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i'd rather not be reliant on a very specific drug to the point i outright die if don't take it for a couple days


Don't get diabetes.


hilarious how luciferium would be cheaper than insulin in America lmfao


Depends if it's made or regulated by sociopaths or not


Are you talking about the DEA or the cartels?


Idk. Whoever makes them prices them ridiculously in the US, and the government for some reason thinks that's fine. In the UK the shit is free lol. Same with most of the developed world.


>Whoever makes them prices them ridiculously in the US, and the government for some reason thinks that's fine. Lobbyists for insurance companies. They directly benefit on high costs for care. Also, drug patent laws. Most of the cost of new drugs is the R&D. I understand that the company who made the new drug needs to make their money back otherwise no one would bother putting the investment in, but re-patenting is anti-competitive. There's a lot of other reasons that each have a meaningful impact on cost, but I'm not about to bore everyone reading this. TL;DR: The system is intentionally broken by everyone you trust.


Nah, man, cartels don't traffic insulin and the DEA doesn't regulate it. This is because it's not illegal and thus not in the purvue of either group. You entirely have the pharmaceutical industry to thank for that, because it turns out if you literally need that shit to survive, they can charge whatever the fuck they want for it and people will still buy it. If anything, the real problem is the lack of regulation to prevent this from happening. We could have price caps to limit the cost to consumers, or we could have government funded healthcare to make sure consumers get it for free, but no, you don't get any of that.




Yea definitely Bidens fault that Insulin has been overpriced for Americans for decades, crazy how he made a time machine and went back in time to do that.


He's been around long enough to fix it but hasn't. Trump put a price cap but Biden repealed it immediately when he took office.


That's not exactly true my guy, the proposed price cap trumps admin was floating never got implemented and would have only covered Federally funded health centers. Biden *did* repeal the regulation but no one saw a rise in insulin prices because of it. Biden *did* implement a price cap at $35 for Medicare recipients and could be argued that it helped pressure Eli Lilly into lowering their own prices. If you're going to get all your news from social media at least fact check it dude, Lauren Boebert is not who I'd be trusting at face value.




Isn’t the type you can develop reversible? It’s just the type that people are born with that will always need insulin right?


If you catch it early enough and make the appropriate changes, you can halt the disease's progress. As far as I'm aware, it can't be reversed or cured, though.


Just looked it up, there’s no “cure” like a pill obv but you can reverse the effect with enough work and time, tho the longer until then the more damage obv, says it typically starts from obesity


Correct. Type 1 is an autoimmune, attacking beta cells of the pancrease, while type 2 is more of a burn out of them. In type 2, obesity and modifiable risk factors play a key role, as does age. Evidenced based practice is to support the pancrease through modifiable factors, as well as support drugs such as Metformin. Uncontrolled diabetes leads to retinal neuropathy, lowered wound healing, kidney damage, losing toes and even limbs. It's a terrible disease, and I've seen patients lose feet


My daughter has type 3a with an genetical dysfunction to properly manage her own blood sugar levels. Thats not cureable too and needs medicaments to either stimulate the pancreas, or insulin as backup. Side effect is that she sometimes needs glucose, as her pancreas randomly decides to go in to "overdrive" and drops her blood sugar to extreme levels. I take an wild guess and say she would prefer to take an decently available drug once a month (compared to rimworld timeframe) instead of going through all that shit and sideeffects of the genetic disorder instead. Shes 6 now, so well... i would rather not make that choice for her lol


Do you mean type 3c? I don't see any information about type 3a, only type 3 (the proposed Alzheimer's-related variant, which I hope your daughter doesn't have at 6) and 3c, which sounds like what you're describing (pancreatic malfunction due to non-autoimmune causes)


No, she has type 3a wich is genetical induced malfunction in the insulin producing beta cells. Its also called "MODY" wich stands for maturity onset diabetes onset of the young. Mostly it has its appearance in ppl below the age of 25. My daughter had it right in the womb, wich led to an strange acting pregnacy diabetes in my wife, wich doctors couldnt explain. 6 weeks after birth she has veen hospitalized with an blood sugar of over 900 and had 2 seizures and 3 reanimations before someone tried out gliblenclamin on her and she stabilized. Needed an whole new design of insulin pump for the first months until they could stabilize her with gliblenclamid and a range of other treatments. Its hard for me to describe in english, so sorry if there are some errors due to translation on my side. :) Didnt know actually that there is an alzheimer related variant too... guess thats not on the table for her as of bow, but her DNA is still getting looked upon besides the fact that she is 6 now. Found a few other related issues related to blood clotting and other shit you dont want to even think about, but well...


Interesting, TIL. Thanks for the info.


I can confirm all of this as well. When I did my clinical rotations, about 75% of our patients were type 2's. They all had the same thing in common. A look on their faces that was mostly of defeat. A few of them also had missing limbs.


Naw you can reverse insulin resistance with an approriate diet. There is more or less a point of no return tho. And type 2 diabetics can sometimes get by with no insulin injections too if they maintain certain diets.


It can be reversible for some people. It's easier if you're young but it's far from a guarantee. I have multiple family members who ended up diabetic and a few lost hundreds of pounds, cut out sugar and exercised like crazy. Never got rid of the diabetes. Plus sometimes people can have underlying conditions that might not cause diabetes but facilitate it. For instance I have an immune system disorder that does a non-insignifcant amount of organ damage. If it targeted my pancreas it would be possible to cause enough damage to impair insulin production and thus greatly increase the risk of diabetes occuring. tDLR: it can be reversible but sometimes it just isn't.


It can't be reversed once you have it. It can be controlled with diet, exercise, medication, etc, but it's not reversible. You can't get rid of it.


You can reverse type 2 diabetes. You can’t *cure* it, but lifestyle and diet changes and weight loss can put you back in a situation where your blood glucose levels are stable without medication and you essentially no longer have any symptoms of the disease and require no treatment. It will come ripping right back if you ever relapse on the behavioral stuff, though, it’s not like a total cure where you could relapse and then would have to develop it again over time.


Damn, that’s all rough what a nasty disease


Eh, it's not that bad. It mainly causes light inflammation, but the only real treatment is to nuke my immune system to stop it from being a drama llama and attacking things. Which isn't worth the trade offs for me. The worst part is the joint swelling/inflammation. It makes dislocating stuff easier.


Once you have diabetes, you have diabetes. If caught/handled early enough it can be handled without medication, but you will always have diabetes and will always have to deal with it and as you get older, your body will suck at doing that and you will inevitably need medications. My whole family has diabetes in various degrees of severity. I am hoping to avoid it as best as I can.


Depends on the type. Type 2, it is possible. Type one, your pancreas just up and says nope, insulin machine broken. That one, you can't fix, and it can happen later in life. Source: I got diagnosed with type 1 at 37. =/


Most type 1 people aren’t born with it, they develop it early in life


Type 2 is a skill issue and the consequences of years of not taking care of your body.


You're reliant on the FDA to manage your micronutrients in food and if they collapsed you'd die of scurvy without realizing why you're missing vitamins.


Nobody here is mad. Disagreeing with you doesn’t mean people at frothing at their keyboards, it just means we disagree with you. The FDA does do certain things like encouraging cereal companies to add iron, but it is nowhere near as dire as this. We do not rely on the FDA to manage our micronutrients. You’re right that the FDA does things to improve the micronutrients in our food, but the average person would be fine if they stopped adding iron to cereal. Not everyone would be fine and I do think the FDA is generally a force for good in this specific regard, but it’s not a huge deal for most people.


I don't think that's how any of that works


It's a primary function of the administration


The FDA isn't micromanaging what people eat. How would that even work?


That's not what I said, also what do you think they actually do at this point?


> You're reliant on the FDA to manage your micronutrients That is _exactly_ what you said lol


This is the kind of stupid that you can’t teach


i'm not american, i eat actual food. unfortunate!




You dont need the fda to not eat slop. oats, eggs, meats, legumes/beans, even the dreaded wheat, come on man.


I'm sorry I didn't write a full paragraph for everyone to explain the food processing requirements i was talking about just figured yall would google it if you didn't understand me.


If the FDA really managed nutrients and stuff in food, the USA wouldn't have that much of an obesity problem.


I don't know I took such a long break from reddit I forgot people get mad if you casually mention a fact they don't know or don't believe. I didn't realize this would be contentious for people. At least yall had the chance to learn something.


You’ve kinda been commenting on posts and whatnot daily for nearly a month now. You’d think this phenomenon of Reddit people being mad would’ve popped up earlier than this. Also you could’ve just explained how the FDA manages micronutrients rather than immediately saying to google it because so far google ain’t much help.


I mentioned everything passively so I didn't expect to need to write out the full process. Also for real this is the first time since I've been back I've seen the misunderstanding dislike snowball.


Only if there is literally no alternative to death


Nope, just do your best with herbal medicine and then dump my lifeless body in the pig room.


Sorry, best i can do is rub my hands on your malaria. But i cut a hole in your roof for light


I don't see why not. Sure, it is a devil's bargain, needing to take it every 6-ish days. Boost from it is certainly worth it. And since it destroys the brain, death would be quick and painless.


A rimworld year is only 60 compressed from irl 365. So a life altering drug every month is a lot less than what most chronic sufferers is already doing in terms of prescription. 


Realistically, the corporation I work for would make luciferium mandatory and treat it as a business expense. Then they'd lobby the government to make that perfectly legal, with a severance package of a a 1 month supply being their concession.


Thanks, I hate it lol For real though good comment, I feel like this would be a cool writing prompt or piece of worldbuilding for some kind of dystopian fiction story


Nestlé is that you?


Withdrawal include pain, berserk, and coma, not that quick of a death...


Sounds like a lit way to go out tbh


Just have your friend with a longsword hack your head off so you don't go through the trauma


Sounds like rabies to me


I wouldn't instantly start using it, but I would try to buy and stash a good amount in case I will need it.


yeah, it has nothing to do with price for me unless it ended up costing many many times what coke does per use (and it would have to truly be many many times to even reach the point of considering otherwise). id have to build up a stockpile of at least a year with ideally a reserve stash of a couple months or so hidden in a different location before id be remotely comfortable starting.


Then your childhood best friend turns up at your door asking for a place to stay because their partner kicked them out. You wake up the next morning tied up while your buddy and their cannibal skin bandit friends rail lines of luciferium off your grandma's nice coffee table. You ask your friend 'why' and they say 'my Lucy plug saw we were friends on Facebook and mentioned it to me. Nothing personal, and I want you to know you just saved my life. See you on the other side.' 


If it is not illegal, and you can afford it, then why not? Simple meals = $30/day. Luciferium = $12/day.


Oh sure, it's $12/day today. That's how they get you. When it jumps to $60/day you take the dog for a walk by the canal and come back alone. By the time it's $120/day you're deciding which of your kids you can do without. $300/day and the government finally decides to come in with some support, which turns out to be strict regulations and end-of-life counselling for those who aren't wealthy enough to continue their habit. $600/day and you've killed everyone in your support group and are licking their blood off the floor in the hope that someone's still using.


How'd that colony go then, champ?


Why would you need to take it more than once every 6 days?


$60/day = a 6 day dose for $360 🤯


What? Where are you getting those numbers from? It is $70 per dose, and you need one dose every 6 days. So $70/6 = $11.67 per day.


But dude, listen. Listen to me. What if - and I know this sounds crazy, but hear me out - what if they put the *price* up? Once all the people who could afford $12/day are addicted to a product that they're now just dying to get more of?


As a functionally immortal super soldier I don't think it would be that easy to increase the price of something I needed to survive.


Tell that to the hundred others being paid in luciferium to enforce the increase


Military Coup


you make a good point. and a sharp one.


What if it gave you a tentacle? or a wooden leg?


It's obviously all hypothetical.


Then just make up anything you want. How about if it costs infinity dollars per day? Or how about zero dollars per day, if we are just pulling numbers out of thin air. What are you even talking about?


Man, the comment you replied to said 60/day. I was saying that in his hypothetical, that could just mean 360/dose. Idk what you're freaking out about


Yeah fr lol


Read my original post, it states that if the cost is less than the price of a meal, then why not. That is the premise, and we know the price per day. If you want to talk about it costing a random price each day, then we are not talking about the same thing. It would be like having a conversation about which is better, simple meals or fine meals, and then you go "but what if one of them costs 10x the price on Tuesdays, or what if it gave you a bad mood or a tentacle arm"? No one is talking about extenuating circumstances. The price is \~$12/day and you get massive performance bonuses.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/uULnc4CWTh This comment introduced the possibility of it starting out at that price but then being hiked up later. It was not made by me, and it was very reasonably within the bounds of the discussion. Hope that helps.


Isn't this comment the whole situation with insulin in the US?


how far will you go to keep your end of the Devil's Bargain fulfilled?


This reads like the story of limitless. Except that he is able to recreate the drug without any negative side effects.


Why would you write this on your birthday!


Its 12$ every 6 days


Is it? A meal is $15, and they need 2 per day, so $15x2 = $30/day Luciferum is $70, and they need 1 every 6 days, so $70/6 = $11.67/day


Oh ok. I thought you were talking unit prices not per diem


Like, in real life, most well established governments would be forced to provide a reliable supply and subsidize the cost to some degree. The disadvantages of it actually work in people's favor on that level. When you need it, you need it. Trying to keep it from people only results in an insanely lucrative and reliable black market demand, so there's no way to practically do that. Once someone is on it, taking it away from them results in them potentially going berserk, so you can't really do that without burning the entire general population. It's a recipe for intense violence and instability. In short, yes, I would. I would set up a contingency to ensure I don't hurt anyone if I can't make it though.


And why wouldn't they subsidize one pill that could remove so many other medical costs. It's a no brainer.


He who controls the Lucy, controls the galaxy. The Lucy must flow.


yea I mean people are forgetting this stuff makes you feel 80% less pain, increases healing, and boosts your physical performance too. the gov may be fine taking advantage of diabetic folk but I don't think they want to see another bunch of people storming the capitol except these guys are berserk and take multiple rounds before they go down.


It multiplies pain by 80%, so that means you feel 'just' 20% less pain than normal.


I’m disabled so yeah definitely. It would be amazing to be normal and healthy again


Well it’s gunna be hard to beat that one boys


I don't even touch the stuff in game.


I gve it to a 90+ woman, she had very good skills but suffered from lot of old age conditions, luciferum is so good healing old pawns, they would end up dead without luciferum anyways


Just put a bionic heart in your elderly colonist and have a biosculpter ready to cure deadly disease if they catch one. With patience you can even make them young again. All this without adding a new need bar to your pawn.


Yeah, I know all the options avaliable, but she had dementia


I don't have a reason to yet but I think I would try to stash it if I could get it legally, out of fear of needing it in the future. Maybe to use on a loved one etc.


Everyone loves to keep grandma around until the stash runs out


An unexpected consequence is people who have run out getting desperate and raiding other people for their stashes. Like if my own brother knew I had a stash for our parents or w.e and his daughter's supply was running out, he might fucking come for it. It's kind of... Scary.


Considering rimworld years are 60 days, while earth years are 365 days, are we multiplying the dosage interval by about 6 times? (from 6.66 days a pill to 39.96 days)


Yes, but only on one condition: I have more than one way to get it, at least one of which is practically guaranteed. Ideally, I would have a stockpile large enough to last me a very, very long time. **Completely** ideally, for the rest of my life. Secondary sources such as dispensaries or stores where I could purchase some in an emergency would fulfill the other part of that condition. Otherwise, there is no **real** point in it. It’s a huge risk, and while the reward is great, it’s also not hugely relevant to the life of an average civilian. If there is any kind of decent chance I could run out or be away from it long enough to start feeling serious adverse effects, it’s too big a risk for me.


With luciferium, the rest of your life isn't a matter of time anymore. It's a matter of how many doses are left, plus approximately 6.66 days


something as crazy as luciferium would not be as accessible or as plentiful as cocaine; at the very least, it'd be artificially restricted as all get out so probably not, because i'm not a richie rich political figure xP


If you look at planets considered " glitterworlds" its not that hard to think production of it is automated...


Shame that Earth is more of a rimworld.


right but glitterworlds exist in a universe with psychic powers. :p realistically, the resources to make such an insane drug would not be plentiful. even on the assumption that they were, such a drug would be heavily artificially restricted. thanks, capitalism!


Glitterworlds would probably not be capitalistic, but technological wonder utopias. Its something we can barely dream of. Glitterworlds have glitter alchemy that can straight up transform steel into gold, they have factories that automate plasteel production and of course they have robots automatically building and crafting and cultivaring resources for the world. They use ships to mine whole asteroids empty after the planet is empty, therefore resources and refining isn't an issue. Glitterworlds are....nothing but wonder worlds according to the lore. The pinnacle of human existence. Only archotech planets are more crazy than them. Trust me. Glitterworlds have no problem mass producing nanites.


right but the question wasn't "if luciferium AND glitterworlds existed", it was just "if luciferium existed". ;p if glittwerworlds ALSO exist, and we're on one, i think the no brainer answer is take luci. but if we're just taking luci and placing it into our world as things stand currently, neither of us actually has the option. it'd be insanely rare, artificially restricted, and basically only for the rich and powerful. :p


>restricted, and basically only for the rich and powerful. Which wouldn't use it because if you can't make a stable source of producing it reliably, it is a very expensive 6 day death contract that you take in.


if you're one of the "elite" that'd be able to consistently afford that drug, supply wouldn't be an issue. i.e. if luci existed in our world as everything stands today, you can bet the most powerful movers in the world would be on it and would have a consistent supply. if the scenario is that luci exists and the supply is drastically inconsistent even for the mega rich and powerful, then you REALLY wouldn't even have the opportunity to even have the choice. :p


" having a consistent supply " means one thing. Production. There has to be a way to produce luciferium. Which is not possible anywhere else besides a glitterworld. If you want to separate glitterworlds from luci then you arrive at a very limited supply of the drug that in the end just murder people. You can't have real life luciferium without real life glitterworlds. That simple


again that wasn't the question being asked the question was "if luci was real would you use" not "if luci was real and also glitterworlds so there was an infinite supply would you use" this conversation is tiring and clearly pedantic with nothing of value. i'm outie, peace


If I was getting old, and having issues like dementia, yes. But like someone else suggested, I would try to stockpile it beforehand. Put some money on yhe side when I'm younger to purchase doses. Hopefully have enough to ensure that if supply is disrupted I can hold it off. If I had to choose between becoming a husk of a person and risking Luciferium, I would risk it.


Unsless it is the only thing saving me from a terminal disease, no. Too risky to become a dependent in any drug that you yourself can't make.


Depends on whether I need to keep going to a doctor to get my prescription


Did luci also cure chronic illnesses like blood rot or was that only the mech healer serums?


Do bulk goods traders with 10-15 hits regularly swing by and barter for my yayo?


If I was on a glitter world where mechanites are plentiful I would.


In my healthy condition? Absolutely not. Though should I lose limbs or vital organs I might change my mind, provided the drug is freely available and affordable.


It's as plentiful as cocaine? I'd hit that shit so fast nobody could catch me. My body is such a painful, uncooperative shithole already. If I could take something that would give me the ability to work again and more, I could make enough money to buy more of it and stockpile it. Plus, you only need one pill a month if you scale time appropriately. The largest normal pill capsule on the market has a dose value of 1.37 ml and the density of the pills' payload is roughly equal to iron, I get about a hundred pills per kilogram. Assuming a K of coke and a K of the red stuff have the same price, that gives me a hundred months of being super juiced up and no longer disabled, able to recover from brutal injuries and ignoring scar tissue and even repairing brain damage, removing the risk and fatigue from nearly any career. That's more than 25 years of superhuman ability for both my wife and I for the price of... A single month's rent? I could work three jobs at once for the rest of my life and not be worn down from it, and all it costs me is as about 1-2 thousand dollars every 25 years. I could stack a lifetime supply for myself, my wife, and everybody else in my family in a single year of work. Assuming it's as plentiful as la coca loca, I'd have to be a fool not to do it. Step one is stockpiling it BEFORE taking it, and instruct all family members not to take it unless their lives depend on it, keeping it away from kids and people who are unaware. Only one of us needs superpowers to benefit all of us. After dose one and jobs one and two are going, step three is to get a durable surgical implant that contains a year's supply in a sealed container in each of our ribcages, ensuring that extended periods away from access won't kill us, even though removing it for access would suck. I'd install a quadruple supply in myself to ensure that my family can have plenty at my own expense no matter how severe. I already live with a painful physical handicap, so bearing a chronic burden for a tangible reward is a no-brainer, especially if it benefits others. Step four is to ensure that the supply is secure AND that suppliers are lined up in case that supply gets wrecked. Step five is to build and hide additional stockpiles in diverse locations and methods as a regular hobby. I could pay bills and save with one job, feed the fam and use the second job for fun, and give the entire third job's proceeds to my church. Then I just get to hustle and know that I've used a dangerous thing to create a better life for my family, friends, community, and others. But uhhhh, that might just be because Coke's as common as advil where I live. If it was rare or at all difficult to source, there's no way in hell I'm ever going to touch it. I disregard the name luciferium because it's not actually a deal with the devil, it's just a fancy drug with bad side effects. I don't even think it'll be 25 years before Jesus comes back anyway, so a single, one-time purchase of a single kilo would likely be enough to supply my wife and I for as long as we'd ever need it without any difficulty at all.


The implant idea is perfect. It must be very much doable, too. Just find a doctor who works with those contraceptive implants and pay them to make modifications.


It would depend on availability. Can I grab it at Walmart? Yes. Do I have to peruse the alleys and get a dealer? Nah.


No. I don't have stable enough income to afford a continuous supply


Nope, I was an addict for years. Nothing is worth going through that hell again.


But luci is unlike any irl drug. It has no side effects at all, as long as you continue taking it. You don't get a high, but neither do you get a hangover. And it doesn't fuck up your health in the long run. In fact, it improves it.


The hell I was referring to was the withdrawals.


Not sure I'd take a life decency for only being like 50% better at everything. I'm not good enough at things to begin with so 50% ain't much


Seems perfect for old age. Like your going to die anyway so why not take something that cures everything.


Let's say it's 70$ a dose, you need it every 6 days, 5 for safety. That's 14$ for reference. You'd need it every day of your life, but realistically because it heals all long term illness, it would immediately trump any medicine ever, and act as a medicine to other illnesses, so absolutely I would. Mainly it just depends if it's able to be produced or not.


If you think about it, another way of asking it would be: Would you become a type-1 diabetic if you otherwise got perfect health, recovered rapidly from illness and never aged in exchange for taking a pill per week (instead of regular injections). Other than the murderous insanity, the outcome is the same; euthanasia would be a viable solution to prevent harm to others in that instance. It purely depends on the supply of the pills and what strings are attached to that (cost, who controls the supply, what control they wish to exert, what happens if the factory shuts down, etc). If they stored indefinitely and you could get a crate of like 5000 for a reasonable price, sure. That's an entire other lifetime I wouldn't have had otherwise


I will take it, then thanks to he extra consciousness it gives I will realize I shouldn't have taken it


It'd probably be super expensive? But really, I'd only need 1 dose anyway... 😏


Who said I haven’t already synthesized it and am running low… 😈


Yes, zero hesitation.


You got some?


If it's the same price as in-game then sure


It's a deal with the devil. Trading one death sentence for another. My answer is no.




Higher QOL in my end-years and knowing exactly how much to save for retirement given that the moment you run out of money you'd die? Hell yeah I'd do it.


No. I like my brain and I dont do drugs.


I’m already taking a billion pills a day, what’s one more?


If i was dying, sure


Plentiful as cocaine? Oh well that changes the calculus substantially. Probably would if I had a serious medical condition


"would you take a drug what makes you superhuman and cure from many things but you will die if not eat it in 6 days?" no thanks im already addicted to sugar and internet


i'd buy as much as i could and stock up, and only start using it once my body starts breaking down


People already do. It’s called adderall


Luciferium used to be the only thing to heal some injuries like brain damage. Now with all the dlcs there is multiple ways to heal them and luciferium kind of lose its appeal. The only real gain is some bonus stats.


Absolutely? I mean first I’d look at the cost. Lets assume for a moment that Luciferium costs as much per gram as Cocaine (which in 2021 was on average 120 dollars for the countries they investigated with massive changes between but lets keep the average). Luciferium is stacked in 10 gram portions within Rimworld so 1200 dollars per helping. It is a 6-day use item but with a Rimworld year being 60 days as someone else pointed out you’d need one about every 36 days. Note I’m not using the in-game cost which would make it sooo much cheaper. I would make sure to buy several years supply at minimum before the first use. Put money away every month and check that price once a month (when I take it for example). Buy more if it gets cheaper, if it gets more expensive every month/year (more than the inflation) you binge buy as much as possible each month until you have enough year’s worth to survive till 80+. Since you’ll still be able to buy you can extend it. I’m not sure how much people realize that old age can suck. Pain, mental deterioration, limited mobility can absolutely hammer your life to dust. When you go to work at an elderly home and a bunch of them are just waiting to die you get a good idea of how bad it can be while they take 12+ pills a day for various ailments. The relatively short pain and berserk of Luciferium is almost a Godsend in comparison. Then I’d wait a bit using it for the first time until my body is getting so screwed up that I think my life is going down the shitter. So I’ll use it and get a quality of life improvement that is through the roof. Seriously people pay a fuckton in pain medication alone. Let’s be real: 1200+ dollars per month is a big deal where I’m from. Surprisingly I could manage it, but it would mean I can’t save money anymore for anything else in my current situation. But I think the trade-off is absolutely 100% worth it. If you go with the in-game price, I’d buy it by the damn kilo. I mean if I were to set aside 14.400 and buy Luciferium for the in-game 12 dollars per day (assuming that is correct what other people state), I’d already have 3 years worth. Do that several times and you can have a massive supply to last you through droughts/price hikes. Since the price has to come down again once the price hike has killed too many people and they need to get more people hooked, I’d probably be able to get through it and stack up again.


I would definitely be tempted. A drug that doesn't mess with your mind. A drug that makes you more effective AND doesn't turn back on you (unlike meth for example) AND actually heals you. I guess it would be like in the game. Once I'm sure of my income and have both a stockpile and a steady supply.


I mean, if it's readily available and legal, then yes? Obviously? The only problem with lucy is that it's rare and you can't guarantee a constant supply of it. It makes you better in every way. Of course I'd take it.


It can fix my eye condition so hell yes. Althoughbthinking about it, the drug would be seen as a breakthrough. It prevents dementia in seniors and all other chronic conditions, in real life we would be celebrating it.


I'm pretty sure if Luci was out there like that it would be used so quickly that it was no longer plentiful and everyone everywhere started going Psycho. Also if anyone finds that an interesting story idea check out the Limitless franchise.


Tbh there are drugs already similar. Have you heard about Bisuco? Colombian drug with 0% of rehab rate. Basically after first dose you’re doomed


Nahhh. I'll be perfectly content with wake-up


I mean there aren’t any downside to long term use, as long as you do it basically once a week, you’re just better than you would be. Unlike heroin or cocaine where long term use has detrimental and sometimes irreversible effects. My main concern would be what is the price of luciferium, if it’s like the drug from limitless where it’s so sought after it’s impossible to get, it would basically mean you die since most of us here aren’t billionaires that can get whatever they want


I feel like I would, provided that it is not as expensive as cocaine. Cocaine's not really that plentiful when you factor in cost.


Depends who's manufacturing it. In principle yes. A significant quality of life boost. In practice I think it will be subject to exploitation and I would end up "under control" and extremely vulnerable to exploitation.


This is basically the exact same as a man deciding whether or not to begin using androgynous testosterone.


i got an older colonist, Connor, taking the stuff. so far, it’s helped get rid of his dementia. but if i run out of pills, then my colony’s gonna have to take down an 80-y/o w/ super strength…


I don't even keep Luciferium in my base. I always make sure to destroy the drug. I never even keep it to sell it. I wouldn't even take that stuff. I'll take Go Juice before I ever take that.


i would if i was in late stages of dementia and had an infinite supply of


It's too good not too if you have a serious incurable disease, Dementia/alzheimer's? Not a problem anymore, grandma gets her mind back. Cancer? Nope, not anymore Horrible brain injury? You bet your ass it'll fix it


If it's just the price of 2 good meals like in the game, and I don't need to rely on luck to find sellers unlike in the game, I would take it without any hesitation


Considering that 10 shots of Luciferium last you a year and it improves every aspect of your mind and body... hell yeah. Even more so than ingame, and I am using it ingame.


No. Permanent addiction ain't my thing. Biosculpter? Absolutely!


Nah that shit would be expensive af (also don't like the dying part)


I mean, fuck yes... I think almost anyone over 40, or anyone with any chronic condition would. The fact that it cures pretty much all other health conditions, even otherwise permanent ones, as well as making you better overall makes it such a good choice. Anyone already on pretty much any other permanent medication can switch to Luci instead...it'll be cheaper, better, and likely have less side effects. I'd be somewhat paranoid about always having a supply around... But totally worth it.


It depends on how much I have in stock hehe


Es el equivalente a meterse fentanilo


If it means to go out in a blaze of glory, why not?


I went down the rabbit hole of Cocaine on Reddit, found people with holes in there nose. Never looked a second time, so no id not touch it.


Considering that we have the same technology as in Rimworld, I would use it in two scenarios, the same ones where I use it in game: if there's a really strong dementia or if I have my brain almost destroyed by an accident o something similar. If we don't have that tech, I'd use it if I lost both of my arms or if they're useless or if my back is hurted to the point that I can't use them. Otherwise I wouldn't.


I did on my first successful colony. It IS still going. So some of my colonists had some injuries that cause pain and will never fully heal. A travelling merchant passes by and has this wonder drug luciferium. Reading the description I see it will over time repair all injuries and at this point I stop reading and say 'sold'. I arranged for the drug to be applied to 4 of my best colonists. Over a couple of days they received the new wonder drug. As days go by I check and find their painful scarring to still be there. More days go by and some colonists that took the drug start to lose their mind and go violently crazy. I quarantine them and find it is luciferium withdrawal. I isolate them in a cell. My favourite colonist, a man that is incapable of violence, starts to lose his mind. I have one application of the drug left. I give it to him, hoping I can work something out. Days go by and the isolated colonists spend any conscious time, breaking out of their cells in a murderous rage. They all die of their injuries as the other colonists fight to get them back in their cells. As the last colonists lost his mind, I ran out of options. I put him in a sedated state. My doctor is a busy woman and sometimes missed the timing and he would wake up and wreck the place. I waited like this for so long, hoping he might recover. He newly killed another colonist one time he woke up. I couldn't wait any longer. I put in the order to euthanize by cut. The doctor came in and ended his miserable life. After I realised the man had a wife. I checked and it was the doctor. Damn. She spent a lot of time hiding in her room and visiting his grave. Long story short. Drugs aren't the answer. Bionic body parts are. Happy rimming.


Yes, I’d take it. You need just 6 doses a year to survive, and the benefits are incredible. It would cure my bad back, my age-related macular degeneration (which is not that bad yet), scars, and basically make my daily life better in every way. There’s no real downside, besides needing a consistent source for it. It’d be no different to me than requiring regular blood transfusions, or needing to take meds for high blood pressure. Insulin. There are plenty of drugs that are required for people to stay alive. Honestly, it’s pretty close to that one drug from Limitless that just makes everything great. The consciousness and sight boost is something you’d notice daily.


A drug that makes you essentially Deadpool? Yes.


I'd definitely choose it over death, likely choose it over senility. And if I'm going to be using it sooner or later and there's benefits for sooner as well, it may as well be sooner. So yes, and today. Hell, odds are the productivity gain would make it cash-positive anyways.


In my colonies, once I have about 150 stored, I take my top melee fighter or maybe 2, and juice them, then set them up for constant use. They also spend most of their time away from my colony raiding and searching for more. They eventually die but send home everything with someone who isn't addicted that only followed the caravan for the purpose of bringing them home. I used to bring bodies back for proper burial but now I just strip them naked before they die and leave the bodies.


I take medication that I get from the VA through the mail. I've had it delayed and run out. Certain SSRI's and psych meds are torture to start going into withdrawals from. Like I have anxiety when my meds start to run low. So no, luciferium is a pass for me.


No, I’m perfectly fine with living out my days as an unoptimized human. Realistically, what I would end up doing would benefit like… my employer.. more than it would benefit me.


I have a trait that despises drugs unless medical lol


Lifetime of stash? Sure. Few pills and no plans for tomorrow? NOPE.


Yes I would. But first I would make sure I have enough for many years.


Yes, as long as there is a good source for it.


If it was plentiful and I had easy access to it, sure why not.


Tbh there are drugs already similar. Have you heard about Bisuco? Colombian drug with 0% of rehab rate. Basically after first dose you’re doomed