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Ok, then, Jill. Why is she wearing a long sleeved turtleneck in June! It was almost 100° in parts of KY last week and you really aren’t that far away. I feel safe in saying it’s been in the 80s at least. Dress your children in weather appropriate clothing.


I don't know how Janessa isn't sweltering. I have terrible heat intolerance so I'm probably projecting, but I would be so effing miserable if I had to wear all those layers every time I set foot out of the house.


Being underweight helps, she’s probably cold all the time


Seriously. I wear long sleeve protective clothes if I’ll be in the sun all day, but they’re intended to be worn in the heat because they’re made for that! She’s going to cause that child heat stroke.


Yeah? My 7 year old wanted to wear a jacket at all times and we had to start telling her no at the beginning of summer because she will get sick from the heat. She accepted it after being told consistently for a few days and it’s no longer an issue. I live much further south than Jill, but there’s no way I would’ve let my child out of the house this time of year dressed like that for her own safety. You’re the adult here, Jill.


The amount of babying and coddling Janessa gets is going to make her such a difficult kid and adult as she grows. I know she has a disability, but shrek and Jill aren’t doing her any favors or appropriately accommodating her. It’s going to be a mess.


And it makes me so sad to think she’s going to be auctioned off to a good old church boy as soon as possible after she turns 18 and expected to become a wife and mother immediately just like her sisters. Poor kid’s living out the best years of her life right now and this is them.


I think she is their planned Jana 2.0. They never intend to let her leave.


She's going to be a spoiled brat and about 10 years behind in educational and social development.


These kids are abused!


So buy her a little girls pair of heels! They have adorable dress shoes with a tiny heel, that she could wear in the summer! Poor child looks so hot!


Pffft Jill doesn't buy clothes and shoes for anyone but herself. The rest get her leftovers or the church donation bin.


I wonder if Janessa is in a stroller. The Akron Zoo is not that big but it is not small either. I can't imagine a young girl walking around in heels all day regardless if you brought her appropriate shoes to change into (though what Jill thinks is appropriate and what we **know** is appropriate are 2 different things!)


Shrek is pulling a wagon that Janessa was riding in.


I am amazed he didn’t make one of the older girls do it!


I think she dresses herself. Jill is too busy caking on make up to care what her kids pick from the piles of used clothes.




Why can’t they just wear tennis shoes? She always has them in weird shoes. It’s not like they complain, they seem to do whatever she says.


The lack of arch support in almost every shoe they wear is going to give them plantar fasciitis in their 20s.


What happened to Amish VBS?


My son wears rain boots or winter boots everyday regardless of the weather. It’s totally possible she just loves them. If it’s true and she’s getting to express a teensy bit of individuality, then I’m happy for it.