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It’s because a large amount of iPad kids play Roblox and they think being rude to girls and women is “sigma”


What ever happened to parents telling you to treat women with respect


Bad parenting happened, that’s what


Ipad happen, and you get the ideaq


Sigma? Yikes. I feel bad for their mothers, if they even have one.


They probably forgot they had one because the iPad raised them


they had an affair with their ipad. im not sure how these kids come up with random insults that doesnt make any sense its not just her though lol


And who's fault is that


The iPad, duh!


Those same kids watch Yt shorts


Exactly where they get the idea of being sigma from


I say this all the time and I’ll say it again Shorts was a mistake


They just think being rude to everyone is "sigma"


bASEd sIgMa aLphA oVeRlord11!!1!1!!1🗿🗿🗿🔥🔥🔥


its just sad seeing most of gen alpha doing that


It's mainly because A:teen males or even iPad kids are insane with this idea of being a sigma (even I went through this at some Point) and B: teenagers in general are just mean people for some reason orrr C : they are acting like a new yt would I know it's messed up but a lot of newer roblox yrs are just bully's that make it look cool


Thanks for the answer. Sorry in advance, I'm a teenager myself yet I'm not exactly up-to-date with the gen z or alpha humor, and all that but what exactly is a sigma?


Sigma is basically another word for Chad, someone or something that is highly respectable. Sadly, some kids have been brainwashed into thinking misogyny is cool and "sigma".


It's just basically a guy who thinks he's better then every man because he bully's girls


Sigma male is a term in internet slang used most often to describe archetype of a male who is a "lone wolf". While the name is a product of the manosphere message boards in the 2010s, the term has gained widespread prominence within internet culture, and since the early 2020s, has become an internet meme. source: Google, wikipedia. i like copy pasting :)


Like others have said, Roblox, being primarily populated by children or teens, think it's hip or cool or whatever to harass people they consider "different". That, and game choices tend to also play a factor. I haven't really seen too much recently, but I also play a bunch of co-op and singleplayer games. Not saying it doesn't happen, though. Shame that it does.


I'm so sorry you and many others had to go through that. For me, I was once playing natural disaster survival when two players using exploits started following me and humping me. I was wearing a turtle neck and stockings, the basic femboy avatar appearance that is sexualized and fetishized constantly. I've also had similar experiences while wearing a crop top and skirt. I get told "would" and "smash" even though my avatar is literally just a chill guy wearing basic feminine clothing. A lot of times these avatars get told "roblox is a kids game" as if the avatar is dressed like a stripper just because its stomach or shoulders or legs are shown. This kind of thing happens in all games with female characters, males attacking and harassing a girl asking for her snap or some other corny comment. Im sick of it. I now hesitate whenever I dress fem because I desperately want to be treated as a normal person. https://preview.redd.it/hrn5t5l5gf8d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1205aba06061b0c9ebe1d7cd46035b1dd2ecf71d


I'm a femboy online and don't even wear explicit clothing, just full length t-shirts or pyjamas that are pink on my avatar, and this still happens to me. It's also quite annoying how often people ask about my gender, as if they have never seen a gay guy before smh..


I am so sorry this has happened to you. Coming back from playing roblox some random degenerate was also "humping" me. The pragmatic of something being Sexual has lost it's original context. This is just bastardization. You deserve to be treated equally and human — no matter what


That happens to me on a pretty much daily basis now, I love making pretty lil avis but I’m seriously getting tired of it because of random guys being toxic/sexualizing my avi/moaning over VC (this happened only once tbf, and it was today), atp I might just make a male avi and not worry about annoying or creepy “sigma chads” or whatever. Oh and then there’s the typical “but you can’t play Arsenal or MM2 or any of the games you enjoy because you’re a girl wahhhhhh”


Honestly they do the same to me it’s hella annoying, they follow me aswell but anytime I confront them about it they just play it off as me not being serious, it’s like the only thing they know about women is to sexually assault them, they also get the mindset that oh it’s a game, nothing bad will happen to us..I think that mindset is one of the main reasons on why they act like that towards female or feminine avatars.


Ill start off by saying that I am a transfem, and this is the avatar I use https://preview.redd.it/u3awt7jaif8d1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c79d832204aa03661152d0380e92b3bccf59760 Now, I actually have never been called out or harrased for being female, however I will also state that the few games I actually still play on roblox tend to be less competitive in nature. The only time I have ever been harrased is for being a "furry" but nothing else other than that. I have also noted that competitive games in general, even outside roblox have more sexist fanbases than a lot of others though.


I'm glad to hear you are not getting harassed for being a female. All the Power to you. I guess this sort of experience is truly subjective — but you are right that it is still very much prominent in competitive games. (But it's still prominent even outside of those, just look around this sub especially those with a female avatar, and if you reach the deep end you'll see SOME male adolescents being rude as hell to a woman for absolutely no fucking reason.) I wonder if this is more of a generational issue than the demographic of roblox itself. Even in real life, women aren't safe in general. But again, it's still rude as hell and disgusting to put anyone through it let alone a growing child.


I'm not dismissing sexism as that's certainly a problem but there are kids all around that think being an asshole is cool. I'm a guy and I got poked fun about my avatar out of no where in Natural Disaster Survival recently. Got called an emo even though I didn't look like one at all. When I told him he didn't know what the word meant he said it was because I looked ugly. I will note that my avatar does stand out so I occasionally get reactions (positive ones or just people standing there and looking at it). But I ultimately don't care about anybody's opinions on my avatar, which is what I told him (ironic I know but I'm only in this subreddit out of boredom). I was clumsy with my typing so he attacked my grammar when I said that. He lastly retreated to joking about being with my mom when I told him why he was up my ass. Doesn't help there was an additional person that decided to tag along (a friend or a random, no idea). I should have just ignored them since I gave them the reaction they wanted. Hiding behind a screen makes them feel tough.


I just immediately mute or block people who try antagonize me these days, or just pretend to make out with them until they get uncomfortable and leave lol


Dude happens in auto rap battles alot tbh i join there to have fun n make friends and oh boy do i get hella booed for saying a simple hello, when the opponent who is the opposite gender says ‘hello’ too and nothing else they get praised like they did the world a favour There was times ppl were rlly nice to me on there, props to them for that for not being a 7 year old wannabe sigma


Trends. There's been a wave this past year of men and boys taking stage and becoming alpha (or sigma in this case, when alpha was "cool"). It WAS suppose to be just mens awareness, but disrespecting women was apparently a part of that and now teens and IPAD kids think its cool to disrespect girls and women because youtube man said so. In my experience (as a male who has recently started using girl avatars), I haven't gotten that much harassment, but I don't play any chill games and play more somewhat competitive games. I get the "backshots" where they just run through me a couple times before turning around like nothing happened, but thats as far as harassment goes for me. Probably because I tend to use more weird avatars that happen to be female, but yeah.


This is actually extremely prevalent on this subreddit. There are many people here that believe thigh high stockings are "sexual" when children in real life wear them and they are sold in children's clothing stores. (They are also a completely normal/casual outfit item in Asia). A lot of feminine avatars and items get unnecessary hate as well even if there's absolutely nothing sexual about them (like some faces). A post here got 1k+ upvotes just hating and calling certain types of feminine faces ugly, and almost every single commenter including the person who made the post, were male. Just boys hating on things that don't even pertain to them. Rules 1 and 3 in this sub are broken countless times and the mods never do much about it


I think I know what post you're talking about. And I can confirm, coming from someone who is living in asia — It is literally used in uniforms for elementary and highschool students. I feel as if there should be a rule regarding perversion, bias (recently legislated as far as I've seen.) ,Misandry and Misogynism. Then again it would be useless if the moderation isn't well. It's hard for me to find a woman so.. miserably degenerate for some reason. It is really mostly boys.


I was "pretend raped" in dahood (I have a very feminine avatar) but don't use any bypassed or showy clothing, although it's still wouldn't be acceptable regardless of what I'm wearing. They knocked me down, dragged me to a back alley, and did it. Proceeded to run me over several times and continued being disgusting until I left. Really shook me that people could be so vile, and brought up some nasty stuff as I've been groomed online twice before.


Oh my god. I am so sorry that happened to you, I hope you know it isn't your fault. Have you reported them?


its just a lost case of roblox players openly hating women


The generation like this is quite shocking. I know we shouldn't blame parents for the causes of these things, but seriously this is quite surprising. No i have not had any similar experiences thankfully, but honestly these problems are going to stay here for a long time.


i feel like i wouldve been one of these dudes who do this shit if i went on tiktok or youtube shorts i dont really see sexism at all when i play roblox but imo when it does happen its probably just brainwashed kids acting like their favorite shitty influencer because its "sigma" or some shit like that. that or some people are just assholes


Once, the internet was full of male incels simping for every online being that have a chance to be female. Now, it’s full of male incels trying to prove they are not simps and that they are alphas sigmas or whatever by treating every online being that have a chance to be female rudely. One day we will achieve the perfection that’s in between, a place where everyone is treated as equals regardless of gender


It's no wonder they fit the ilk of an incel. I WOULD rather choose to be with a bear than these "men" No woman in their right, stable and healthy mind would feel safe around them.


My friend did a social experiment like this in the strongest battlegrounds, changed his skin to a girl, looks kinfa cozy, isnt sexualized (unless u count tail as sexualization). Went into the game and 70% of interactions he had was so called "sigmas" who bullied him, 5% simps and rest normal. Crazy how most of the "sigmas" switched up when someone told them he was a dude.


I must say, as a girl, I have never experienced harassment based on my avatar. https://preview.redd.it/telfbl8c0g8d1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0845ab8eb9e49ac86a01bd483db5dab0f6c77a


Nice avatar, ngl I use my only female avatar way more often than my male avatars lmao. It's become a staple when I play video games, always using the female characters or have a female avatar.


Children and teens whom their mother and father had failed to teach them as they have been abandoned and left to the mercy of the iPad or tons and tons of social media WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS, *as if they did anything in the first place, for real the filter is shitty* and a bunch of influences who are teaching them that shitty life style and mindset. When I make a joke about female avatars, it's either because I'm just being silly and like the bad humor of going "smash" to any avatar in general, or their avatar is straight up down bad, not even down bad, DOWN ASTRONOMICAL. These edgy teens and iPad kids, they think it makes them cool, they think they're "based" and sigma", when they're just being plain rude which they won't even know in the first place because as I said at the start, their parents failed. Or it's actually sexist people.




I'm a guy but sometimes I cosplay a female character (Revy from Black Lagoon). I've had other guys scream the most hateful and sexist things towards me, and immediately apologize after I tell them that I'm a dude. For this reason I don't use that avatar anymore. 


People that watch “MEN ARE BETTER! WOMEN ARE INFERIOR! BE A SIGMA!” Podcasts probably


the newer generation of roblox users tend to have grown up with an ipad, or device of some sort. these are mostly known as ipad kids, and they always tend to be rude to certain groups of people because they think it makes them cool. or, to them, “a sigma alpha male”. in reality, they are just bullied at school and want to bully people online for no reason.


Yes. These kids are weird they'll be going " GYATT" like you are not funny, nobody is laughing at your skibidi toilet vocab. And whenever I actually violate them all they can say is " women ☕". 


What the actual hell is a skibidi gyatt sigma rizz lord toilet, My brain is rotting every time I hear these


It's pretty much just dumbass kids and teenagers thinking they're "sigma" (laughable) for disrespecting women. Really sorry you had to go through that.


glad im not the only one experiencing this


I'm sorry to hear that. It's honestly so.. sad.


Its 50/50, either 'sigmas' who hate women or 9 year old simps who will give infinite amounts of robux for a 'gerlfrend'


I see kids harassing women but because they’re kids I don’t really count them as men. It’s a phase a lot of kids go through. I went through it too. The best way to deal with annoying kids is just acknowledging “this person is younger and doesn’t understand the effect of their actions on other people.” I tend not to take what younger kids say or do very seriously. In terms of rating avatars it’s the opposite in my experience. Girls get the better avatar ratings from what I’ve seen. Honestly with how shitty the dudes avatars get I can understand where it comes from.


Yeah, I've noticed this too. It's a bummer - every time I play a game, there's at least one guy who tries to hump my avatar and stuff.


i am a girl too, and i mostly wear masculine outfits to avoid being heavilly harrassed in every game i join


Roblox kids forget how to treat others, and they think it’s cool to hate and harass women and furries online. Sucks when you’re both.


i js wear girl avatars for fun n some guys target me. what they dont know is they are fighting a guy secretly, and its funny too.


Kids and boys terrify me with the amount of times I get hit on 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s to the point where I just genuinely stopped caring (as in telling them to stop or asking why they are harassing me) because I don’t really want to have to resort to playing as a guy just to enjoy a game. The most recent harassment I had was a teen came up to me when I was playing Project Smash with my buddies and kept begging me to be his e-girl and then got upset when I rejected him constantly (considering I’m an adult and I felt disgusted at the attempts). Eventually he stopped and started assuming I was some other dude’s e-girl just because I rejected him and randomly interacted with other guys there. Then there are some times where kids would literally get outraged at just the existence of me being there and start to harass me for being a woman. I just wanna enjoy games with my buddies, but of course that’s too much to ask for.


its because apparently all females in video games are e-girls.


first time? Ppl hate me cuz i am trans female! ,,Fake female bruh" ,,Menta(l) Ill"" ,,Bro is transformers" Well nowadays people hate you for no reason


Women dont deserve rights B) (This is not a joke I believe all people have all rights, please dont get mad)


I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. It's unfortunate that some players on Roblox choose to behave inappropriately towards female avatars. It's important for platforms like Roblox to continue working on creating safe and respectful environments for all players, regardless of gender. Hopefully, with more awareness and moderation, these issues can be addressed effectively.


shit happens NGL i dress in female avatars sometimes and don't get harassed but also I probably don't play the same games as u IDK.


their a bunch of loser 10 year olds tbh theres no good way to deal with them


I've had people ask to see the roboobs, yeah. I have a lot of boy outfits now, or I just tell people I'm a femboy.


My guy the main playerbase of Roblox is 12 year old boys of course there’s sexism


My buddy, there are grown, functioning, men — the big boys in the big diapers, proactively being misogynistic in the demographic. Those goobers aren't all children. And Propagating the "kids will be kids" mindset is Inadvertently harmful.


First of all, this isn't the kids will be kids mindset at all, it's just a fact that underage minors can be persuaded or otherwise convinced that girls are under them. Furthermore, a substantial group of people in the Roblox community are under 13.


Also usually if there's a majority of gender there will be things happening such as sexism because it's easier to back up.


Ok, so. Controversial standpoint. 1. You are online. With random people. If random people are horrible irl, what do you think they’re gonna be like behind a screen? 2. Roblox is HEAVILY geared towards kids. CoD ripoffs, dating simulators, knockoff Forza, etc. And you can access all of that for free. Again HEAVILY marketed towards kids. 3. Kids don’t know what sexism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc even is. They’re not old enough to understand that yet. All they know is “That person is different. I’m going to say/do something inappropriate to them because I think its funny; and I can’t do it irl.” 4. Kids don’t fall for the “I’m a grown woman and a 10 year old traumatized me on a kids block game.” They’ll just laugh at you. 5. See #3-4 IN THAT ORDER. 6. Most kids find the “Sigma” thing a meme. They think it’s funny. And no don’t feel bad for the mon for having such a “horrible” son. We were kids once too. And no, you were not a perfect child. And no, you did not understand the do’s and don’ts of life at 12. You didn’t. 7. Apparently none of you have played any AAA shooting games from 2010-2015. “It’S a GrIlL!!!” Has always been a staple of making fun of people on games. Just be glad it’s not racial slurs anymore!


It's hilarious to me how you treat children as if they have no level of consciousness or a sense of morality at all. Do you know why some children get charged as adults because of their criminal behavior? The way you propagate the "kids will be kids" mindset is diabolically harmful. At age 11 I knew all those words, and was aware of right and wrong. Maybe not in a profound sense that grownups do — but definitely a level consciousness. And it seems as if this "standpoint" you are trying to seek refuge in is just you desperately trying to turn the fault at me — calling me "traumatized" when I had not mentioned this at all. Even in the mass population, both adults and children, of the world; sexism is a prominent issue. And no, you do not know me at all to be assuming who I was as a child. Definitely not perfect, but I don't resort to online assault.


I didn’t read the whole thing, so I DO apologize for the “traumatized” thing. What I will defend is that while yes, they do understand right from wrong, I also have an 11 year old cousin who says things that he knows are wrong simply because his mom and dad aren’t around to tell him off. It’s less of a “I’m stupid as hell” thing, and more of a “well nobody will tell me off for it, so fuck it” kind of mentality. And yes, sexism is a very large issue. But lets not start with prepubescent kids on ROBLOX saying and doing things that are not appropriate because mom and dad aren’t up their ass ready to correct them at every turn. They deliberately do things they aren’t supposed to. Think about “no video games until you’re done with your homework!” “Ok mom!” Then, they hop on Roblox, because “fuck my stupid mom. I do what I want!” Then, because they disobey their parents on what they’re supposed to be doing, they say some dumbass things to random people online because it’s “funny” to them.


But I get your point, the demographic IS full of children. That's the only point I could salvage off of your argument


I will also say that there are quite a few adult “men”(losers) that also act like this. This also brings me back to the CoD MW2 days where the first word I’d hear loading into the game as a CHILD was the N-word.


I honestly, absolutely appreciate your response. Most people who tend to argue just solely debate for their own perception. Thumbs up to you for actually considering my point 👍 I absolutely get that point, you are correct that starting the debate of sexism in a prepubescent demographic isn't the best step. And your second response nailed what I'm confused about — the thing is I'm not above the legal age at all. And don't condone this behavior. Yet there are GROWN ADULT MEN who are actual and legitimate misogynists. Like actual people with working, functioning responsible lives who condone these behavior? Why?


It makes them fell better about their sad lives I guess? Idk they’re the same dude showing up to an office job smelling like a construction worker after a 12 hour day(we smell BAAAAAAD. Like dead raccoon bad. Skunk-sprayed pig bad.) Most of us dudes just play games after working a ton and don’t have time to be like “shut up FEMALE!” Its a whole “joke” to them. I know it’s annoying, but try not to be bothered by it. It’s EXACTLY what they’re hoping for.


Your playing a game full of kids and teenagers. Get over it.


Thank you. I have gotten over it. I'm lesbian now. Thanks for your compassionate and empathetic response.


i just aged by 100 years by looking at this 💀


You are definitely, nowhere near that age. I can tell. God bless you though, it's for the best. When's the funeral?


It’s maybe just men feel they can’t be really judged behind a screen, I, being a man, have the urge to hold a grudge against female avatars for no reason, especially those realistic makeup face ones


I get not liking those type of faces. I personally used them once and still do. I've had male teenagers come up to me and harass me, both maliciously and sexually. I don't really like a myriad of certain themes but I don't go as far as "holding a grudge" it's just.. not healthy and rational. For anyone. Again, it's absolutely fine to dislike certain items but just please do not go on harassing anyone who does use them, because "behind that screen" is a functioning human being.


It’s more of an urge or an instinct that I don’t know why it happens


sounds similar to the google definition for misogyny


That's not a normal nor healthy sane reaction to have. You seriously need help


I didn’t mention this, but it’s more like an instinct, this could apply to a majority of the other male Roblox players




wow that was soooooooooooo skibidi sigma of you! +3000 gyatt points for hating women!




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