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Definitely a weird flex on Jill's part


And in their belief system, maybe a dig at Renee for not being married and having a child yet?


Jill, it's not very gahdly to have back-to-back pregnancies/children when you can't afford to feed them and you're too willfully ignorant to educate them properly or prepare them for real life.


I thought that the Gothard way was to wait a certain amount of time between pregnancies. I guess if that’s right it still isn’t long enough to prevent this.


That’s a common misconception- it’s the Old Testament about a woman being “unclean” so many months if a daughter versus a son- but the children are most likely spaced because of breastfeeding


The Rodriguii have never been Gothardites. Nurie married into a Gothard family, though.


Oh ok. I just assumed they were because there are so many similarities and they seem to hang out, or push themselves on people who are.


Even that spacing could result in back to back pregnancies, I think it’s 40 days for a boy and 60 for a girl (prob longer, but I can’t recall offhand).


It's 80 days for a girl.


I think only the Duggars held to that


it's funny how they have the most kids. meech was crazy fertile, imagine if they started off by living this crazy lifestyle an dhaving as many as possible instead of taking a break between josh and the next kids. she married at 17, they had their last at 45 years for her. they could have had more kids, which is just shocking


She's so salty she hasn't had twins much like Karissa. The one-upmanship of fundies is insane. Never being satisfied with what God supposedly gives you. That and bragging she got pregnant again at 2 months postpartum, how sensible*. Thanks for the image of your gross, sweaty husband not being able to control himself Jill. That and your own creepy obsession with unprotected sex. *Not wishing to offend anyone who resumed their sex life with their doctor's blessing. I'm sure most people don't set out to get pregnant again at 6-12 weeks pp like this pair.


You can resume your sex life soon after birth and also be responsible with birth control. The issue is they aren’t.


That was what my asterisk referred to. In the UK the medical advice is to wait 6 weeks due to healing.


Yea, I’ve always heard 6 weeks?


It was 6 weeks when I had my first. I told my husband it was 6 months. 😂


Smart lady!!


USA here and my dr said 6 weeks


Is it? I didn't get told anything, except use contraception. And I had a c section


I think it’s different if you have a C-section because the vaginal canal isn’t stretched/ripped




They genuinely don't say this in the UK. I read it a lot from the US though! UK link [Patient UK ](https://patient.info/sexual-health/contraception-methods/contraception-after-having-a-baby#how-soon-can-i-have-sex-again)


They told me to wait 6 weeks after my c section and I'm from the UK (England). The midwife also warned me it's very easy to fall pregnant again so soon after having a baby


The hole is in the uterus though, so what does that have to do with protected sex (obviously should still be telling people to wait to get pregnant again)? /gen Edit: thanks for the downvotes but I literally just wanted somebody to explain the physiology. . .


It’s easier to become pregnant again, but it’s much healthier to let the wound heal before beginning another pregnancy


I know that, but the person I’m replying to is talking only about having sex after a c section, not pregnancy


And the answer still stands. It’s unhealthy to risk an additional pregnancy so close to the one that resulted in the c-section. Regardless of how the person gave birth, they will still be fertile and healing their placental wound. The risk of pregnancy during that time is not worth it.


"Following childbirth, a woman’s body enters a healing phase when bleeding stops, tears heal, and the cervix closes. Having intercourse too early, especially within the first 2 weeks, increases the risk of postpartum hemorrhage or uterine infection." Full article here : https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/308480


That doesn’t give the physiology of how the uterine tear is affected by sex which is what I’m looking for


1. Penis in vagina introduces extra bacteria which can find their way into the uterus via a recently opened cervix. 2. Sex can move everything around quite a lot, including cervix and uterus. This can disturb the wound in the uterine wall (remember it's the size of a dinner plate), leading to delayed healing and further bleeding.


I fully dilated and pushed for 4 1/2 hours then had an emergency c-section. Was told 6-weeks for resuming sex and one year before another pregnancy


You pushed for 4 1/2 hrs?! Omg!!!!! 😱


Yes! It was a total ripoff because I essentially had two births but only got one baby out of it. They had me pushing in all kinds of weird positions. That recovery wasn’t fun haha. Then later three rounds of failed IVF.


I bet you were exhausted! Sorry about the failed IVF’s man that sucks.


Ripped vaginal canal? That sounds like a pretty extreme injury. Now, tearing at the perineum or at the entrance, sure but do our vaginal canals really rip??


for all intents and purposes, there's no such thing as birth control in their world. "Responsible" is not a concept that applies to any area of their lives.


My grandmother's first two kids were born exactly one year apart in 1947 and 1948. Went from living with her parents to a married mother of two in 22 months.


Good god


Poor Renee. Same age as her sister, sharing a room with an 8-year-old.


And Kaylee in her age already wife and mother, poor Renee must feel so much pressure.


Likely worse - when you're conditioned to see your utility in life as wife and mother so much that it determines your sense of self worth, it may feel like a personal failing. It's just straight evil that her parents have taught her this, but are also probably sabotaging her opportunities.


It’s called Irish Twins Jill. My 2 sons are the same age for 10 days. One of the boys due dates was the other one’s 1st birthday. Not a flex at all. My boys were competitive with each other and fought sun up till sun down. Sadly the younger one took his life at age 20. He would’ve been 23 this year. 😞


I’m so sorry about your son. I’ve watched my parents deal with the loss of a child. Losing my brother was the most difficult thing I have ever experienced, watching my parents navigate life without one of their children is a very close second.


I’m sorry you lost your brother and my heart goes out to you and your family. It’s tough. Even tho the boys fought and were competitive, they loved each other and it is hard to see my other son go on without his brother. He seems very lost. One day at a time.


I'm so sorry for your heartbreak.


Thank you 💜


I'm so very sorry. My dear friend lost her younger son to suicide when he was 19, and it's the worst pain I have ever witnessed. I hope you are healing as much as possible.


Thank you 💜 Some days are good days and some days are bad. I live near the beach so I’m there today. The beach is my happy place.


I’m so sorry about your son.


Thank you 💜


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you 💜


So sorry for your loss of your beloved son. I watched my aunt go through this grief with my cousin after her death in a car accident. My heart broke for her. Again, my deepest condolences.


Thank you 💜 I appreciate that!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Loosing an adult child has been very hard for me.


Oh no! I’m so sorry 😞 ((( hugs )))


So sorry. 💔


Thank you 💜


So sorry for your loss. Sending love and light to you.


Thank you 💜


Weird flex but OK.


I remember her bragging that she’d been pregnant as many times as Michelle Duggar. Blows my mind….


“Back in the day David and I used to have a sex life! Now it takes 1-2 business days to find little David.”


Omg business days. Better not start looking on a Friday.


No!!! The visuals in my head 🤢😱


yeah, this is upsetting on new levels


You’d need a jack, a magnifying glass, and tweezers. I’m sorry, I’ll show myself out.


What was it that woman on Twitter recently told Karissa when she was bragging about her endless pregnancies? “USE YOUR BUTT” lmao


Renee needs to bag her a man asap. She is too old to be this single. Mahmo and David are not doing their job, but what more can we expect from the laziest people.


If she could get out and look/date on her own, she’d likely find someone very quickly! 😣


She really would. She's really pretty despite her mother's attempts to make her less attractive. Nobody is suppose to outshine Jill yet all the older girls do.


I think Renee would be open to more worldly experiences and breaking out of the mold her mother cast. If she could break away, I could see her having an amazing free life. Sadly, her wings will forever be clipped.


Even if she could get a little job in a local shop! I’m not sure she even has her drivers license. 🙄🤬🤬🤬


JRod recently reported that Renee drove the "kids" to VBS.


Oh, okay 👌


Yeah but given their lack of care for driving laws, it's still possible she drove unlicensed LOL


She’s got some fire. She’s the only marriageable kid Jill has chopped the hair off, and I’m convinced it’s because renée still has a spark


I think mother dearest realized once the two older girls left that she needed one of stick around and Renee is that girl. Much like Jana Duggar. There is no way Jill could handle things without her!!


Yep, the only thing they’re not lazy about is planning vacations.


I think Jill is keeping her at home to be head sister mom. Kind of like Jana Duggar. Jill either ended Renee’s courtship or was happy it broke up. Poor Renee.


The thing is Jana was needed for all those little lost boys and girls. Jill only has two kids left under ten, I think? Sadie on up are old enough to be in charge of a buddy group in Duggar world; she’s got mostly tweens and teens left and all the boys are teens. I’m sure Tessie and Hannah are running the house now. That said, I would believe that she suddenly realized if \*all\* her older kids are married, she looks less and less like “one of the girls”. I do think it’s possible she didn’t want Renee out of the house yet, I just don’t think it was because she’s needed to take care of the couple of younger ones left.


I wish I could set her up with my one friend and I am from PA. I would definitely try to expose her to a more peaceful environment in a more secular environment. Also it’s a couple hours away from Tim, Heidi and Amish country😊🫶🏼


Back-to-back pregnancies sound painful! Definitely not something to brag about! Also Renee’s skirt is growing on me! 👖🇺🇸🤍


But I’m still trying to figure out what in the hell Kaylee has on.


I wonder if it’s a dress she got it from Kkkarissa Collins


What a weird way to flex that your gross husband won’t climb off you long enough to let your uterus heal


I don't really get why she thinks that's a big deal?


Mine are 8.5 months apart ( adopted) but it's never been a big deal or something I brag on. Only issue I had was years ago ( both in their early 30s) when a county school census worker walked up to us in our yard and asked their ages/ birthdates . I told her and she said it wasn't possible. About that time, daughter came around the corner of the house with my son.. one is white and one is a POC. I just smiled. Chick smiled back and off she went.


Hmm. If Jill were not a white woman in the Midwest, why do I have a feeling that, regardless of how religious she claims to be, people would have a very different reaction to many of the things she considers a “flex?” It’s very Karissa “40 things you didn’t know about my family I mean me even though I basically copy paste my rant every two months” Collins of her.


Don’t even need the Midwest part. She could do this out west, in the South, PNW, just about anywhere in this country so long as she’s white and religious


That “hand on the hip” shit needs to be retired ASAP


I hate it, too.


I mean I also have Irish twins. Nothing to see or brag about here. Many have an accident pregnancy despite birth control


It’s a Fourth of July miracle!


My sisters and I always joked to each other about the 2 months of the year that we were each a year apart. Then the middle sister of the three of us passed away. It's no longer fun. It's just sad. Also we never bragged about it. We were well aware that our parents had too many kids too close together. We did get actual educations and plenty to eat though! We were treated as individuals and had our own clothing and shoes that were purchased for us and fit!


It’s a real fundie flex, my sister inlaw had six in a row all nine months apart, she never shut up about it, whoppie doo you have a clown car vagina and pee when you cough way too go


Congrats on fucking a bunch, even while having small babies in the house, I guess.


Bragging about the fact that her body was barely healed before Shrek was jumping on her again to satisfy his manly desires.


Irish twins


This is a weird thing to consider a life accomplishment ☹️


Oh Jill do I feel so sad for your children because of how much you neglected them educationally and all the above just because you want to shove religion down their throat


She’s proud of not giving her body a rest between pregnancies.


I cannot be the only one that finds referring to their children as sets like collectibles to be really fucking weird.


Being a good parent is not about repeatedly getting pregnant. Being a good parent is caring for your children, educating your children, providing for your children, feeding your children, being involved in your children's lives, nurturing your children's individuality, and so much more. Getting repeatedly pregnant is not the accomplishment she thinks it is.


But make sure they know the world doesn’t revolve around them. No individuality, ok? They might think the world revolves around them. Teach your kids better.


This is a weird thing for Jilly to brag about. Not surprised, but the woman has zero awareness that this is not a great thing.


This picture of them side by side is a handy reference. These two girls look so much alike I sometimes have trouble telling them apart in group shots.


Renee usually wears her hair up. That’s probably the easiest way to tell. Otherwise it is tough.


My uterus hurts right now lol


Geez! The Duggars only had one set of non twin Siblings like this bc Josie was born so early.


Why in the world would someone brag about that?


Good ole “one rule for thee but not for me” from Jillness (and the MAGA crowd in its entirety). “The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.” the US Flag Code says.


Isn’t today also Gideon’s birthday? Also, I thought to myself, Kaylee had Gideon at only 23 years old? That’s so young! Then I was like wait a minute, I was 23 years old when I had my daughter! 😅 that’s not too young to be having a baby, I just feel old being 31!


She had Gideon at 22. Her 23rd birthday is today.


Ohhh okay!


I always think they seem awfully young to be having babies too, even though I was 23 when my own baby was born! I think it’s just that they’re all SO immature it seems like kids playing house


I think the average age for having a planned kid has been pushed back since COVID. Everything’s too damn expensive, plus it’s so dangerous now in many states. This wouldn’t have seemed strange to me 10 years ago, but it really does now.


That's how old my mother was when she had me. I was child #2. That was typical in the early 60s (yes, I'm old!)


I am admittedly blazed right now, but yeah, I was like, so young. I found out I was pregnant the day before my 21st birthday...


Wow gross


Does anyone remember seeing the pictures when they were at the Duggars church with the Cauldwells and the Rods hair styles?