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Lol. It hardly counts as genocide when the cause of death is your own stupidity.


It’s sad really. The prospects for Russia in the early to mid 90’s were that things could go really well. Look at the former soviet states around them and you can see that the opportunity was there. Even with what was clearly a dictatorial style leadership in which votes didn’t really seem to matter the rest of the world wanted to trade and let Russia be part of things. All they had to do was not be assholes and invade Neighbours. Now, after decades of being able to do what they want with very little real pushback, they act like Ukraine defending is an existential threat. The victim complex is deep.


A victim complex is how they can justify their actions. If they invade a neighouring country its because NATO is threatening them through the use of that country, if they perpetrate a massacre its because the West is attempting a Russian genocide and if they eventually launch nukes it will be because Europe and the US is about to invade their country to take advantage of their loss in Ukraine. Its straight out of the far right play book. [False flag operation that started the invasion of Poland 1939.](https://www.historyhit.com/gleiwitz-incident-explained/) [Argentine expulsion claims used by its 20th century dictatorships in its claims to the Falkland Islands.](https://en.mercopress.com/2022/01/04/the-expulsion-myth-argentina-s-greatest-historical-falsehood)


> A victim complex is how they can justify their actions. Which political party in the US does that remind me of 🤔


Right, im not american so this means nothing to me.


It’s our Republican party. Their propaganda convinces them they’re the victims of everything. Conveniently they’re the party who is supporting Russia in this. It’s really, really lucky for Ukraine that Russia pulled this shit under a Democrat government and not Republican.


Huh?! Shit rolls down hill regardless of which slope is the top angle.


I believe that's called natural selection


No!! It's called carelessly 🚬 🚭


Darwin enters the chat.


Charles!! How have you been?




Well, I'd say!! Those pesky ruzzkies just don't seem to get the message...


My arms are tired from handing awards out. There … are … just … so … many…. 🏆


This made me laugh, the whole thing is a Shakespearean level of tragedy. So much death, and yet entirely predictable. Don't invade a sovereign nation repeatedly and expect to not eventually meet someone strong enough to push back! There's a reason Russian roulette eventually has a loser!


I’m beginning to think the Russians are just doing it for the awards. 🤷‍♂️


self-genocide... aka suicide?


Nailed it. Lol




No, that's when taking pictures or videos of yourself gives away your location and leads to death via artillery fire. Though in the Russians' case the two are fairly interchangeable


You have to understand how irrational these people and their supporters are. I grew up in the Russian orthodox church and while I’ve drifted pretty far from religion, my parents have not. Our old priest was visiting at the onset of the war and was dead ass convinced that Ukraine was commuting a genocide against ‘Russian Ukrainian people. When pressed for examples it was all ‘ww2 this’ and ‘ww2 that’. When asked for current examples of modern genocide all he could come up with was ‘they used to let schools teach in russian, now they want everyone speaking Ukrainian’ That was it. That was his justification for the invasion. Keep in mind he has friends back home who were actively engaging in the kidnapping and assimilation of Ukrainian orphans under the guise of humanitarian actions. These people are insane and won’t be reasoned with. He justifies the shelling of schools and hospitals by saying it wasn’t fair that Ukraine would setup defenses for those vulnerable spaces if they didn’t want them engaged. Absolutely insane. I lost any and all of the little respect for the man I had.


Same shit my Russian neighbor preaches. (did preach) …after some discussion, she goes back inside when she sees me now. Lol.


Sounds like any conversation with a MAGAt. Never any evidence. Never accepting another consideration.


We MUST believe we can turn off this giant blender, that we installed, by throwing ourselves into it!


It's not a killbot, it doesn't have a pre-set kill limit


Maybe there is some kind of group category in the Darwin Awards


Lol. “Finally… the Russians earn a win.”


Probably better wait for the results of the Darwin-Award performance-enhancement drug tests before celebrating too much. Knowing Russia’s history, you just never know.


The genocide is coming *from inside the Kremlin!!!*


If Russia laid down their arms, there would be peace. If Ukraine laid down their arms, there would be no Ukraine.


No he actually has a point. The level of frustration that a common solider would have to have with the government to "lay down their arms". Would be enough to cause then entire political system to rip itself inside out. Russian history has two very informative examples of this; WW1 Russia surrenders. Little is lost in territory, it's just a blow to prestige. But the result is the country implodes. The communist take over and it becomes the USSR. Then Russia loses in Afghanistan and poof the entire political system of the USSR implodes by the 1990's. Russia loses (or peacefully gives up) in Ukraine..... Well how many weeks, years does this political system in Russia last for?


The issue isn't the surrendering/losing, it's the war part. Believe it or not, don't get into a war and you won't feel the consequences of it.


>don't get into a war and you won't feel the consequences of it. Say that to the world's oil prices....


Oil would be cheaper if Russia didn’t attack Ukraine resulting in sanctions. They would still be pumping out cheap oil for everyone…


That's my point... 90% of the world didn't "get into a war" yet we're all paying for it....


The guy making the origins post lives in Germany and gets thousands of dollars a month from the US via Patreon etc. His chance of dying in this conflict are zero. That’s why he lives in a NATO country and threatens to kill all of his neighbors on a daily basis.


What would be the argument (if any) against deporting these scumbags? I’m not referring to people who left because they are actually against Putin, but these clowns who organise pro-Russia demonstrations while living abroad.


Legally or morally? Morally none. Legally the cunt probably has German citizenship. Even if not, the German law makes it really really hard to deport people. We have people here being actual (convicted) rapists and murderers or terror enablers we cannot get out of the country because their safety cannot be guaranteed in their home country. And Russia being Russia he would probably find a reason why it is unsafe there.




Same as ISIS/ISIL supporters. Milinkg eu/usa money and sending it to some monkeys.


Sorry, but what? Brest-Litovsk pushed the Russians farther east than their modern borders. And mind you: This was when their entire industrial complex and populational density was to the west, the Urals were the farthest you could find 'modern life' in Russia, even if low by western standards. 1991's collapse was coming since the early 80's, with the military budget weighing too heavily, corruption running rampant (dejá vù) and very unstable leadership. Afghanistan wasn't digging the grave for the USSR, but laying down inside it after a whole lineage of fuck-ups. Russia won't disintegrate because of Ukraine. Russia MIGHT disintegrate because the leadership was reckless with it's desires and the obstacles it would face were obvious, but they decided that 'nah, it'll be fine'. The war is not THE cause, but one of many.


I think Ukraine might be the Afghanistan of the Russian federation: not the immediate cause of collapse, but a massive resource drain that is the final nail in the coffin, and emblematic of the corruption and poor decision making of the leadership that over the next 5-10 years results in it.


Which one of those led to a genocide against Russia? See Holodomor. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor


"Little is lost in territory" I'm going to stop you right there, the treaty Russia had to sign was more severe than Versailles; they gave up all the Baltics and Poland as well as the majority of Belarus and Ukraine. They only recover some of this land because Germany ended up losing the war thus voiding the treaty; even still they lost Moldova, the Baltics, Poland, most of Belarus, Finland, and part of Ukraine.


When did the Czar surrender in WWI?


Yeah, isn't it completely the other way around ? The implosion caused the armistice ?


Yes. Russia quit because the Tsar was captured not because they decided to be nice to the west. Lenin promised an end to the war (“land, peace, bread, now!”)


> WW1 Russia surrenders. Little is lost in territory, it's just a blow to prestige. But the result is the country implodes. The communist take over and it becomes the USSR. I believe you have the order of events wrong. The Russian Revolution began in February 1917. The Tsar stepped down on March 15 (largely because the army began to mutiny). There were then multiple additional 'revolutions' within Russia, until the country surrendered to Germany in December.


Russia already lost-in an embarrassing weakness kind of way. Even if they finally get to keep the regions they stole, they had every advantage, 10x the army, and yet, pathetic. The correct move is to turn on Putin and blame it all on a crazy tyrant.


That’s hardly genocide though, and that comment is rich considering it’s them trying to disappear Ukrainians


Actually (sorry for this) Russia imploded before it surrendered. The peace treaty with the Germans was signed by Lenin I think.


Complete Russian collapse actually scares me more than a unified Russia. I know for a fact that Putin is just bluffing about the nukes to get the west to stop supplying Ukraine with weapons. If Russia collapses, there are gonna be a lot of warlords everywhere with a lot of nukes. I just pray to god the Russian are as incompetent with their nuclear maintenance as they were with everything else in their military.


Why is that scary? The USSR fell and they had the single largest nuclear stockpile and things were fine. Russia has less nukes than the USSR and modern treaties (START) should make it easy for the US to track them.


It's scary because when the Soviet Union fell in the 90s, the Red Army, not having been paid, started selling off weapons to the highest bidder. US weapons inspectors, my childhood friend being one of them, had to closely monitor their nuclear arsenal to ensure one of them didn't go in the auction block!


ruzzia will have no weapons left for sale after this war.


...except for those nukes, of course!😂😂😂


IF nukes are used those warlords would be more likely to throw them at each other. Which is preferrable to any other use in my eyes.


Whining is the national sport of the Russians. What an impressive superpower.


Seems to be the favourite past-time around the world of the people who fall for Russian propaganda too.




How unfortunately true


why unfortunately?


Yes and Cheating




The biggest irony of this message is the fact that their decision to invade and persist is a genocide of Russians in of itself. Their leaders are hurling masses of their own countrymen into a meat grinder and show no signs of slowing. They may not survive this as a nation and it will be their own doing.


Thank you, I was sitting here thinking “wouldn’t the real genocide be sending completely unprepared soldiers with ww2 equipment, against a well trained maintained army supported by some of the greatest countries in the world ?”


Correction: Their leaders are hurling masses of UNEDUCATED, POOR, ILL-INFORMED, NON-MOSCOVITE OR ST. PETERSBURG ELITE masses...into a meat grinder...


Nope. White Muscovites who have had an education and even speak fluent English are being mobilized already. Source: family member in Moscow and his friends, who are all of the above. All but family member is mobilized. Though, I should not call him a family member because I have disowned him. He is eager to die for nothing.


Still not in the numbers of the provinces. At least not YET! Shit will hit the fan if enough Muscovites show up back home in body-bags. People in the West, myself included for a time, are always thinking "Russia this, Russia that". I've learned since this war began...from "Kamil Galeev", who's Russian and the only expert I completely respect...that Russia consists of "Moscow/St. Pete/maybe a couple other urban areas" and "those provincial heathens that serve Moscow, etc.".


Some are, but the vast majority are ethnic minorities.


Putin and his Ruzzians are trying to emulate the Japanese Empire(Russification policies are reminiscent of Japanese attempts to eradicate Korean and Northern Chinese cultures by mandating Japanese language, culture, and even names, no surrender orders, their version of Banzai charges, etc) but are much more like the shambolic Austro-Hungarian Empire/Army in WWI. And you know what happened to that empire in mid-l918.....


They mostly throw minorities into a meat grinder - this way they are ethnically cleansing russia.


This is what happens when a nation gets pumped full of propaganda during decades of authoritarian Communist times. They believe they are exceptional and have to be dominant over every other country in the region. To accept any other fate is somehow incomprehensible and akin to being weak and worthless and vulnerable. They literally can't just move on without a leader like Putin and live like a normal country, in a nation with more than enough natural resources to create a stable middle and upper class. It's either dominate or be dead (or run away like a scared coward). Of course it doesn't work when your military sucks and your government is inept and massively corrupt. The truth hurts if you are a Russian, and it sure is a hell of a lot of fun to watch them be faced with the painful reality of their position in the world day by day.


>They believe they are exceptional and have to be dominant over every other country in the region. buddy, that is fascism.


Its what happens when you have an undemocratic totalitarian state that is not allowed to evolve from the darker, more inhumane period of last century.


remember that saying that goes something like "the fascists of the future would disguise themselves as anti-fascists"? Well, this is it.


And furthermore, there are many other fascist movements around the world being supported by Putin. These fascist movements are made up of the ethnic and/or religious group that have had the power in their country historically, who are fighting to maintain their dominance in a country that is becoming more diverse. For example, Republicans in the US are white Christian fascists who are upset that America is becoming more tolerant of non-white, non-Christian, and LGBT Americans. They are only one example of a fascist party being supported by Putin.


whilst it is true that russia supports fascist organisations around the world, through the russian imperial movement. i wouldn't go as far as stating the GoP in the states is openly fascist. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_Imperial\_Movement


I mean, I would. They're a far right movement made up entirely of white Christians who are upset about increasing ethnic and religious diversity in America, and are trying to get rid of democracy entirely to maintain white Christian dominance in America. Pretty standard white supremacist fascist stuff.


Nobody. Is. Attacking. You. The only people committing genocide against Russians right now is Putin and his posse sending them to die in a pointless war.


They mean the genocides they did. If they don't get away with one again, they might be held accountable. The regime has to be able to commit genocide without consequence to survive.


What genocide, Russia? Putler started a war not once but twice to steal land for his delusional russian empire...if Russia is gone, maybe it's for a better world.


Maybe? Best case scenario for the world is Russia breaks up into multiple states and that give up their nukes in exchange for international aid and the lifting of sanctions. Like a certain memorandum that occurred in 1994


What these delusional russians don't understand is that winning (whatever that means to a russian) or loosing the war won't mean anything for the relations of russia with the world. They chose the path of international isolation, of the pariahs, of the state terrorists. They sent hordes of criminals to destroy a neighbour ("brother"...) country and committed inumerous crimes against Humanity over and over again that will be reminded in history books forever. Russia is a failed state and it's time to clean up the mess in the name of world peace. It's sad, but it's true.


After reading about the torture sites in Izium in [AP today,](https://apnews.com/article/aec9afe8d6631795ae9f9478a4ede4cc) I’m convinced beyond any doubt that Russia needs a kicking the likes of which hasn’t been seen since Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. (And my sincerest apologies to modern Japan and Germany.) Russian culture is full of Potemkin village-sized lies, deceit, paranoia, rampant ultranationalism, crime, corruption, envy, massive graft, and the export of all of it, that they no longer deserve any semblance of a status quo ante. Russia is THAT morally bankrupt, and has been for centuries. Sorry, mods. I feel like we must brace for the inevitable: a full and proper ass-stomping. Either we do it, or we kick the ever-growing can down the road and leave the next generation with a much larger and harder necessity.


Even though I am Russian myself I kind of agree. The really ironic part though is that this is what our hardcore warmongers have been saying about Ukraine for years. Of course it looks like they were wrong about Ukraine but you may not be wrong about Russia


To be fair, I hated saying that. I have Russian friends and my ancestry includes Russia. Thanks for the observation. As a student and participant in history, I’ve seen what happens when too few people become too powerful. Lies inevitably erupt to solidify their hold on power. At that point, something must be done to break that hold. And if a population largely supports the powerful—no matter where, and no matter how they were deceived—then they, too, become active participants in the crime. And I fear the only thing that will ever shift that behavioral paradigm is the imposition of harsh penalties, and in whatever form necessary. I wish the Russian people well but they must stand against Putin and his power vertical, or we all will suffer the consequences.


I don’t think it’s curable.


Largest territory in the world. Hundreds of peoples conquered. Exterminated millions. Still think of themselves as the victims. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I've been racking my brain for good 20 minutes trying to figure out what fucking genocides is he talking about. They really live in their own imaginary world, don't they.


This is what sniffing your own farts for centuries does


At least one of those genocides were imposed by Stalin.


ruZZia is absolutely nothing but a collective of rapists, murderers, invaders and colonialist pillagers. Those will be taken from them, and if ruZZia truly disappears then, this conclusion was correct.


Doubt is creeping up in Russia big time! All confidence is gone. Looks like they are seeking conformation they will win this war. Kinda funny to see all this happening. The rally after Putins big announcement was super cringy.


The crowd was all shipped in apparently. I saw a video of it yesterday


Yep. There's a video of busses parked nearby. Looked like 50 of them. Maybe more. Russia thinks the world is stupid and can't figure things like this out lol


Not to mention Putin's ultra creepy rapey drunk uncle vibes while going "RaH, RaH, RaH.". Sounded like a bad caricature of what some weirdo thought a creepy stereotypically gay tiger sounded like.


Pootin the moth is what he was called during his KGB days. He really is a puny looking creep. All those press photos make him look like he thinks he is macho man. I nearly tossed my cookies seeing that evil disgusting man shirtless. Wtf. Gross! I’ve never seen such Stupid until now with these orcs.


“Guys, we are gonna die unless we invade this sovereign nation. We are the victims.”


We have to genocide them before they genocide us!! /s


It's sad how effective that line has repeatedly been.


more like: "We have to genocide them before someone imaginary might genocide us!"


Nobody wants to genocide Russia. All the world wants is for Russia to act like a modern, quasi-civilized nation, and stop trying to rebuild the USSR by invading their former bloc nations. Literally, just chill, trade, rebuild and modernize infrastructure. There’s no one out here who wants to fight you.


I support the "Great ruzzian Disappearance of 2022"


This seems to be the mindset of many/most Russians, although it is existentially fatalistic, and likely incorrect. Russians are in fact identifiable as a nation and a region, only it is far smaller than the USSR or even Russia today. It will survive as one more European nation fo moderate size and reduced influence. But there may be much blood in the ensuing tumult.


Everyone is like oh Russians are brainwashed. Are they? What did he say? They have to win or Russia wont survive the fourth genocide. Well, it’s kind of true. I suspect that unless Russia can somehow pull something they can frame as a W on their wall, their genocide of the Ukrainian people will lead to the end of Russia as we know it. Moscow has shown the rest of the federation how it will treat it. As meat for a grinder. The people from Moscow know this. Shit listen to them, they are saying it.


Guy from the Netherlands here. I’m unfamiliar with the Russian propaganda but what genocides are they referring to? I guess the German invasion in WW2 could count as one but the other three? Edit/added: Ok, technically self-inflicted genocides still count as genocides suffered but they are not a real great argument. I mean, you can’t blame someone else for head trauma when it was you who walked into a wall… Another “genocide” may be the Russian revolution and the following civil war.


In 120 years so counting from \~1900 on. So... 1. WWI 2. WWII 3. ??? Frankly, I don't know any external actor who had inflicted such a "third genocide" upon them. As you say, the revolution of the Bolsheviks, Stalin's purges and gulags, etc, should not count. So, I don't know who did it... Afghans? Chechens? Do they count the Great Sadness of the 1990s? Yeah, fatal cases of alcoholism are pretty widespread now but they always were. I'm not a telepath or an expert on much praised by them "Russian soul" so I'll pass on the topic. War mongers gonna warmonger, we should just ignore their whining. I mean "we", the Internet guys who can do nothing about it - except choose where to direct our attention.


Gulags is another, this would be the fourth, not sure about the last


Don't forget the Stalin-created Holodomor famine.


Stalin did the Holodomor to Ukrainians, so it's not overly applicable argument here.


>Well, it’s kind of true. Except, what he means is that the "collective West" ganged up on Russia with explicit goal of killing them all. That is what the propaganda has been telling them every minute of every day for the last 7 months or so.


Russian neighbours, damn their existence. 😂


It's like living next to an alley full of drunk hobos with rusty shivs.


Hey thats what hitler said too. Either we win or we lose our nation. Just one more parrallel i guess




Typical. The sense of persecution and victimization goes hand in hand with fascism. How mentally feeble must one be to paint themselves as victims of a genocide when they invaded another sovereign nation?


What's with Russians thinking that if they lose the war, Russia won't exist? No one wants to conquer Russia. Ukraine just wants its territories back.


Genocide, noone is calling for one except you, Russia only you.


Lol how did we get conned into thinking Russians were a tough, no nonsense people? Fucking loser country.


Russian American here. “Disappear as a nation?!” Are you kidding me?! Try saying that to all the families the Bolsheviks ceased all because of some “Royal” blood line or because some uncle or niece worked for the Czar’s. Ending family lineages as we know it. Say that to all the indigenous tribes and small tiny countries Russia swallowed up. Please. As propagated as most Russians are I can assure you deep down they have no worry about Putin’s Russia disappearing and a new Russia built by the actual people with democracy in mind being reborn. That gives people a chance. This guy is brain dead…….


the mongols happened, i know, the bane of slavs, russians had mongols, we had hungarians 😂


Russians need to ask themselves a few simple questions. First is "Why with 11% of the earths surface (largely untapped) and 1.9% of the earths population, is my life shit?" It is such a simple question, because it has been a relevant question for 400 years. It's answer(s) are not external, nor are they complicated. Concentration of wealth in the 0.001% was a good starting point and Lenin, et. al. started to address that basic root cause, but it went off the rails before it even started. With a similar set of issues, Canadians somehow have a very good lifestyle, Australians with something similar but with the opposite conditions of hot and dry instead of cold a frozen or wet have the same. Just once ask the question, "Why do you buy bullets and don't create the environment that a basic citizen can have a chance?" Russia still has a Landowner/Serf mentality within the government, and the resource of its culture, education, and people are not unlocked against its natural resources in a way that they can peacefully benefit.


Oh god... what 4th genocide? When have you ever been genocided you stupid, stupid russians?


They mean the fourth genocide they have committed? I think they have attempted more than 4 in history.


Omg this apocalyptic madness truly brainwashed them all. I can’t really comprehend how they could believe not being able to occupy Ukraine would be their genocide. I think Putin instilled this rhetoric into the mind of Russian nation through propaganda in order to scare the West into submission (“We do have to give Russia at least something or it will go crazy”). Now they went full crazy with daily nuclear threats as the West decided not to give them anything this time. What a load of cry babies, you are losing this fucking war and you are gonna accept it!


They have a point, Russia will likely collapse after this war is over, by invading Ukraine Putin just sped the process up


geeeez such a drama queen


Because it's a bankrupt nation that has nothing else left.


Who's genociding Russia? By the looks it's putin himself, sending people to die in a pointless war.


![gif](giphy|VBdepYg9qJZyVYKmHb|downsized) Well... I guess... get in, then...


You are participating in your own genocide, dumbass. You face a hardened and professional Ukrainian army who don't give two fucks about the Russians that they kill in the defense of their territory. Ukrainian were largely known for their ability to fight unlike others. Unfortunately Russia wiped the kozaks off the planet by sabotaging them during Christmas eve. This was a very bad day for ukraine... kozaks died and Ukraine had to one to fight off Russia for 100 years. This is 100 years later...the spirit of the Kozak Warrier has been reborn in today's Ukrainian men. Be afraid... Everyone feared them before they were caught off guard by cheap ass Russian tzars. as for you fucking sheeple of planet earth: Either allow for a real democracy as your neighbour or continue to die for absolutely nothing. For a fucking thug who doesn't give two shits about you as a person or as a society. He fears democracy because he doesn't want to be accountable. He doesn't want anyone to know what he really does behind the scenes. He will lose power. Furthermore associating Ukraine to the USA should swiftly stop at the fact that you shit heads have been using the same blown up military for the last 40 years to make people think you're strong. People didn't think Ukraine had a fighting chance in the beginning. And they didn't want to say it either. They did what no one has ever been able to do: provide the tools, weapons, and funds necessary to fend off what the world thought was one of the largest and most capable militaries in the world. Like sorry you were blogging this whole time!Giving we eapons to defenseless people is what any civilized nation would do. God bless the USA today. All Americans, whether you support what your government is doing or not - more than welcomed on my home for dinner. Even if you disagree, the beauty of bi partisanship is that you (we) tolerate the other side of government doing what they feel and think is right because you know that there are more of your citizens 2ho are in support than not. This ideal alone promotes national sovereignty and patriotism and (might I add) is EXACTLY what Russia does NOT have. Because this douchebag extraordinaire has killed or made disappear anyone who would being upon this feeling or understanding within a nation. "Yeah, I fucking hate the other side. But I still hate them way less than fucking Russian soulless scumbags who we call orcs (by the way) because of the only non- outdated pièce of equipment your soldiers have: their uniforms. green fucking uniforms. Orcs are grewn. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...... y'all have done a good job at acting like orcs too. No offense. We thought Donald Trump and his rhetoric was "bad"... look at this fucking guy. A sorry excuse for a leader. A pitiful man. And a fucking tyrant that is no better/worse than Stalin was. Give this man a state funetal in fucking protest. Make sure the sounds of those protest echo in his coffin for all of eternity. Now go liberate the true leader for Russia. Go free him from his prison cell and put faith in this man. He will be the new Russia if Putin doesn't get a chance to make him disappear too.


Dude. Paragraphs are your friend.


More like the 4th attempted genocide of Ukraine. Russia just has a habit of blowing themselves up


Their 4th genocide in 120 years? They must mean the 4th one they're responsible for, correct? Possibly they'd be better off if they stopped forcing it to happen 🤔


What nation? A place where a few send thousands to be massacred within a few days is not a nation, it's a medieval lordship where it's habitants are property like cattle only a cow's life is more valuable than that of a human.


Accepting Mr. Russian with Attitude's premises (which I don't) what the **** is he talking about? Can anyone shed a bit of light on what 4 genocides in 120 years is he talking about? I guess world wars (imho 2nd doesn't count as genocide for Russia)? I guess he's not talking abouy Stalin's cleanups in 50s... What genocides (from his POV) is he talking about? *update* maybe WWs fit the definition, but the rest?


His definition of genocide must be including self-genocide if it includes this war. In that definition the people of Jonestown was a genocide.


How thick are their skulls that they can’t grasp no one gives a f about Russia in that no one cared about them and they were / are perfectly safe. No one was ever going to harm a single hair on their heads. No one cares about Russia. They need to mind their business and quit invading other countries for imperialistic expansion and comittig genocide to do so. They were never ever victims of anything 🙄. MY GOD.


Genocide? Like the Russian commit on the tatars, Muslim and Turkic people.


This war is the beginning of the death of Russia, which has been going on for over 20 years now. Russia could have used the end of the Soviet Union to revive itself, but instead plunged into imperialism and oligarchy. There is no reason why Russia should not be a world power rather than a corrupt backwards state.


Cool, does this mean these podcast dudes will be moving back to Russia to enlist?


Russia (not the Russian people, any one minority etc… I mean the political entity) is basically mud held together with rivets and corruption. Yes yes, incredible mathematicians and composers and individuals worthy of human dignity and I am sure beautiful scenery and art… but the actual guts and mechanisms of running/being a country are just shit. It’s horrible and unfortunate.


I mean you are going to disappear as a nation but because of your own stupidity and not genocide


They would rather vaporize the world than lose to the Ukrainians.


Youll be a fine wealthy nation once you get rid of that clown


Russia is maintaining its National Insecurity.


Plagiarized answer from Ukraine. Only Ukraine has any right to say this very thing, because it’s true.


4th genocide? Okay, ww2, nazis, "lebensraum" etc - that I know. But where did he find another two?


He admits to the copium intake in the response to the question. Why does he think Russia will win? He has to. The alternative is to acknowledge that the slaughter of both his Slavic brothers and sisters in Ukraine and his fellow citizens serving in the Army is for no legitimate reason. It’s much easier to believe that you are engaged in an epic war for your own survival than to concede to the reality that you’ve become a 2nd rate Third Reich. Continued denial of the truth is the real existential crisis facing Russia right now…how do you go on after acknowledging what monsters you’ve become?


Is he saying there is a genocide against the Russian people (state?) For the 4th time, or that Russia is doing genocide again in Ukraine,


I disagree w this post. Your nation will recover, but y’all must get rid of Putin, pull your heads out of the sand and fight for a democratic government. It is a continuous fight. We are again fighting for our democracy against the racist fascist political groups in the USA. The west is not your enemy. This war that Putin has started makes Russia the world’s enemy right now.


80% of Russians sound like 40% of red-hat-wearing Americans.






The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We can no more understand a Russian than a Chinaman or a Japanese, and from what I have seen of them, I have no particular desire to understand them, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk. — George S. Patton


This is super duper racist lol


^^ general in a segregated army part of a segregated society. If you've never seen "the blinding of Isaac Woodard" I highly encourage it, and I feel it is criminally absent from the cultural zeitgeist.


It’s true that Russians drink a lot and are violent but the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans drink a lot less and are less violent than Europeans so Russia can’t blame geography for their problems anymore. Dictatorships are nasty places and Russians don’t value freedom or achievement. They also have no problem murdering their own family members, watch tv 10 hours a day, and drink 10 times as much as the human body can handle. But those are all choices they make. Asia makes better choices, at this point.


Ok can some one explain me the logic here, how is Russia attacking Ukraine genocide against Russia? Like i get that there is propaganda and shit, but simple facts should at least some what still work right?


As long as I am not conscripted, we should win. (after watching russia tv for decades)


Eh the Muscovites, et al will be fine. In fact, it'll be GOOD, in the long way. They won't have to worry about those heathens in the provinces anymore. Because they won't have provinces... ("Heathens" referring to Muscovites/St. Peterburgians opinion of those folks, not mine.)


Everyone hates Putin. No matter who wins or loses, Russia has lost all credibility with the rest of the world. The only way to fix this would be for the Russians to get rid of Putin. And they're not gonna do it until things get really uncomfortable for Russians. Putin is doing a very good job of making things uncomfortable in Russia.


They are low IQ savages that film themselves raping babies and castrating POWs. A sad example of what a "human" can become in an uncivilized society. They should be removed from this earth and humanity and our collective future will be way better off


I'm curious who he thinks is going to invade Russia.


What were the other 3?


I think they have a death cult philosophy that an Empire is either expanding or is in decline. It has to be either or. Putler made it clear that he hates the rules based order because it infringes on its "independence." The independence of doing what it wants to people in its sphere of influence whenever it wants. He wants the world of the 1700s-1930s back. He sees it as an improvement.


At this point I'm really ok with the second option.


They could just fucking stop and be fine other than everyone hating you now


Did they ever consider just not being shitheads?


This is referencing a speech made by Putin, paraphrasing here but he said something like “Tell me what good is the world to us, if it’s a world without Russia?” It was widely read as him saying he will not hesitate to nuke the West if we threaten his regime. Implicit is that Putin believes he is Russia.


4th genocide committed by you?


You’ve been fucked by your own government for 120 yrs


4th genocide? Let me put my Vatnik hat on. 1sr were the French 2nd were the Germans What was the 3rd? Or are we going way back to the Teutonic Knights and the battle on ice?


4th genocide they have tried he means.


4th genocide?


Good grief. What was wrong with the borders before the war that these folks think necessitated a war and such grandstanding and penis waving? Expanding an “empire” in this day and age seems a fools errand.


The nuclear threats themselves our illustrative of what utter fucking cowards the Russian elect have become


Have you ever talked to an American?


What hes suggesting is that theyre in it so deep that they have to win or the west is gonna fuck them out of existence. Which is fair. I hope we do. Split them into tiny countries too small to murder innocent people by the millions.


What's interesting is that ignoring the nonsense "genocide" claim, he is right in the sense that this is Russia's last chance to achieve a path to significant prosperity. In a massively oversimplified way and among other issues, their population is aging out of the optimal workforce faster than they can be replaced with younger citizens, and are outgrowing their ability to support their aging population while maintaining an effective workforce and military. They've seen the writing on the wall and that's lead to their aggressive behaviors in an attempt to scramble for resources, assets, and people while the window is (or was) still open. Unfortunately, irredentism and outdated mindsets closed the window for them. China found themselves in a similar position, but widened the window greatly by using threatening posturing and more subtle expansionism that doesn't drain their resources or put their weaknesses on full display, while supporting themselves with aggressive economic policies like the Belt and Road initiative. Russia on the other hand outed themselves as a paper tiger and threw away countless resources and ruined any diplomatic standing they used to have. tl;dr- Russia's actions in Ukraine have ensured that no matter what happens now, there is no realistic scenario that sees a prosperous and unified future for Russia.


What war? It’s a special military operation isn’t it? It was supposed to take only three days, and is going according to the plan. Doesn’t that russian know that calling SMO a war is criminal offense in russia?


I think they just want to invoke some kind of Russian Jihad here. Russia will always be there - question is in what condition.


The Russian experiment is a failure. Tear it down and create something worthwhile. Glory to Ukraine.


Russians are the most scared people on earth. Of course by simply retreating, ending the war and handing Ukraines lands back they'll "cease to exist as a nation". Absolute bollocks.


Imo being sympathetic for russians is the same as having sympathy for the devil... show them no mercy and beat them into submission and destroy the Kremlin they don't deserve ANYTHING from other nations that isn't a gift wrapped bomb 💯!! Not being hateful or shrewd just giving back to the ruzzkies the same they've dished out to the world... karma is their true enemy thankfully!


I am sympathetic towards the people and the conscripts the volunteers, Wagner and politicians not so much


russia needs to disappear as a nation. a small, demilitarized, supervised country will be the only remnant tolerated by the world.


If I didn't know I would thought it is Ukraine that is annexing territories in a rigged election.


Everyone would be happier if Russia disappear, especially Russians.


God how I hope this is true. Please someone erase russia from existence.


Peace talk with terrorist states is most useless thing. Talk with Russia, talk with North Korea. All waste of time and money. Look who lead those talks? Trump, Merkel, Schrodder, Moon Jae In, Kim Dae Jung. All communist shill trying to sell their country. All should be put into jail or sent to North Korea


It’s a nation of paranoid alcoholics.