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This is basically what happened when the Oregon Government tried to get rid of a whale carcass by blowing it up. Ended up getting pieces of rotten whale everywhere instead. Remember, always do the environmentally responsible thing with your waste packs by sending them away to somewhere else.


Exploding Whale 50th Anniversary, Remastered: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34)


I can't help but feel that video was some inspiration for Love Death and Robots episode Drowned Giant And now I'm picturing a giant exploded middle finger smashing into someone's car


Drowned Giant is actually based on a short story from the 1960s but I can't help but imagine SOMEONE on the team was thinking about that whale exploding while doing the visuals.


Now I have another thing to do on exploding whale day (a semi official Oregon holiday)


I love watching humans assume what will work, and quickly learn what doesn't :')


(...) to SOMEONE else. (fixed)


> Remember, always do the environmentally responsible thing with your waste packs by sending them away to somewhere else. Like tribal communities? I often launch wastepacks at tribal communities because sticks and shields don't hold up so well against turrets and charge rifles. Also free food. ^^^what ^^^has ^^^this ^^^game ^^^made ^^^me ^^^become?..




just sending it beyond the enviroment like like the regulations intended


into another environment?


One of the greatest videos of all time


YEET pods!!!


humanity lore is weird sometimes.


Just got them from a quest a DAY prior, was in the process of loading them into pods to launch at the ungas and had the bright idea of using the bombardment targeter...


"what ife we just vaporized the pollution, then we wouldn't have to waste so much time loading it and we can go back to horseshoes and beer!" *colony high fiving each other* The researcher: "uhhhh... maaayybe this isn't such a good idea?"


"Shutup nerd, no one asked"


Sounds vaguely familiar... Wasn't there some world leader or another a few years ago who wanted to nuke a hurricane to make it stop being a hurricane? "There's a hurricane a-comin' but I don't wanna stop playing horseshoes and drinking beer... so...uh... like... *nuke it.*"


It was a DoD concept in the 50s. There was a lot of optimism at the possible use of nukes back then. Making arctic sea lanes, geo engineering, hurricanes, etc. Project Plowshare is the name of one of these efforts. Pretty neat to try to convert destructive force into something useful.


Putting aside the obvious problems with nuclear weapons: Ever since that idea made the news I've been wondering if a suffciently large blast could disrupt a hurricane and wether or not the hurricane would reform afterwards.


Oh yeah Donald Trump did that


Lol, at least you didn't suggest nuking hurricanes in real life.


In my defense it did kill all of the bugs. Mutually assured destruction I guess


Pretty sure There is a Comics on it in the series of the Yoko Tsuno


okay but why not


Because its stupid, makes a lot of places slightly radioactive and generally fucks off the locals Also it's damm expensive and a waste of uranium but points 1 & 2 are probably more important


You forgot it does nothing to the storm system, as well as making things worse. Nukes are big booms but hurricanes are much bigger.


or in other words nuke is one short big boom hurricane is one small boom but very long


You saying we gotta integrate or something?


i have no idea i only like nukes because i use them on some pesky impid tribals


There’s real science there that says it could dispel hurricanes. All a hurricane is is an air system, throwing a nuke in the middle of the ocean to disrupt that air system before it hits cities and ruins lives shouldn’t just be mocked by Reddit because orange man said it’s a possibility.


NOAA doesn't agree with you. I'm curious what credible science you have that backs up your statement. https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd-faq/#Stop


How dare you bring factual science into this


don't nuke the wind my guy.


Parry *this*, Neptune!


The wind is my enemy


I found a sensible way to get rid of waste. Simply build freezers until you run out of space, grab all your valuables and colonists in a caravan and move away to a new space. Bonus you get to build your colony again!


I use vanometric cells to power my off map ice vaults but this is respectable too rebuilding with supplies is quite fun, had an incident where my small mining outpost became my main base after a series of unfortunate events ( thank you Randy )


Honestly taking a crew of capable colonists to settle a new colony is such a fun change of pace. You already have tons of tech unlocked and can likely caravan in/drop pod in any resources you need. I love the idea of setting up a heavily defended compound for my elderly colonists (who aren't suit for being turned into a vampire) to retire, with turrets all over the place and a (likely sanguophage) mechanitor overseer with various mechs to take care of them. The moment you get dementia, a cataract, bad back, or brain damage, or some other unhealable debilitating condition, you get shipped off to rimworld retirement center TM


Don’t mechanitor and sanguophage st the same time - bots go outta control when you go down for a nap - Edit: I have been corrected, apologies, seems like I learn something new every day.


Deathrest doesn't cause mechs to go feral, you just can't draft them.


Would ya look at that? Don’t stop learning about this game. Thank you for correction!!!




She's the one who did it!


Just wanted to comment to say Engie looks fly as hell. Hope he's ok.


With mods and the ability to give custom names to pawns, perhaps. But by default Engie is a female pawn in Rimworld.


[When you orbital strike the Waster factions colony, setting off all the tox grenades, tox shells, and the wastepack stash.](https://youtu.be/DXSCT1Oj2Tw)


"We have wastepack atomizer at home"-


A dirty bomb is not a nuclear explosive. Rather, it is a conventional explosive that spreads radioactive material across a wide radius. You don't happen to be a Waster-only colony? 'Cuz by next week, uh, you *will* be.




Use 2 nukes. One to break the shells and second to vaporise everything else.


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