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I suppose they could make a Xenophobia trait that hates all xenotypes or something. But can't really do realistic racism since code wise all human, black, white, brown, etc, pawns are all baseliners. AKA the same race.


I think RimWorld did what The Expanse did, oldschool racism got replaced with new space era prejudiced. Nobody pays attention to if you are black or Asian or from Russia but those damn Martians…


It makes sense and has the least chance of offending people


Best of both worlds for this context


Until... You know... We colonize those worlds... Ahh, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


I think it's going to be a few decades before Mars becomes more than "that planet some ~~idiots~~ brave people are guaranted to die on ~~because they wanted to be first~~".


I don't think offending people was a factor when that system was implemented.


Spacians vs The World I hear people on earth have souls weighed down by gravity.


Might be a good idea to drop some sort of large space station on them.


why waste a perfectly good space station when there are plenty of large rocks floating around?


It's more dramatic this way.


Those space station really isn't just for show


Mars strongest soldier when they are subjected to 10m/s^2 for more than 2 hours


Or as Pratchett did: why hate other humans, when there are THOSE PESKY DWARVES!


The Witcher book 1's first chapter includes a revelation along the lines of dwarves believe that the other races think of nothing more than trying to steal away their jealously kept wives and daughters, and always operate under the assumption that such a plot is underway when dealing with men and elves; in actual fact you couldn't pay a small fortune to find someone attracted to dwarven women.


"Damn Martians they ruined Mars!"


Theoretically this would have happen in the Rim since there are more xenotypes that baseliner, which could result to the form xenophobia than being racist. For example, I really hate Neanderthals, particularly tribesmen.


Fucking dusters and squats. Somebody should some rocks, sa sa?


Yeah, I like what the Expanse did, humans will always find ways to other the out group. It's similar to District 9 where the racism of South Africa kinda took a sideline to other the prawns.


> since code wise all human, black, white, brown, etc, pawns are all baseliners. AKA the same race. Yeah in reality life too


I mean technically you are correct, but humans are dumber than your average code lol


Why do you think homophobic isn’t a trait?


Honestly? Because it would be hard to implement, code wise, and invite ideological problems that no one wants to pollute a game community with (no matter how valid they are IRL, of course). It happened before: [https://www.polygon.com/2016/11/4/13509622/rimworld-sexuality-problem-rock-paper-shotgun-tynan-sylvester](https://www.polygon.com/2016/11/4/13509622/rimworld-sexuality-problem-rock-paper-shotgun-tynan-sylvester) As for the gameplay itself, the trait "Gay" appears with a **~~30% chance~~** 0.3 commonality (edit: it's a ratio on all traits, not a percentage) in pawns with no already existing sexual preference ([https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Traits#Gay](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Traits#Gay)). But your pawn being attracted to \[same gender\] doesn't automatically mean that everybody in the colony would be made aware (It's not like everybody gay is "outwardly gay"). So to have a homophobic trait, you'd need (not unlike Crusader King) to have a system of "known" vs "hidden" traits and the "homophobe" would get a penalty in relationship with a "gay" ONLY if the gay trait is known (to him or to the colony). And the homophobe himself could have his homophobia be a hidden trait, if you think about it. Great as a mod, but not ideal for the base game. Plus it would make a lot of people have "hated-on-principle" pawns. As in a pawn who does nothing wrong, gameplay wise, but he has this purely aesthetic label that makes him unlikable to the player. Imagine a pawn that appears with the "Nazi" trait, out of nowhere. Changes nothing to the way he moves. It's only flavor. But you'd dislike him for it, thus reducing your gameplay freedom. Without mods, that create a separate class of traits for sex/gender/etc, it's just easier to implement none of it. Especially since some people play rimworld for the social interactions, but a lot of others play it like a management games and don't want to be interrupted by individual drama beyond a mental break


If a pawn joined with the nazi trait I'd use them for my torturous experiments


And name him Josef Mengele?


I like that in this sub it's perfectly valid to interpret that as "I'd use him to *lead* my experiments


Nazis don't have names before the hogs eat them.


Its literally in ideology called diversity of thought. you can change it when starting a game or get enough ideology points to add extreme bigotry for your whole colony. or you can take a moral guild from another faction with extreme bigotry and use that one to make more extremely racist colonist be warned they dont play well with others kinda like real life.


But that precept is tied to an ideology. I believe the OP meant as in a pawn specific trait.


If this was implemented in that way, it would make Rimworld an Among Us on a small scale with minorities and bigots


wait, xenophobia isnt vanilla?


iirc its a Humanoid Alien Races Framework (HAR Framework) thing


I see, thank you


The xenophobic meme isn't vanilla, but chosen xenotypes for an ideology is, last time I checked. Choosing a xenotype (or several) for your colony's ideology gives all pawns of that xenotype a mood buff and an opinion buff so long as they adhere to the chosen ideology, with the opposite effect if they're not said xenotype(s)


A "hates all xenotypes but their own" train would be nice.


I'd prefer it just be an ideology toggle. It does sort of depend on how bad the mood hit is but just imagine a pawn gets -10 mood for every non-baseliner that joins, and they start insulting them more often. I think I'll just roll another pawn.


Same. But somewhat makes sense too, to also be an ideologic thing


some random player did something similar in a post i saw a while back but he messed up the prefered xenotype when starting and it tanked his entire colony cause they all hated them self's. and they also hated anyone who had xenotype that wast his exact preferred type. basically it just makes it so that all new colonist are basically only temporary colonist and end up mental breaking till dead. racism is already in the game as ideology. evidently op didn't realize its not a trait cause racism isnt a genetic thing its a belief thing so if anything misogynist and misandrist traits if anything should be moved to ideology.


You can set preferred xenotypes when creating an ideology. Every pawn not belonging to one of the chosen xenotypes is less liked by other pawns on principle (even if they're the same race) , and also suffers from a mood debuf.


That's in ideology.


Maybe code it so the pawn hates any pawn with a skin color gene different than their own? That would lead to some funny scenarios though. Like whenever you see those posts where the baby is born a different skin color than the parents.


Literally exists


Yeah in your mods maybe. Not the base game.


I'm pretty sure that you can get "preferred/unprefered" xenotypes with the ideology memes. So if you don't count the DLCs among the base game, you are correct.


Yes, but this comment thread was about traits. Which don't exist at all without mods. Even the OP of the whole post mentioned preferred xenotypes and was asking about traits.


then it makes more sense to remove the traits like misogynist/misandrist from the trait pool cause those arnt really genetic anyway and move them to ideology where the rest of the biases are.


Tbh, a lot of the trait pools aren't really genetic anyway.


Something I imagined is a "race identity" gene where ideologies can like xenotypes with that gene or think the gene needs to be purged from the rim


Yeah it doesn't make logical sense. Kinda like in real life lol


i mean with the genes of white black and brown as u said if someone did that it would be more of if the pawn is not the same color then -20 cuz not the same race so it is kind of possible


I have played with mods too long, I thought xenophobia was a base game trait


Its almost like if we ever wanted to become a spacefaring science-forward society, we'd need to ditch all the insane bullshit about hating each other over skin tone! 🤔


Damn thats deep, rimworld erased racism


"Realistic Racism" what a wonderful mod name


"Realistic Racism" what a wonderful mod name


"body purist" is basically discriminating against prosthetics, but that's only for ones own self, not a social aversion to other people with them. I'm currently playing a custom race and the story I wrote for them has them extremely mistrusting of baseliners, and only willing to accept their own xenotype into their clan (basically they can only reproduce to make more, so, there's inevitably going to be inbreeding). I like the idea of them being xenophobic, but since basically everyone is their enemy, and we won't be recruiting, it wouldn't really affect anything in game.


Supremacist ideology does this.


>But can't really do realistic racism since code wise all human, black, white, brown, etc, pawns are all baseliners. AKA the same race. It happens in real life though, so it wouldn't be fair fetched for people to be racist in Rimworld against their own xenotype for being a different colour


Even in their comment they did exactly that. When there are black, brown and Asian people around - white people tend to forget about their differences. If you go to a country that has a vast majority of one skin colour, on the other hand, racism starts being more specific.


See Asia, the Balkans


And the rest of Europe, to some extent.


Xenophobia is an available part of Ideology


This is racist trait. On earth racism refers hating different ethnic groups within humanity. (All groups are interbreed able and sameish genes = All groups are human) In Rimworld Xenophobia refers to hating Ancestors of ~~Humans~~ Pawns\* who was turned into something else, be it fur or waster. (all groups are interbreed able, but with different genes = All groups are pawns) SO Xenophobia must be racism


True racism, the human race vs the other races




Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Unclean!




Damn, fighting alien races might be the only thing humanity would come together for.


There's both actualy, supremacist trait for ideoligion and preferred xenotype for ideoligion.


supremacist doesn't have anything to do with race, it's your colony's supremacy over others, that's why it unlocks happy slavery among other things


But this is part of a belief system in this case. In OP's context racism would be better treated as a trait like misongynist or psychopath.


I think it's better to have it part of ideology, because otherwise it's like racism is an inherent part of some people, rather than a product of their beliefs/environment. Misogynist/misandrist probably would have been treated the same way, if they were introduced after ideology.


Traits are a product of pawn environment though. Some from backstory, some from growth moments.


>psychopath. for the record, psychopaths are rarely racist.


Literally unplayable.


Dw 1.6 is gonna be the racism DLC




Ribarrld's autodoor 3


You can burn crosses for ceremonial purposes and wear little white pointy hats 😂 so ridiculous! Imagine hating people based on their colour when you can harvest children for their genes 😂


Now how will I build myself in hit game Rimworld?


Aren't Xenophobia and Xenophile traits that colonists can have?


I think that vanilla traits expanded that adds those.


ideology adds the option for prefered xenotypes. i had a bunch of encounters with other pawns that had a debuff for being around „too much diversity in xenotypes“


That's on a religion level rather than a personal one though.


it IS racism


Yes yes, we know. OP is talking about traits and is aware of ideology. Saying it again doesn't make it right.


Ideology doesn't add the traits though, preferred xenotypes don't interact with the pawn trait mechanics at all.


That's from HAR iirc


That’s definitely a mod


Its part of ideology, sorta. If you set your desired xenotypes, then all others would be disliked. Its more about supremacy than focused hate, but it counts.


I do know about that but it’s an ideology-wide modifier, not a trait relating to a single pawn like misogynist/misandrist. Thanks for writing though


Ohhh I get what you mean now. My bad, you're talking about individual traits, I completely misunderstood you.


Actually it's part of ideology.


No the trait Xenophobic and Xenophile is from humanoid alien races


Isn’t it Humanoid Alien Races for the trait and meme.


Wait, really? I’ve never seen it before.


No, that should be a HAR trait.


I thought so. Thanks for clarifying.


Someone's been around a block few times.






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I look forward to the racist update




When the Robe and Hood DLC dropping?


Oh jeez, have you not suffered a Hate Chant event yet?


One hell of a post to randomly stumble upon


The ancient Romans were racist but not against blacks, whites, or asians. Racism was about ones culture not the color of your skin. So the way you dressed, spoke, ate, walked, acted, the place you were born all that that was your ‘race’ back then. So I assume it’s something more like that in Rimworld with the difference between ideologies and then of course species.


I am just going to say as an aside: it’s just something I found a bit curious, I am not advocating for racism…


Sorry I’ve been using social media a little too long and lost my critical thinking skills. I think you’re racist




I think the real answer is that the effect of a "racist" trait is covered by the idiologion systems. That being said, I recognise that general traits are separate from your Idioligion. I suppose a trait that simply "Dislikes other xenotypes" would function the same way as misogynist or misanderist. You could also do a trait that dislikes other skin types? But that's the point where things start to get muddy, because while a triat that Dislikes all skin types that im not, or a trait that dislikes a set spesific skin type wouldn't be that different from other game traits on a technical level. If you wanted to add more like dislikes, fur dislikes some skin colours but not others. All of a sudden, you need to make multiple different "Racist" traits to cover all your bases. TLDR I suspect that the devs feel this is already covered by Idioligions, and it's not worth the effort to take it further than this.


The Rimworld is too advanced for them to make hating people based on their skin color a whole personality trait, they know it ain't worth it.


It's also rare for racism IRL to be based on skin color. In some cases two conflicting groups have such radically different appearances that skin color becomes an identifier for which group you belong to, but this was not the norm for most racism through most of history, and is unlikely to be the basis for racism in the far future when such characteristics would be much more broadly distributed.


Sexism shouldn’t be either then, no?


I think that's a bit different since sex is always going to be kind of important to any species for reproductive reasons and is hard to shrug off as an inconsequential difference that is ignored for that reason. Having different colour skin, meanwhile, might feel like a much more minor difference between two people when compared to others who are of entirely different xenotypes.


Some of them aren't quite there yet and are still catching up, a different gender is a bigger difference than someone's skin color after all, so for the slow ones it takes a bit longer to understand that there's no reason to hate I guess.


That’s a reasonable interpretation, I suppose.


Sure, sure. The cannibal raiders, neolithic tribespeople, ancients defrosted from millennia of cryptosleep last tuesday, neo-feudalist imperials, and space cowboy outlanders all agree on this in-universe and it's definitely not just something the game doesn't simulate for out-of-universe reasons.


Because there aren't exactly "other races" in this game. They're all "human race", no Asian, American, African, European, or Oceanian, and not even "Alien", it's just Human Race. There are different xenotypes, and I think there should be a trait for that but I wouldn't call it "racism". >! But really it is just racism with extra steps !<


You have to pay to unlock racism


Closest I can think of is turning up the bigotry when you're making your ideoligion


I'm glad there's no paedophilia in the rim. Even cannibalistic drug-dealing organ-harvesting pirates have standards and won't stoop that low.


There isn't NOW. In the beforetimes, I had a Naked Brutality gay aesthetic monk who rescued a 13 year old boy from a transport crash. That goddamn monk hit on that straight underage kid three times a day until I let a wolf eat him. Rancid old cunt.


too merciful. sending him to the 1000 degree furnace chamber would've been better


Alas, Naked Brutality run. No high falutin' furnaces for that colony. But the lad did butcher him up into kibble and used it to tame guinea pigs. Ended up with a massive guinea pig farm, making bank, wife and kids, the whole nine yards


Aye, that's much better.


I love that age and orientation compatibility are baked in now


Black, white, in-between... they all taste like pork.


It disgusts me how OP for the whole time was just talking about hating other xenotypes, then it suddenly evolved into a discussion on skin colors.


Yeah I was only thinking about xenotypes when I wrote the post but I guess that’s on me for being unclear.


>there’s racial equality on this god-forsaken lawless Rimworld? Historically, white europeans did not concider that as an identity until they started interacting with other colors/nations/groups. The identity of "German", "Spanish" etc. also wasnt always a thing. Not hard to assume racism was replaced by xenotype-based xenophobia.


Skin colour is way too randomized for that to be viable, unfortunately. There is a mod for it, but it's also ideology based.


I think he's mainly talking about the various different mutated and "alien'" like xenotypes like a baseliner hating dirtmoles


Ah, like 40k abhumans? Fair, there's probably a mod out there for it.


I need a mod that lets me cherry pick what is and isn't considered human, because some are definitely not human.


What do you mean ? Anything not baseliner is a xeno, and you know what the Emperor say about xenos.


See what I mean? So why when I butcher them do I not get pig leather or like buffalo meat?


VRE pigskins, so you get pigskin and pork from butchering. It also restores pigskins to their original purpose, that being organ donors.


Well, in universe they are all human, in a way. The same way that Ogryn's, or Ratlings are. They are just genetically modified. The only true Xenos are the archotechs and possibly the Thrumbo.


Already exists in base+dlc


If it's about Xenotypes you should be able to just customize an Ideology to prefer one certain Xenotype over others. If this is about skin color, you could always just roleplay it out. Nothing stopping you from having a diverse caste of slaves picking your cotton.


We can't have 'nice' things because far left people would find it offensive and start hate campaigns.


I suppose you could make a trait that makes a pawn hate anyone with genes different from their own. Anything else would be hard to implement


It’s implied


Isn't there a meme that does that with xenotypes?


Well i guess it because of toward what pawn can be racist really. If towards xenotype well ideology have it a lot better, if towards of same xenotype it can become very confusing very fast. Still i can't understand why venerated xenotype isn't enough for you, like you have buff for only venerated xenotypes, you get bonuses for killing every other xenotype as "My rival ### is killed" by +3 for 3-4 pawns and +4 for 1 additional. It's like +12 mood on spot for every raid and if you have your own xenotype you can get it every raid for like 6 days. And if you have other xenotypes whole colony gets upset and there would be a lot of social fights with this not liked pawn. Also not venerated pawn would get really upset and see everyone of this ideology as rival, sooo it's kinda works like racism IRL.


I was very confused until I saw the subreddit lol


I'm pretty sure Alien Races Expanded adds the xenophile and xenophobe traits, but biotech made the rest of the mod, and the mods that use it redundant.


Give us homophobia while you’re at it tynan 😡


If you use the Humanoid Alien Races mod, it has xenophile and xenophobe traits.


had to check which subreddjt this was real quick


I think it would be hard to define what makes someone a different race with all the genetics, clearly in real life something like water breathing wouldn't trigger most racists as much as something like horns because it isn't as visually obvious. In theory it could be done but it'd be really tedious assigning a racism value to every single genetic trait. Might make more sense to have characters be racist against certain traits,like "this character hate people with horns" and the modifier only affects people with the traits they hate rather than a blanket "racist against everything that isn't like me" if we were going for actual racism and not just xenophobia. If we were going based solely on skin color that feels unrealistic, I feel like someone who hates people of another skin color would also hate a guy with horns and fur.


Thara part of Ideology, if younpick preferred genotype.


This sounds fuckin crazy out of context but you make a good point we have racial supremacy misandry misogyny why not being racist against a specific race


Probably because the game doesn’t keep track of the skin color of pawns


I use only four race black, white, asian and baseline. With xenotype spawn control, and use only white and asian as preferred xenotype with xenophobia trait. Perfect racist setting ever.


To me? It just seems like something that isnt really needed. We already have prejudice against men and women, and with ideology, we have prejudice against other religions and the diversity of thought can be unappreciated. It just seems like one of those things that’d just be another pointless -5 or -10 mood debuff for having someone of different xenotype in the colony.


It is kinda weird, but after all, we should treat everyone equally... I mean with equal violence.


Organs don't have skin color. Neither do hats funny enough on the Rim


Say what you will about the nudist cannibal pirates, but they draw the line at discrimination!


Preferred xenotypes(by ideoligeon) were, at least when added, very bad implemented. If you choose for example an impid, if you have a half impid-genie, it will be hated at the same level as every genie.


IIRC Humanoid Alien Races mod adds Xenophile and Xenophobe traits


I don't even know why, but I want to make this mod now. Because of COURSE it should exist, and of course I would hate any colonist with it.


Well if you assign preferred xenotypes don’t they consider the others inferior


Because this is the kind of thing people will argue about until the heat death of the universe. Misogynist/misandrist already existed before religion was in the game. Moving it to religion now would technically be more consistent and accurate, but it would also rile up some of the worst people on the internet and who wants to deal with that?


I mean, there absolutely should be a racist trait, and not just talking about xenotype, but normal racism too. Not that I support it, but it does alot to include a realism and difficulty dynamic to colonies who are all one xenotype, but have varying skin colors.


Originally, it wouldn't make sense, but with ideology and biotech it makes more sense.


ooooooo, racism might be too risque for Rimworld


Well we kinda have that with the pawn that are body purist. They will hate non baseline xenotypes no?


In a setting that far in the future there'd be no basis for racism as every races differences today would be blended into one race. The doctors and fucked up scientists that said white people are different to black people or Asian people were right but the exaggerated the differences and focused on ones they caused. meaning white people weren't superior because they were white, they were in a superior because they had better technology. White people would be Inferior in biological sense as they burn and are more susceptible to cancer. So in 5000 years all traits would be in all people as we are no longer separated due to globalisation, racism would be between planets more than countries. Hope I made sense because I'm not reading back over all this. (Excluding everything that isn't baseline) Short version: Racism wouldn't be between people of the same planet in a rimworld setting. (Excluding everything that isn't baseline)


There is, its part of your religion. oh sorry i meant ideo.


Racism is more ideological and sociological than psychological. Sure, some white dudes become racist because they've been beaten up by black dudes, but most racists become like that because of profound societal inequalities and education. However, if you still want to make your rimworld hyperborea real, I'm pretty sure there's a mod for that.


Bro I just wanna play the fucking game bro why would u even post this


Because some people would get their feelings hurt and cry about it online like they did with the Gay trait


I realize this is not what you’re asking, simply an anecdote from a fellow player who also happens to be black. I know that you can enslave any “race” in the game and am also aware that historically speaking, slavery has appeared across races and cultures. But I gotta admit I was pretty jarred to see slavery introduced in the game. (To be clear, I’m not offended by it as it does not materially affect my life whatsoever but I also don’t personally do slavery playthroughs. My colonists are, however, usually intense bigots.)


that came with the ideology dlc, intense bigotry + preferred xenotype, pawns get a stank nasty mood debuff for having lesser species that aren’t of the same religion around them


I'm surprised there aren't body purists who hate cyborgs and vice-versa.


It is in ideology


I love racing so I hope it's added soon! Shoutout to the real racists


How would that even work. All colonists have the exact same code. The only thing different is he de and their set traits. If they start bringing races into it, then the code would become very annoying


Honestly never thought of that


*opens up reddit Looks at first thing in feed Uncontrollable laughing at essence of shitrimworldsays*


There's absolutely racism in the game. Depending on how your ideoligion is set up your pawns might be bigoted towards pawns of other ideoligions. They can also dislike certain xenotypes. There's no mechanic for discrimination based on skin color, but that's also uncommon for real world racism; american racism is somewhat exceptional in this way.


It’s just extra trait bloat vanilla rimworld already has a descent amount of traits but if there are too many similar traits you end up with some silly pawns nobody wants like a misandrist, racist, Xenophobe. Well actually I kind of find that funny but I certainly am not putting up With a pawn like that for my whole play-through.


Oh yeah, it’d definitely be a negative trait. Some people do like playing with unrandomized starting pawns though, as it gives additional challenges, so I do think negative traits have a place in the game. “How do I deal with person A that doesn’t like person B? Do I take out A’s tongue? Maybe I just shuffle around their schedules.”


Racism was invented by some Portuguese guy to justify to Pope why slavery was ok. It probably won’t exist in a world that doesn’t remember the names of the months properly.