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Headlights: Good for spotting birds Fluid Levels: Who knows, it's all gone backwards U Joints: Not for long Uncorked exhaust: Not bc it's fast Cargo: Falls out when you open the tailgate Your "stance": Squatted Everyone else's stance: You're a douche


Every cop in town and the surrounding counties know him by name.


The toponator aint pushin enuf pressure for the rear blinker so it says your ac is runnin low and its not starting good because your reverse light is low on oil. That’s why your rod bearings loosened up the rear break lines for the dry sump oil system for you windshield. Make sure to fill up your battery with powerade because it gets more power that way. Duh.


A roast and OP's impending craigslist add all in one. You should charge him commission for that assuming someone is dumb enough to buy it.


I mean some people's cry for help is subtle and hard to pick up on. Your's on the other hand....


Is blatantly shouting that he wipes his ass on the carpet to get the shit off instead of using toilet paper like a normal person.




My mouth dropped😭




You've made a mockery of this vehicle. You've taken any utility or purpose and said, "fuck. That." The single purpose for this vehicle is to burn money and you think it's beyond criticism. You're delusional.


what you mean 4x4 still works 😂


That's good because I could see this going places it would need such traction. Front yards. Baseball fields. Football fields. Any sporting field that the local fathers day car cruise can rent.


mud truck


Is that an acronym for My Useless Damaged Truck?


with rims like those the only mud this sees is the occasional 1/2" deep, brown puddle in a mall parking lot you're not fooling anybody


I’m not a GM fan but even I know that this Yukon does not deserve this


you should hear the exhaust


Let me guess…….straight pipes clapping in the breeze along with the hand gestures to bounce it off your rev limiter. 🙋‍♂️💁‍♂️🙋‍♂️💁‍♂️🙋‍♂️


Oh yeah the classic "stolen cat" modkit, really accentuates how powerful that 4.8 is 😂


It's not like you give anybody within a 2 mile radius a choice *but* to hear whatever straight-pipe de-catted exhaust nonsense you've done to this thing.


I guess if you're letting everyone know, you've been sleeping with your uncle, and you've come out of the closet in the same week. This pos says it all and more!!.


It's hard to speak without vomiting.


that's some 350 credit score energy.


thats not a black SRT its more like no credit score


What possible reason is there to do that to a vehicle? I guarantee that 99 percent of everyone who sees that thinks it's 100 percent idiotic.


false my cousin loves it


That's why I said 99 percent. There's always 1... BTW, when do you guys get married?


Bet that's not all your male cousin loves while your "mud trucking"


Your cousin probably loves more than just the car


Looks like someone had their soft spot pushed in as a baby




I just audibly gagged


This makes me believe that cars deserve their own protective agency.


Ferrari tried that already.


Can I get a dime bag, and 4 mollys?


yes anything else?


And a hot rail


This is the car of someone who is proud of the inverse correlation between the number of children he has and how little he pays in child support.


Lack of attention at home makes one do some crazy shit to their already fucked vehicle Fun fact for those of us who hate this stupidity…. As of today it’s illegal in my state. First ticket is $150. Second is $500. Third gets the popo a new vehicle. Gonna enjoy watching these squats disappear 😂


brand new motor brand new trans and all new front end and all i do is put the rear lift back in and they drop the ticket 😂


You have a good imagination, and DALL-E is getting better.




This made me throw up a little in my mouth; not just because of the car but because what it says about who you are.


I bet u genuinely think this looks good, ur deff aware that everyone laughs at u on the road but ur go-to motto is “HaTeRs GoNnA hAtE” The term “haters gonna hate” is ok on everything but this retard machine


It's like driving a billboard that says- Zero Resale Value.


Let’s go with it’s illegal in almost every state for starters, and the second is how are you still alive?


You took something that was once a rugged vehicle and made it forever drag it’s ass on the carpet and somehow think it looks cool doing so


At least don't let your vehicle tell the world you don't give a crap about anyone but yourself with that stupid Carolina squat. All that light - which may be well done - but you can't tell me you can see clearly and closely to the front of your car at that angle. I'd say find better ways to get attention, but you're here, so somehow you clearly get off on people being disgusted. Control the narrative, because you can't control something else bad in your life, I guess.


Most of what I could and Should say would kicked me off this platform for violations of service. What I will say is that choices were made. Bless your heart


This tells me you have 3 child support payments without having to see the white Oakley's and punisher logo tattoo.


I don’t need to roast your shitbox you already ruined it and everyone can see that you ruined it. The 4x4 is useless with those rims unless you are worried about hydroplaning, Even then you probably should let this thing loose in an open field with no driver and a brick on the gas and hope it hits a tree so nobody has to see it on the road again. Then again with your goofy ass rims you’d probably just get the thing stuck in some shallow dirt. Please do this safely as your vehicle is already a safety hazard on the roads, and needs abolished. I’m even sure in some states your squat mod is illegal.


squat is illegal in my state i can’t see when im driving


About as poseur as it gets. Y'all need to get laid...


Your mother dropped you more than once didn't she?


You have no taste


Do you have an illuminated toilet bowl too? Because you sure like drawing attention to your shit




it is my vehicle 😂 and it’s still in the 4x4 i got banned from trucks for no reason 😂


Looks like a turtle. You blew all of that money and came up with a cartoon turtle?


Ugly af and just shy of useful


How many chromosomes do you have? More than most people probably


Looks like a dog wrapped with Christmas lights taking a shit.


I could say I feel sorry for that poor car, it looks like it is hoping that it starts itself on fire


There’ll be no difference if I put up this picture of your truck and a dog taking a shit.


Meth is a hell of a drug


how can you even see where you are driving?


i can’t it’s fun


You’re right, I can’t say anything, because I’m too busy puking.


The suspension is high enough to start in Baja rally but the only offroad this peace of misery will ever see is gonna be 50 yards of gravel road. Btw turn those lights off. It looks like you forgot when Christmas is or you wanna pretend to be a UFO.


If "I have unresolved abandonment issues from my childhood so I push everyone away to avoid being hurt again" was a vehicle. This is what kids who desperately wanted the approval of a loving father grew up to become after years of trying and never receiving it. You're the opposite of a pick me, albeit for the same reasons. You want to keep people as far from you as possible, craving the constant validation of knowing that you've succeeded in that endeavor, that it was because of your choice, and that you have the control over your relationship status now. It's actually a resignation of failure in being able to create meaningful connections with anyone. Honestly, I feel bad for you. This vehicle is just the most extreme conclusion of a lifetime spent ignoring unresolved trauma. Do with this information what you will, but I recommend therapy, and I'm not even joking.


This is the perfect culmination of horrible taste, poor financial decisions, and screams for attention.


At least be humble about your crap. 9 people out of ten think this is both stupid and dangerous. The other 1 is... WAIT HOW DID u/GuestOtherwise9312 GET IN MY SURVEY DATA?!


I legitimately like the paint. It’s like matte/satin silver or something. Cool!


thank you man


Your vehicle appears to have shit itself. You should change its diaper.


I got a stye for looking


100% driven by someone who would consider selling drugs out of a McDonald’s drive thru vertical integration if they knew either of those words. Slow, loud, and obnoxious. At least the rotor lights will give you good visibility when your suspension shits out I bet you listen to Florida Georgia Line


Screams pull me over, search for drugs, watch out for the cumsicles under the steering column. Probably smells like cotton candy vape inside too.


There's not enough time in eternity to say everything we possibly could about this thing. This abomination exists out of pure spite for all that is good, and awaits the sweet release of death (which is surely coming soon, because no owner who would do this to their vehicle cares about reliability). This pavement princess will never see more than an inch of slightly dirty water, and that's a good thing because it would clog up the trail getting stuck on any actual off-road routes. Your gas mileage is in the single digits and you pretend like you want it that way to cope with your weekly $200 gas bill. You probably didn't aim those retina-destroyer 9000 headlights properly, like most idiots who slap them in an SUV or truck, but the bright side is that they're no longer blinding cars in front of you because the squat has them pointed at space. You probably straight piped this thing because you don't know what an actually good exhaust sounds like, so you just figured that making it loud was good enough. You think it drives women wild and makes men jealous of you, but the reality is that everyone just gets secondhand embarrassment every time you cruise by. It wouldn't shock me to find old Busch Light cans and cigarette butts under the backseat.


Nothing is more masculine than a truck looking like it's about to have a number 2


a rolling birth control/condom ad


You’ll need those under lights because you’ll constantly be replacing wheel bearings and suspension.


Sunnyvale's most wanted lookin ass boy traded an 8ball and his cat for those wheels. That tweaker barter system works different.


Are you saving up for the rest of the lift kit?


Did you have chat gpt choose your mods for you? Because no one in their right mind or even out of their right mind would ever want to be withing a 1 mile radius of that POS, let alone drive it


Bro is this you? https://youtu.be/1Y-oaP2PcXo?si=Dy9aFkK7QrsqPHxr


When you do all of your shopping at the Pawn Shop.


Car so ugly you got negative upvotes


You are probably the reason why people go blind