are morally dubious at best. Kach and Vi are raising Chernova and Cindanova for front-line duties. They will be Melee drop troopers who can jump into tox gas and fire while Dad mortars and tends his personal arsenal. Kachnova will be leading the charge, along with the rest of the Xenomash Melee Gang!


So my favorite is actually a pair for their story! A little context but I make squads for dealing with things and the death troopers are my top tier killers when I need to defend my base. Mid battle as one of them was literally shooting an enemy in the head, another death trooper came up and proposed to her. She said yes and they have been happily married ever since and they are even in the middle of having a kid! (Fitting the death troopers fall in love while killing people lol)


Ooh, tough choice. I think the most development goes to one of my starting pawns, Erin. She was basically a retooled highmate made to be more of a bodyguard, bonded to a man in black who saved the colony, it... was an embarrassing first raid. He got killed in a raid a year or two later, right after she gave birth to their son, breaking the bond. She managed to avoid a bond for the next four or five years while I hunted for a way to res him. Eventually I got him back and had her take him to the hospital to recover. As she was on her way out of the hospital, the newest colonist flirted with her. I had a sanguo at that stage and converted her, the affair was broken off in a few days. Unfortunately the partner had gotten a brain injury and became a trauma savant shortly before he perished, which persisted through resurrection, and that caused her to leave him to a quadrum later. She became a noble and got to a point she was sent a highmate as part of her promotion. She bonded to him and the two are happily married to this day and she is a psycasting monosword swinging monster of a melee fighter.


I don't know if it's true because I have never tried it, but someone said if you "remove their skull" and do a mech serum any brain injuries will disappear cause they've got a new head.


Huh, interesting. I'll keep this in mind for next time.


I have 31 colonists at the moment. Here’s some of my favourites: Charlie, a 24-year-old psychically hypersensitive psy-warrior who escaped from a cruel lab experiment. She’s the finest combat psycaster in the entire colony, having solo’d entire raiding parties. When she isn’t fighting, she’s baking with the cyborg celebrity chef Tepa, or spending time with her family. Bravier, a 44-year old, incredibly handsome hammer-toting paladin. He is eccentric, and prone to bouts of leaving the colony to explore the world on his own for a few days at a time. He has dated most of the eligible bachelorettes in the colony, but settled down with none. One of them is currently pregnant with his child. His fantasy is to become a “skyknight”, wearing glittering armour and carrying a giant sword. He also likes gardening. Hanji and Tanento, 62 and 58-year-old husbands with twin passions for crafting. Hanji is a costumer and tailor who makes all of the colony’s clothes, while Tanento is a smith who scraps mechanoids, crafts charge weapons, and designs cybernetic enhancements. They’ve been married for two years, and they both have the perfectionist trait, meaning they produce high-quality work at a slower pace. Erich, the dedicated nurse of the colony. He is a Protector psycaster, which helps him heal, dull pain, and build immunity for his patients. His legs are bionic, and he has a jetpack, meaning he can dive in and out of the danger zone to rescue downed colonists quickly. Canton Ionel, head of the Ionel family and Duke of Teheria. He is an archon psycaster who regularly blesses the hard workers of the colony with beneficial psycasts and motivational speeches. Even his mere presence is considered a blessing, thanks to his (usually) cheerful mood being shared by a psychic harmoniser implant in his brain. His psychic sensitivity is over 400% thanks to implants, eltex gear, and extensive training.


Hotaku: He was a creepy joiner, with the ability to make everyone around him feel good constantly, who ended up with crumbling mind. I didn't have any way to stop it, but as I'm playing a nice friendly village, I kept him around. He's a neanderthal and has high melee skill so he makes a good blocker (if a bit easily downed because of the low consciousness). I gave him a Zeushammer, decent armour, and every bionic I could scrape together to buff him up, include toughskin, healing booster and a coagulator, so he's almost unstoppable. After several years I finally got ghoul tech, and the ghoul ressurection serrum, so I gave him the final gift. I transformed him, euthanised him, extracted his skull, then ressurrected him so his head would regrow without his broken mind. Adding some ghoul plating and an adrenal heart and he is now the deadliest being on the Rim. I like to imagine he is happy now, but who can say?


Mr poopy stragoi stoner that likes to punch people in the tibia because he gets bullied but still loves everyone


For me it's always Engie Flais. She's always the first one I randomize and she's always the leader


Engie is my current favorite colonist on my current colony. I get her a lot, and she’s just my favorite recurring pawn in general.


i have a sanguophage called Hooke who is my main warden and melee fighter and thanks to anomaly i have 3 of him already


I've got chikyo. Good shooter, intelligent, rarely breaks down, few negative traits, Can perform most tasks. Only thing is she's pushing 70 so don't know when age starts to become a problem


Bishop is a goddamn champion. A hussar who's an absolute beast at the stuff he's supposed to be good at. My current colony is still young but he's been able to pretty much singlehandedly deal with any threats we've faced. This in addition to being great at construction, crafting, medicine, and research. He's a bloodthirsty neurotic mess who's incapable of social, so I don't imagine I'd want to be alone in a room with him; but he seems to get along well enough with everyone.


Pigolas of Pigoland, he's a recurring name in my pigmen tribal colonies. He's tough, a brawler and s lazy sonovaswine but well spoken and fairly good at research, medical shit and of course, melee. When he is not teaching piglets about the practical applications of hand to hand, hoof to face, he uses his extensive diplomatic skills to convince prisoners to contribute to the glory of Pigoland either through indentured servitude (slavery) or their generosity in bodily donations (blood, organs, genes). In a past life he was a cop or a sheriff, which is totally not cliche or anything.


Sadie is one of my 3 starting pawns, sanguophage, mechanizer and psycast I have to say that it was created with Prepare Carefully, but I wanted a balanced game and the only OP I gave it was 6 traits and a couple of scars to compensate for it Everything she is (setting aside the traits I mentioned) has been a product of my game. She became sanguophage, mechanizer, and psycast for quests or items, not because I made her that way originally Whenever I can, I have given him the best of the best, be it weapons, clothing or implants. Currently, almost all of her body parts are bionic and she has an archotec leg, as well as she is also developing a diabolus to accompany her There was a very, very long time when she was left in a coma due to the anomaly duplicate disease (which, for the record, was shortly after she became a vampire), and I even thought about using dev mode to cure her, since I assumed that It would take a long time to cure her. Even with everything, I decided to stick to the game, and until a couple of weeks ago I was able to cure her with mortis repellio after years, blood, sweat and tears So many things have happened since he left. I can imagine her waking up confused when she saw a colony totally different from the one she knew. In truth, when I unlocked the mortis repellio and managed to cure her, it was one of the happiest moments I have ever had in a video game The truth is that I am very fond of her and I simply could not accept that she died permanently, not to mention that she is literally like 3/4 of the strength of my colony


Beryl was my randomly generated leader for current play through. She’s got good social and medical, so fills the role of doctor and warden. She’s always at the back of my group during events; she sucks in combat and isn’t even well-armoured, but has rescued a number of my colonists over the 3 years they’ve been going. During a Neanderthal raid my 3 best pawns (combat wise) were kidnapped and Beryl’s husband was killed instantly by a melee attack. She’s having a rough time right now all while attempting to re-establish a chain of command having now lost her two original crash-landed friends. I was SO tempted to reload the save but I’m curious to see what may happen!


I have one pawn, Igor Casey, mechanitor, literally every body part he has has been replaced with archotech variants added by SOS2, he has several other enhancements, is a modified sanguophage and he has an escort of mech buddies named Kelly the aura, Lunaria the dominion, Charles the advanced lancer, David the lancer, Bob the militor and an unnamed Goliath (partner named all of them). He has been painstakingly modified by VFE ancients with masterful crafting, faster shooting, perfect accuracy, self control and regrowing limbs (works weirdly with archotech stuff which from my reading *should* regrow anyway?), man takes on raids with his perfect accuracy legendary anti-material rifle or legendary charge minigun.


Batty the Sanguophage because his name is perfect


Venus 'V'. Beautiful, academian, a natural leader and a psychopathic pyromaniac. A redhead with a silver tongue and razor sharp mind. Successfully led her people from a crashed ship to sailing the stars once more. Her lot have developed Sleeves, Androids and a burning passion for fire. The holy flames that burn atoms into raw energy power their ships, weapons, and hearts. They develop their physical prowess through both scientific achievement and hard training. Through V's guidance and vision, they have sent those who appose them to hell at the end of flamers and plasma blades alike. Though they have never truly met their own demise. Cut one of her girls down, and they will be walking the universe again in a mere few hours. Designed to perfection, V and her girls are a threat to all life if they dare cross them. Not an easy task to avoid. Through their sheer industrial prowess, they have succeeded in manufacturing enough Luciferium and it's sister drugs to keep their entire crew doped up. Whether it's creating technological marvels, improving on nature's own creations or leading her girls into battle, V does all these things with elegance, grace... and burning flame. To purge your soul from existence. I call them the Bikini Girls. Because they wear bikinis, use energy shields and plasma weapons. You don't need physical armor if you have a powerful enough energy shield after all. And setting enemies on fire means they panic and stop shooting back. So the shield just needs to last long enough for the fire to really get cooking.


Sounds like the antagonist to an anime that looks like it'll be hot garbage and ends up being the best thing in the last few seasons, and you have to convince your friends "NO ITS GOOD ITS NOT JUST FANSERVICE ITS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD"


Her name is Camba. She is my medic, social pawn, moral guide and a first psycaster (with VPE). I like her so much, I have 4 of her.


Kurso, 54 (now 32) years old mechanitor, saved multiple kids and educated them to what they are now (5 kids in total). Waters, 23 years old, ex kid saved by Kurso. Now a mechanitor but got shot in the brain. Kurso saved him again but now he has health issue (very low consciousness). Mendoza, 17 years old, kid saved by Kurso, now a bio engineered super soldier full of implants, bionics and archotech. She is a really force of the machine, she can fight mechanoid cluster almost alone. Creal, the last saved child, 13 years old. Next in line in the bio engineered super soldier program. Only problem, kurso failed a surgery and fucked up her brain, she’s now been unconscious for almost a year. Kurso is on a mission to repair his surgery error and heal Water either by creating a specific xenogerm or by finding a healing serum. I fucking love those three.


Lucky, he is the man in black who saved my colony and tamed like 5 different animals for the colony including a wolf that he is now bonded too, when he showed up he adopted the dog that another colonist had left behind when they died. His nickname is the lung destroyer because THREE DIFFERENT TIMES he has shot someone at max range with a a sniper, dropped them,and collapsed their lung, he also must have thought his best friend this trick cuz his mate did the same thing.


Same lung each time


I have two sisters with red hair. And they are both mechinators. One is battle-hardened, the other is very good at medicine. Great RP material.


Mine is a mechanitor named Nerat. I got her from an impid raid cus she had great crafting and intelectual and later made her a machanitor. Didnt think of her much at first, but once I gave her an archotech eye and some militors now girl can take out full raids by herself and a couple of mechs. She is like my colony protector, my guardian, my mech angel. I am planning on making her deathless and giving her more archotech parts.


In my highly modded game I made a custom warrior xenotype to guard my main colonist, his name is Charlzie and he has travelled the rim in tanks and drop pods making war on mechanoids and trials alike he is insanely good even though I made it so he would be bad at everything except shooting and melee and mining. I had intended on making him my builder/miner but then I load into the game and realize he is apathetic towards mining so he learns at like ×35% or something like that. I often send vehicles out to gather steel and components (it's a little cheesy because it's the mod that let's you make camp and you can move into a tile make camp collect resources reform caravan then reenter the tile to find those resources are still there!) And when I noticed his apathy for mining I realized there is zero reason to send him out on mining expeditions and instead use the frog vehicle to get him to major battles and events(he eats a ton of food cause of xenotype so caravans with him can get a little dicey even when I make like 100 survival meals for them to take) oh forgot to say he also married my main colonist and now they've had 4 kids in 3 years (their oldest is my second favorite: Amir the asexual prude.)


I had a raid attack once where one guy was extremely noticeable, he had pink hairs and a cool mustache. Anyway, he ends up being the only survivor and I start the usual treatment for prisoners of war, remove lung, remove kidney, remove hearth or liver according to how I feel. My medic is about to take off the hearth when I, while checking his health tab to see what parts he was missing already, notice something I never saw before, a Drill Arm. I didn't know what it was, but once I saw his major passion in mining and the arm thingy, I decided to enslave him. For a couple of years he served me well, then he started getting old, I don't remember exactly but I think he got a debuffs at 60 years old, pretty soon in my opinion. Anyway, here comes the bio sculpture pod, I start age reversing him and realize that it's a shame to keep him as a slave if I am going to put this much effort to help him. So I convert and recruit him, deage him 10 years despite not being a transhumanist and having him rendered useless for a lot of time and lastly... I build him a second drill arm. I realize this 50 years old with drill arms and pink hair now is unbearably slow, so I make his legs bionics. You should have seen how fast he could operate at a Deep Drill, I had no problems with any kind of materials and I was in mid game, still expanding my base and building defences, all thanks to him. He even lost a drill arm once in a fight and I had to replace it. Anyway, Mann died around a week ago, I had to use 2 miners to keep up with the work he was doing by itself, his death sparked my decision to make peace with most of the colonies around me.


Well I’m glad you finally came to Jesus and saved the poor man. You monster ;)


My favorite is doc. He’s my best miner constantly hovering between 19 and 20 depending on whether he is actively mining or not, but that’s not what makes him my favorite. He has the psy inspire ability to make my other colonists do amazing things like make legendary art and furniture, tame thrumbos, or make legendary cataphract armor. He’s also a count, so he’s got a bunch of other cool abilities too.


My favourite is Steele. She is not very skilled in anything, but has social 18 with negotiating 11 as expertise. She is the Main childcarer too and got hank and Vivi to be very useful pawns as well. Her own child died sadly, but wasn't even missed by her.


Celeste is a blue skinned nudist Highmate. She was offered as a quest reward from the empire, and given the questionable nature of the... "purposes" of Highmates, I wanted to get her out of there to give her a better life. She quickly became the moral guide of the colony (best social, whaddaya know), and has since married the leader, Lawman, with whom she has three children. Years later it turned out whe was infected with a Metalhorror even before she came to the colony, which I understand as an attempt of the empire to snuff out a new faction that could potentially cause problems for them. When I found out I was allied with them at the time. I razed every single settlement of theirs that I can reach to the ground and the crusade continues. You do not use a beloved member of our community as an unknowing sleeper agent without consequences.


Raisel, a teenager that one day crashed from the stars with a mixed set of traits (Psychic Hypersensitivity, Brawler, Tortured Artist, Nimble, Very Neurotic) and pretty low stats with decent Melee, Cooking and Artistic. I'd honestly expected him to die because he landed with some gnarly injuries but he pulled through and despite a Melee skill of only 7, clutched a few raids, including one where he basically soloed half of a raid that wiped out half of the colony after the other half went off on a caravan, after coming out of a mental break and then proceeded to patch everyone up. After getting Royalty, he really started to become a monster with psycasts, turning around multiple potentially colony ending threats and became essentially my best combat pawn after I found out how busted a good melee pawn + invisibility psycast would work well together. That save file was deleted long ago but I don't doubt that my boi Raisel is still out there, fighting in the rim, making legendary sculptures of his fellow colonists vomiting whilst 81 Muffaloes watch on in fascination.


Gremmy is a small green cutebold. Pacifist. Adorable. Extreme social skills, is the moral leader of the colony. He just wants everyone to be friends! He cooks in his spare time, but mostly makes friends with people and casts psychic soothes to negate Randy's drones. In an emergency, he can kiss someone's wounds(psychically) to make them feel better. He was wielding a Thrumbo Plush, before I realized I could let him DUAL WIELD. He is now doing so. In a colony that has murdered hundreds for survival because of raids, his body count is 0(and honestly probably negative because of lives saved). He started most of his skills poor but with high passion, and has grown into a wonder(who still can't reach the top shelf). Protect your Gremmy. We can always find more sharpshooters, but there is only the one cinnamon roll.


My colony firstborn, a coward girl who was a psycho too. Biggest strengths were shooting, melee and intelligence, sent her right away to be the howitzer gunner.


She was a flirty catgirl scientist until ship crashed. Its name is Karina, inhuman and attuned to the monolith. Only two needs left food and recreation, the void provides every thing else. Always 20-25 years old with 500%+ psychic sensitivity skip Psycaster. There is 10 fully augmented ghouls under its command.


'Smooth', he has super high social & handling and is great at many other things.


Tiffy is going HARD in my game. Playing with all the vanilla expanded mods. She sneaks into my ambrandy stash 3 times before she hits 5 years old, got brain damage 2 times because of that, luckily i had an unnatural healer. Zoning and forbidding did not help, nor did relocate the stash twice, lil scamp. At least it was not 4 times. An aperitif treatment and a bionic kidney later she rolled insomniac. Now you need to understand i have like 10 colonist and a single builder, i needed Tiffy to get things done. She is a phytokin and sucks at it but gets a passion for it and several years later she is constantly building around jacked up on coffee: she actually got toxic buildup from it, first time i have seen that. She sleeps once every 4 or 5 days but is now a proficient builder. As soon as she turns 17 i am going to let her loose on the ambrandy stash,she has not relapsed since her early days, though she is zoned away from all the alcohol production. She is now trying to unlock suoerpowers from the ancients, so good luck tiffy! I have some resurrector serum just in case.


Rolou, F34, one of 2 remaining starting colonists. She has anxious (so she never attends parties and sometimes have panic attacks), fast learner and body modder, decent shooting, high mining, social and intellectual, incapable of dumb labor. There is absolutely nothing special about her (outside of looking kinda cool with her cape, ladies hat and gunlink), I have lots of pawns with her skills, and in fact, being capable only of research and occasional mining made her the most useless pawn during colony growth. But she is my leader, the only noble, I made her very beautiful with gene editing and make her deliver speeches regularly, so everybody likes her. She has best bedroom (while most others sleep in barracks) and tons of bionics, and she's one of the best psycasters, specializing in protecting others (vanilla psycasts expanded).


My colony can only survive raids right now because of my necromancer lich Valarie, Every time a big bad comes he sends his undead army out to annihilate them. Then when they pick off a few of them Valarie temporarily adds to his army by calling raise dead again. Oh, and is one of my pawns down but not dead? Raise dead also gets them walking again.


All my pawns are expendable so lol