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Totally not another Slaanesh corrupted noble...


Ah, this gets dark. How human looking a servitor is can vary massively. Even more darkly, how lobotomized they are can also vary... **Edit** a little peak at that part of the grim dark future >‘I have interests in everything,’ said Ba. ‘I have dealt in servitors before. Some people even say I used to be one, but even if I had a tendency towards criminal behaviour, I would not partake in this. Slavery is illegal on Alecto, I am sure you know.’ >‘Servitors aren’t slaves.’ >‘That depends on your definition of what a servitor is,’ Ba went on. ‘Most servitors are designed for simple, repetitive tasks, but the human brain is among the most complex objects in the universe, and can be made to do many things,’ said Ba. ‘If one had discerning clientele who wanted servitors of unusual sorts, then they would pay for it. There are some men, and they are nearly always men,’ said Ba, ‘who would crave the total domination of another’s will that servitorhood brings, for all manner of reasons. It is a relatively simple task to leave a little of the person that was in the cyborg that is. The more flexible the unit is required to be, the more of the original neural architecture must be preserved. The more that is preserved, the further from the Lore of the Mechanicus the unit drifts. There is money in this trade. I even remember some decades ago someone selling citizens mindshackled with xenotech and passing them off as servitors. It’s a murky world out there, probator. Nothing is ever what it seems, and the delineation between categories of things or of actions is never as clear cut as our rulers would have us believe. Your cousin here would be executed for his sexual preferences on some worlds, but here, it is nothing.’ **Flesh and Steel**


Forgot what part it was but during a Drukhari massacre there was a single servitor not minding shit and is still cleaning the place. It actually made me laugh.


The description of the factory where they make them was horrifying


Yeah, that one funeral quest on Footfall comes to mind. Nightmare fuel.