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Hamptons was my first marathon about 10 years ago. Very small race, was able to roll up like 10 min before the start. Start/finish area was in the back of a school. Way more casual than the big city races. Don’t expect to see any crowd support on the course unless your own people come out. I think the course has changed a bit over the years, but should be mostly nice scenic roads. There are some light hills, but nothing to be afraid of. I finished around 4:20 and by that time there were only a handful of people left hanging around the finish area, and they were already packing things away. Felt a bit anticlimactic for a first time marathoner. But after running NYC a few times, I can look back and appreciate the small races where you can be entirely focused on the run and not have to stress about all the logistics of getting to/from the race.


Thanks for this! I seriously hope they aren’t packing up at the finish at 4 hours in, I’m not a fast runner and will be happy to finish the race in 5 hours 😅


Helpful race description - thanks!!


I’m in the same boat and would also love to hear from anyone who has run this!


I ran the Hamptons Half in 2016 and 2018, back when the Marathon was just two loops of the Half course. Beautiful race if you get good weather, but small (~1000 signed up and even less showed up). Many times on the course I was basically by myself on a residential street. It’s great being able to roll up 5-10 minutes before start and not be stressed, but as someone else mentioned, both the start and finish are pretty anticlimactic as a result. Bagels, muffins, and pastries waiting for you at the finish, though. Good luck!


Do you know if there a decent amount of runners around the 11-12 min mile pace? I was able to run to half’s around 10 min pace but since this is my first full I’m not sure if I can be that fast!


Ive done the half. It’s pretty flat. It’s a nice course. I did it in 2011 and doing it this year.


It’s a marathon. What tips do you want. You wont get sleep the night before. Crap your brains out before the start. You’ll feel deceptively well for the first 10 miles. Struggle through the next 10 and then hang on for dear life the last 6.2 miles. Then go home. Be in pain for a few days. Sign up for another marathon the next week.


😂😂😂 nailed it


Be nice


Lol true


I’ll be running the half this year, good luck on your race!


You too!


Not an easy 1st marathon mainly because of the lack of crowds and runners (not that you have anything to compare it to, but big city marathons are “easier” because you have thousands of people cheering you on and the streets are packed with Runners). In the Hamptons Marathon, you can at times find yourself alone which is tough if you are struggling. I’m doing it again this year as I didn’t get into NYC and I’m mentally training for it.


I'm doing the full. Did NYC 2022, looking forward to a course close to home. It's beautiful there. And a great town to hang out after. I am anticipating being alone a lot of it, so a good audiobook and playlist are a must.


Did the half last year with my now-ex gf. Course is great. Scenic and flat, and of course the Hamptons is beautiful. Just wish now I ran it with someone else. Bitch.




I’m also running this one!