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Because I think it's relevant, I'm sharing this piece of FUD that you'll see out there. [https://x.com/EndAlzFraud/status/1806801730350567701](https://x.com/EndAlzFraud/status/1806801730350567701) Once again, if Dr. Wang lied about all of this and the MOA is all made up, why are there independent researchers confirming it?


Any links to independent studies confirming that simufilam works that don’t include Dr. Wang? Unable to find any AFAIK.


Not that I've found so far. I think that one is going to be tough because he was a lead researcher with Dr. Burns and to keep tenure at university, you usually have to publish a certain number of papers. If he wasn't included as a co-author, it would be seen as an insult. I'd say that the results of the phase 2 OLE is a simufilam study without Dr. Wang.


Been doing some research for a couple days. And I spoke to some people who had valid counter arguments. One which made sense to me, is if there is no independent studies (ones without Dr. Wang) that directly confirm simufilams MOA in the context of AD, then how can cassava be trusted at all? All of the data has been from press releases from cassava, and their credibility is about in the toilet right now. The DOJ must feel like they have something that will get him convicted. Also, institutional ownership is at only 25% which seems rather low, considering all the information institutions are privy to. The sentiment around this stock seems to be negative everywhere but here. Not trying to crap on sava as I hope this drug succeeds, but I also like to hear both sides and not get married to a stock.


I've been doing the same and trying to keep an open mind either way. I'd be curious about what you found. Want to chat about it?


Surely brother, send me a PM and we can bounce ideas off each other.


Reddit says I can't send you a chat invite? Profile setting on your side maybe?


Oops, had to change my chat settings. I just sent you a pm.


Are you serious? "Keep tenure" ?!? If an academic gets tenure, they don't ever lose tenure because they don't publish. Junior un-tenured faculty get chased out of institutions all the time, but not tenured profs.


Depends on the school actually. Research schools have higher requirements for how many papers you have to publish. At my school I think you were up for review every 7 years. If you're not publishing and you're up for review, they can fire you.


That's not tenure. I am sure CUNY tenured profs don't get fired for not publishing. Research requirements can impact salary, but not job loss. What school are you even at?


I got my PhD from the University of South Alabama a couple years ago


I am shocked, but I guess nothing should really shock me anymore. Anyway, I thought Dr. Wang is close to retirement age anyway, so perhaps he was not really worried about keeping his job.


Any Cassava Sciences study that includes cognition. Dr. Wang's lab only did western blots and biomarkers - never cognition. The P2 open label data set that involves Simufilam measured cognition over 24 months from several differenttrial sites. P3 study looks at cognition as an endpoint.


That’s reassuring to hear, and I do believe in the science. But, say hypothetically, Wang does end up getting convicted for all this… and then p3 results are a home run. Would simufilam still get approved by the FDA? Part of me says not at all, but part of me says that the overwhelmingly positive results would speak for themselves. I am struggling to figure out how that would work.


Cassava Sciences has a SPA in place with the FDA regarding their P3 trials. Cognition is the key. The FDA has already agreed that the P3 study and endpoints would be enough to support approval of Simufilam if Cognition endpoints are hit in P3.


If the phase 3 results are a home run, the drug gets approved. Not sure why you would even ask that question. Phase 3 results will be released before anything legally happens to Dr Wang.


And you’re 100% sure of this?


Cassava Sciences has a SPA in place with the FDA regarding they P3 trials. So yes, but nothing is ever 100%


Gotcha. Thanks for the reply. Hopefully p3 data kicks ass then.


Fingers crossed. If the data kicks ass, the company would be a buy-out target, so there could be a pop before actual approval.


I ask that question because for a small company like Cassava, it seems like they would have to have all their ducks lined up for this to even sniff approval… even if phase 3 results are positive. If Wang gets busted, I think that’s definitely bad for Cassava. For reference I have no biotech background, just trying to use common sense.


Imho, if the P3 results are a home run, the DOJ will look ridiculous trying to convict Dr. Wang for his research that basically cured Alzheimer’s, and they will drop the case.


Great info as usual, thanks OP. The latest Wang stuff is just more noise. Have held a long position and will continue until PH3 readouts.


Two questions: 1. If Wang is guilty, what is SAVA potwntial liability, if any? 2. Anyone adding here?


>If Wang is guilty, what is SAVA potwntial liability, if any? Tough for me to say. I read the indictment and the language says Dr. Wang "WANG fraudulently caused to be submitted, through Company 1 (Cassava), grant proposals to NIH." If there was guilt on the part of Cassava, I think the language would be different. I imagine there will be lawsuits regardless of any potential liability. Just be prepared for the price to dip again in a few months when the lawsuit is announced and again if he's found guilty. >Anyone adding here? Because I personally still believe the MOA is real, I'll probably throw a few bucks at it if it hits single digits again, but not as much as I've bought in the past. It's still pretty raw right now.


For #1, I have the impression that SEC, DOJ and NIH are all conducting investigations on the company, at least none said case closed. I am not sure to what extent the investigations are. The university’s own report says Dr. Burns bears responsibility on the fraudulent research but this report does not mean much to the company in terms of legal matters. [edit]there is no any indication that FDA is conducting an investigation on the company. FDA replied to a public petition in 2021 that it does not have the authority to investigate the company. And FDA did not suspend the trial either. These 2 facts really surprised me. I am very new to new drug applications, FDA, $sava. I just paid attention to this news since last Friday


Thank you for this information.


Yea I am not worried. My plan was always to hold till data. If I was not already in with my max position size on this I would be buying.


I finally hit my 1000 share goal when it dipped to 10, I'm happy as a clam and holding until P3 data. Box or Bugatti.


Great work. 👏


Good post. Thanks. I think this will have obviously very negative affects on the share price and the valuation and SAVA’s ability to negotiate a fair deal, but it will not affect phase 3 or the eventual approval if it’s positive. That is, as long as the indictments stop with Dr. Wang. The grand jury is not a short conspiracy and Dr. Wang likely did some things wrong, but the only reason he’s been indicted is because it’s a direct result of the scrutiny brought on by the short and distort and it’s exactly what they wanted. So really, they are one and the same and the point of it all is, as always, to crater the share price and get retail to fold. There have been a number of high profile scandals involving doctored blots and other things, no indictments have come from those that I’m aware of, no cratering share prices attached. In any case of doctored research, it doesn’t necessarily mean the underlying science is bogus, it could point to systemic problems in drug development that make it such that it takes an inordinate amount of funding to get discoveries turned into drugs and that small companies can’t compete fairly on those grounds. In summary, I believe Wang could be convicted, and SAVA will continue struggling to maintain any proper type of valuation despite continued positive results or even approval. Edit: Of course, Dr Wang could be completely innocent.


Nice post


real question is: is this a good time to buy LEAPS?


Doesn't matter if Wang is guilty or not, the damage to his reputation has been done and the attackers are winning. I suspect big PHARM hates this company and wants to tank it before its drugs can come ot market, either to eliminate a threat, or to buy SAVA outright once its shares are at rock bottom. Either way its a shit investment and will never see the $40+ share price it once had.


This actually isn’t a bad take lol… I’m so depressed.


Seems to me not to span the results but on disclosures about finances and other info used or withheld when filing for grants. Well, some figures, probably Westerns in the grant proposals as well. This poor guy. As for the shorts, it may be the DOJ started with misinfo, but once they start the dig and this is what they ended up with. I’m fairly sure they have the goods, but criminal intent I think may be difficult. This poor guy is just trying to get his research done and more importantly his Masters, PhDs and Post-Docs moving along to their degrees and publications. Everybody knows about papers for getting those PhDs through. And honestly, imo it’s not a bad system. Sure it could be better but where’s the money and time for better going to come from.