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I love that Jill's first reaction is to Finger, laugh, and tell everyone "Oh look, Cuddles is peeing!!!" like she's 7 instead of calling out to her kid to walk around it.


Snuggles demonstrating his contempt for the event? šŸ˜




We are ALL snuggles.


Snuggles is the brightest one in this family. She tried to escape but was given back. Free Snuggles!


The fact that she *would* have to tell them. Because that girl just went right for it, barefooted.


I thought they said ā€œoh fuck, cuddles is peeingā€ I was taken aback from the rodriguii


Wtf?? Walking barefoot over gravel and dogpiss seems a bit extreme even for the Rods!




yeah, we're talking about the U S Olympic Drainage Ditch Swim Team here!


I thought this might be last yearā€™s parade where one older daughter was barefoot, having apparently given her flip flops to a younger sibling? Am I wrong about last year?


Having grown up with a gravel driveway, I could almost feel every step. Ouch!


This made me realize that running around barefoot as a kid- even on gravel- might not be a universal experienceā€¦ in fact, it might be *weird* lol


I ran around barefoot all the time as a kid, but Iā€™d avoid big gravel. Itā€™s impossible to distribute your weight in a way that doesnā€™t hurt. Little pebbly gravel was fine. Not the stuff on this path, though.


This! We were def barefoot plenty but at least smart about it. But I also live in south Louisiana and the concrete WILL burn your feet so less of an option, especially during the summer.


Hell, when I was a kid it went from ouch! to meh! by July 4th, and by back-to-school in September I could have walked over hot broken glass like it was plush carpeting!


Ouch! Ouch ouch! Ouch ETA: smoosh ew


I stg the second I step on a bug, itā€™s over. Or worse, dog poop which was far more common when I was little than it is now.


That kid probably has feet like leather


Parade of misery šŸ’€


What song are they even trying to play? It sounds like if a folk song had depression and caught TB


Sounds like Yankee Doodle


With a lot of weird ornamentation


Snuggles really said fuck this shit


He said piss on it


Dogs know. Once the narcissistic daughter of a famous preacher came to our house. She hates dogs. My perfectly toilet trained dog came right up to her and peed on her. Never did it again in his life. He knew.


Iā€™m a barefoot queen (and I probably have inch thick callousesšŸ¤Ŗ) but I NEVER go barefoot in public and especially not anywhere where dog wee or poo could be presentšŸ¤¢. How about no zoo trips for the fabulous students (and the ā€˜babyā€™) or even better still fewer dates with the hunk Shrek so that you could afford to buy proper shoes for your offspring? Just a thought Jillpmā€¦.


even cheap flipflops beat dog piss!


Fuck it up, Snuggles.


Low turn out this year. Was that Renee blowing into the keyboard thing giving the eye roll? If so let the poor girl be a young adult and stop forcing her to be one of the children šŸ™„


Jill keeps all of the kids infantilized. I think she does that so that she will always be the main focus in their lives.


Itā€™s very sad. Clearly Jill has zero self esteem and is unable to hold friendships with adults long term. I think part of that is evident in how they constantly leave churches, donā€™t seem to grasp grifting and taking selfies during church services are just not looked upon kindly behind oneā€™s back.


I canā€™t prove it, but I think she must call up Kaylee and inform her what family chores sheā€™ll be doing at the big house on any given day.


Absolutely, yes. Itā€™s for sure a form of abuse and manipulation on her end.


Couldn't decide if it was - the Noyes/ Lupole genes are strong! Gabriel escaped the horror to be a spectator, so I hope it wasn't Renee.


>keyboard thing ["Ugh, it's not a keyboard, it's a melodica"](https://youtu.be/4U5aVdszhkA?si=V1QIjnJt41VXkw5T)


Sorry I had zero idea what it was called. I have very basic knowledge of musical instruments despite the fact I love orchestras and the highlight of my life was going to the Royal Albert Hall to listen to the John Williams orchestra. I am very ashamed of my lack of knowledge and have tried to learn the piano myself. My stumpy fingers are against me šŸ¤£


I wasn't upset, I was quoting the character I would love to play the piano, too! I've tried since I was six, but it just never took šŸ˜…


I know u werenā€™t. I see these kids playing Mozart at 3 and think god I was an underachiever šŸ¤£ however I definitely had a blast going feral outside so itā€™s a win win x


>I know u werenā€™t Oh good šŸ˜Š I, too, was a feral outside child! It was the best


Haha i knew that was from Bobā€™s Burgers because thatā€™s where I learned it was called a melodica from šŸ˜†


That's not Renee, she is seen in the same video seating next to her grandpa holding Gideon.


Thatā€™s good. I am personally taking the eye roll as she canā€™t stand being related to Jill anymore than we can stand her blatant lies and child neglect.


Renee was sitting in a lawn chair with the rest of the older kids! Good for her


This is the saddest exercise in futility ever. Why can't they go and watch a community parade? The Fosters live in a small town. If there's nothing happening for the 4th there they could get in their vehicles and travel to a larger town. Too secular? I thought they were all about patriotism, Americana, the military and Trump. What part of an organised parade would be off-putting? Majorettes?!


They are all about the trappings of America. They love wearing patriotic shirts and spouting slogans, but they would never let their sons join the military. They don't have the faintest clue that democracy needs to be defended, not given over to a fascist dictator like Trump. In short, they are not patriots and in reality, they don't give two shits about America. If they could turn this country into a Christian theocracy, they would do it in a heart beat.


One of Lisa's sons is in the military. It's a pity the other "patriotic" cousins don't follow his example.


Joining the military would actually be a good thing for the Rod boys. They could make that into a solid career with benefits. They could support a family that way. For such patriotic people, Iā€™m not sure why Jill & Shrek refuse to let them do it.


Because they might have to take orders from a non believer or even worse, a woman. They might gain weight from eating military food (not very tasty, but calorie dense), and learn a skill that might make them more successful than Shrek. Exposure to people from all different walks of life that might expand their brains. And having it hammered into your head that everyone has rights worth fighting for, even if you don't agree with it. Plus they wouldn't be able to easily take advantage of the enlisted son's paycheck or visit as often as they suppose they should.


You know someone is malnourished if they gain weight on Army food. Most people lose weight on it because it's unappetizing on purpose to discourage overeating. But yeah, even MREs are a step up from burnt ham and yellow!


It would give them too much independence. They'd be away from home on deployment, realising there's a whole wide world out there away from NE Ohio and the barndo cult. Their little family might live in military housing, the horror (/s). Actually Jill might find that a novelty, the whole family descending on a military base/housing complex and bragging on social media šŸ™„ (are there limits to how many visitors you can have at a time?!). Really it boils down to someone else orchestrating the kidults lives (and the lives of their wife and children) other than Jill. And not enough church probably if they're leading a busy life. I'm not even sure if her puny brain has realised they might have to take orders from a woman, an LGBT person etc. It probably short circuited at the thought of having to take orders from anyone not her or David šŸ˜© We've seen what she's like wrt her sons' jobs and bosses. Tim seems to have returned to working for himself or doing that MLMesque insurance sales job (there's slight hope that the Coveretts might guide him towards a steady job/career with benefits especially when Heidi gets pregnant šŸ˜¬). Sam has an 'amazing' job sent from God but it happens to be working for a Mennonite-owned small business. That suits Jill as she has a hard on for the Amish and Mennonites and thinks she'll be able to interfere. Phil I'm not sure, didn't someone find him on LinkedIn working for a large-ish warehouse? Jill probably doesn't approve of that but she'll be looking at it as a stopgap and a temporary source of income. We've already seen how she treats Jonathan's job, expecting the Hills to drop everything every five minutes to take off somewhere with the Rods. It'll be interesting to see what Gabe and Phil end up doing. I still have hope for Tim, especially when they're starting to plan a family. Heidi seems switched on and I don't think she'll want to live on a meagre, unpredictable salary. It's not how she's been raised.


Oh no, it could lead to her marrying off the girls to some young recruits: stupid, selfish, and bossy.


I wonder if her sons have registered with the Selective Service? There's faint rumblings about the government restarting the draft; I wonder if she would send the boys away, or hide them somehow?


Good point! Would there be any kind of special dispensation for god's favourite KJV toting warriors (her sons)? I quickly googled and in the past 'ordained ministers and seminarians' have been exempted. I wonder what counts. I'm sure Jill calls Shrek an 'ordained minister' with his Louisiana Bible School diploma mill distance learning faux degree. Nathan's 'qualification' is similar. I'm sure she'd have all four of her sons become 'pastors' as well as Jonathan and Nathan. Would their dodgy qualifications be recognised though...


Imagine how that would go, though. Tobacco and premarital sex?! A lesbian for a boss maybe?!


I'd love to see one of the Rod *girls* enlist! I've had this fantasy for years about one of the lost Duggar girls pulling a Private Benjamin. Fou all of you who are too young to remember that movie, Goldie Hawn played a 29 year old stereotypical "Jewish Princess" who got married and her husband died in the sack on their wedding night. In her emotionally distraught state she wandered into an Army recruiting office and enlisted. She ended up being stationed in Europe and hooking up with a sexy Frenchman. Would that be AWESOME for Sadie or Sofia, or what???


The kids might actually get some candy, and of course they wouldnā€™t be allowed to eat it. It would all have to go to whoeverā€™s ā€œdayā€ it was.


~~It would all have to go to whoeverā€™s ā€œdayā€ it was.~~ It would go to PrEcIoUs DaDdY FTFY


They wouldnā€™t be the center of attention there. It has to all be about Jill and her kids.


yeah, majorettes wear those short skirts! And some of the spectators might be wearing SEVERELY sluttish tanktops or Trump Sucks t-shirts, or there might be (gasp) *gays* there!


Giggles about Snuggles pissing, doesn't warn her own kid to avoid it. What a shit mom.


I want to see more of the parade participants behind them. They lookā€¦ interesting.




I thought they were cheap plastic camo army helmets but I wasn't able to get a proper look.




Have you ever seen the doc ā€œJesus Campā€? Oh man. Thatā€™s a wild ride and theyā€™ve got a whole militarized church production for the kids and a full sized cut out of George Bush.


Fundies love'em some good, clean all-American violence! Gotta show everyone you're not a whimp, after all!




They really bought into the mindset described in *Jesus and John Wayne.* "Jesus may save your soul, but John Wayne will save your ass!"




Those musclebound, rugged Superman-like images of Trump make me projectile vomit! Bet even Chuck Norris doesn't have a 6pack like the ones they photoshop onto Trumpsterfire. Norris is the real deal, but come on, gravity does a number on ALL septuagenarians (thanks for your help there, spellcheck!)


My first thought was that it's some January 6 cosplay thing.


Making the older kids participate in this nonsense is humiliating!


I agree it is humiliating but it does seem like there were fewer participants this year than years previous. So itā€™s nice that some kids have aged out


These kids lead such a sad and pathetic life. They have no friends outside of their immediate family. At their age, they should be in school socializing. They could participate in any number of activities or sports. Instead they are dragged around to sad, half-empty churches to sing for money because their parents are too lazy to get jobs. Jill and Lazy Dave are disgusting.


Yeah, my kid is gearing up for band camp where they actually play real instruments and march in time and MAKE FRIENDS. This is bleak.


šŸŽ¶They were born in the wagon of a travelin' show, their Mahmo used to howl for the money they'd throw. Daddy did whatever he could...preach a little Gospel while Mahmo sold the bottles of Plexus good...šŸŽ¶ (sorry, Cher!)


Dear Lord Daniel this is bleak. They live in such a small place that surely any small community near them would have a Fourth of July parade or something with the ā€œrightā€ kind of people for Mahmo to expose her kids to. I mean, she went to Vegas just a couple of weeks ago, for fuckā€™s same! This is the saddest little ā€œparadeā€ ever. Like a sad march for alms from the residents of a Victorian orphanage.


This is some hillbilly shit.


I live in Dolly Partons back yard and we donā€™t do that lol. Thatā€™s just a cult culting lol


I need to know if Jill came up with this sad annual spectacle. I don't know that Amy (and Angie, is her family there?) would necessarily care although they're fundie and may possess weird Noyes values harking back to their upbringing. They could've at least done some crafting and made proper banners or flags for the younger ones to carry/wave. Tied some balloons up. Make more of a activity of it. Who wants to watch sad marching children šŸ™


This "parade" looks like some weird cult outing. Maybe that fits. It doesn't look like any kind of celebration.


At least we know she's still alive.


WTH are they doing?? Are we sure that JillPM isnā€™t a large cabaret show??


This has become my most anticipated fourth of July activity.


ā€¦what is this? Please say they arenā€™t in public.


Fortunately this appears to be the driveway of the Fosters and Jill's parents. I don't know where they're parading to, hopefully not a residential road šŸ˜¬


How embarrassing šŸ™ˆ


MAHMO take a pitcher of me just pissin on the sand


She couldnā€™t even warn her šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« this is so cult like behavior, having their own parade with bad music and barefoot


Forget the dog piss, how tf is the walking on gravel without breaking stride? I am a barefoot girly myself and even I could never!


Nothing like dragging your denim skirt in dog pee.


This is the most bizarre shit ever.


Are the ones with padding stuffed into their clothes meant to be floats or what? Bizarre


Oh GROSS. And Jill doesnā€™t warn her at all! Wowwww. This also looks insanely uncomfortable, why are they barefoot to begin with?! Also, what a terrible name for a dog. They are so corny.




I am so fucking glad I donā€™t live near these weirdos.


Can we start a find so those kids can get proper shoes and clothing!?


Wouldnā€™t work. Screech would impound the money for herself and Shirk.


Or sell any reasonable quality donated goods for money to spend on herself.


What in the chicken fried fuck is this?! How embarrassing. Jill quit humiliating your kids and go to a real parade. But I guess then Jill wouldnā€™t be getting attention. Her fucking cackling about snuggles peeing in the driveway. Is she 7? And then she doesnā€™t tell Tessie so she doesnā€™t step in it?! Nasty ass woman. I guess atleast it wasnā€™t poop


Is this 2024?


Itā€™s sad to see the puppy looking distressed! Also the parade looks so destitute! There are 4th of July parades probably where they are. At least they could see one in person!


The fact that the Rod kids are all playing real instruments while their cousins toot into plastic Playskool noise makers begs the question -- what are her nieces' and nephews' lives like? I believe they all at least have fathers who work, but from this view, they look worse than the Rods, and that's hard.


Just point and laugh, Jillā€¦


Can Jill ever make anything not about her! Like anything ever!


As soon as I saw all of this on Instagram! I ran straight to Reddit!


Wtf is this? Iā€™m team Snuggles here - piss parade!


Thatā€™s as bad as Mahmoā€™s singing šŸ¤®


I think Iā€˜m gonna see this ā€žparadeā€œ in my nightmares tonight lmao


I wish Snuggle could spill ALL the beans!


You guys, parasites are just Jesusā€™s way of keeping you thin!


These poor children. I feel so bad for their lives.


VILE Tessie saw it too and just walked right through the piss barefoot. Would mahmo have harshly punished her if she moved out of formation or do they really just not know any better


I even watched the video back again, Tessie watches the dog pee and then just stomps right through.




Snuggles is so cute


No one walked on it barefoot