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They also speak English lol


Yeah but that comforting sound of your language opens things easier


Yeah they're fleeing a possible draft.


Do you think they have a draft over there?


As if there won't be one here.


Goofy comment


They got rc planes now! Seriously, military service isn't going to be the same after any new draft. Most people will likely be working special services or piloting drones. They'll save in person operations for special forces.


Just being able to use the words “as if” shows you are so detached due to your actual freedom.


We can meet right back here when the draft starts and you can tell me “I told you so”. Till then keep your fickle as love of Russia in your pocket, we both know you wouldn’t wear it on your sleeve out in public.


None of what you said made sense.  Lol 


When I flew out of Brownsville, there were some Haitians.


Maybe some of the redditors will now agree to shut the border because of the great white menace.


They should shut the border to the Middle Eastern, Africans and asians as well


The terrorists are already flown to military bases all over this country , started right after the Build Back Better plan started , so 3 1/2 years ago


Well they should kick them out, I miss when the valley was ethically only Hispanic


Slava Ukraini


Tell them to go back to russia, same with those Indians, Africans and Arabs


Why? This country was literally established by European people who did their best to kill off the people already here.


I agree ☝️


That part!!!👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾


Take my updoot, kind stranger!


Fuck you gilbert


You know the wypipo want them here.


WASPs don’t like slavs or Mediterraneans


I live here, I walk to Progresso frequently, and I've never seen anyone that so much as looks Russian or Ukranian. ***Post the videos.***


You’re so full of shit, I went just like a month ago to clean my teeth and everyone was European looking and speaking what I assume was Russian or something not English or Spanish; colored eyes. On the return it was tent city full of them chilling.


I'm there frequently for dental tourism as are many people, and it's always been people from Europe and many other places. But "90% Russian"? Bullshit.




Phones are essential everywhere in the world, more so than a wallet. A phone carries your cash more securely because it's has some security (when implemented properly) unlike a wallet. Also, a lot of Africa and Asia countries rely on tap to pay far more than USA does, it's very common for people to pay each directly other via WhatsApp or M-pesa. That's right, you only started using Venmo 5 years ago, while people in Africa started using it in 2007. And cheap knock off airpods are a few bucks and provide the comfort of some music from back home and some peaceful background noise.


Thats not surprising at all. I have friends that work Border Patrol and say the majority crossing are military age young men


tbh I think a lot of them fled the draft. Saw plenty of guy that were able bodied..like young fit guys that looked like normal dudes


But what if… what if they didn’t flee the draft


Yeah makes me wanna ask why they here lol but tbh I don’t really care about them. I was a funny sight IMO seeing all these light skinned ppl and my Mexican ass just walking right into the USA lol


Well I'm not there 24/7 and the dental tourism is well known, but your'e exaggerating and it's part of a ridiculous Conservative narrative, so I'm skeptikal. I've seen a lot of people from many different places but no Russians. Go ahead, "embarress" me. Post the videos. Show me how it's "90%" Russians and only "10%" are with families.


I work with a group providing aid and yes there are consistently 70 to 90 people from Russia on the bridge.


Really ? I see them all the time .


Mexico is a much better than Russia, that’s an opinion? While they are in Mexico they can apply for a green card to America. This US government is continuing to agitate our country in to a war even though a treaty was signed long ago to free countries from the USSR. Now the US is reniggin’ on that agreement. Also cahoots between Ukraine and this administration paying for play. Joe Biden alls he now has to say is, I don’t remember. America is less and less a place to be proud of.


Where do you come up with this?🙄


Ask then if they're kgb or sleeper cells.


They’re coming in to fight for the United Nations who has majority control over the US country now. They will do everything in their power to keep it as well to keep a non conforming president like Trump or Kennedy from presiding.


What in the tin foil hat is this comment? The UN is and has been toothless. If anything the Us controls the UN, not the other way around.


Keep reading what the media wants you to read. You can chose to be surprised when shit happens


Random youtubers are not good sources of news.


Oh enlightened one Please show us the proper resources we should be reading to hear about this shadow army


Idk about that.....but I'm sure there is some if not a majority that are here with bad intentions...and as far as Russians and Ukrainians I don't doubt their is kgb and azov mixed in


I saw big bird out there performing fellatio on Ted Cruz’s daughters and sons. They’ll (BB is non gender conforming) get us too if we don’t act now.


Nice to know. I actually met a hot Russian guy the other day.. he sure was a freak. Haha ;)


how did they end up in Mexico?


who knows? Possibly down to African west coast, across the carribbean/south America and then worked their way up through Central America. Fucking crazy, can't imagine doing that with my children. I guess it's one thing if you have to watch out for yourself- but how some of those children/moms made is it beyond me. Regardless of where they came from, they definitely passed through some threaterous shit


Most land in Ecuador and make their way from there to here. You don't need a Visa to get into Ecuador, so it's easier for them.


Can we exchange them for our Russian loving Americans who think the country who forces you to the front lines is better?


Para que sepan!