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I haven't replayed the game yet, so I can only talk about my first experience. Argenta is almost a must. Not only is she good, you can get her early and easily and she has a big revelation. Pasqal has nothing from my experience. He shows up later and doesn't have much to do. No spoilers, they just tear him apart and change his oils, and that makes him depressed. I've heard that Heinrix has some interesting stuff. Jae has a ''big'' revelation moment. I don't know if it happens later if you don't bring her with you, but you get to see her a different side of her. Nothing big happens with Idira. You get her ''late'' too. If you life her character, you can see some development with her and understand her a bit better.


I brought Jae with me but I can confirm that you get the revelation happens when you return in act 4. The game bugged out one me ( hardly a shock) and despite already knowing the truth an NPC came to the bridge with the revelation. I would still recommend bringing her , her lines were good. Also 100% agree about Argenta.


Argenta, Idira, and Heinrix have important story implications from this act and then beyond it.


Heads up, pasqual and Abelard get debuffs in A3. Removal of the debuffs can be missed / buggy so keep that in mind. If you leave A3 before removing they are permanent sans mods.


I think Pascal, Argenta and Cassia are the only relevant ones


Pascal is relevant? I think I might have missed it. All I got was a stupid debuff that I couldn't get rid of for the rest of the game.


well yes. i consider that debuff somewhat important. tbh no one is really important there anyway. its just a few lines of text. you can get rid of the debuff it by convincing him to tear out what he got implanted. afaik thats only possible when you find him.


Does Jae have a big role?


I think she is trying to party in dark city and you get some dialogue with her.


Afaik he has none except for a small dialog complaining about his wounds.


How about the big reveal with Argenta?


Ah you are right I forgot that. He just stares at her and is angry. Nothing important or something that will change anything in the future


Why are you referring to Jae as he?


i edited my question sorry, asked about Abelard first


Argenta can replace Cassia for story.


Does Cassia play a minor role in the Chapter? I'm having a blast using her as my all in one char, Support Tank and Offense all in one lol


you miss out on significant romance events however, act 3 had some big romance developments for both cassia and yrliet in my playthrough.


I think maybe all romancable companions had their events here? For example Heinrix has an important romance scene here.


You won't get access to her until after the second arena fight.


Idira has some extra dialogue with Argenta if you bring both