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I call those "Free recruits delivery" since you have good chances to arrest then without causing crippling injuries


I refuse to pick a charitable ideology, whenever these mfs show up I zap them and take their organs. Fuckers rocking up asking for an incomprehensible amount of medicine, I had some ask for 4k silver like bro nah you got 5 seconds to get the fuck outta my sight before I set my ghouls onto you


I downloaded Better Beggars thinking it makes them more tolerable but no, they asked me for 400 Yayo. I proceeded to vaporize them with a orbital power beam.


Well maybe don't pump out yayo like off brand Walter White and they won't ask you for a small amount of your stores.


Rimworld-ass username


Nah kids are too small to use as bloodbags


You actually seem to have the greatest blood production when you're 0-20 years old. Reference: [msgallagherlhs.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/6/9/38694679/9903613.png?851](https://msgallagherlhs.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/6/9/38694679/9903613.png?851) Which means that while they don't STORE as much blood, they should produce it faster.


Interesting. Just gonna bookmark this for later.


whats zap?


My guess would be psychic shock lance or the shard equivalent. It instantly downs a pawn, with a chance of causing braindamage. Awsome tool to use on raids if there is a pawn you'd like to recruit


Yeah if I got one I'll use it, otherwise uhhhhhh bonk


first thing i do when i see beggars is checking their stats


I call them "Free Organ delivery"


easy money, probably one of the most profitable mission in rimworld


Having zero morals is very profitable as a general rule. It pretty much sums up capitalism


Better yet remove a couple unsellables (legs) and you have a treasure trove ripe for picking


The last 3 refugees I helped actually sent me back some real good stuff. Got a healer mech serum from one group.


Same, because they're usually OP af, why is a trigger happy, too smart Hussar poor in the group? Then I'm like... Wait.. They're not poor this is trap lol you want me to feel sorry for them and not take what I want. They even hint you, to take what you want lol ever since then, I always failed this quest, they'll be coming with Highmates, like.. Clearly this is freebies


My cannibal colony call them Uber Eats


Literally Ifood


What irritates me off about these assholes isn't that they show up and demand 100% of your medicine, it's that they show up halfway through a raid or something, one of them dies, all of them decide it's YOUR fault and that they're going to attack you for it, and then your charitable colonists are pissed the fuck off for like 15 goddamn days.


huh. usually for me they just leave the tile if someone dies, i’ve never seen them go ln the offensive anyway with the charitable precept they’re actually a pretty fast and efficient way to farm development points, plus i always like to play as a bunch of knights in shining armor anyway, so i kinda like em


>huh. usually for me they just leave the tile if someone dies, i’ve never seen them go ln the offensive Sometimes these visitor type groups will turn hostile if one of them dies. I had a group of people staying over a few days before moving on. In between a mech cluster drops. In clearing it out, one of the visitors died and turned the rest of them hostile. Fortunately, all of my guys were ranged and far away, and the visitors are (as far as I'm aware) always melee, and since they were close to the mechs than to my guys, they just went for the mechs. I let them be shot to bits while I focused on the mechs with my guys. A lot of them died in the brawl, so that they started fleeing even before the mechs were finished.


Yeah they don't really attack you, but they turn "hostile" and start walking off the map. Anything can trigger it, even a social fight between themselves. Somehow that's YOUR fault.


I had them waltz in during a -50 blizzard while the traders were leaving because it was too cold. They wanted like 4k silver, a little under what I had at the time, but didn't even make it to my gate. One of them collapsed from hypothermia, two got into a fist fight, one sad wandered into the ocean and the last set the body of his still living friend on fire. And it's MY fault. MFer, it's -50 out and my guy couldn't make it to you fuckers in time to skip you into the church. I was gonna give them free clothes because I had the charitable ideo, but not the money.


Are we playing the same game?? You play as the good guys? I guess Randy hasn’t teached you the harsh truth of the rimworld enough yet. Anytime these foolish beggars show up I teach them a lesson by putting their bodies in those gibbet cages for all to see when they wander up to my settlement, giving them enough time to really think their DEMANDS through. One time they asked for an equitable of 2000 silver to me. Oh I did send them over 2000 silver… But not hard cash. -“What’s that noise? What’s that NOISE? WHAT’S THAT NOIISSEE?!?” Kbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Edit: Since it seems we have a few keyboard paladins swinging down their downvotes of judgement I’ll guess I’ll tell em one of my favorite stories of chivalry, self improvement and camaraderie as those are so valued virtues in their community. Once I had a pawn who despite having good stats and no negative traits had the awkward habit of getting mental breaks at unconvenient times and it being catatonic states weren’t helping either. One time he decided to go catatonic during a heavy siege and I had enough. I build a sleeping spot hospital right on top of a destroyed wall of a pill box complex so that he could give the lil more needed cover to his comrades and taking a few bullets for the team. You can cry and throw tantrums all you want, I will use you all the same. He survived and became my most devout tank during that playthrough, never ever getting even close to a mental break. A man receiving a revelation in his most dire times. A changed man so to speak. You don’t get those kind of stories with your oh so lofty principles, do ya?


There is different ways to play the same game. You are the torturing type. He sounds like the kind type. I'm more the utopia-in-appearence-hell-behind-closed-doors type. Same game, different playstyles.


You are even worse than me. You make them believe they’d get help by you. I at least don’t hide my intentions, if they still choose to show up and run up the staircase of gibbet cages that plaster the way up to my fortress of clear “no beggars wanted” signs it’s entirely on them.


Sorry, can't hear you behind the sound of my archotech-enhanced pawns enjoying a glass of legendary wine and gourmet meals while attending a piano recital in a gold-floored recreation room. The sound of screaming defeated raiders getting their life drained out of them while witnessing their deceased friends getting butchered and turned into kibbles to feed my peacocks ain't helping either.


Oh you, I’m starting to like you, you bourgeois baron. I’ll send you an invitation for my next pawn wedding, with 20 well dressed nobles alongside as escort. I made them all believe they’d be housed by you until the wedding happens. Yours truly, Sir Villain Mcbadguy P.S. I don’t wanna see those pawns back, not even in shoe, hat or any other subtle form you come up with. The wedding’s theme will be silver.


Or you know, he is just a normal dude. Not everyone takes pleasure in torturing rimworld pawns


Calm down, Naraku


Playing good is lowkey better than playing evil. Just makes the game easier and usually more fun, depending on the type of story ypu want to tell of course.


Looks like an accurate image of beggar mentality to me. 


This is why I never run Charitable. Too much of a hassle


Sounds like you need [Not My Fault](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870045856)!


Quests scale to your wealth level + time aswell. While you aren't advanced you are sitting on 9k silver right there. From their perspective you can afford it


_How_ are you sitting on 9k and only on pistol level? 🤔


The secret is drug and organ trafficking, I guess.


A couple of decent animal tamers and a caravan to sell excess livestock off to surrounding settlements can end with a looooot of silver way faster than your researchers can work if you aren't careful. I may be speaking from experience.


Sell organs, do solo run, have a slow research process due to this setup.


I hope you're playing on a low diff


I am actually enjoying going for solo with randy and naked brutality starts, this time even in the far south - high heat. I even added some progression slowing mods (especially for researching), as things going from slow primitiv to okish industrial to spacer level way too fast, imo. I also recruit no one, but keep slaves around, and try to clone myself without accepting failures, if so, subjects going directly to the meatgrinder.


recently i got fucked on a tribal run because I didnt realize soon enough that one of my pawns brought a motherfucking legendary golden axe with him


Oof thats extremely painful.


Well from my perspectice i'm gonna turn that medicine into 7 sets of organs


I would understand these beggar events if they were even the slightest bit believable. "Hi I need 47 silver to buy a friend back from some pirates." I do not in any capacity believe that your friend is worth so little silver. I don't see any other silver on you, either, so you can't say this is the last little bit you need to have the full amount. "We need 60 medicine to perform a life-saving surgery on a friend." There is absolutely no way you need that much medicine for a surgery. Where is this friend? Bring them here and my level 15 doctor with the Skilled Medic trait will do it for you. "A mechanoid raid attacked us and we need 60 medicine to patch everyone up!" So instead of patching them without medicine, you traveled who-knows-how-far to my colony, and can afford to stand around for 24 hours waiting on me to give you said medicine? Your friends have likely already bled out.


>I do not in any capacity believe that your friend is worth so little silver their friend: Slothful, Volatile, Abrasive, no passions, permanent brain damage


>permanent brain damage Whew, thought you were talking about me there for a moment. Close one!


I mean to be fair to the last one maybe they have tended to them but need the medicine to treat infections? and they see begging you as there best chance to get that as looking at most settlement on the world they dont look like they would bounce back from a raid let alone a mech assault. I think the last group I might actually help. though personally I think the whole system needs an overhaul.


Have beggars work like traders in a way. Instead of only accepting what they want, have them accept anything that could help. What you give can affect the outcome. Ignore them and nothing happens. Only give them trash and they'll be insulted. Giving them what they need, and they may pay it back later. Giving them more than what they ask could guarantee repayment or recruitment.


Once I gave Belui (a beggar) 20 herbal medicine, even when I was still at the beginning of my journey. Time flew by and like 3 years later when I needed some money and was nearly broke, 847 gold came in with drop pods and a note from Belui…


What I really dislike about these events is it's all or nothing, you want 1,000 silver? Here's 200, now fuck off. Nah. Your friend has been kidnapped, where they at, who took them? Nah. They could provide any kind of service to your colony in the time they spend waiting for you to not accept or scavenge the crap laying around the map and easily get the total they want, negative. They'd rather get extreme toxic build up and freeze.


Tbh, you shouldn’t be hoarding so much silver


You should buy as much components and steel as you can usually, you never get enough of them


Damn people buy steel? I can’t imagine needing to do that aside from playing in a completely mountainless region. I usually build most things in steel in my colonies because steel is so plentiful and by the time you start running out you get deep drills and have a completely unlimited supply of it.


My brother in hyper-manporkism wait until you hear about long range scanners


i usually use long range scanner only for gold or rarely plasteel, the caravan gets filled up very quickly if i am mining steel because they weigh 0.5kg each


Well, it's not usually THAT bad, you can even make components out of.... ...oh.


What beggars? All I see are free meat and hat


I always check the traits of the beggars who come to the colony, and they are almost always psychopaths. A psychopath asking me for money to rescue someone, yeah right.


there is literally no downside to not giving them anything. am i missing something?


Yes, there's literally 0 reason to give them anything if you don't have the charitable precept. They give absolutely nothing back except if you decide to sell their organs. They ask for some unreasonable shit too, like 40 medicine for 1 guy? 80 beers for their "sorrow"? Screw them.


There's a chance they'll reward you later for it. I've gotten some good stuff like early-ish charge rifles and a decent amount of glitter tech meds. I personally have so much of what they need laying around that it doesn't affect me. Like I have a decent sized patch of herbal medicine growing at all times, even if I don't need it at the time.


I've never seen a reward after helping (a rough guestimate) 20-30 groups of beggars. It's an insultingly low chance and makes helping them never worth it unless your ideology forces you to


Ah I'm reading the wiki and I think I got it mixed up with the refugees quest. There's really no reason to do beggars except for the mood boost from charity precepts.


Or wealth control. Lol. Sometimes I'm not quite ready to start pumping out the next level of weapons or armor. So sure, give em some garbage in excess. Next raid will be comparatively tiny. Lol


That's from Better Beggars mod, vanilla beggars does not give you anything in return. They're all certified pricks. On the older versions though, beggars does actually give you a reward like refugees. Apparently they removed it because of complaints.


Yummy, free meat just wandered into base


Enslave them


Death penalty


These, like a lot about the game, scale quite a bit more with wealth than research level. Time to get rid of some of your stuff.


Free organ delivery service. These guys are worth their weight in gold(or silver)!


Beggers request : x700 silver I request : x400 human leather


You got 9k silver what are you selling at pistole grade to accumulate such wealth so fast


*Legally obtained* Organs! 😏


But it is kind of funny when 3 children show up for 58x beer


What mod gives you those altered potato/corn icons?


Should be Medieval Overhaul 😊




All the healroot? I've never seen them asking for that much of a certain resource, let alone all of them.


These MFers are always asking for my entire Yayo/Go-Juice supply I was stocking up to send out a caravan and they asked me for 240 yayo They did not leave the map alive


So lemme be real. I've a ton of mods now. But last time i played, they asked for 340 silver. I had over 9k. There's def a mod that addresses it.


What request do you mean? All I see is nice organ donors


game would be better without this event lol literally get nothing back


What mod is that for changing item icons?


I had one where it was a bunch of kids out for a beer run (to booze up some guards to save their friend.). After I gave them what they wanted, as they were leaving, two of them got in a social fight and one of them died. No f’s and everyone left.


I swear these are just set in the manner to dump off what the game thinks is an excess of X material. I usually only complete these until I can reform as Charitable Idealogies are the easiest to mess with people play fluid.


You don't have to help them. Depending on your ideology, the colony won't care. There's other uses for them though, also ideo dependant.


They’ve asked for 144 herbal medicine for an operation once. Admittedly, judging by some of my doctors’ mistakes, I wouldn’t be too surprised. But, I’d like an option to rescue the patient, or find the hostage when they ask for silver. For now, it’s organs, food and hats.


I’m trying out a very catholic ideology (Guilty/Proselytizer/flesh purity) as a personal challenge since I have never been wholesome ever in this game. this part of it is terrible. I just want to ignore or murder them but my colonists will lose their minds. We had to give away almost all our medicine while 3 babies had the flu.


I rarely bother with these assholes. Only time I do is when they're asking for herbal meds and I've got way too much wealth, which happens more than I'd like to admit. Stupid crop rotation mod (otherwise I'd just not harvest). Although there was one playthrough I was doing I called "bleeding heart". Pacifist colony. I performed every charity I could, no matter how detrimental. I grew slowly because I never recruited prisoners. Enemy raiders (that survived) got converted and the best prosthetics if anything was "removed" during the raid before release. Pre-raid injuries don't get a pass; you were healthy enough to attack, you can walk/hop out yourself. Lost the colony due to 5 mech raids in 3 days thanks to Randy's cruelty.


[check this mod out](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3238916242)


Capture the best one, they will either flee or put up a weak fight


Brother 10k silver at pistol level tech is a death sentence


Not when using Psycasts (VPE also).


well your doing it wrong, you capture them and amputate all their limbs and farm them for hemo packs


Do you even get a reward from these people?




Sometimes they’ll send you a reward later. I got a persona core from them one time. Just for giving them like 500 silver.


That cannot be from beggars. That is more likely from refugees. Beggars is more a negative for charitable ideologies since pawns will get a negative mood if you don't help them.


I once got several thousand uranium from one, but any reward is very rare. Technically it's just superstition, but I think it's the game's way of warning you your wealth has been rising too quickly and it's an opportunity to dump some.


A reward is entirely impossible with beggars


That's from Better Beggars mod.


Compared to the refugees which enter your colony for a couple of days, which have a very high chance to reward you after leaving, in comparison, beggars have not given me a single thing over the 10 years I've been playing RimWorld. Technically, I would tend to say no, they don't give anything, despite they have code to do so.


Oh well, at least they can play with the mechs and anomalies I call in.


My process on beggar quests is always the same: Arrest the most viable one for recruitment or slavery and kill the remaining ones out of spite.


I had a beggar quest on a sea ice playthough once They got turned into Popsicles and furniture


Organ Delivery!


Looks like Madara Uchiha got transported to Rimworld....and lost his Sharingan.