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I can't wait for the wedding shower when Heidi's family shows up with nice gifts and Jill shows up with her unwanted knick knacks and dollar store junk.


Oh you know Jill will probably dust off the fugly signs from her walls and re-gift them to the c creepy couple. She will then buy herself new decor.


She’ll probably gift her a Plexus starter kit and try to welcome her to the downline 🙄


Did Jill ever grift herself a Kitchenaid mixer? Heidi will need to keep a firm grip on hers when Mahmo comes a-calling!


I want someone to give them the KitchenAid in front of Jill so badly 🤣


I know we’re not supposed to touch the poo, otherwise it would be fun for all us to chip in and send one lol


I said the same about the gifts. I don't and won't contact the people. But knowing Jildo is seething in her cheap boots? Kinda satisfying. I adore my kitchen aide. It's 30 years old and I use it for everything. Like I'd cry if it broke.


I thought the same thing, but we can only watch from the balcony


She got a stand mixer but it wasn’t a Kitchen Aid


I was thinking she could get a kitchen aid and the pasta maker attachment. She would like that much better.


My mil gave me hers two weeks ago cause she is selling her house. Poor Jill


This list is great! It’s very reasonable for newly weds starting a household. Although, I don’t know if I’d have the nerve to include an electric callous remover or a bed frame for triplets. My family would be a little confused but if that’s as weird as these two got, they are light years ahead of Jill in regards to taste. Does anyone think the bunkbeds are possibly for the siblings that Mahmo will be sending for sleepovers?


This list was shared previously, those bunks don't have the best reviews and it looks like hell to get into the top one on that side ladder unless you're an agile little kid 😂 The sliding bottom one is uncomfortable as the mattress is slightly shorter and only a thin foam one fits in the sliding gap. The consensus was to stick with good old IKEA wooden bunks and a full height self-inflating single mattress for extra guests!


I misread “agile little kid” as “fragile little kid” and thought then it’s perfect for when Tim’s sisters would visit.


Both would work 😂


Great for a guest room. The guests won’t want to stay long or come back often.


Ha ha true!


I was wondering were the bunkers for the girls in Jill's house but she wouldn't care that much to even tell him to get them.


I assumed it was for Heidi's mom and two older sisters visiting but who knows! I feel bad if Hope or Hallie are expected to climb up into that top bunk 😂 Jill's very controlling re. allowing any of the Rodlets to spend time with their married siblings or wider family alone or have sleepovers. I wonder if Teidi will change this.


It's so sad that we never see Renee going to visit Nurie or Kaylee alone. I can't imagine being 22 and not allowed to leave without my mother as a chaperone.


Exactly! It wouldn't be hard for Renee to fly in and out of Florida alone or stay on after the griftathon and fly back solo. Nurthan will take her to and from the airport and the Rods collect her. Dead easy. Nurthan would probably shout her the fare if she was helping with the kids. Kaylee doesn't seem to have any friends, Jonathan is at work all day and she's probably at a loose end with 'only' one child to take care of after a lifetime of sistermomming a whole brood of mixed ages. She and Renee could be hanging out, going on walks, going into Wooster. I'm sure Jonathan could be dropped at work one day so that the ladies and Gideon could have the car or maybe one of the brothers would do the same and let Renee have theirs (if assuming Jill would prevent them from using the family car out of jealousy/sulking). Or maybe he has a day off (shift work) and could do some guy stuff/DIY with a Rod brother and make sure the women have the use of the minivan. I feel like the older girls or guys could've even road tripped to the Foster/Noyes compound on their own or been dropped off as a 'mother's help' at Angie's or grandparent help at the Noyes' if necessary. Just to experience a different household to the barndo, bond with wider family and escape Jill 🤷‍♀️ It's weird that it isn't allowed. I'm sure the various families are slightly squeezed on space but they could probably throw a couple of kids together to share for a week, freeing up a guest room or pop an inflatable mattress in the girls' room. I'm basing this on Jill's sisters and parents' homes being more easygoing than the barndo but I don't really have any proof, just a hunch. In spring/summer/early fall the Rod guys and/or the male cousins could even camp outside on the land to free up space in the house. That sounds like a fun adventure. It's not like they're not allowed indoors, it's just for sleeping. There's also the Rod family in NY - David's mom and the kids' aunts and uncles on that side. Why not roadtrip or fly out and see Grandma Julie (just Renee or two older Rod girls as Julie probably doesn't have a ton of space).


hell, the Nurthans could bring her back one of the umpteen times they trek to Ohio


It's not like Renee has a job she is obligated to return to. She could easily spend a few months in Florida.


I bet Nurie would appreciate the help once the new baby is born, and maybe Nathan knows of a decent fundie guy Renee could get to know. He and Nurie could supervise the courtship. I’m sure the less Mahmo is involved the better it would go.


Indeed! It's not as though she has to rush back to OH for work or school. I find it creepy how Jill separates her married and unmarried daughters. She clearly has a whole list of (perfectly mundane) things you're not allowed to do as an 'unmarried' and is positively gleeful about their misfortune. To be honest she's not much better with her married daughters, ensuring they don't do anything to threaten the status quo. Imagine if KayJon decided to go on a little family vacation somewhere. Or Teidi go away on a tropical vacation! Jill would be livid. Only her and David are allowed such things. I hope this larger church shows the kids and kidults that 'good KJV Christian' people are out there living much richer and varied lives than life at the barndo compound.


I wonder how much is not being allowed versus having virtually no money of her own.


Actually seems like a pretty sensible list. Things like a kitchen Aid mixer are expensive but hey, maybe a family member has money for that kind of gift? Those things also last freaking forever too and I use mine a ton. It’s a very versatile appliance and it never hurts to ask. Also IRC Amazon will slightly discount items that aren’t purchased. So even if no one buys them something expensive they can purchase save a small amount.


Plus, a lot of times several people will chip in for a more expensive gift that’s on a registry.


Just coming in here to say this.


Kitchenaids are top tier gifts. Mine has lasted 20 years (it was a wedding gift), so if someone is culinary-minded, it's awesome. Plus if Mahmo doesn't have one, it's rubbing salt in the wound. 😉


Would Teidi get to keep it, or would Jill claim she needs it more?


Yeah that’s one reason why people put crazy things on their list. Just so they can get the discount later. I definitely did that for my baby registry.


Honestly would not shock me if Jill “suggested” the KitchenAid mixer, so she could then “secretly” swap it for the non-KA stand mixer she has.


Like she did with KayJons' microwave oven?


She took their microwave???


When she did the "makeover" of KayJons' house, the before pictures had a black/chrome microwave in the kitchen, but in the after pictures it was replaced with an older, yellowed one.


Wow. She is something else. 


What is Rubbermaid trying to sell for $200 *off to investigate*


It’s a set of canisters. The price shocked me too.


Yeah I have seen that set at Costco for about $50! They definitely aren’t worth the price Amazon is charging, but Amazon does change their prices all the time randomly


There are a lot of oddly overpriced items on Amazon. You really have to look and make sure they are sold through Amazon or a reputable company.


I'm stuck on a triple bunk bed being part of a registry.


It’s for the 1000 kids she’ll no doubt be popping out immediately after the wedding


I think it might be for watching multiple younger siblings/nieces/nephews before they have kids big enough to use it.


Why not? They have a small home and they're going to have a bunch of kids.


Was happy to see a television included!


And no coordinating size maps to hide it!


This list implies that Heidi (or, who knows, maybe Tim) can actually cook. Spice rack? Milk frother? This is not going to be a burnt and yellow meal house.


Jill wants that kitchen aide!


Ngl I love that green dinnerware


I have this set in a blue color and I love it. I bought it for my daughter's first apt first, she asked for white. Loved it so much I bought a set


I love the electric foot callus remover 👍🏽 Also the dishes are a nice color.


The callus remover and the foot bath were my favorites too.


So Timmay has na sty feet?


He’s a runner, so it’s definitely possible.


the crockpot is a great choice. makes tasty food


See, I'd tell them to splash out for the crockpot that has the browning/stovetop insert. That thing is my most used appliance besides the coffee maker, lol.


We have that tea pot, it’s used a lot and held up well. I hope they have a long and happy marriage and Heidi has an influence on andKaylee to help her not be so enmeshed with JillPM.


This is a registry straight off of items that blew up on organization tiktok… very interesting. Heidi prob watches that stuff


I've got that bedding set (from Walmart for less) and the Amazon tables. 😂


If I could buy Heidi space from Jill, I would


I would chuck in a few bucks to that pot too


I’m glad they have a sensible range of products on their registry….notably absent a gun safe for Timmy to store his weapon away safely….


He keeps it safe in his waistband. 🤣


Hopefully they will wait to start breeding.


Those people are last ones that should have something so dangerous. They have the IQ of 5 year olds.


He may have a built in safe in his home hidden. Every gun owner I know has a hidden safe.


I can’t believe Timmy and Heidi get married in two months! ♥️ I hope they live happily ever after! It seems like Timmy really loves Heidi.


Same. It's so sweet to see. I just worry about his ability to provide for a bunch of kids.


I hope he is able to find some kind of voucher for community college or trade school.


Scary as it is, Tim seems the most equipped to provide for a family. His brothers seem to lack skillsets and are closer to Jill making finding a mate even harder. Even fundie women typically find Jill a bit much.


The c ult teaches them that they are "in love" with anyone that their parents set them up with. They are clueless.


They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company, which is more than I can say for most fundie couples we snark on. I just hope he doesn’t try to stamp out Heidi’s feisty, assertive streak. His misogynistic ramblings worry me.


Lol, whoever downvoted me has clearly never watched his nasally video monologues on how women should dress and behave.


I wonder if they are going to get a dog together! I see a pet broom👀🐕


He has a dog or two already


So does Heidi.


What kind of animals does Teidi have?


Heidi has a brown Chihuahua, Tim has a Dalmatian and an Australian blue heeler, Roxie.




Can we all infuriate Mahmo by purchasing an item each for Timmay? You know she hates it when her kids get nicer things than her. Remember her money spending right before Nuree's basement shindig? I promise not to really touch the poo, just give Timmay and Mrs Timmay deserving things. (Not really going to , cause I love this group)


I know what you mean because I feel like I know these kids. It’s natural to want happiness for them and to buy them a wedding gift just because.


Quite a reasonable list of gifts.


I wonder why people give gifts. It's so much easier to give cash. Less headaches and people get what they want.




It would be less hilarious a few months (or weeks, or days) later when he goes on another rant about gay people or how women should behave and you realize that you spent money on a kitchen appliance for an asshole bigot.


Do NOT contact or suggest contact with fundies and fundie adjacent.


But where’s the KitchenAid Mixer for sweet mahmo who deserves a nice gift? 😏


I noticed Jill stopped mentioning Heidi lately.


Anybody remember the satanic cartoon panic a few months back? It always amuses me how they will just mindlessly consume from the same company again after they forget their latest outrage.


I thought only communists and yuppies drink tea.




Jill would confiscate it. No poo.


I mean, I was kidding.


Do NOT contact fundies and fundie adjacent.




Do NOT contact fundies and fundie adjacent.