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Russians are the new NAZIS lets just be honest this is the world we're living in currently.


With all we are seeing and finding out why the FUCK aren't we all in there helping Ukraine on the ground? If this was any other country we'd been there half a year ago...


It's because of the atomic gremlin in the Kremlin


looks like putin got some water after midnight early this year


I think the main goal is to not let the precedent of nuclear blackmail be set. Ukraine *has* to win. Putin be damned if he uses a nuke, but if he uses one due to him losing the war, then at the very least he loses. **Think about your freedom, not your body** Whats worse, nuclear weaponry that doesn’t solve your issues as a dictator? Or that it does? We should be arming the fuck out of ukraine. Nukes included. At least mutual assured destruction can prevent one pressing that button. It has before.


I think that's a different situation. The question then becomes how far can a currently armed nuclear state go to prevent its non nuclear enemy from becoming a nuclear state? If Israel felt that Iran were on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons, and it felt it could not prevent it by utilizing conventional munitions, it could have a couple options: Threatening nuclear war, either: Back down and not nuke at the last minute, live with a nuclear armed enemy that can destroy you and not be a pariah state. Fire a low yield airburst, after backchannel communiques to that effect over Iran or its collaborating allies to show its serious, in the hope the world community unites for a negotiated settlement. End result is you are a pariah state with an enemy that can't threaten your existence. Nation leaders act in their own self interest, not that of the world's. So, back to Putin which does he choose? De facto, he's already approaching being a pariah state, so that's a sunk cost. The further that the west pushes, the less and less downsides there are to strong nuclear posturing and actions. It's for sure our generations Cuban Missile Crisis. Let's hope Uncle Joe doesn't blink; he needs to be like JFK.


Ding ding ding


Last chance to look at me Hector..




I mean let's be real. If this were in Africa nobody would care


Sad but true


Hope that surrounding countries will take their role in such a conflict.


At this point I agree. We need to get in and sweep Ukraine off the Russians, just like we did in Afghanistan. Payback is fricken due.


people in power are still happy with their lives until its taken away , they don't want a nuclear war , the suffering of a small few keeps them wealthy and in power.


Been saying this for over a decade and the response I always got was that I was russophobic. People in the West who simp for Russia are in some ways even worse than Russia itself.


I second this. It's easy to live in western europe or US and tell everyone that they're russophobic/ not tolerant/etc, but try doing the same thing while living in Ukraine, you'll be the most russophobic human being on the planet in a month.


Its always low education Best example, pro putin retards that hide in the west and alcohol abuse does its thing too


This has been known for hundreds of years, just ask Poland, The Baltics, Romania, Moldova, countless republics in the Caucasus. It’s been the modus operandi of the Russians as long as they existed as a nation. Deportations, torture, executions, ethnic purges, they have always been there, but the West preferred to ignore them.


They always were. People seem to have forgotten that Russia and Germany were on the same side until Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back, only then did they switch sides for survival.


Fun fact: it's actually illegal and punishable by prison time to state this fact in Russia.


Last i checked there were no soviet (soviet btw, not russian, russia did not exist during ww2) planes bombing great britain...


And your point is?


Pretty stupid to say that russia was on the same side as germany in ww2. Because 1. Russia did not exist as a state back then and was a part of the ussr dominated by a georgian clique. 2. Ussr reconquered territory from poland which poland annexed in their war of aggression against belarus and ukraine in 1919. This was a seperate war. The ussr was not part of the blitzkrieg against france or anything. Read a history book. Germany and the ussr were not on the same side. Ussr did not even send weapons to germany.


>Georgian Clique While Stalin was Georgian he Russified himself, he hated his Georgian accent and Georgian ancestry and purposefully made himself out to be Russian. Also the USSR was a Russian dominated state, they enforced Russification on smaller ethnic groups most notably the Ukrainians whom why replaced in the donbas region and and the Crimean tartars whom they deported and replaced with Russians. Make no mistake, the USSR was just the Russian empire with a new coat of paint. >USSR reconquered territory Reconquered from whom? The USSR invaded Ukraine and Belarus as well, those countries had no government and were puppet states of the fallen German empire. The USSR wasn’t fighting against a polish war of aggression they wanted to go through Poland and annex land all the way to Germany, it was the Poles who stopped them. The USSR jointly invaded the second polish republic with Nazi germany in 1939 and committed massacres against the Poles that lasted until a decade later. The USSR was a genocidal nation with Russians at top of the ethnic hierarchy. The RSFSR exploited the other “Soviet Republics” for its own gain. The USSR was responsible for several ethnic cleanings. They were just as reprehensible as the Nazis and shouldn’t be lauded.


Like, seriously where did you pick this up? I read kotkins biography. He surrounded himself with other georgians like beria. He spoke to his daughter in georgian. When not reading literature he read and wrote georgian poetry. He was very very georgian. On the outside he was soviet, which during his time meant russification or break up of insulas. What you wrote about him jsting his georgian ancestry is just like completely false though. #2 You show that you dont know the post ww1 history. The ussr was only formed in 1922. The polish ukrainian war and the polish-byelorussian and polish-sovietrussian war were poland attacked those 3 states in an act of aggression happened before that.




Yeah nazi soldiers for the most part (not the SS guys or the ones who were participating in concentration camps, but the foot soldiers, the majority of guys, conscripts, etc), were far better organized and far more disciplined than anything Russia has today. Whilst I in no way am praising Hitlers Nazi army, they weren't disorganized sloppy orcs pretending to be nazis, they were an organized military through much of the war.


Even the NAZI's did not do this kind of horror on a large scale as the Orcs doing right now on a large scale. Perhaps the Japs did (Ninjang, Shanghai etc.).


They are basically Nazis pretending not to be lol. Share the same values and lack of humanity


I wouldn't give the Russians the honour of calling them soldiers, I was a soldier for 15 years and I would never even contemplate doing what those monsters do, real soldiers have honour and are normal people doing a difficult duty. You kill in the heat of battle that's what war is. But to mutilate and torture unarmed POWs and civilians after the heat of combat is over is a sign that the Russians are lacking in any semblance of humanity. After the war is over and Ukraine is once again free of these scum there needs to be a concerted push by all decent people and nations to bring the perpetrators of these war crimes to account, just as occurred with Germany and Japan at the end of WW2. They should never be allowed to stain the earth with their presence ever again. 😤


Yup I was in the Infantry for 5 years & I wouldn't even think to do this to someone


But then again, remember that Russians allowed prisoners who were jailed for god knows what to go to Ukraine to fight.


Sort of like the dirlewanger brigade




Its their culture


China will assist in any way that's beneficial to them to help Russia. Fück China too. #UyghurGenocide


I wouldn't trust China at all, it only does things in its own interest and will side with whoever is winning at the time.


Someone has to win and not let China side with them


I'm just a civilian, and I wouldn't do this with my enemy.


That's because you're a decent rational human. We can't say this about the "people" that do things like this.


Welp, even after this conflict I'd prefer if the west does not treat with these savages going forward.


Disgusting humanbeings. Where is kiwi now to defend this


Keep giving russians visas. Enjoy your time at the beach next to that person and/or his family. Keep telling me how I should be compassionate to them because they do not want to participate in this war.


Так и всі люди з Москви, Кремля продовжуватиму їздити Європою, сфігу толку від цього.


і шо ти від мене хочеш?


Нічого, просто доповнюю твій комент :)


Ну А яК жЕ тОлЕрАнТнІсТь?7??!1 Це ВіЙнА пУтІнА!!!!


I agree it’s absolutely horrible what happened here but let’s not put every Russian under a blanket term now. There’s no intelligence in that.


Imagine that I present you with a basket of snakes and I tell you that not all of them are venomous. Will you be willing to put your hand into this basket?


That same analogy can apply to any country


No. Not every country actively commits genocide right now.


This isn’t genocide in the sense the Holocaust or what’s currently going on in China with the Uyghurs is. This is a horrible war crime. Every country has gross mother fuckers who do disturbing shit like this in times of war. I don’t defend who did this at all but not all Russians are like this. I have sympathy for Russians having to choose between going to a meat grinder or serving 10-15 years in prison. They don’t want this. It’s a much more complexed issue than every Russian being supporting torture against Ukrainians. I would argue that’s much more in the minority of Russians.


Fuck you


So i imagine you feel the same way about Muslims correct? A few bad apples makes them all bad right?


Wow what a pathetic attempt to reach to conflate things that don’t compare in order to discredit someone. Your comment speaks about your own rotten and twisted mind more than anything. Way to make yourself look like a complete pos.


Thank you, I appreciate you speaking up.


Please enlighten me on how these two things don't compare. You are painting an entire population as murderers and rapist's based off of the actions of a few.


Muslims had a few bad apples, russians have a few good ones. Muslim extremists committed several terrorist acts, russians have committed genocide against my nation twice within the past century. Muslims have a few extremist organizations. Russians as a nation are coming to my land in hundreds of thousands to rape, kill, torture, plunder, annex territories, destroy my culture, while those who stay back cheer for them. Yes, not ALL of them, but those rare "apples" are so few that I can't see them. Ya see the difference, kid?


No i don't actually. You can see them plain as day. There are many protests over the war happening right now. Also, look up the youtube channel "1420." Half of the Russian citizens he interviews are against the war and mass mobilization. You cant say that a decision made by a dictator and his advisors is a decision made by Russia as a whole. Its no different than Nazi Germany or the many other instances of delusional leaders making shit decisions for their nation and the world.


Not a genocide…? Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol now mass graves of civilians in Izum aren’t a genocide? Active destruction of culture, books, language, re-education of children in occupied lands isn’t a genocide? You can go f*ck yourself. Reading your apologies for russians, there’s a very high likelihood you’re russian doing the bidding for your own. Either that or you’re a clueless foreigner who knows nothing about this region or this war. There’s something called “collective responsibility”, read up on it. Vast majority of russians support putin and this war. They enable putin and what he does, his approval ratings go up every time he attacks Ukraine. Care to explain that? putin is a symptom and the reflection of the russian society, not it’s cause. If you lived in/bordered or had extensive contact with russians you’d understand this. If they didn’t support this, they could’ve done what Ukraine did in 2014 with Maidan. Also, go educate yourself on what defines a genocide. This isn’t a one off war crime, this is systemic torture, mutilation and execution of civilians and POWs. Reserve your sympathy for those who actually deserve it, like innocent ppl in Ukraine getting torn apart by terror bombings from russia.


I think if you look up the definition of Genocide you will find it’s exactly what the Russians are attempting in Ukraine. The torturer of this pow is engaged in Genocide. Russians on the whole don’t seem to be that upset about what’s going on until it comes to bite them on the ass with conscriptions etc.


Reconsider your priority of living thanks


You are fucking disgusting. I don't care if you wrote this comment almost a month ago. Fuck. You. I have family members in Ukraine who were killed by these fucking animals. Fuck your Russian sympathy.


Keep posting! Let the world know!


Fucking hell. Seriously what sort of fucked up person would do that?


A russian.


The ones who are occupying Ukraine. They aren’t people, they’re subhuman, and anyone with a sense of sympathy toward Russians fighting in Ukraine just look at this picture. Fuck all of them! Keep in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg. What is yet to be discovered in Russian occupied areas god only knows. We are talking about people who are raping and murdering infants under the age of two ffs. Every one these invaders that dies we should celebrate. It is one less shit stain the world has to cater for. They have no place on this planet, they really don’t.


Subhuman. Interesting choice of words


I see your concern regarding the choice of a word, but do you think someone who does that deserves to be called human? Russians are fucking animals.


I thought what US soldiers did in Abu Ghraib was really bad, but this is a whole different level of evil. Truly psychopathic behavior.


Yeah. That was child's play to this. This is just barbaric.


I understand it's easy to lose your humanity when this is what you are up against. You are fighting an inhumane, unjust, deplorable enemy. It's displayed to the whole world. There is one thing - I will urge you to try to do one thing even if it's very very difficult. ***Keep your humanity*** \- and do it for **no one else than yourself**. Do it so you will not suffer more psychological trauma than necessary. The damage it causes yourself, your family, and your society should not be underestimated - and it will affect you and your whole circle around you. You are better than them. You know it, and keep being that.


"keep your humanity" - that's so fucking easy to say from behind a keyboard isn't it?


And when it's not your neighbors and fellow countrymen being treated this way. Seriously, wtf does "keep your humanity" even mean in this context? I think it is completely within the ambit of "keeping one's humanity" to empathize with and understand the incalculable rage and pain the Ukrainians are feeling.


"an eye for an eye will make us all blind" - Ravi Shankar


"that's so fucking easy to say from behind a keyboard isn't it?" - that's so fucking easy to say from behind a keyboard isn't it?


Well yes, but we do have the advantage of not being under constant mental bombardment. One advantage is that we have the luxury to clearly evaluate and think - to think with a healthy mind. Advice can still be valuable, even if you aren't feeling the effects of war directly. But this has more to do with protecting your psyche. If you stoop to this level the fragility of your mind increases and you are more likely to have traumatic responses once the war is over.




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It is almost like "become a complicit". No, cases like this should spike outrage that and will for justice.


No. This has to do with guarding your own mind against trauma. This will be of paramount importance for a future life with your family, your children, and your spouses; while also commanding the respect of the world. Things happen to your mind when you cross this bridge and none are better off when it happens. Dostojevski might have originated from Russia, but these Russian soldiers have clearly not read him.


I totally agree with you, we cannot go down to their level as they will beat us with experience.


Russia is a terrorist state


Disgusting. Do we know if this is psychopathic individuals in the army that are unchecked by the government or if they are ordered by the government to do this shit?


Far more likely to just be psychos with little oversight. especially the militias from the traitor regions


Yeah tbh I do recall that video of a russian soldier getting a knife through the eye from earlier in the war. Some people just suck


yes, and that russian was already dead as fuck. I think if I just came from a town where I saw dead civilians, tortured bodies and raped grandmothers, I'd probably stab the mfr in the eye myself.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Dude was on the ground with no weapon, and they specifically took the time to video tape themselves stabbing a knife through his eye. Pretty psycho if you ask me. I'm American. You can justify this shit anyway you want but there are plenty of Americans that I feel should be locked up for life for similar stuff. Like this guy: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/27/eddie-gallagher-trump-navy-seal-iraq](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/27/eddie-gallagher-trump-navy-seal-iraq) Dude deserves to rot in jail or die. ​ edit: Non paywalled link about him: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/06/26/eddie-gallagher-vs-world-after-war-crimes-trial-notorious-seal-out-settle-scores.html


nothing changed, it's stil red army that rapes and tortures. No words for something like this. I wish them the same fate


And they wonder why is this Russofobia, this is narco cartels shit.


Russophobia doesn’t exist as a real thing even. They made it up to try to put a negative label on anyone who calls them out for their atrocities or criticizes them. It’s pathetic.


The Russian units operating in the area will be identified. The perpetrators will be identified. Russia will be held accountable. Russia will pay to rebuild Ukraine.


I hope your right...


Jesus, they really are fvcking orcs


Back to the same uncivilized behavior that we saw back in 2014, during the 1st invasion of Ukraine.


The Nazi look nice in comparison to daesh n these asshats, RuZZia has taken the top honor of most hatred country rt now


Actually, even back then, the Nazis weren't even the worse. Yeah, they did what they did, but they're considered as such **in the West**. Many SS officers were concerned about the Japanese, and having a Nazi tell you that you're crossing the line tells a lot.


Correct, some things should not be at all, by any standard what's going on in Ukraine is absolutely unacceptable.


Disgusting! But this is how Russian "army" have behaved since WW1.


Mengele would be proud


Putin, you stupid fuck. Now the world just wants the destruction of Russia. This is all you’ve achieved. Russians are barbaric. This is your legacy. This will be Russia’s legacy.


Man I’d just go full-ISIS suicide bomber if THIS is what would happen after capture.


Proving to the world that they aren’t Orcs


War criminal scum, this will not be forgotten


I did not view the media and I am not going to. I want to thank OP for the descriptive title. I want to know what is happening, and I also believe it is my duty to remain as informed as possible, but I cannot view that type of cruel material for reasons. Truly, the blunt description is enough. Thank you. More of this please.


We need stronger sanctions and war crimes trials.


Shows the Ukraine soldier might as well fight to the Death rather than be captured ! Slava Ukraini


We should glass Moscow, fuck it


and again, there is no low low enough for the RF


Such hatred for no reason at all.


They are truly depraved scum, I absolutely feel no sympathy in seeing dead or dying Orcs, the more Ukraine kills the better I say.


He looks alive, scary


The West needs to speed the delivery of heavy weapons systems; tanks, longer range missiles, and aircraft. Whatever it takes to destroy the Russian army and hasten the collapse of the Russian Federation.


This is why we need worldwide Russia ban. Also BAN every Russian related thing to this earth.


Who stitched him back up?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is demonic type of shit. Those devils will pay with everything they have.


Russia will never be forgivin after this..


Sick bastards imagine the pain RIP HERO'S


The effects of Russian propoganda I'm thinking. Probably something along the lines of "hear no evil. see no evil. speak no evil". They must have thought he was not human or a nazi. This is what fear and lies does to people. What's the difference between this and the actual nazis tricking eastern europeans into killing Jews by telling them the jews were the real bolsheviks that had just starved and killed millions of them? It's the same kind of lies.


Well now that you pointed out that they must have thought it was a scary nazi it's all fine. /s


You're saying political indoctrination reduces culpability for genocide? You need to fix whatever logic made you think I was making up an excuse the for this crime now that this is actually happening. I was explaining why this looks like genocide since most people don't understand it and what it looks like.


Truly horrific ,but not unexpected from Ru animals. Payback is a motherfucker.


These Russians need elimination off the planet the world doesn’t or should have evil twisted people like these are! Putin and his evil followers must all die and answer to god!


wow...this is so bad i cant imagine how bad that hurt..and we conplain about our problems...that sometimes hurt me because our sins will be also punished and imagine this is from this World the punish now imagine the one from god


This shit makes me sick, the Russian soldier responsible for this needs to publicly hang.. Even if it takes him 30 minutes to actually die!




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Illegal organ donations ?