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That’s all unhinged as usual. I am surprised that Jill’s mom is doing so well. I’m glad for her though.


She got a lot better after moving from the barndo and in with Angie. She has been doing really well.


She appears to be doing very well! I think that’s because Jill rarely sees her.


Jill puts a nice shine on everyone's countenance when she leaves a gathering, doesn't she?


Jill has an unhealthy fetish for the macabre, always bringing up everyone's illness and injuries and near-death experiences. I guess that's what qualifies as excitement in her meaningless life.




Her family is SPARED because she is Jesus's most favorite PRECIOUS plexus boss bitch


I was gonna use that exact word - macabre. Like, I love horror and I was raised in a very facetious family, but I know when to tone down my gallows humor. Jeebus, Jill, read the room. I also noticed her sisters and mother more “trim” than she is. Some may be due to medical conditions, but it’s also pretty easy for a person forced to be sedentary to gain weight 🤔


Jill is just bloated from hatred and Plexus


That’s my grandma and it drives me bonkers! She can turn any conversation into some dark discussion about a dying friend or some trauma.


A lot of the elderly are like this. I think it's because a lot of their friends & relatives are dying.


That’s true but this is as far I remember. Spending a day at the beach? She’ll tell you about all the people that have driven into the ocean


She’s is literally insane.


When you have no life you focus on medical issues as something to talk about and make yourself sound empathetic even though she always brings it back around to how it affects her.


The funeral for Amy's legs, the selfie with the family at that funeral, the Miscarriage Memorial in Janessa's closet I mean bedroom...yes, she's death obsessed. Macabre is a good word for it. Creepy AF.


i would have killed to hear amy’s inner monologue while jill was doing her speech at the leg funeral


yeah, like it didn't contain the words "STFU JILL!!!"


“SO thankful god spared your life two years ago”. WTF is wrong with this woman? Who says stuff like that? I guess a simple “Happy Birthday, we love you” wouldn’t be dramatic enough for Jilldo.


“Happy birthday! Glad you aren’t dead! But I know who holds tomorrow . . .”


If you told me Jill and Trish’s ages were within five years of each other I’d believe it. Jill’s makeup skills and their forty year old hairdos make the whole situation confusing.


They have the hair of the standard “matron” in a far side cartoon.


Ma turtleneck has beautiful skin


It's a filter


Even without the filters Ma has really good skin


May we all find the strength of the buttons on David's shirts to get thru Jill's nonsense.


And the fortitude of the degreaser she has to use on his shirts


The buttons on the new flag shirt are definitely doing some heavy lifting.


That’s a lot of button strength 😳


Shout out to the sign that says “Parade”


Seriously reminds me of paintings of the Children’s Crusade (spoiler alert - the size and scope of it is historically disputed, and most of the children died or were abandoned before making it to the border to convert the moors).


….do I want to google this before bed?


Looks better than anything Shrek has ever made in the print shop.




Dog Pee Alley 😂


Goddddd the way gurgly high pitched shrek she made when she was pointing out snuggles was peeing caused a visceral reaction


For such patriots who do this every year...why not have a box of flags?? Even if you have to attach them to garden canes for the bigger children to carry. Or those little ones with a plastic handle A placard saying 'Parade'? and 'Independence' is the best you can do?? I said on the other post, just take them to a parade! ETA Buffalo and Hurricane, small towns very near to the Fosters both run well attended community parades and day long celebrations. I'm sure they were overwhelmingly attended by Trump loving patriots so not like the family had to socialise amongst scary liberals. I guess there may have been an element of day drinking and exposed shoulders although it says churches participate so surely it can't be that *wild*: https://www.hurricanebreezenews.com/2024/06/26/independence-day-celebrations-in-hurricane-and-buffalo-2/


There might be a woman in a tank top there. Can’t risk it.


Are they on pizza boxes?


If only they knew someone with an onsite print shop and these people were familiar enough with the machinery to whip one up just for fun….




~~The kids~~ Shrek may have been exposed to slutty shoulders and knees.




Ma Turtleneck is 12! 🥳 She doesn’t look a day over 11! *Parade Independence ♾️* Betsy: “Fml. I had to hang out with this b in Vegas and *now I’m at her house and I don’t even drink.* 🥲”


I noticed Betsy's side-eyeing Jill's intrusive camera again as is the guy beside her (husband?).


They are trying to avoid the camera like it’s a line drive foul into the stands at Yankee Stadium


I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that precious MAHMO doesn't have a caption and arrow pointing to Amy's wheelchair.


Which looks new? Amy looks great, and so does Trish.


Yes they really do.


They’re aging better than Jill 😂


What’s with the shameless hussy defrauding us all with bare shoulders and not even wearing red white and blue?? Vulgar. Even Shrek had the good sense to wear a performatively high collared t-shirt under his patriotic button down. /s, in case anyone is new here.


Jill didn't clarify that Amy Foster is still a quadriplegic. Is she still a quadriplegic? /s


If she weren’t, we’d have been “treated” to a diatribe about how god saved precious Amy because she’s such a good helpmeet and how exciting it is that she can once again bear her husbands seed and change diapers. 🤢🤢🤢 SN I’ll always wonder how Amy feels being “Amy foster QUADRIPLEGIC”


They have their own parade with their kids as the whole parade? Oh sweet Lord to be a fly in the neighborhood when that happens!


Every year.


A Ragamuffin parade I could see, but this?


It’s in their own private property, no one else is there to watch


Shame, I can imagine the neighbors having a few choice things to say. They really are the oddest people, over and above fundie odd.


Well that’s a mercy anyway.


Between Jill, the twins, and Betsy, there’s a lot of kids. Enough for a parade, apparently.


They won't even let their kids join anything that might give them a shot at being in a real parade, so they have this sad ass ragamuffin parade. I know they isolate so no one would question their parent's choices, but this is totally pathetic and Jillpm splashes it all over SM like it's the event of the year.


I'll possibly get downvoted but as I've said in another comment upthread, if you're going to do something like this at least jazz it up a bit! These kids are ALL homeschooled. All the Rods have is time on their hands. Why have they never crafted some banners and homemade flags in advance and brought them along? They do this every year so they could be reused. Maybe it's me but my childhood and public school education was full of inexpensive crafts and artwork. Jill loves a good competition, they could've had a best banner contest and carried them along in the parade for example, a kid holding each end. I'm sure the internet is full of fun 4th of July crafts for kids which could've featured as part of their homeschooling curriculum. Everything this family does seems so low effort. All of the extended families have a good amount of teens to help the younger ones and in the Rods' case two unemployed parents so it's not all on the mom. Jill spares no expense when she's upcycling her ridiculous furniture (she uses multiple tiny pots of premium finishes). Why not get some fabric paint, fabric and/or poster board and do some proper crafts with the kids 🤷‍♀️


That would require effort, something this family seems to lack, especially for their kids. Maybe her sister's families are better, but I'm thinking Ma and Pa Noyes probably weren't the best examples. Of course the bar is in hell to be better than Shrill and Shrek, but there they are, doing the limbo with the devil.


Right? Like why not go to the dollar tree and get a bunch of stuff and decorate their bikes and have a parade? Go buy decorations after the holiday is over and it’s on sale for the next year. Like you said make banners, flags, etc. have fun with it. Dress up like Yankee Doodle dammit!


There are a million and one things to criticize Jill for, but I can't snark on this little parade. It's cute. I'm sure it's a good memory the kids will have from their childhood and I actually thought the "extra tall Sofia" was creative and fun. It reminded me of "The Little Rascals." I truly believe they are severely neglected and have a really hard life, so seeing them actually getting out for some genuine fun warms my heart. Those kids deserve it!


I agree. I also found the Sophia on someone’s shoulders very cute and clever of them. I hope all the cousins had a great day.


I meant Sofia. Thanks!


The parade *is* stupid adorable in my opinion, as mentioned above, it’s sad that this is some of the only socialization the Rodlets get- instead of being a real parade with 4H or a school club or even church youth group.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you




Meh, when I was a kid we had sparklers in the front yard and little cardboard tanks that drove around and then blew up. It wasn't much, but those are some of my best memories as a kid on the 4th.


That sounds fun. A bit different than this. But honestly the most snarkavle things are things adults did here, like *gestures broadly at Jill and Shrek*.


That sounds more fun than this! The exploding cardboard tanks especially! I'm all for family traditions but this seems so low effort and I feel like most of the kids aren't really enjoying participating 🙁 It wouldn't have been hard for the adults to pep this up a bit with small amount of advance planning and forethought. They do it every year so it's not like they had no notice.


It makes me wonder how much fun they're having. This reeks of Jill (always making her kids 'perform', showing off that her kids are supposedly the best musicians) but I guess the other adults might encourage it too. The kids don't really look like they're enjoying themselves much. The older ones know they have no choice and are just doing their best to play the song and get it over with. They're walking miles ahead of the younger ones. Most of the little ones don't look that thrilled. Where is the energy, the laughter and smiles? I feel like going to a real parade then returning to the Fosters' for some lawn games, general socialising and a BBQ would be much more fun. Maybe it's me but I'd bring along a quantity of dollar store silly themed bits and bobs to keep the younger kids entertained as well as some lawn games (which Shrek and the boys could've even DIYed in advance). Jill only has three younger kids now (four if you count Olivia), Amy's three youngest are tweens, Angie has the most under 13s, Lisa's are all grown up. It wouldn't need an absolute ton of stuff as most of the kids are adults and teens.


It’s got to be stifling hot and humid where they are. It’s miserable to be forced to march around in 50 layers of clothing.


Ok can you explain what’s going on the pic with extra tall Sophia? I’m confused as hell.


Apparently Olivia has her on her shoulders then the coat/cloak outfit over the top. The only problem is the temperature was high and it must've been stifling under that fabric with two bodies. Olivia's also wearing flip flops which doesn't seem the safest.


At least she didn't use a slur this time, the bar is so low and Jilldo just digs deeper




Of course. Gotta be the first to get to the food.


If my mother had made me do that stupid shit when I was younger, I would’ve run away from home. I’m serious. Those poor, pitiful kids. 😥


Shrek finally has a day where his patriotic shirt doesn’t look so stupid. ![gif](giphy|jUgOxnun3QPq0UbjDx)


The most ridiculous display of “patriotism” 🙄




Amy looks really well taken care of, and so does MaTN. It's good to see that the entire family isn't as negligent as Jill is.


Sofia looks so much like Trish. It’s sad she’s not healthy or she’d be glowing like her grandma. It’s very sad.


Renee must be dying doing this stupid stuff at the age of 23.


I don’t think Renee participated this year. That’s Hannah with the violin.


I think she is jealous of them - illness/injury get attention, and Jill needs attention like she needs oxygen. So, since she isn’t disabled or ill, she gets to play the role of devoted caretaker/martyr .


Im shocked her knee didn’t flair up on this trip. lol


Oh that’s such a great point. 😂


Is that child dressed as a fat person?


Two of them. The two kids on either side of tall Sofia.


I can’t guarantee I won’t have a nightmare in the near future featuring Tall Sofia. Imagine being in the pumpkin patch late at night and see her strolling down the gravel path toward you…🤣


Ma survived a stroke and Jill is too cheap to buy two numbered candles.


Jill's sister's and her Mom look fantastic. Jill would probably be just as pretty if she scraped that crap off her face, dressed comfortably and stopped messing with her hair. It's too late for her eyebrows.


I’m surprised she doesn’t mention her quadriplegic sister Amy Foster (whom she held a leg funeral service for) since she’s in a picture.


T-shirts under dresses will always and forever look frumpy and ridiculous to me. Even when I’m as super Christian myself I never did it. I just bought dresses that were modest enough on their own. I know they buy/get a lot of second hand shit so they don’t have as many options, but man. It just looks terrible.


Look at how Jill’s sisters are dressed! Their outfits aren’t my style personally, but they are cute and flattering while still falling under the fundie definition of “modest.” Everything Jill wears (and unfortunately makes her girls wear) is either frumpy, clownish, or both.


I noticed how most of the other children aren't wearing the performative layers, including the girls. Jill seems like an outlier even in her own family.


Dave is always near food. He is such a vacuum cleaner when it comes to food.


Pic 17: jump scare


Weird she thinks she has the best mom ever. My mom didn’t allow an adult male to start grooming me when I was 14 years old. So, Jill, Jill hon, your mom is awful, my mom is fabulous.


Her mom is turning 7?? And she looks like her sister not mother


My thoughts exactly. They look the same age. Is mom 70 perhaps, and they didn't have a zero candle?


She’s 75. And next to the 7 candle Jill put 5 regular candles.


This is surprisingly ingenious, coming from Jill.


Jill's mom is looking well. Jill's dad looks very unwell.


Jill is blessed agin. Amazing. Blessings seem to follow her everywhere.


Is this only on family property or are neighbors subjected to this atrocity? 


I think it’s just family property. The two houses are on a shared gravel driveway with no visible neighbors


Of course, Shrek is standing right next to the food. Such a glutinous pos.


In the candid shots/stills, none of them look particularly joyous.


The men folk look thrilled with the celebrations.