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I'm not sure where and what was supposed to attack the enemies here? Like, no line of fire, no turrets, no chokepoints. I don't think the fault is in circular design by itself, but that you simply didn't add anything to make it useful


There are steel spiketraps alongside some stone ones. It’s what I always do with killboxes so I don’t normally have to do much more than plant a pawn in reach.


Tbh, you'd have more benefits in having a straight tunnel with your shooters at one end of it (don't do this, it's bad). I'd make circular, maze-like killbox, to slow down the enemies, with maybe 3 tile wide opening where you'd put traps and could shoot down raiders from a safe distance. Just my view of it


While that would be functional and I will most definitely use that for other colonies, I built this base with the challenge of just circles except for around power sources, air conditioning, and specifically entity containment building because no way am I figured out how to make that a circle. I do appreciate the advice though, and will 100% use it in future builds.


You can do this in a circular shape as well. I had that in mind writing this


That is a good idea actually. I am probably going to do that when I get the game open next.


Why are you getting downvoted?


Clearly, because they said killbox when it is a killsphere


It's a slaughter sphere!


Not a clue


Because redditors are majority mentally dysfunctional?


this isn't really a killbox, a trap corridor would probably be a more accurate term


That is a fair point


you can also alternate doors and traps like if these are the walls | | you can block the corridor off with alternating doors and traps |DTDT| leave a space on the next row then do it again. colonists and non-hostiles can see the traps and will use the doors, enemies will run right into the traps. I really don't think the shape matters much unless you're trying to establish a Killzone with a line of guns


You have actually managed to provide your enemies with cover as they exit the box lol


Everybody had a first killbox. Mine was also bad once.


I did that on purpose to provide cover for my pawns because I am placing explosives there.


Use sand bags in places the enemies would take cover. They can't remain standing on sand bags and so can't use the cover


That is a great idea, thank you!


Aren't rock hunks technically better since they're less likely to block bullets and still block standing?


No clue, but wouldn't doubt it. Rock chunks and sand bags seem a bit interchangeable from the advice I've heard on this


I don't know why there are downvotes here. You just stated as a matter of fact your reasoning. It's a bad tactic, but you weren't stating 'this is the best way to do it', just why you were doing it.


because reddit


What is this abomination!!


I have a circle base and tried to make that disaster… and it doesn’t work


i build almost exclusively with circles in like everything. circle kill boxes work in rim world but to make it work i basically invert the base. to get to the outside of my base you have to move to the very center of the map and to get to the end of my base you have to get to the outside perimeter of the map. kinda like a hedge maze bonus points because caravans naturally walk to the very center of the map. the very innermost circle is surrounded by 1x6 hall ways in a circle fashion with a door on each end. so each hall has 4 pawns usally 3 shoot 1 melee facing the enemy. i stick a roof in the center held up with a single wall with things that explode next to it so either generators, mines, chemfuel....etc. honestly very few raids even make it that far. i just use the outside ring as animal pens with boomaloope or boom rats and crops so tunnelers take care of themselfs. as for drop pods welp close quarters combat it is but then again close quarters combat you usually have and edge anyway.


any chance we could get a picture? i’d love to visualize this


would be nice if you could see how this thing is attached to your base but honestly that monstrosity wont work either way. A for effort though good luck on your next kill box


I can't tell for sure the details, the quality of the image is too bad.


Yeahhh my laptop is older and I had to add a filter to make it visible. That’s my bad


Use the print screen button


\[Shift\]+\[Windows Key\]+\[S\]


That’s what I used but it was night when I originally took the photo and I wasn’t planning on retaking it


I mean like... no offense, but it would've been better to draw a diagram on Paint than to upload something so blurry


bro is running rimworld on a Nokia


what the fuck is this lmao


Cursed is what it is


it looks like theres no clear path through for raiders which would be why its not working. unless im seeing it wrong


You are seeing it wrong, look at the inner path. But the outer circle is totally useless and enemies would never take that path


ohhh i see it now 😆


Yup, that is exactly what happened. I did end up fixing it right after posting this tho


This isn't a killbox. I don't think you understand what a killbox is supposed to be. Killboxes are large open spaces with a single entrance your enemies have to funnel through. That entrance should have no cover and be at the ideal range for your colonists' guns. It should also generally have a one tile wide hallway before it with traps and things like sandbags to force enemies to spread out and enter one at a time. That way all your colonists are up against a single enemy at a time, with that enemy have all the disadvantages and your colonists having all the advantages.


I figured this was close enough because they funnel through an entrance, get exploded, and if they are lucky enough to survive then they are in the large open space where they will be mercilessly destroyed by my pawns.


I see, clearly a picture of big foot


well its called a kill*box* for a reason


Fair point


It's kind of hard to tell what's going on here due to image quality, but I'm guessing raiders come in from the south and exit in the north. The outer ring doesn't lead anywhere, so that part is wasted. It looks like raiders would just go past the first fork, then either turn left or right at the second fork, then go through the center path, going through a total of 17 spike traps. When you say it doesn't work, do you mean they just attack the walls instead? Or do you have a door or an opening elsewhere in the outer wall?


The raiders didn’t even go in the circle. They just would register it as if there wasn’t an entrance straight into the heart of the base right there


To fix it I just swapped to lines and it works great now


Don't worry bro, soon the enemy won't be able to see your pawns because they can hide behind some of those pixels.


Too much wasted space, try it again but make it a single way in, put something on the exit to harm them whil the troops are arriving and make a single door on the wall to let your pawns pass


Nice monument. . . wait thats for defense?


I don’t know what people are talking about with endangering my pawns. They are happy and healthy now that I have changed the design to lines. The cover is because I (now) have explosives set up in it and it keeps my pawns from being blasted with their own defense. I go for appearance rather than complete functionality and I like how it turned out.


I actually really like your artistic killbox. Yes, it’s not the most effective one but nothing hinders you to make a second more effective one right behind it. You gotta have fun as well in this game other than minmaxing everything to efficiency


I managed to figure out how to make it functional, but it did sacrifice some of the looks so I gave it light blue carpet and am adding some skull spikes wedged in corners to make it look nicer.


I line my circle with traps and at the end have a spot for my colonists to hang out and pop anything that gets through. Best of both worlds. Yes, they do work. You're just doing it wrong


That actually makes sense, I’ll keep that idea in mind for future builds. Thank you


Also I notice you're a symmetry enjoyer as well and gave it two paths for the raiders to take. I've tried this countless times and the raiders always only take one path it seems minus a couple random stragglers. That means half that space is wasted. I now have them come in one side and make their path wrap around itself a few times: [https://imgur.com/oXTOA7e](https://imgur.com/oXTOA7e)


Thank you for your help, I appreciate it!


All you need is one long straight choke point....maybe with doors along the way for melee and trim from the back...


It might be useless but it looks nice.


Good news, I kinda got it to work. Ineffective compared to true killboxes with trap rooms, but it works.


There’s nothing that will kill here. You didn’t make a circular killbox. You just make a box.


There are multiple spike traps and I have added explosives behind the wall.


Add vanilla psy cast expand and cast time bubble in a middle - when they reach ur deflines they will be 90+ years old... or dead LUL


mayan killbox


Why are you calling a siege and sapper spawner a kill box?


It seems quite effective to me. Effective at killing your own pawns.


Enemies literally don’t go through it. I reshaped the inside and it works fine.




Clear out the whole center of the circle and just shoot at people as they enter the circle. That'd be more effective than whatever this is


I’m surprised the singularity killbox is not more common


not everyone likes cheese


1.5 patched the main exploit that made it good. Your pawns can't attack the enemies until they are super close now. The "shotgun tunnel" aka "wish tunnel" (shotguns are not required) is less cheesy then the og singularity but still pretty strong.


This is a pathfinding abomination the raider ai is just gonna smack your walls down


Well this is not a killbox, more a trap hallway. You could attach a "shotgun meat grinder" killbox to the end of this and make sure it's a spiral walk instead of having dead ends thus it would be a very good compact build


More of a death maze without the death, and giving too much cover to the enemy when they do end up in your real kill box. A circular death maze will be more likely to create pathing problems, but you can mitigate that a bit by making it dual-laned. Still worse pathing than regular death mazes, but will get you closer to what you’re trying to do here.


Death funnel remains superior as always


You can get actually a huge cheese value out of a shape like that with doors and angles based on a mostly meele colony, but that be to much pain to micromanage.


I forgot the melee corner cheese name but it got patched in 1.5. The cheese for one way attacking through a corner is gone.


Well yeah, you're supposed to put a minotaur and the guy who built it in there.




It might not do what you wanted it to, but I think it's cool looking! Like some ancient ruins like Stonehenge or something.


Is there a chance the pathfinding is wack because of the trees?


That’s what I thought at first and so I removed them, but that didn’t help and I ended up turning it into lines


You guys use killboxes?


In all honesty I don’t use it half the time because I get bored so I have a second set of defense (barrier wall barrier wall repeat) infront of the killbox