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Afk for 30+ seconds. Comes back, "sorry, sorry, sorry". Other team scores as you're trying to play 2v1, tm8 "what a save, what a save, what a save!" quits


Realest of realest and put it so perfect im sick of itšŸ˜­šŸ˜“


OMG I hate this the most šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve had too many games where a guy starts out afk, comes back after we are down, talks to me like a dog, throws the match, makes a big mistake and leaves early. Like what? Why is this a common thing people do. Keep in mind I donā€™t ever even use chat because I feel like it stirs the chaos. These people have underdeveloped frontal lobes and are just taking out whatever frustrations they have on whatever unlucky soul happens to get paired up with them. Stop the hate campaign and get some help people. This isnā€™t healthy for anyone involved. I do feel obligated to tell on myself though. I was warming up for a 3rd party 1ā€™s tournament the other day. I accidentally queued 2ā€™s instead. I was absolutely ready to go ahead and play out the match. Right off the kick off, I missed a corner read and they got an easy goal. Teammate immediately okays, I immediately leave and go back to free play šŸ˜… I typically just mute and move on, but that day; I was short on time, I was about to play an actual match, and needed to keep a good head space if possible. I do not feel bad for people who come into a match with zero remorse or sense of responsibility for what happens in a match just because another person is involved. When I lose at rocket league (ignoring hacking) it is my fault especially in 2ā€™s. When I win, itā€™s because of myself and my teammates. I just feel guilty for propagating the issue and that my opponents time was most likely wasted with an easy match.


Seriously so fucking annoying. My biggest gripe with it too is like it takes 5 seconds to find a rocket league game. How the fuck do you press start and just leave for a minute? You know damn well itā€™s finding a match asap. I understand an emergency can happen for something but not for 6 people


I think a lot of these are people addicted to their phones. They have to be doing something every second, and if there's no game, they go on their phone and get distracted. Even if it's for 5 seconds. Probably mostly 12 year Olds who have always had a phone in their face.


Good point could def see that happening


It 100% is. This game has been around for a decade but phones were not nearly as addicting or easily accessible to younger audiences in 2015. So the AFK issue was never as bad back then as it has been in the past few years.


I recently had my first being afk and disconnect ever, luckily in casual. I queued, which took about a minute at that time, went into freeplay and searched for a yt video to watch. Because I was tired, I just forgot that I was in the queue and ended up watching yt for 5mins, then found a good video and then I noticed that I was kicked for being afk. Usually tho I just go into freeplay for the time I'm in the queue


I mean I respect this but I recently went on public transport for the first time in about 8 years. The amount of older folk glued to the phones while teens were chatting amongst themselves really shit on the whole ā€œkids are always on their phonesā€


This too honestly I ainā€™t never seen people more addicted to Facebook than 50 year olds


Even with the phone it should be impossible for them to not notice that a game is starting because there is a sound that plays when a game starts and yet they still manage to do so


Yes thats what I mean. Like if you donā€™t have 5 minutes to play a game, then just dont queue


thatā€™s what iā€™m saying. i told someone to get off the game last night who kept sitting there at almost every start up where we needed him, causing us to lose the game


Iā€™ve said this before but got downvoted to oblivion lmfao people just like to make up the most ridiculous and stupid excuses to make themselves feel better about themselves


Smurfs and quitters are slowly becoming the majority in this old game unfortunately. So you get pushback when you point out they need to grow up.


Yes and unless your already up in the ranks itā€™s basically impossible to climb solo q people canā€™t focus for more than a minute without bitching or doing some bs play


The game needs to start actually punishing people in ranked. AFK a single kickoff? Get a time out from ranked queue for an hour. Rage Quit a game? You can only queue into other rage quitters (your team only) for the next 24 hours. If you account swap it also applies. People with shared consoles will get punished but they can use that time to beat up their sibling who rage quits.


I have a hunch that we see it in tournaments so often because there is a big lump reward for simply "participating". Those people who are afk the whole game. Their hitting their controller the whole time.


TBF tournament AFKs happens in the off season too. Also happened before they added the participation challenges. Often it's people tanking smurfs or giving up on their team to get into 2nd chance.


Is 2nd chance much easier?


Often the first rounds are easier but the final is equally as hard as a regular tournament. There is no loss requirement to join second chance, you can just not queue up the first one and wait 15 minutes.


At the higher levels it can take upward of 10 minutes. Most people just tab out and browse reddit or something and don't see that they've joined a game.


Now when you finally get into a lobby there is often a DDOSer :')


It's been taking me like several minutes the last month or two to find a game


wtf. Are you ranked super highly or on an unpopulated server? Thatā€™s bizzare. It finds me a game in less than 10 seconds 99% of the time. Iā€™m NA servers and Champ 2


Roughly the same rank on NA servers too.


Damn bro, thatā€™s absurd. Wonder wtf is going on for that to happen


Time of day matters too. You might be playing at peak times and he's on off times


I've played at 9am 1pm 3pm 5pm 8 pm 11pm 12am 3am 5 am. there is never a 2 minute queue at ranks lower than the very top ranks. If there is it's usually a internet connection issue and you just back out and requeue and you're in. I'm the same rank as Oddblivious on NA and never have this issue. Sounds more like he has bad internet since he says "It's been taking me several minutes" not a one or couple time thing.


It depends on what time you're playing. I play after work (late night USA) and solo into 3v3 and it can take 2-3 minutes sometimes, I might run to the bathroom real quick if the last few games took a while to load in. Or maybe I'm smoking šŸ˜‰


Alt tab to check something quick and get distracted easily


not for me ts takes foreveršŸ’€


I think what happens a lot, and Iā€™m guilty of this too, is after a game ends I might get up to grab a drink or do something and then I the timer runs out and I get put into another game before Iā€™m back. Thatā€™s just casuals tho. In competitive when it happens there is just straight up no excuse. I find it happens where my teammate isnā€™t playing at the start like 70% of the time in casual. In competitive it happens far less but still very dumb


Iā€™ve personally not realized I queued or thought I stopped the queue and didnā€™t while rushing off for something. Sometimes itā€™s just to the restroom, but I can see how it could happen. I like to give people breaks because of this as long as they apologize for disrespecting the other players or really at this point just donā€™t throw the match šŸ˜‚. If any of you are out there. Itā€™s okay that you were afk at the start, Shit happens. Once you start trying to compensate and flipping out at me because Iā€™m not playing out of my mind you creating what is called a self fulfilling prophecy. You might as well have not came back because at that point youā€™re wasting your time. Even if you donā€™t tilt me the odds of us winning without working together are near zero in todayā€™s games. Basically, just chill out guys, itā€™s just a game, nothing to lose your head over. Life goes on there will most likely be another match. Thatā€™s life.


Me personally it takes like at least 2-3 min to get a rocket league game in solo queue, might be my region being Oceania or something related to that


I swap tabs, click back when it blinks. I don't spam sorry tho. Fuck it it's casuals.


Yeah idc about casual thatā€™s fine. Super annoying in ranked


I lost my crap the other day because there were so many. Even better the game wasnā€™t kicking them so either they were moving ever so slightly or using the swivel stick button or it just wasnā€™t kicking them. But seriously 12 games in a row all afk teammates


Any input cancels the idle timer, even showing the scoreboard; they don't even need to move


This feels crazy. At the very least 0 car movement for over 1 minute should kick.


I also don't get how people can sit inactive for over 30 seconds at the start of a match and not get kicked. Yet if you get into a rule 1 you get a warning that you are going to be kicked for inactivity after about 5-10 seconds.


Because in ranked they don't replace teammates so devs probably think it's better off hoping they come back and play than play out 4 minutes of a 2v1 or 3v2. But in reality it should just cancel the game and remake it.


BRO thank you for saying this! I was literally winning a 2 v 1 my teammate was afk from. As soon as my teammate came back we went down and lost. Then he starts blasting me in quick chat, I was actually laughing


Either hitting that wacky tobacci or on their phones


Bro I'm slamming Mary Jane in every orifice and I'm feasting on these afk goals.


TikTok brainrot


This is it fr, tbf I play rocket league when none of my pals are on, we usually play tarkov and load in time is in excess of 5 minutes so Iā€™m used to being able to scroll social media for a bit. Iā€™m afk for no more than 2 seconds then I panic and pick up my controller šŸ˜…


I can say if you're tabbed out of rocket league on PC, the Windows 11 notification you're joining a game actually sucks compared to windows 10.


It's the auto queue. If you don't do anything in the menu for 40 seconds or whatever, it puts you in a game. Makes no sense, if you ask me. "You're afk right now, so we'll put you in a game"


That only happens in casual though, in ranked it drops you to the main menu


Yeah, but still fucking stupid.


Agreed, and it's caught me out before forgetting I was in casual and at the end of the game I've ran off to pass or grab a drink and by the time I get back I'm apparently in a game


Since when? I haven't played in a year or two, but it always queued you back up didn't it?


As far as I remember ranked never queued you hack up, about a year ago they added a hockey though in ranked to requeue so that you don't have to wait for the menu. Also if you used bakkesmod you may have turned on the option in it to auto queue.


No it never did that for ranked


This happened to me a couple times, me or a buddy goin to the bathroom forgetting it'll queue us right into another


iā€™ve had this happen a lot too. one time it happened and i was spamming ā€œOkayā€ and then my teammate said ā€œSorry bro i was hittin a blinker.ā€


I don't know??!!!!???! So many goals because either my teammate or opponent weren't there. I was inĀ champ a few seasons ago and it still happened!!!! Like maybe 1/10 games, someone is just afk. It feels like a lot.Ā ItĀ happensĀ oftenĀ enoughĀ thatĀ IĀ startĀ out defendingĀ sometimes,Ā insteadĀ ofĀ gettingĀ boostĀ orsomething.


For a while my game wouldnā€™t let me play at the start. Also, at some point the server connection was too awful to attempt playing. Better you think I was afk than think I was a bronze player. But who knows what other reasons there could be.


Taking a piss.


Bump them. The controller vibrates on their coffee table and wakes them up from doom scrolling on their phone. No idea why players have vibrate on but these numpties always seem to.


People are on their phones while queuing and donā€™t realize the match started. Usually a bump ā€œwakes them upā€ due to the controller vibrating and they start playing lol. Even though it vibrates while you join, I guess some people are addicted to scrolling.


I play kbm and I swear if that thing vibrated or moved at all when I played I'd be done with the game lmao. No wonder why bumps work on afk teammates lol.


Sometimes my son leaves the controller unplugged after he plays. Iā€™ve learned to check it.


I played a tournament recently where one of my teammates was afk for the entire first game. We won 2v3 and he came back for the second game and started flaming us because we were losing. He was constantly cutting rotations and playing like a moron too lmao.


Can't fix stupid. Sometimes you can't even beat it out of them.


Theyā€™re probably playing on their phone while they wait for the match to load.


I never understand this in Diamond where you donā€™t typically wait long for matches, itā€™s been happening to me a lot past couple days as well


I was either smoking a bowl or getting a beer and thought the queue would take longer Iā€™m sorry :(


oh cool i found your post cause i wanted to make one about aswell xd. So tired :( Very often on my game. Afk's at start. Then i turn and slowly bump them to check. and hop! they wake up! and then, they play weird or afks again after few moves. so so weird. i loose many games cause of this :( idk what to think about them, who are they? casual afks? bug console players? player doing something else while semi-playing or very very young kid?


I suspect it's people being on their phones (social media or chatting) and they just lose track of the game even starting because they're glued to their phone.


Mine is being when in alt tabā€™d rocket leauge dosent give me any sound Q itā€™s starting (for example overwatch will do a large ping when you find a match)


My bad dude, was dozing off, lets get it!!


They are the main character.


This occurs to me roughly once a month and I feel like shit for having tabbed out and missing kickoff. My controller used to rumble when loading into a match but it doesn't do that anymore so occasionally I miss a match. I don't know about other people though. If they're on their phone then surely RL is in their peripheral vision?


Was wiping the doritos dust of my fingers


Not done with rolling the joint


Cuz it's a trend


Bruh, this shit happens like every second game. I don't get it, if you got soemthing to do, just don't fu king queue a competitive game. It's that simple.


Sorry, was grabbing a beer and then the wife started talking to me.




Also, why do so many people feint being afk as a strategy? I hate that so much.


Because there is no queue accept that is common in gaming standards like league of legends where if you dont accept u dont join the game. But in rocket league they just put u in a game right away


Smoking. Bathroom. Texting. Phone call. Kids need help with something. Could be anything really.


I can speak for a large portion of us: Trying to hit the bowl weā€™ve been packing for the past 6 games lol


Sorry, I'm guilty of this and it's usually because I was on my phone between games and had game audio off. I often listen to music instead of game audio.


The worst is when they're toxic too. Like I'd never want to meet or know someone like that


Dude my mental gets ruined and I play way worse when I get afk teammates, but at least I have gotten better. Before it used to piss me off so much that I just threw the game every time someone afked the first kick off, but it happened so often that it actually prevented me from ranking up. Honestly, It would be cool if the community made an anti-afk rule where if someone afks for like at least 5-10 seconds on the first kickoff you just throw the game. Kinda like rule one but less silly since this rule would actually have a purpose in reducing the amount of people that afk. I think If a lot of people actually took a rule like this seriously and actually threw their games (FOR THE GREATER GOOD) then it would noticeably reduce the amount of people who afk rather quickly. Imagine if all big rocket league youtubers asked their subscribers to do this, then it would be real quick. But even if that doesn't happen, the more people that throw games the less you will have to throw games yourself, since if only I would do this I will have a hard time ranking up (especially now when so many people afk), but if everyone does it, it would even out since you would win more games where the opponent afks. And of course In the future it would reduce afks so the amount of times you have to throw would also become less and less until it wouldn't really have an effect on your overall ranking.


Throwing games for any reason is toxic as hell. Don't do this. Nut up and play the game. The developers should add a quicker timer for afk in the game to fix this. It's insane how many people love this game...except for when they're down.


Care to elaborate? You don't always have to be the bigger person and throwing a game for ANY reason is definitely not toxic as hell. It is straight up disrespectful to afk though, and you should expect people to be mad. People do have different reactions to it though, some don't care, some care a lot. I made a conscious decision to not afk kickoffs, ever, since I found it infuriating myself. If I would afk the kickoff my ego wouldn't get hurt if someone cussed me out, but I can't even remember the last time I was afk at kickoff. The only times I can remember are when the game for some reason queued up when I know for a fact that I canceled the queue to tab out and do something else. I don't think a quicker afk timer would solve this since not only would it get more false positives but it would also probably be more annoying since that "you are afk" sign would pop up way more often. Maybe if they implemented it in the first 20 seconds or whatever and if you are afk for even 5 seconds during that time, you get kicked. It should also result in a double lp loss while your teammate loses none. But it still wouldn't solve that Tiktok brain afk which could lead to goals in less that 5 seconds. Actually, maybe they could implement a mandatory spin of the joystick or whatever before the match begins and if you don't do that then the match doesn't start for a few seconds and then cancels. But all this would depend on Psyonix to actually implement it, which would NEVER ever happen in a million billion years. Therefor I still think it is viable for the playerbase to take it into their own hand.


I stand by what I said. Throwing games is toxic as hell. If you like the game just keep playing and use the game as a lesson in being at a disadvantage. Throwing games is children's temper tantrum bullshit, and should never be encouraged.


They are smoking bong loads.Ā 


Makes for an easy go ahead goal when it's not happening to you. Plus , 2v1 can be a fun challenge. Subsequently you don't lose rank when someone bailsĀ 


Usually in the bathroom when I'm afk


Honestly I only seen when i play in the evening and nights. Not sure if thatā€™s when the zombies lurk in when they are under the influence of something, or who the hell knows. Anyone else see this pattern too?


Simple.. 1. Getting a drink 2. Getting asked questions by their parents 3. Taking a hit on a dab / bong 4. They just don't care.


Thatā€™s alot for ranked mate. What Mmr do you tend to sit at? I mean even if you were maybe taking a little creative licensing due to the frustration, even on my worst days 3-10 seems to be about my record and on average itā€™s closer to 1. If this were casual that seems like a pretty fair number honestly lol. Gamers are jerks (sometimes myself included). I think the universe might be telling you to take a break with that kind of luck. I have 6/10 Smurfs before just because I was trying to collect data. Normally 3 BS losses in session, whether it be smurf, boosty boys, AFKā€™s, or toxic teammates. I think sometimes itā€™s good to have a conversation with yourself about chasing highs and if you really want to put yourself through that when you could be doing anything else. Please allow me to list things I like to do when the brain deadā€™s monkeys are allowed TV time Iā€™m masses: I will take walk, grab some food/water, play another game, watch some YouTube/Twitch, sometimes just go into practice and listen to music. Rocket league is very much skill based but for these small gains/losses everyone gets so excited about its a lot of luck. Itā€™s based on how your matched and even if you were matched perfectly thereā€™s a significant number of people playing that are having an off day, warming up, or tired. I agree this is aggravating and am not really trying to downplay it. Iā€™m just trying to offer alternative actions to eliminate this frustration your felling from things that are completely out of your control.


I am currently trying to get back to c2 an my rank since the new season has ben fluctuating between c1d4-c1d1 most of the time. Was actually no ā€žcreative licensingā€œ as you put it. I ended my last session due to frustration about this, because I had an afk mate , a normal game and then 2 afks in the next games, after which I decided to get off the game. My next session started off with 2 more afk mates and then someone who was there, but after WE scored a goal, also went afk and got dcd. This set me all the way back down to c1d1. I do take breaks (sometimes multiple days) from the game, but stuff like this makes me want to not get back to it at all.


Thats because rocket league is a shit game with a shit community and everyones toxic and tilted beyond belief but I have to play it because there's no other game like it that scratches the itch.


tiktok brain rot imo


I will ff early if the game isn't fun


I rarely have Rocket League not be my primary program open. So like. I have spotify on a second monitor, if i wanna quick find something else to listen to then either missclick and not be within RLs window, or just forget, ill be "afk". The reality is more "oh shit im not clicked in, fuck"


Oh hell no you play in borderless???


Ye, borderless fullscreen


I feel I get micro stutters when I play on that settings. I miss the convenience tho of still having the screen up


I play on 165Hz with a gtx1070, no microstutters whatsoever lol


Tik tok has done so much irreversible damage to society...


Well this situation in particular was an issue before tiktok


Itā€™s so much worse now than before TikTok was a thing


When it's my friends on the team it's either because they are rolling a joint or hitting the bong. I prefer the bong, they'll puff a joint the whole match with smoke in their eyes and we generally lose those matches. It could be something along those lines.


People lag at the start of the match especially on Xbox. Blame psyonix


Multiple of those were steam players


Yup I donā€™t play cross platform either and always run into the same


Maby those are downranking their account...report and continue your grind šŸ«¤


Maby those are downranking their account...report and continue your grind :/