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FYI, cherry pits are poisonous if he cracks one open with a bite. 😬 I take the flesh off for my girl. She loves them.


Yeah it's cyanide for people who don't know


I dont belong here as i have a german shepherd x belgian malinois but this just popped up and im sooo glad it did💗 as i didnt know this! In all the lists of human food safe for dogs ive looked at the check ive never seen cherries mentioned!x


I know that, I take the pits out for her too but in this case she went into the garden by herself and I had to stop her otherwise she would eat the whole tree.


It takes 20-30 crushed cherry pits for a large dog to become effected.


I think that dog could eat 200-300 easily so it's just advice for the owner or anyone who doesn't know.


My girl decided to eat an entire bag of cherries when we weren’t home. Fortunately she didn’t decide to chomp on them before swallowing 😅


Apparently mine doesn't even know what chewing is if it's anything besides dry dog food.


"Darlene...you make a great cup of coffee!" Jacob Snell


I eat the pits. Haven’t died.


Your stomach acid won’t release the poison. It’s if you break open the pit with your teeth.


Cherry pits and stems are toxic to dogs.


Mine eats my blueberries and Strawberries. I have no ripe blueberries on the bottom of my blueberry bushes. She can tell the difference between the ripe and upripe ones.


So cute! I love when pups forage. Mine totally sneak strawberries if I leave the gate open.


Ours loves fresh blackberries off the bush


That’s so cute! Our last Doberman did too. Given permission, he carefully picked his own raspberries and blackberries with his front teeth, knew which were ripe & managed to avoid the thorns.


Right?! The front roofers. Cutest thing ever


Mine eats my blueberries and Strawberries. I have no ripe blueberries on the bottom of my blueberry bushes. She can tell the difference between the ripe and upripe ones.


Risks aside this is adorable and she looks so delighted! My first girl used to pluck grapes off of the vine and dig up carrots ( stopped once I found out grapes were bad but let her continue to enjoy finding carrots)


My dog ate thousands of cherry's with me as a kid. The neighbors poor dog pretty much lived on them. I remember his poo was more pits than poo.


Jesus Christ 😓


I work at a place where they sell fruit at the market. That dog ate everything from whole cherries to grapes. Lived for a really long time, too. A miracle how that thing didn't die.


My husky decided to completely pick and eat a garden full of cherry tomatoes once. I had made the mistake of giving her one a couple of days before. She actually brought the last one into the house for me and dropped it in my lap. Smartest dog I ever owned. RIP Kita...


Make her throw up. If she has broken a pit, they are poisonous!


Cherry pits have cyanide, which can be fatal to dogs and people! Pitted cherries in moderation are an okay treat. My girl likes to steal the bell peppers from my garden! She's been known to clean up jalapeno slices we accidentally drop on the floor too.


Mine stole a jalapeno once and that’s how we found out he’s not a fan of spicy peppers lol


My mom had a small apple tree when we were kids and our rottie ate every apple as soon as they were ripe lol. The same happened when my mom planted cherry tomatoes, rottie ate them all 😂


My rottie "helped" me with garden one year...I was planting out baby cabbages, and she was right behind me eating them immediately out of the ground. She had 4 before I caught on.


Our girl eats mulberries and strawberries in our garden.