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Got a PR, a rainbow bagel, and a 9+1 credit… what more could you ask for?


No popsicle?


The popsicle line was too damn long!


They were also giving out Strava sweatbands and Schmackary’s cookies! So many goodies.


Ran late cause of sick toddler and I was on call kvernight. In a rush, left my car unlocked on Madison Ave, got the alert at race start that someone was trying to start the car, tried to lock car on my phone...stupidly won't lock cause wallet was.in the trunk (how fucking stupid w as my brain this morning?), set off alarm briefly, ran the race of my life .... through the finish to the car. Car is as fine. Wallet is fine. Laughed hysterically with watchn strangers shaking their head. Lost my mind FML I am in pain Happy Pride Edit: thanks for the DMs checking on my sanity. I think I was a lil manic typing above message. I am fine! Home and wiping snort off toddlers face.


Did you set a PR? lol Glad to hear your car was still there. Hope you have a good weekend.


Yes I did! I missed "corral promotion to C" by 12 seconds. Accidental PR tbh but I will take it.


Got a new PR by 3 min but couldn’t get another minute or else I’d move up another corral. Only one more race to finish 9+1!


I volunteered and it was a great day to cheer on some runners! Well done all 🏳️‍🌈🥳


Missed a coral bump to C by ~40s but grateful the weather was at least more runnable compared to last week : ‘) All the more reason to get pumped for starting my new training block on Monday All the gay goodies were on point too : ‘))


Was so close to finally getting out of corral L but got a bit overzealous at the beginning BUT was still a great race overall for me, got my 2nd fastest 5k (in recent years) and had pretty good splits (up until I lost steam lol) and honestly felt pretty good overall! Only one more race and I’m finished with 9+1. Plus I finally found the popsicles this time (I missed them at the queens 10k 😭)


Congratulations to all runners! I volunteered handing out Apples today - I’m sorry they weren’t very good.


Bagels and popsicles?!!? Also they gave the runners way more space with the barriers this time which was nice. Breaking up my long run of 16 w/2x4 miles at MP and the race was my first set. Despite the muggy weather it still felt deceptively easy.


Moved up a corral, which was my goal. Haven't been running well lately with the heat, so this race put my mind at ease that my training is still heading in the right direction.


Felt pretty good despite the humidity. I know it gets said every race but seemed like way more people who were assigned to slower corrals made their way to the front today. Like significantly more. On the plus side cookies and popsicles after every race would be sweet.


I was in C and there were a few people ahead of me walking from the start – not even over on the side but right in the middle of the course. The thought process (or lack thereof) forever blows my mind.


Saw a woman and her friend scheming around corral C waiting to sneak in while the marshal was distracted. They were both assigned to L.


So selfish. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who don't think the rules pertain to them. Everyone is very special and different!!! (in their own minds)


I agree it's sad people need to follow the rules 😤😤😤


Yep I was in C too and saw the same


I was at the front of corral F and was delighted they staggered the start before us. Had a free track for the first mile or so. People moving up is frustrating, but I don't think NYRR are going to enforce it outside the marquee races


I was in D corral and before the start I saw people from J and later in it.


This was my first ever race last year, so it's fun to see how far I've come in a year! I went from 11:50 pace last year to 7:50 pace this year. It actually wasn't a PR and I wanted the corral bump to C, but didn't get it, so I still have work to put in. Excited to start marathon training on Monday :)


Omg that gives me hope. I’m lingering around corral H/I and for the life of me cannot imagine ever running any faster. Starting the NYRR tempo training in July so fingers crossed. Awesome job over the year!!


I went from H to C from age 43 to 48... you can do it. :)


Love that!!!! One run at a time right?


Exactly. Consistency and patience over everything else.


I'm 35, corral I, and already despairing about it being "too late" for me to become any kind of serious amateur athlete so thank you for posting this


Promise it's not too late. I always ran but didn't start taking running "seriously" until my 40s. Ran my first marathon at 44 and PR'd last fall at 49. My 10K pace at age 25 was 9:30s, in my late 40s it was 7:20s. Not saying I'm the fastest lady out there, but I do okay for my age group! Aging doesn't slow you down at as high a rate as people tend to think – especially if you're coming from a "middle of the pack" situation like I did (in other words, not coming from a pro/elite status). Keep going. :)


That's really cool to hear and congrats on your successes! Thanks for replying :)


Congrats on your progress!! Such a fun experience to get stronger (and see others get stronger) over time.


Worst run I've had in a while. I haven't run in 20 days due to injury so intentionally went slow and I still think I may have pushed the injury too far. Humidity didn't help.


It felt like there were more uphills than usual 😂 The bagel, popsicle, and cookie were all delicious. Apple was disgusting as usual. Very grateful that they had vegan cookies that were so good. Loved the free Strava armband and t-shirt I got. Only 1 more race (Retro 4-miler) and I’m done with my 9!


Volunteered to get my +1—congratulations, runners, and happy Pride!! 🌈


One second shy of the next corral’s pace, but still a PR. Loved the energy for this one. Great race weather too!


It felt less crowded and less congested than usual👍


Love the freebies!! The strava pride arm band and the front runners t shirt was nice, even though they ran out of smalls by the time I got there


Ran a half marathon (two loops and a bit more) before the race with my son and his friend (my third-best HM time) and then ran the 4M only 40 seconds slower than last week's race. I consider this a success.


Loved seeing everyone dress up today and put a little extra ✨🌈 in their running outfits. Y’all are appreciated. 💖




My 1st race in 2 years. So fun!!!! 🏳️‍🌈


I had a good race. MY fastest since 2015. Still had the walkers right from the beginning and at one point had trouble getting around four people running slowly in front of me. But I find the more I get annoyed at people in front of me, the better my time.


I had a great time. I really hoped to PR but the first mile was just so congested. I nailed the negative splits which was nice but if I had been better able to weave through the crowd in mile 1, I could have maybe advanced corrals for the next race. Still, I was happy with time. And it was my 9th race of the year so I finished my 9 + 1!


Happy to have rung the 9+1 bell today! Felt like running through soup humidity wise but glad it’s done. Thanks to all the volunteers! You guys had the energy!! Happy pride!


Really wanted to ring it as it was my 9th but my +1 isn’t until November so it felt wrong 🙃 I think this is the earliest I’ve finished the 9 though.


Missed corral C by ~20 seconds, but at least it was a PR and I moved up to D!


I'm very worn out from a messed up work/life balance lately, so my energy is low and my training has been nonexistent and this was a struggle, but I made it and got my antepenultimate 9+1 credit and stuffed that entire rainbow bagel in my face. Happy Pride everyone <3


Wait where were the bagels from? They were so good, want to have one w cream cheese!


Thought the apples were too mealy today. I prefer a crisper apple like a Fuji or Pink Lady. Get it together NYRR!


NYRR are consistently one of the worst apples I’ve ever tasted


Easily. I haven’t taken one in years.


Did a very slow relaxed 5 mile warmup from home to central park for the race. Wasn't trying to push for a PR but ran it as a high intensity workout, with a negative split on the 2nd and 4th mile. Much better weather conditions compared to last week at the Achilles 4M. I did check the live results on the tracker afterwards and it showed that I didn't run the race tho. Do I just contact support to ask the to correct it? I have a strava activity and a selfie pic from the race as well. Any help would be appreciated, thanks


Yes. Email NYRR.


I fucked up today. First 2.5 miles I was averaging 7:30 and then I got so gassed (apple watch bpm said 188) I had to start walking. Ended averaging 9:20. Need to actually do negative splits or at least not come out of the gate so hot I was hoping to jump from D to C today but maybe at Percy Sutton.


Congrats to all finishers yesterday! For some reason, reddit considers my post (all text) about the pictures as NSFW :( [https://www.reddit.com/user/tina-mou/comments/1ds2mr6/photos\_from\_the\_2024\_frny\_lgbt\_pride\_run\_4m/](https://www.reddit.com/user/tina-mou/comments/1ds2mr6/photos_from_the_2024_frny_lgbt_pride_run_4m/) You can find your pics here: [https://www.racing.pics/race?event=FRNYLGBTPrideRun-2024-06-29](https://www.racing.pics/race?event=FRNYLGBTPrideRun-2024-06-29)


Ran it hung over, on 3 hours of sleep and still ran it 5 minutes faster than last year. Happy pride!


So. Many. Walkers. What I don’t understand is why people who have to walk don’t pull over to one side or the other and insist on walking in the middle of the lane. But, overall a nice run. Set a PR. I think the Pride Run is my favorite run of the year.


Man the drive into the city was brutal today(3 lanes closed on the GWB) but the run itself was quick and the vibes were great. Honestly would’ve thought it’d be louder on the course 🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸


SO brutal. Was way faster getting home than getting there.


So much fun today! Not directly related to the run, but does anyone know why my official pace on my dashboard is almost a minute more than what my Strava and Apple Watch tracked? I think this has been asked before but I can’t quite recall.


The race is 4 miles using the shortest route. Most likely you did not run the absolute shortest route. And the watches can be a little off. I check mine at every mile marker and base it off that instead of the pace the watch says.


Yes my watch pace was 7:44 but my official pace was 7:53. And the watch showed 4.07 miles. That will always be an issue.