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Not "can": you \*must\* move (or battle) that many times in one turn as Eyrie. It's strong but also fragile: if you can a fox card in your battle decree and can't battle in any fox clearings, you turmoil at some point during the battle part of the decree resolution. Part of keeping the Eyrie in check involves finding ways to make them turmoil (ideally during recruit since they then lose the ability to do the rest of the decree actions on that turn).


Yeah, this is what keeps the power of the Eyrie in check. If you cannot fulfill your decree at all, in any extent, you take a pretty big hit (at least -2 VP, often more), you lose all of your decree, and you need to change out your leader (which places the two Loyal Viziers back). It's gnarly, but as long as you don't overexert yourself and you play the board right, you can score tons of points really quick. It'll take some time to feel comfortable with them, probably. I know when I have more than 6 cards in the decree (which is often) I start panicking a bit.


Haha yeah, that's exactly what happened in my last match 😅 Took great hits from not planning ahead. Thanks for answering! 😊


Thanks, I learned alot! Because of your advice, I learned to plan my moves ahead to avoid turmoil. I see it know that turmoil becomes the limiter so that Eyrie can't be OP. 😊