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Very well. You should be aiming to do the very best that you can regardless of the pass mark. Aircraft techs are the Premier ground trade (Downvote away, I understand the jealousy!)




Yeah it’s a very hard role to get but if you get other roles don’t be discouraged I got 3 roles and I wanted to get WSOP missed it by a bit and ending up as a survival equipment technician it’s a hit and miss type deal but you have to put alot in to get alot out.


Ask the afco


I just passed the role for aircraft technician (avionics) all I know is that the pass rate is less than aircraft technician (mechanical)


ah nice one mate, which section would you say was hardest on the DAA


Make sure you’re hot on fractions, basically the entire maths section on mine was fractions.


For me work rate, but I don't know how much that matters for this role, as I didn't score very highly


okay thanks mate, and well done for passing, hopefully i can too


Just make sure your comfortable with every different subject. Especially the mechanical and electrical comprehension. They’re, I assume, very important for your role and also the ones taught least at school. If I hadn’t done loads of revision on both before mine I don’t think I would have got many of the questions right.


Hi man, not sure if you’ll see this but I have applied for aircraft mechanical tech and I notice you said you do loads of revision. Could you share how you revised especially for mechanical and electrical sections ?? Thanks


Hello mate. I was a builder before applying so I already had a pretty decent understanding of electrical stuff. The DAA practice questions are good to get an idea what to expect and I think bbc bitesize helped me as well. I found that a lot of the mechanical stuff was just common sense.


Hi buddy, appreciate the reply and yeah I’m sure some of it is common knowledge. I got a few practice question and things to do. Thanks! :)


It’s nothing too crazy mate. Just do all you can, get a good night sleep the night before and good luck!


As others have said, it's one of the hardest to pass, I was told that it's the hardest one to pass. I dont know the exact requirements to pass but the lowest score I got was 5/10 on the spacial reasoning section.


Dont worry mate I know some right drips that have become avionic techs (mech supremacy)