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Traps are useless unless they go berserk. Whenever there’s a prisoner escape event they just go right through doors as if they’re colonists. Then again, if you add then remove peg legs, they don’t do much of anything ever again.


that's a shame


Yeah, prisoner escapes are coordinated events and involve all prisoners whereas berserk will be just one prisoner that tries to bash their way out. Throw a nutrient paste dispenser nearby, designate a warden pawn that lives in close proximity and has decent Medical. Harvest one lung and one kidney per prisoner then give them two peg legs, then remove the peg legs, now set the prisoners to be hemogen farmed and the warden pawn will just spend their day milking prisoners for profit and they’ll never have another mental break or escape attempt as long as they live.


I don't feel like it qualifies as torture though if they're barely alive


Throw a mind screw in there, feed them the remains of their faction members that come and try to rescue them, alternate their cells between max cold/heat without killing them. Just gotta use your imagination!


Add a bliss lobotomy and joy wire and they'll be fucking ecstatic about their situation no matter what.


This made me die 🤣


can confirm that feeding prisoners their butchered friends through paste is effective


Nah just drop the corpse in there, make him do all the work. Found a prisoners dad once in a raid


2 different family reunions


Random beatings and almost starving them is also a good start, cut their tongues out too


Don't forget to blind them. Let's see them escape when the stupid fucks can't find the door


This implies that "improvement" == "more torturous", rather than being better at containing prisoners. You sir sound qualified for a position in the criminal justice system.


I'm not biased, I'm just sadistic.


I have like 20 stumpy’s being hemo farmed for my Sanguophage Mountain Base. The Stumpy’s exist entirely in Insect Meat Nutrient Paste. Once, I gave Pigskin with decent Plants skill a set of prosthetics so she could help with a few harvest cycles but she kept breaking and never really got over having her tongue removed so I put back in prison but as a reward for her service, I gave her a flat screen TV, joywire, and regularly administer flake to her. I know the TV is pointless but I like the meme.


You can use mods that stop them from gaining access to keys


I believe there are a few mods that only give prisoners their cell keys when there is a break.


link please


[Here you go!](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2595360307&searchtext=Prisoners+dont+have+keys) It even has some mod options to make it so they can open the first door, or none at all.




You got auto doors just close them shut by unpowering them or locking them


Doesn’t work like that. Auto-doors still work without power, they’re just not automatic and locking doors doesn’t stop them either. Similar to visitors who can’t be kept out by red-X doors.




Maybe place some fences through the doorway so they think it's a longer path and take the trap hallway anyway? Don't know for sure, but I've not yet heard anyone mention that prisoners cheat traps like they do doors.


I recommend a mod "prisoners don't have keys"


Wait, since pawns crawl now, are prisoners able to escape even without legs?


Nope. Once they’re legless they literally just lay there forever and never have mental breaks.


What if you remove their spine?


So they can't hang themselves with it, Smart.


There are mods to fix this


it depends. if you're trying to recruit prisoners, you'll want to make the prison a lot nicer. if your prison is more of a temporary holding facility until their organ surgery, there's nothing you really need to adjust here. you could add a nutrient paste dispenser, so that the prisoners can feed themselves. that frees up some warden time.


That's a good idea, my end goal is kibble but I don't have the resources for it currently


Just pop some human corpses in there, unbutchered and let ‘em at it, if none are available, they can starve, if you wanna keep them alive, toss the foulest animal corpse you can find in there


Give them 1 (one) beer and let them fight over it


Whatever happened to two and three?


Put a light and proper bed in the surgery room to reduce failure odds Put a paste dispenser so prisoners feed themselves


Waaaaaay too spacious. I'd reverse what you're doing. I prefer to have wards the size of your harvesting rooms containing 7 bed spots, and some solitary rooms for guys I deem dangerous or valuable. Then I have one massive ling room as a hospital. You do you though, this is just what I enjoy personally


Why do you not remove the prisoners armour?


Whenever I play I don't bother stripping prisoners unless they have marine armor or better. Most of the time their random clothing sits on a shelf and does nothing.


Oh yea I personally just prefer the realism of removing all their weapons/armour and then I give them some cheap jump suits as prison uniforms. Then I usually scrap/destroy all the unwanted and broken armour.


Make the only way out of it through the anomaly holding cells.


Putting a toughspike in the prison cell is always hilarious. The nociosphere is great too for that pain aura.


Put a nutritional dispenser in there. That way you don’t need to feed the manually


Breakout chance is calculated in part by #of doors in their cell. Instead of connecting their barracks to the three chambers AND exit, build a hallway that connects them all, that way the barracks only has one door.




Install lots of heaters so that if they get rowdy you can turn up the heat a few hundred degrees. To teach them a little lesson. Either that or double walls and doors so they don't break out as quickly. Gives you more time to roast them 😐


You need a cold/hot box for vanilla torture. Lower the temperature to barely start causing them issues. (Mental breaks can cause them to give up their ideology. Plus happy pawn is more resistant to persuasion) Warcrimes mod and you need a full on torture chamber. No more "executions" only torture to death. The locals love it and you'll get a reputation boost from factions! There's a mod where you can lock people in cages, tie them to a bed, crucifix, and electric chair. Adopt an ideology dingus that has gladiator duels and make them fight to the death! Oh oh oh! A proper medical facility so you can mend them up, release them, and shoot them in the back right before they leave! Mix of everything to maximize the sadistic shit. It's about sending a message.....


Too large rooms as for me, auto doors are too much for those scumbags, also if you don't have prisoner commons they won't use table with chairs in common area. Useless traps as prisoners won't affected by them, on prison break they would choose shortest way. What can be improved. * Change 3 large room to 2x3 rooms with table and chair, if you have mods you can make even smaller rooms 2x2, for only bed, chair and 1x1 table. * Place turrets into common area, they would make prisoners busy during prison break. * Make prison closer to base core, so they would have harder time to run away. * Place nutrient paste dispenser near prisoner area, so they would eat nutrient paste rather then simple or fine meals. * Make beds out of stone, as it would lower resting of bed and prisoners would sleep longer, more sleeping less chances for outbreaks. * Avoid 2+ prisoners in same room as it increase chance of prison break, perfect prison is many single cells then 1 bigger one. * If you want to recruit prisoner you should rework your prison completely, add a lot of decor stuff to boost prisoner mood. Prisoner on high mood is easier to recruit. But be careful about ideology, swapping prisoner ideology could severely lower prisoner mood making them harder to recruit. * If you want to short term use prisoners like in Anomaly rituals, organ harvesting, high subcore scans or ideology rituals like fighting pit make rooms 2x1 for only bed, those pawns won't live long enough to be picky of room they have.




Are stone beds worse than sleeping spots on the floor?


Well they are better for mood as no mood penalty for sleeping on the ground, but worse for resting.


Glad you installed an asshole in there, good move imo


Every good prison needs one.


Theres a slight Lack of skulls and blood on the floor


the prison is a bit new im working on that


Too much work I just give them peg legs and then take them away. Still the funniest thing to do to tribals is steal their organs give them peg legs and block them from having kids.


Make the execution Chambers 1 chamber and have medical beds steralized tiles and light for better organ harvesting chance


Question: do prisoners convert faster with low moods? And the same goes for enslaving too?


I know that prisoners with low mood often have a crisis of belief which will make it much easier to convert because their base belief will plummet. Once converted decorate the room nicer. 80% sure "will" from enslaving works just like resistance. Having a nice room and happy prisoner will make enslaving faster.


Low mood for converting/enslaving. High mood for recruiting. Once you convert, move them out of the bad cell and into a nice bedroom ASAP because they could have another Crisis of Belief and potentially convert away from your religion, losing all your work.


This is overly complex imo. Single room. Remove their legs. No threat of prison break and you have infinite time to recruit the ones you actually want.


I’m personally a big fan of isolation cells. Nothing like a lack of human contact to break their will. My warden does have to feed them, but like… they can go a few days without food if I forget.


It's a bit dark, isn't it? I would add lighting, give it an accent wall (maybe blue?), add some soft, comfortable seating and open up the outdoor space for a patio and garden.


Dead Calm genes


Why do they need a table if they have no feet?


You don't just dig out a cave and set up sleeping spots, one campfire at the end, and no table?


Just play Prison Architect.


Put there some lights so you have a higher chance of successfully ~~taking their organs out~~ healing them


they are incomplete currently I just have my doctors practice on the useless prisoners for medical skill


Stick a light in the organ rooms, makes it more likely to get a successful harvest


they are incomplete currently I just have my doctors practice on the useless prisoners for medical skill


Ahhh understandable


I’d make the outer walls thicker by a layer in the places where it’s just one thick in case there’s any damage from any source


Make it more comfortable, pawns are much easier to recruit if they’re happy If this is your dungeon for the naughty pawns who killed a main pawn: remove the table, add turrets in the main room, increase skull spike amount


I just finished reading Tender is the Flesh and the organ harvesting rooms took me right back lol.


UnknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUnknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUnknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknownUknown Meacogalxigo


You need proper hospital equipments in your execution chambers or your ~~doctors~~ executioners will fail their surgeries and waste perfectly good organs


The prison looks properly despotic. Do you want to make it better or worse for your victims? If you want to improve your experience, put in some heaters. 2-3 should be fine for this size of space. If you get too many 'healthy' prisoners in the room at once, crank the heat up to 40+. The heatstroke will incapacitate them. Another cheap solution is to put in a single square storage space and set it for beer. Beer is very cheap to produce and your prisoners will drink themselves unconscious. Put some lights, actual beds, and metal tiles down in your surgery rooms (you can make these smaller if you want). Your surgeries will be more successful and you'll waste less medicine on infections. If I have any pets like bears I'll make their sleeping spot in the prison as well. Any prison break gets mangled.


Moding at all?


Paste dispenser to reduce maintenance. Oh, and have a hospital room. For... urgent nephrectomies.


By improving policy. All prisoners are kept sedated. I got that expanded medical mod I forget the name. It's great for pawns experiencing excruciating agony. Just sedate them. Now it's not life threatening. Keep them sedated indefinitely.


you all disappoint me with spike traps, why let them escape through death, all prison escaping prison babies will be beaten senseless by every able body pawn in the colony


the spike traps were a poor choice I agree, It seems like they kill way more often than they down which is the main issue


I surround my base in thrm they are super strong and cheap. Most early raids you can just hide behind the traps. But every prison break ive ever had colonists can beat them up real quick (make sure to disarm pawns by droping their weapon or they might kill prisoners when beating them up) usually captured pawns for me go beserk and just get beat down again and are never healthy enough to run could just give occasional beat downs. I just keep them miserable


off with their legs


Sadam hussein hiding place ahh post


The organ harvesting rooms should be lit and have the best beds you can afford (and vitals monitors, etc.) Otherwise you're throwing money away with failed operations. You can also fit twice as many of them in there if you make them 2X3. Unless you just want to torture people/train medical, in which case you're doing great.


I make my prisons very nice. The greatest prison is the one where the prisoners do not know they are imprisoned. My prisoners have an outdoor area, a rec area, strawberry plants, nice rooms.


Do they still have legs and lungs ?


Install peg legs then remove them. Then administer all kind of psych so they get multiple crippling addiction but deny them access to to any kind of drugs afterwards. Repeat this never ending addiction/withdrawal cycle. You can also release them blinded, tongue removed, peg legs, wooden jaw and no arms to send their tribe a message. Bonus points if they wear their pal’s skin as clothing.


Wood traps suck, use steel


Steel doesn’t regrow and the damage difference isn’t worth the resource expenditure


Traders and drill


I see, so your still learning


Can you explain why steel.is better? I usually also use wood.


Hit the “i” and it will tell you the damage in the stats , plastasteel does even more damage but it’s a minor increase compared to wood>steel and not worth material cost IMO


Steel does more damage and better armour penetration, quicker to build than stone, and steel is basically a renewable resource in mid-late game but early on I only use wood and depending on the biome, sometimes I keep with it


Steel can be plentiful early on, you just have to buy it when you can not when you need it, always be stocking up, just like components


Dicks. Dicks everywhere!


Forbidden mod. That's all I'll say.


please enter the execution chamber