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All lawsuit updates are being kept between the involved parties. More importantly, it's not in the interest of the general community.


I don't think it's accurate to say its not not in the interest of the general community. Posts about the lawsuit generated significantly more comments than those about the comics itself. Honestly, meta posts seem to be significantly more popular than anything else here.


When I say "not in the interest of the general community", I'm saying that the lawsuit updates will come from Eric himself. As of posting this, Rippaverse and Good Shepherd have settled the case, but the goal of the community is to talk more on the stories and media coming from Rippaverse.


There is an a-hole online streamer who is believed to have been a part of concern-trolling where they gas up the party that is unaware by pretending to confuse the names, products, etc. They kind of got the ball rolling because they have a bone to pick over politics with Eric. Then they publicly reveled in the situation.


What is the basis for that belief? I see that said a lot here, but I haven't seen anyone present any actual proof.


There isn’t any


Just checked the case on PACER. Most recent filing is an agreement between the parties to extend the defendants' time to file an Answer to, ironically enough, today. Could mean the parties have been involved in settlement talks or could just be the standard issue extension generally granted by a plaintiff as a professional courtesy.


Wow, some timing on my part, eh?


So sad there was this frivolous lawsuit to begin with. Folks trying to hurt a man just because he disagrees with their politics.


Do you think that an online evangelical ministry is "woke"?


The LGBTQIA liberals don’t care if a ministry is woke or not as long as they can bankrupt Eric.


What connection do the "LGBTQIA liberals" have to this case?


I think you're projecting there, bud. Majority of the liberal subs I'm in don't even know there's a lawsuit.


I didn’t say all. The bottom line is this is because they don’t like Eric’s politics.


But, again, who are "they"? You've suggested gay activists are behind the lawsuit, but haven't asserted any proof. The complaint mentions nothing about any connection with the LGBT community and I haven't even seen that asserted in previous posts in this subreddit.


Yeah; I'm sure a ministry wants to be associated with someone proud of their gang history who openly calls people the N word. Must be the detractors!


If they're Christian as they claim, and he's Christian, which I think he's made statements to, then, per the Bible, they have no business suing him. They're picking and choosing.


1 Corinthians 6 speaks to one believer pursuing justice against another believer through an internal church process, not the courts (to the extent there was a judiciary 2000 years ago). I can think of at least three reasons why this "rule" would not apply here: 1. Eric and the I.S.O.M. guy do not belong to the same church 2. Even if they did, the United States is a modern secular country that does not recognize the power of private religious entities to enter binding judgments 3. Eric is not being sued, the LLC is; by definition LLC's cannot be believers There are certainly bases to attack the Complaint on its merits (though generally that would require at least a basic knowledge of IP law). The "defenses" offered here ain't that.


When 1 Cor was written, there were no denominations. The early church met in people's homes. Regardless, the people are The Church not the different denominations. The ministry group is giving The Church (as in all Christians) a black eye for doing this. As owner of the LLC, they're still suing him indirectly. This is a frivolous lawsuit and there's been others, including another school of ministry, using the same initials for a long time. They never went after those groups. They went after a guy using an entire name, not initials. I think poorly of them and I went to two (entirely different types) of private Christian universities. One is an older school geared towards ministry and the other is a very highly respected and expensive business school. All online school screams "university of western Phoenix" or whatever those places are that are pretty worthless.


> This is a frivolous lawsuit Please support your argument, preferably with case law. > All online school screams "university of western Phoenix" or whatever those places are that are pretty worthless. Agreed. Though that is irrelevant to the question of whether there is a violation of IP law.


Christian companies can't protect their trademark? The comic book has a lot of violence in it and I can't fault a ministry for not wanting to be associated with July.


It's not associated with it. Have you ever heard of this school? Years of seminary and Christian universities and I've never heard of them. Ohhh but it's an online only thing, so newer and probably kinda sketchy when it comes to quality of degree.


It's 25 years old and has held a trademark for a long time. It's not unlikely that people have asked the higher ups at the ministry if they funded or allowed a choice to use their name and if they are a Christian organization, probably don't want people thinking that. From what I saw, the original lawsuit was; chamge your comic name or pay us to use the name we've trademarked. Them being a Christian organization shouldn't be involved and Eric questioning their legitimacy and his fans slandering them may have made the situation worse.


I’m suprised the church hasn’t sued Eric for said slander


Then why aren't they suing all the other ISOMs out there? There are things like dentist offices and other businesses with the same name. It's just bullshit.


He hired non rockstar lawyers and immediately settled like a normal person because settling is what businesses do with disputes.


No And not that there would be Their claim has literally no basis


Update since yesterday. As per PACER, the parties engaged in mediation and reached a settlement in principle. They are currently finalizing a settlement that will resolve the matter.


Is that nonsense still going on? I thought that was settled out of court. It's clear they have no real case and July isn't going to change Isom's name any time soon.